
Personality Trait Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"A positive mental attitude means that you are a generally positive person, cheerful."
"You are idealistic and must feel useful to be happy."
"Diva-tude is just when you're born with it, when you just know you have it. No amount of technique or any type of training gives you diva-tude."
"She was an optimist, she never lost that, even up until the end."
"He is the chief narcissist, everything is about him."
"You are so funny that you laugh at your own jokes."
"Are you competitive? Oh yeah, yeah, don't like losing."
"I forgive everybody instantly. I wish I wouldn't like that, but I am definitely like that."
"Forget the baddest, forget the nicest, those are up for debate. The funniest [expletive] though is not and it's 100% Derrick Lewis."
"You gotta stay light-hearted and comedic, dark humor is important."
"First killer is a real, true competitor, he really doesn't know how to switch off his competitive streak."
"I'm one of those rare guys that don't have a fragile ego."
"Please, do yourself the favor and perfect the art of being a sarcastic a-hole."
"I'm an empathetic person that does want to help people."
"I just see the goodness in him and I unfortunately tend to see that in a lot of people."
"Identifying as an introvert... that's gonna hurt you in the long run."
"Curiosity is an anti-fragile characteristic."
"To be interesting, you have to be interested in other people."
"I'm a beat my head against the wall competitive person."
"I never did anything vindictive for nobody. I do know that I have petty in my life."
"Sigmas pay close attention to minor details."
"Conscientiousness is a good thing at that healthy level."
"She's got that pessimistic sense of humor that you just have to love."
"I've only met a few people in this world who literally tell you how it is."
"But again, I think, you know, I am more of an optimist."
"She's always been the same loudmouth outspoken person, big personality, that's definitely."
"Humor indicates you have a good sense of humor both in terms of getting jokes and telling them."
"He was a man driven by Relentless curiosity."
"Are you someone who wears their heart on their sleeve?"
"You're gaining your strength for something to come in."
"You have the rare ability to crack jokes in real serious situations."
"Go big or go home basically. Yeah, I'm all or nothing babe."
"It's not that I'm a coward, it's just I'm very indecisive sometimes."
"I do this because I just have a loving heart."
"You guys are a ton of mystery, hard to figure out."
"Stan's problem with you... is a condition called being a cynical."
"Trump refuses to back down, and people like that he does."
"I think I'm still alive because I'm such a goofball."
"I'm kind of a perfectionist, it's really annoying, you guys know I have to do it, I'm sorry."
"So many of y'all have main character syndrome."
"Chaotic neutral: interested in the most interesting thing happening."
"I've always been a glass half-full kind of girl."
"When an INTJ locks onto an idea that they consider valuable and they believe will help others in the future, they become laser-focused and imovable in trying to accomplish their goals."
"Confidence is the most attractive trait... it is just a magnet."
"I'm a true romantic, even though it's frequently irrational."
"You're all action, no talk. You're a doer, not a talker."
"I'm probably one of those few people that actually doesn't rage much."
"You don't mind being at the center of attention."
"I'm a shady ass [ __ ] you know what I mean."
"He liked routine. He was a creature of habit."
"Steven is empathic. You might even say he’s super-empathic."
"ADHD got their natural speed Energizer Bunny."
"I'm really not like a doom and gloom sort of guy honestly I'm relatively optimistic."
"I'm a chatterbox. I'm talking enough for the both of us."
"Ashley has this kinky side to her because it explains what is driving this woman."
"She fell asleep while she was relaxing, which is the most Amber thing I can think of."
"Emma is always going to be the most down to earth person in the room."
"Anita was known to be feisty and not one to shy away from a confrontation."
"But anyway, she loves to joke about killing wolves and things like that."
"I'm outspoken because I never shut the hell up."
"If there is one thing that Leo is great at..."
"Living dangerous: taking risks is in my nature."
"I'm chill AF, man, always have been, always have been, you know what I mean?"
"He was a loner, and all he wanted was peace."
"Army bro, oh, that's such a Kiara thing to do."
"Nobody tells me how to do nothing. That's what I like, a strong person who knows what they want."
"A sense of humor is absolutely key, absolutely."
"I'm definitely not a tidy freak, I am an organized freak."
"People do say I'm carefree. Yeah, worrying won't get you anywhere, you know?"
"What's your most toxic trait? I'm impatient."
"I just have a knack for making fun of people."
"If you're around me, if you're... you know that if a camera comes out, it doesn't take long."
"I'm a bright side kind of person and I always like to look at the bright side of everything."
"I think that a good sense of humor is like super awesome."
"Roger could always turn a dangerous situation into a funny one."
"Doing things impulsively isn't a bad thing. It's like an energy of impulsiveness now."
"This is such a Miss Universe interview... she's giving me like Zozi vibe... she's giving me like any Miss Universe that I've ever seen speak on camera."
"My policy: if you tell me what to do and I'll do the opposite is widely known."
"They don't show their emotions very readily."
"I'm definitely the type of person who always wants to be ready at all times for any problem."
"If you think farts are funny, you're probably a good person."
"I'm usually a very punctual person."
"Neuroticism allows us to be more intuitive with others' emotions."
"From where I sit, curiosity is just something that is wired in me."
"Confidence. Confidence is the most important thing in a guy."
"Stubbornness isn't always a flaw."
"Narcissists thrive on taking charge."
"Narcissists love the adversarial nature of the legal system and excel at manipulating it to their advantage."
"Narcissists are willing to act against their own best self-interest."
"Nice guys finish last. It's not a sprint; it's a marathon."
"Confidence is certainly a very important personality trait."
"The way that I move is so reckless, but that's a part of my mind I've been blessed with."
"She's knocked her father and she's not insane and she's not a sadist but there's a Targaryen ruthlessness that comes with even the good Targaryen."
"You all know I'm the most capricious out of the bunch."
"It's curiosity really which is a separate trait it's number two on the list after conscientiousness is it really people who are curious do better in life."
"Pope Francis has always been marked by his humility."
"She’s also good natured, and has a great sense of humor."
"He also has an excellent sense of humor."
"Friends, I am a psycho completionist."
"I'm a bit of a perfectionist as well."
"I'm a very irritable person it's it's not a good trait to have but I guess it is for the character of Tiffany Stratton."
"I'm competitive. I'm very competitive."
"Perfectionism, man, it's annoying."
"You have a good heart, Jon Snow. It'll get us all killed."
"The longevity project scientists say their data clearly shows that it's conscientiousness."
"I'm Petty about a lot of things so this should be fun."
"I think it's just my need for control, I think."
"He always had that sense of optimism."
"She's very, very much an idealist."
"I can be a little OCD from time to time."
"Listening to lo-fi hip-hop 24/7 chill beats to relax to is a personality trait."
"You got gifted with a bad mouth, didn't you? Terrible."
"He listens to Phil Collins. Anyone that listens to Phil Collins is a sweetheart with a sweet taste in music, baby."
"Flexibility is something that most Builders love to have."
"Richard is such a neat freak like it drives me crazy sometimes."
"I'm a very proactive kind of person."
"You're someone who is a Visionary."
"Words come to mind: Hopelessly romantic."
"I'm just a very optimistic person."
"They love that you're more of a free spirit. That's what they love about you."
"Nuance is something that George likes."
"Her attention to detail and business-like approach to everything would never change throughout her life."
"Since I've known you, you've been incorrigibly cheerful."
"He is remarkably humble, he really is."
"In all the times I've had, all the experiences I've had, and the opportunities I've had to hang around Chris, do videos with him, do panels with him, whatever, he is a thoroughly humble guy, like extremely humble."
"He's very thoughtful, he's an incredibly thoughtful dude."
"I'm really impatient, to be fair, that's my biggest thing, that's my biggest problem."
"I guess I'm just a romantic at heart."
"His most notable personality trait was his positive attitude."
"I lack patience in life, like I'm not patient in life, there is no amount of patience, no ounce of patience in me."
"Someone here... your person may be the type of person that likes to save people... Somebody that just loves to help people... Somebody that just loves to help people."
"He had just such a wonderful sense of humor."
"I need someone to make me laugh, they've got to make me laugh."
"Easy going means you're relaxed, you take things easy. I'm easy going."
"I like to have a lot of fun. I'm just always joking around."
"When you're kind, people like you. It just makes you a likable person."
"I'm quite a positive, optimistic, forward-looking person."
"I am a perfectionist, to a fault at times."
"I'm actually a very grateful person. I think I'm more grateful than most."
"I'm just a very curious person in general."
"I'm perennially on time, I'm like a crazy punctual person."
"Have a sense of humor, would you?"
"I think that guy had sweater vest energy."
"I'm the type of person who likes to be prepared whenever I go travel."
"Arnold's a doer, he's not a talker."
"You're way more agreeable just generally speaking."
"People with brown eyes are the most passionate people."
"That's the adjective that gets attributed to me more than any other: calm."
"I'm a perfectionist. That's my worst but it's also my strength."
"Still waters run deep; they are typically always feeling and experiencing more than they let on."
"The best thing for a writer is to have been born a bit obsessive-compulsive."
"A fun fact about me is I'm always early to everything."
"Your sense of humor may be categorized as blunt, dark, and/or sarcastic."
"I'm honest to a fault, sometimes it gets me in trouble."
"You're very nimble mentally. I really like that about you."
"The most important driving core motive for blue is intimacy."
"Whites are driven by the core of peace."
"Yellows are driven by the motive of fun; they live in the here and now."
"Yellows are very enthusiastic, they're optimistic."
"Strong will in and of itself is not a negative thing."
"I'm very unpredictable, and all educated people hate unpredictability."
"They don't have an off switch and I love that about them."
"I'm a giver, dude. I like giving."
"I'm very much an introvert, very shy."
"Allah loves for someone to be easygoing."
"Certain people just have that thing when other people come at you they just are like calm as hell."
"When you have a sense of humour, it means you like to laugh."
"My mother's best trait would probably be her ability to have fun and to be spontaneous."
"I never realized you were so gregarious."
"I'm just like genuinely a happy go-with-the-flow kind of person."
"He was naturally a very witty person."
"Ambition is the word to describe Capricorns."
"I'm a really happy-go-lucky person."
"Garp is also quite a jovial being and is almost always seen sporting a traditional Will of D smile."
"I'm very detail-oriented, and while it might sound like a pain to some friends and family, it also helped me a lot."
"Introvert doesn't mean you have to be scared of everybody, it just means you prefer being quieter or alone."
"I'm just like a little prankster, I don't know what's wrong with me."
"There's nothing wrong with being a perfectionist."
"I've always been someone who thinks things through carefully."
"I wasn't so nervous. Harry doesn't really get nervous."
"She always did have a way of cutting straight to the point."
"Conscientiousness deals with reliability."
"Being neurotic is one path to that thoroughness."
"I love someone who's overly confident."
"I'm pretty much an introvert, and that turned out to be one of the traits that was enormously helpful."
"I have the gift of gab, my friend."
"I'm an over planner and over preparer."
"She's a go with the flow kind of ghoul."
"I'm a people pleaser, and I want my partner above all else to be happy."
"She is so funny, she's always thinking of others."
"Communication is a great part of your personality."
"He was the funny one, he was hilarious."
"I like a man who enjoys his food; it shows he knows how to indulge himself."
"I am a fairly empathetic person; I can put myself in other people's shoes almost a little too well."
"She just must smile all the time."
"I've always been a really, really caring person."
"I like people who don't complain."
"I mean, you realize that like 95% of my personality is sarcasm."
"I'm a Libra, you know. I can make up my mind, it just takes me hours."
"I'm the kind of person with great curiosity."