
Architectural Innovation Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Located in New Mexico's high desert is the complete rethinking of a house. These off-grid buildings are designed to harness heat in the winter and deter it in the summer."
"The treasure of Solomon found by the Templars was not the Ark, but a knowledge of architecture that would inspire a revolutionary new form: Gothic design."
"This design ideology helped the Taipei 101 to decrease it’s potable water consumption by at least 30% compared to the average building consumption, saving about 28 million liters of potable water annually."
"The Pueblo people created large villages akin to modern-day apartment buildings."
"The villages and cities they designed and built were powerful expressions of the innovative spirit of our ancestors."
"Architects and interior designers let their imaginations run rampant."
"The transparent house really has visitors scratching their heads."
"Literally, you can go to your kitchen, jump in a pool, go to your living room, jump in another pool."
"Very few gardens can compare to the innovation of the fountains and basins of the Villa d'Este."
"The Heliotrope Home: hailed as the first house in the world to generate more power than it uses."
"The Shell House: an example of a futuristic design that aims to integrate human habitats with nature."
"The Visigoths invented these elegant horseshoe arches, and these were a brilliant barbarian invention."
"Why couldn't we make buildings or models of three-dimensional buildings that work in a similar way?"
"Laura has not only brought this house back to life, she's completely reimagined it for 21st-century family living."
"The city is being designed to withstand 100-Year storms and have a foundation that rises as sea levels do."
"Let us instead imagine a skyscraper, built on the ocean floor and all the way up into the skies."
"The Great Pyramid is eight-sided, locked into the Giza Plateau, and likely part of an energetic system."
"The Shimizu Mega City pyramid will help to alleviate that feeling by creating more space."
"Number 11: An underwater world - this world incorporates the world's largest indoor aquarium and an underwater zoo."
"The first ever skyscraper... the Home Insurance Building."
"Three designs used on different sized obelisks linked up to form a really cool-looking town."
"The 12th century minaret was built with an unusual wave-like style that narrows towards the top, thus playing with the perspective of viewers on the ground and making it seem like it reaches higher into the sky than it really does."
"Who says houses have to be square boxes with doors and windows and boring old stuff like that?"
"A bridge can become a museum, a museum can also serve as a bridge."
"It was the first time anybody outside America made a skyscraper."
"The Ferris wheel was inspired by the world's first Ferris wheel, built in Chicago, for the World's Fair of 1893."
"Sky Bridges will continue to shape the way that we navigate and experience cities, transforming them into interconnected, vibrant, and accessible spaces."
"Paulo Soleri's ultimate goal was to push the boundaries of architecture."
"In his desire to create a unique original architecture appropriate to an ideal new social order bully anticipated similar concerns in the 20th century and his Works inspired generations of Architects of the post-war period."
"Van shares his opinion that he is looking for a variant city with a non-square fortified city, in a star shape."
"Flintstone House, Hillsborough, California: an experiment in new building techniques."
"The Soul Box is a modular tiny home designed by German architecture company Allerging."
"While I don’t think our future is one only of planets or only of megastructures, I think it’s going to have way, way more of the latter."
"It's amazing to think where it's possible to build structures from skyscrapers in deserts homes perched on cliff edges."
"Digital worlds will change not only the way we architect the physical one but the tools we use, where we design it from, who we design it with, and maybe even the concept of design itself."
"The skyscraper wasn't over, it had just been reinvented."
"Earthships offer comfortable, energy-efficient, and cozy living spaces without relying on public utilities."
"A huge game-changer in this field is the roof."
"The Freedom Ship will be nearly a mile long, 725 ft wide, and 340 ft tall and will have room for 40,000 people."
"So this was a way that we could use space efficiently within the religious constraints of the city and it's a method that we discovered completely by accident."
"...maheno daro with its advant Ed urban planning and sophisticated architectural elements stands as a shining example of the Ingenuity of the Indus Valley Civilization."
"Wang Shu is among the most experimental and outspoken contemporary architects there who attacks this problem head on, almost as if he is a foreigner in his own land, reflecting on the conditions there as if from afar, from a perspective that no one else can gain."
"The bent pyramid is a prime example of the ingenuity and architectural experimentation of the ancient Egyptians."
"Joe Ste: 'Going from Net Zero to Beyond Net Zero, we can't do much better than R5 glass right now.'"
"With architecture, the ideas that we push the boundaries with what's being able to be built, how do we do that? We do it by testing new ideas, realizing new ideas."
"This is one of the most revolutionary works in the history of architecture."
"This is amazing, this is like the first underwater tunnel."
"This is a modern architectural wonder."
"The invention of tracery... made everything that was built before 1250 look old-fashioned overnight."
"The flying buttress is this fantastic innovation."
"What if our cities didn't have to look like this? What if instead of being crammed into giant vertical glass boxes, we had terraces with gardens, air, open space, and a real connection to nature?"
"We're always told it can't be done, but that's not altogether true, certainly not in architectural history."
"They had an inspiration: Why not build big and place more mastabas on top of the first?"
"...the pendentive is just a device to put a circular dome over a square base."
"More importantly, the resulting lightweight modular wood shell demonstrates both the structural capacity and the architectural potential of a system."
"Are you inside, are you outside? This is a fantastic opportunity to bring the outdoors in and the indoors out."
"This was the first purpose-built two-chamber Parliament House in the world, with a House of Commons and a House of Lords."
"This project reimagines a staircase as something that allows light through a building rather than blocking it."
"These early farming communities introduced architecture to Europe on a scale not yet seen."
"Behind this low-key facade are classic Bauhaus innovations."
"The density of these experiments is something that's rather unparalleled."
"Dubai has made islands with sand; the city's artificial Islands stand as a testament to the city's penchant for extravagance and Innovation."
"What really supports and secures the temple are 20 wooden beams called thet banam, made from a special local wood called thet xam."
"This amazing pivot door with wood... it's so sleek, so modern, and I've never seen anything like that before."