
Currency Value Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Never trust a group of unelected bureaucrats to tell you what your money's going to be worth."
"It's not that home values went up; it's that the purchasing power of the dollar went down."
"There is no currency in the world that has a better monetary policy to protect your purchasing power."
"The main value I think from Bitcoin comes from... not controlled by government is huge."
"If the dollar price of gold is going up, what's really happening is that the value of the dollar is going down."
"An attack on third world countries... to keep the value of the money of First World countries."
"Your dollar is becoming worth less and less."
"Gold is real money, everything else is just an imitation of it."
"The only thing that gives the currency its energy or its value is your dependency on it."
"Gold is always, at least from a market perspective, a currency and the last currency of resort, and that's not going to change over the next 5,000 years either."
"The money that is in your pocket becomes worth less."
"The dollar going up means that our imports from abroad are going to be cheaper."
"The dollar will be weaker thanks to the exploding deficits and the Fed going back towards zero."
"A weak dollar means imports become more expensive."
"The value of each dollar that we have, the value each dollar that we save, and the value each dollar that you go to work to earn gets diluted."
"If there is no actual wealth value behind a currency, it'll be devalued."
"Gold prevents that and historically... A rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency."
"Safety not meaning that they're going to be paid back in dollars that are going to appreciate they're fine if they depreciate safety meaning that they're going to get 100 cents on the dollar."
"Gold is really the ultimate currency or money to have."
"I would love to have a currency that was actually valued and backed by International Commodities trade."
"Income and wealth inequality is supported by central bank inflation policy."
"Fiat currencies are not a good store of value, especially in this current environment."
"The dollar is going to get worse. We will have less clout."
"Your money is it worth the paper it's printed on... on the contrary Sagat, the Bank of England will make every bison dollar worth five British pounds."
"The more the pound plummets against a basket of other International currencies, the less International confidence there is overall in our economic strategies. What's called the kindness of strangers in economics."
"The US dollar will continue to go down which means cocoa prices will continue to go higher."
"Anything that can be printed to infinity has no value it's just that for the past generations we've been told that the dollar and these fiat currencies have value."
"The digital devaluation of the dollar is coming, and it's going to be intense."
"No country has ever devalued its way to prosperity."
"The shared agreement that this dollar is valuable is only valuable because we agree."
"For the dollar, the natural conclusion is, well, that just means we're going to have to go back to a gold link."
"Fiat currencies are going down in value, while cryptocurrencies are going up."
"Currency's value is partly because of the labor you can manifest into that dollar."
"The value of a currency is related to the strength of an economy."
"The Dollar's dying, that's what why we're seeing inflation here."
"All fiat currencies return to their intrinsic value, which is zero." - Steve Penon
"I want something real. I want real money. I don't want some new iteration of fool's gold."
"The real problem is the dollar because it has no fundamental value. It's only backed by faith."
"The dollar as it sits right now is headed to zero."
"The dollar at some point is coming to an end, ladies and gentlemen."
"Your 401ks, your money markets, your pensions, your stocks, everything, paying you in US dollars, it's all worthless."
"I love the Uganda Shilling I just don't know if it's gonna make the first basket or not if it doesn't I'm going in big."
"The damage that we are doing to our own Savers and other Savers by diminishing the purchasing power of the dollar bears note."
"When the dollar goes to crap then gold goes higher."
"It's basically worth less now. This will keep happening more and more."
"When the dollar becomes effectively worthless, it's a different ballpark."
"It's not prices going up, it's your dollar going down."
"Wow, $500, that's like five dollars in today's money."
"That's not the problem. The problem is what is the money going to be worth when you get it?"
"Your dollars are becoming less and less valuable."
"Maybe the dollar then has to get rewritten down."
"The dollar's just worthless, it's just paper. It's not backed by anything."
"Once you know the truth that the currency is dying, you make different choices."
"The US is going to find it increasingly difficult to get back to full employment if they don't weaken the dollar."
"It's like a bit cream crackered dollar, and that's not good."
"Currency around the world is starting to normalize in value."
"The active and deliberate devaluation of the US dollar."
"A strong dollar is great if you have lots of dollars."
"Stocks go down, the power and supremacy of the dollar collapses like it is now."
"America's dollar is basically worth nothing, it's only your belief in it since we detached from the gold standard in 1971."
"Higher interest rates in an economy are viewed as hawkish or good for a currency, making it more valuable."
"Gold and silver are going to go up, we're not saying that gold is ever going to go up we're saying that the dollar is going to not be able to buy anything and then people will have to revert to gold and silver directly."
"Once everything implodes and there's a collapse of currencies, then gold and silver will be valuable."
"The value of Robux actually increased," says Eco Scratcher, with older Robux actually worth less than Roblox, and recently it's a clever incentive.
"The U.S. dollar is not backed by anything but U.S. military and economic Supremacy."
"The purchasing power of the US dollar is at an all-time low."
"Wow, how much is that worth in real currency? I'm kind of curious."
"Bitcoin is already bigger than many currencies of many other nation states... it's one of the top 20 largest valued currencies in the world."
"Paper money has no value unless people believe in it."
"Money really only has value if you're able to spend it in the society that accepts that."
"The more currency you issue, the less confidence people will have in that currency to hold its value." - Unknown
"Holding onto US dollars means losing value... losing purchasing power."
"The only reason the dollar is what it is at this point is one word: confidence."
"The almighty dollar is not Almighty it's going down in value."
"Bad money drives good money out of circulation."
"It's just a mythical value, and the problem with the fiat currency system is the worse it gets, the more debt because the fiat currency is backed by the national debt."
"A nation ought not to suffer the value of the property of its citizens to fluctuate with the fluctuations of a foreign mint."
"As the ruble falls in value, Russia becomes less attractive as a place to move to, to work and earn money."
"Ultimately, this is a huge issue because every dollar every day is becoming less valuable."
"Fiat currency definitely ain't gonna be worth what it is right now."
"60 grand is a lot of money in today's world."
"$1,000 is still a lot of money in 2024."
"The price of money is the purchasing power of money."
"If you use the same logic I did for the dollar, not only should my company be worth more in dollars if I value in dollars than in reais, it should be worth even more if I do things in real terms rather than nominal terms."
"Your dollar will go a lot further here."
"The fact that China is making this happen actually adds a lot of long-term value to the currency."
"$1.00 in 2010 would be worth 90,000 $26 today."
"Having a weak currency can be a good thing because your exports are cheap for everyone to buy."
"The currency itself gets its value from the fact that the government demands that we all make payments to government in a currency that they and only they can create."
"Over the long run, the number of units of currency in a society and the amount of goods and services that are available for it to purchase is what's important."
"You'll be surprised how much a US dollar can go here."
"Printing money doesn't actually give a country more money; it just makes money less valuable."
"It's not that the dollar went down, right? The hundred dollars is still a hundred dollars; it just takes more dollars today to buy a phone than it did back then."
"The trust people have that it won't be highly inflated is what really backs the dollar."
"The customer gets to choose the worst money to spend but the merchant receives the better money."
"Stability is very key; people do have to know that the dollar will actually purchase a similar amount of goods and services over time."
"An increase in relative interest rates will cause an appreciation of a country's currency."
"Judge Netburn's past comments acknowledging XRP's currency value and utility have instilled optimism among Ripple supporters."
"Countries with a higher interest rate or higher inflation rate will have a weaker currency."
"All you have to do to determine the price of anything is you divide all of the dollars by all of the production, and you end up with price."
"When you go to emerging markets, don't buy cheap equities; buy cheap currencies."
"The price of milk has doubled in 20 years, but so has the number of pesos per dollar that I get."