
Reintroduction Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"If you isolate almost any species you look at, if you isolate them, they will be more violent when you introduce them back with another member of their species."
"That's a big part of why Danny is with us today especially when we made the introduction with you today Shannon it's because you know he is our success story."
"Since it's been two years since you've heard, since you last appeared on camera, why don't you introduce yourself to the audience?"
"With an beggars extraordinary ability to understand and Oto's needs, his journey back to the wild has begun."
"I really wanted to take that and sort of brush that up retouch it and bring it out to some folks maybe who haven't played the tears before and reintroduce that again very critical portion of the storyline to our fans."
"Housekeeping, indeed it's been a while. First of all, we should be saying hi to everyone that's co-streaming."
"The good news is that despite a lot of weird snack foods being discontinued... in recent years it's become somewhat of a trend to reintroduce some discontinued Foods."
"Because this narrative is so different, it's almost as though we're obligated to reintroduce them to these prophets. We have to reintroduce them."
"Round start intros are back this is the first time we have them since tag one."
"She's gonna be reintroduced into the story very soon."
"Bloodborne deserves a proper reintroduction."
"Brave and the Bold: reintroducing Batman and the bat family."
"Apple brings back Touch ID in a new product, not in an old product done again like in the case of the iPhone SE 2020."
"I'm thoroughly convinced that there is the best of America, and I want to reintroduce America to the best of itself."
"Yeah, but not so fast because there's plenty of junk that we need to reintroduce into our lives, if for no other reason than for nostalgia."
"Now is a time where you can bring it back into the mix and it's going to really feel very liberating."
"There's something deeply heartening about an extinct native species being reintroduced back into its former habitat."
"I'm happy because now I get to reintroduce myself to the people."
"Overall a great reintroduction to this world that expertly sets up the tone for the remainder of season two."
"Stacy the stacker, back in action."
"It's a new day let me reintroduce the bronze bump Deontay Wilder Say it With Me Now."
"Let me reintroduce you, bestie. You are iconic."
"If we want these species back, if we want to tackle climate change and biodiversity crisis, we have to look at reintroductions as a conservation tool."
"But it’s not really an introduction, it’s a reintroduction."
"It really could have been a reintroduction to a long-under-you genre."
"I believe it's because we serve the type of God that He could do a miracle in your life so massive, he could do a wonder in your life so massive, he could do a work in your life so massive that you're gonna have to reintroduce yourself."
"Introduce natural animals back into those landscapes."
"That's a wild way to get reintroduced to The Owl House."
"Revival is not just a season and space of refreshing of renewal and replenishing, revival is also a space in a season of reintroductions."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home just reintroduced the idea of having these other Spider-Mans in play."
"Should we be bringing back animals? Absolutely."
"If you do find that your cats are not getting along so well even after you followed all of these steps, you can always go back to square one and just reintroduce the cats all over again."
"Our goal here is to try and bring these animals that used to be indigenous here, and then eventually we'll just let them out."
"Through the help of the government, the wolves are now being reintroduced."
"Some 500 years ago, the modern horse returned to the continent with European explorers."
"We've seen the reintroduction of other birds of prey such as the red kite, so there's some real conservation successes, and I'm sure many of these will continue in the future."
"This process is all a part of the successful reintroduction of these birds."
"Forget everything that you know about them, and I will reintroduce you to them."
"It's a beautiful plane, and I love that they reintroduced it into the world."
"The Kelly Dance has been reintroduced for about two to three years."
"And I think a lynx can be part of that."
"Last but not least, Thai Airways has recently reintroduced first class."
"I'm being reintroduced to myself."
"I'm ready to go again, I'm excited for the world to meet her again."
"Bringing that animal back would have incredible benefits for the ecosystem."
"It's really fun, it can be fun, and then you get to add stuff back."
"The reintroduction of red kites into this country has been incredibly successful."
"This colossal task which consists of reintroducing man into the world, man in his totality, will be achieved."
"Captain America's reintroduction to the Marvel Universe is considered a seminal moment in comic book history."
"Solid foods shouldn't be introduced until the third day after a fast is broken."
"And they've reintroduced lots of little marsupially little things."
"It was perfect. It was on the perfect tone to reintroduce her."
"The wolves in this area actually were reintroduced from the Italian side of the Alps."
"Healthy motion is another habit that I am reintroducing into my life."
"In 2015, wood bison were released back into the wild in Alaska. That's awesome."
"Welcome back, C-Rod. Wow, reintroducing himself to the SEC here."
"I'm feeling so much better and I want to reintroduce myself to all of you."
"Let me reintroduce you, Game of Thrones."
"It's better to reintroduce yourself than to assume they remember you."
"One of the cool projects that's happened in this area is the reintroduction of LCT in Mice Meadows in the Upper Truckee River."
"After the successful reintroduction of puffins to remote islands in Maine, some of the birds started to behave like flamingos."
"Nice to meet you again. Hi, my name is... Let's start over again."
"It kind of reintroduced horror to people in a way and on the big screen in a big way."
"Welcome to After Prison Show and today I want to tell you a story."
"This moment was Slim's 'allow me to reintroduce myself' moment."
"So now we've propagated these and I reintroduced them to Italy."
"Let me reintroduce myself type of energy."
"They've got a really incredible program with cheetah and wild dog that are reintroducing them to a lot of reserves where they haven't been for a long time."
"Wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park to help control the elk populations."
"We're trying to do something which is quite unique, the first ever reintroduction of the red squirrel."
"Alternative medicine is getting popular, so it's a very good time to reintroduce this one about alternative medicine for the many people in America."
"A new era dawned for the Mexican wolf when one female and four males were captured alive in the Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico."
"Tomorrow will be the first day that they go back with marmosets since they were removed from their mothers as infants."
"Beavers used to be an integral part of our landscape but they were pushed to extinction over 400 years ago."
"Once the gibbons have got used to their new home, they'll be allowed back into the trees."
"Zoo breeding programs have enabled these special creatures to be reintroduced back into the wilds of Mongolia."
"It's time for you to reintroduce yourself to the world now."
"It's time to bring something very essential back into your life."