
DNA Evidence Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Of all the convictions that have been overturned through DNA testing, 29% involved false confessions."
"I still had some faith in the system, and I believe that since I did not do it, and then when the DNA evidence came back, I knew I knew in my heart that I would not be convicted because I wasn't there."
"The DNA evidence can solve a substantial number of crimes nowadays."
"Despite years of false claims and copycat killers, thanks to improvements in DNA evidence, Lee Chun-jae, a man already serving a life sentence for his wife's murder, was identified as the real Hwaseong serial killer."
"DNA has cleared D. Paul Morin of all charges."
"Now they had DNA confirmation, but what had gone on that night that led to such a frenzied attack and the murder of a man he'd never met."
"Christopher McCowen's DNA matched the crime scene."
"Perhaps Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married... as the DNA results suggest."
"Then the police tried to identify the second male whose DNA had been found on Helen's coat."
"What if Bigfoot is real? I mean, we proved that with DNA."
"Only a DNA test could definitively link Reed to the murder."
"We actually take the DNA evidence... tell you who someone is."
"Beatty got a call from the prosecutor's office... to the surprise of everyone the DNA was not Billy's."
"What's interesting is they couldn't really charge him because of the DNA on the evidence."
"They get a DNA match and to everybody's surprise they make an arrest."
"Despite possessing a description and the killer's DNA, police have never been able to identify a suspect, and in the absence of that name, can only expound on the possibilities of a few different theories."
"If the DNA found on JonBenet is viable, how long could it take to catch her killer? It might only be a matter of hours."
"One of the best tools that we had as a Cold Case detective was DNA."
"Their connections are authentic, proven by DNA tests."
"Most people if you're going to lead a dog like that you do it by their collar that is the reason when you take that dog and let somebody come pick it up you no longer have that collar which you could have gotten some DNA off of possibly."
"The DNA doesn't lie. It gives clarity to all of the confusion." - Judge Lake
"But the best part is, we're able to get to the truth through the DNA."
"Terry Leroy Bramble was never a suspect on police radar, but his DNA was on file due to a sexual assault conviction."
"there have been 233 people exonerated by DNA in this country"
"To their shock, the DNA test officially confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that Roger Keith Coleman was the perpetrator."
"Even though DNA profiling can provide closure for a victim’s family, there are also rare occasions when it takes closure away."
"There was DNA found on JonBenet's long johns and underwear, both belonging to a single unidentified man who, when compared to the FBI's database of convicted violent offenders in 2004, was not found among 1.5 million samples."
"Both DNA experts agreed that the DNA found under Taylor's fingerprints did not belong to Dewey."
"I think DNA is going to solve this murder."
"Justice in the form of DNA coming back to solve cases decades later."
"DNA belonging to Hernandez was found on a blunt near Lloyd's body."
"he was confirmed that his dna was the dna found at the crime scene."
"The probability of a random unrelated person with the same DNA profile as the one found on the shotgun and clothes was one in 2.4 sextillion."
"The tests confirmed that the DNA sequence from the hair found in the trunk of the suspect's vehicle was the same as the DNA sequence taken from the victim's blood."
"...theill had found Victoria's murderer based on DNA test results, evidence found at the crime scene, and police interviews."
"DNA can be a powerful indisputable proof of identity and of guilt."
"If police had never found a match for the DNA, Charles, who was totally innocent, could have been sentenced to death for the murder of his own mother."
"There is one major clue in the case, but authorities have so far been unable to use it to identify the killer: DNA evidence believed to be from the killer was found at the scene."
"Assuming three contributors, the DNA profile from Item 42 S1 is at least 41 million times more likely to occur if it originated from Fotus Dulos and two unknown individuals."
"For the first time in criminal history, a man was convicted using pioneering dog DNA technology."
"If they want to say that because Rh's DNA is not on anything he wasn't involved in this the same would hold true for jakori Taylor and enan Carter their DNA is not on it either."
"So Cody was included as a possible contributor to that mixture and the mixture is greater than 700 billion times more likely if it originated from Cody and one unrelated individual than from two unrelated individuals."
"To their surprise, the DNA from the children confirmed that their father was the source of the cell found during Patricia's autopsy."
"When they arrested Ridgeway and they mentioned that they had DNA, my feeling was that good, they got him."
"Eyewitness identification has led to most convictions where defendants were later proved innocent through DNA profiling."
"It's the first time in Canadian history that a person was convicted almost solely on DNA evidence."
"The examination of the new DNA evidence also ended up clearing the name of Frank Lee Smith."
"The DNA evidence, as well as quantity, as being the remains of Richard the Third."
"The help of DNA evidence, a cold case has possibly been cracked."
"It's very likely to find their DNA on duct tape that was attached to a person."
"The following case is believed to be the oldest DNA match to lead to a prosecution in the United States."
"Common ancestry has been confirmed not just through the fossil record but through DNA evidence."
"The DNA typing profiles from those swabs match that of the known sample."
"Stefan's DNA was not a match to that of the killer's, further proving that he was innocent."