
Skill Sharing Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"What that really tells me is that you care about other people and you have knowledge, information, you have skills that you want to share. You want to help people end their suffering and really sincerely make a difference."
"With whatever skills you have learned, you can actually teach that to other people and you can make an income from doing that."
"Your most profitable course lies in a problem you've solved for yourself or for somebody else, an obstacle you've overcome, a skill that you've mastered."
"I want to teach as many people as possible how to do what I did because if I could do it, other people could do it."
"I'm gonna teach you guys one of the most amazing tricks known to man."
"You have more skills and more knowledge than you might realize. Share it and you have a chance to learn at any age at any stage of your development."
"Teach your skills, sell your knowledge. Turn expertise into a self-sustaining income."
"Our job is to share our calm with them and to provide them with skills and tools."
"Ebooks are such a fantastic way to make money on knowledge or skills that you already have."
"I teach people Python and Django and occasionally bits and pieces of JavaScript mostly as penance for my sins."
"I'm just gonna show you how to do this stuff for free."
"If everybody got a skill set and everybody has something they're good at, they just do it."
"I was lucky, I was very fortunate to have the skill to not only become very successful myself but to be able to explain it to other people."
"YouTube you really helped me get my videos out there and I got to meet a couple you guys on there that also do amazing trick shots."
"Relationships, networking, and skill sharing are integral elements for your success."
"If you know how to do it the right way, come show her."
"Technique is everything, that's why we're sharing the technique with the hair besties in the end."
"You need family you need friends around you need people with skills around you."
"When you have a particular skill and someone is like, 'Man, that is so cool, would you ever mind teaching me some stuff?' It's incredibly flattering."
"Sharing all of our sewing information and knowledge is how we all get better."
"Spread the happy craft of repair to as many people as humanly possible."
"How cool is this? Manam went over to give us some tips."
"If you're better than average, you have something to share with other people to help them play better."
"You do have to, you are serving someone, and you should be serving those who need your skills. If you are good at this business, then you have an obligation to give those skills to those who need it, and they're desperately needed."
"I learned this not about ten years ago and I'm not gonna lie it is the easiest and strongest knot I have ever used in my life in fact I've actually passed it on to my teenage boys and said this is the one you need to use the rest of your life."
"The path of the practitioner involves earning income with a skill and then sharing that skill online."
"It doesn't stop there of course, I have to write this up in a way that makes sense to a more academic community but skill sharing and public engagement is also an incredibly important part of what I do."
"There's always people out there guys who are trying to learn how to weld, it's a skill that you can provide, the easiest to."
"I love sharing how to. So since I taught myself how to sew, I like to take my time show people what I'm doing. Yeah, this is what works for me. Nope, I'm not a seamstress, but I can sew a cushion."
"I'm hoping to pass on some of those skills, tips, and tricks that have helped me along the way."
"I'm hoping this video was beneficial in teaching you something and showing you what goes into a balustrade and stair job."
"Thank you Becky for sharing your gift quilting with us. I love all your videos because I can understand what you're doing."
"We will now put some of these up and I hope you've learned something from this video about making Bonsai Maple there you go."
"Plumbers teach plumbers how to unstop toilets. Electricians teach electricians how to put bulbs and sockets. And preachers ought to teach preachers how to preach."
"Our job as a hairdresser is to share our knowledge with other people so that they can get that little bit better."
"You can gather people together and take advantage of all these skills that people have gotten from another place and pull them together and make it your own."
"When you are a freelancer, you are self-employed and you have a skill or a service that you offer people."
"Maybe I should limit repairs and just focus on training and pass that knowledge on to people who want to learn."
"We have all these highly skilled people who would have a real renewed person in life if they were encouraged to teach and share, and yet we write so many of them off."
"He knew how to change a car tire and that it would only take a few minutes out of his day."
"I do teach sewing lessons, both in person and online."
"You can visit and do these wonderful things and see this beautiful country, but you can also use your skills or even the fact that you like diving to kind of help the community."
"People want to be entertained, so whatever skill you have, you could teach."
"I'm here to share with you tips, tricks, and techniques to help you become even a better woodturner."
"A massive thanks to John for sharing his skills and showing us how to do this."
"I love seeing what people have built from these tutorials; it really is good to see people learning."
"Teach it to someone else, teach them to do what you have learned to do, and that way you can make some money off of your talents."
"If I can build a guitar, you can build a guitar."
"We're also gonna put in the ability to add a list of the classes that they teach because they actually go out and teach, which I think is quite cool."
"If you know how to install wigs, have a master class, teach people how to install wigs, make people pay for what's in your brain."
"One of my goals for this video is to really show you guys some of these skills that I'm out there using all the time."
"I'm very good at educating people how to do things; I'm a good teacher from what I've been told."
"We're building a supportive community around furniture repairs and my passion is to teach that to others so more and more people can learn how to repair their furniture."
"Leverage your internships or your practicum to share your abilities within the organization."
"Only by giving my skills away would I get something in return."
"When we share our skills, we create a community of knowledge."
"Help people in some sort of way, information maybe with your skill, maybe with your knowledge."
"I'm going to post a lot of cool neat tips and tricks and secrets on how to become a better videographer and cinematographer."
"If you ever figure out a side hustle that works... you can always consider creating a YouTube channel just teaching that skill and make money from that as well."
"If you got a skill that you can help that person with, that's really beneficial."
"Part of my responsibility is to give back to the trade by sharing my skills, knowledge, and experience with people like you out there."
"Hello, my name is Maria, and today I'm going to be showing you how to make a tubular herringbone bracelet."
"It's important that other people know how to do the things that you know how to do."
"I think it's absolutely amazing that you take time out of your life and then you take your specific skill to go and do this for completely free."
"I'm here to pass my knowledge of woodworking onto you."
"G'day everybody, Glenn here. I'd just like to take a bit of time out to show you guys a bit of a hint on how to make a patina paint job."
"A community of practice is a group of like-minded or similarly skilled individuals."
"A community of practice is a group of like-minded or like-skilled individuals."
"Let's collab more because this is... it's a different kind of confidence in your skill."
"You have to show me how to do that."
"I am definitely looking forward to working with more handlers and breeders who are willing to share their amazing skills."
"I've taken it upon myself to show you my process."
"I love to teach people how to do stuff."
"Teach people something that you're good at."
"I'm just glad that this was a skill that I could share with all of you."
"If you want to learn how to do something that's within my power to do, I would be more than happy to teach you."
"Hope this video will help you become a better engineer, start impressing some of your friends with the tricks you know with the system."
"I'd rather do more teaching, showing people how to make things."
"If I can help ten people learn how to make stencils, then I'll feel good."
"Being good at something is awesome, but it's even better when you can teach someone else and get them just as good."
"I get to help all of you build really cool stuff."
"Can you teach my students how to do that? You know, I have done some teaching, actually, teaching people how to freestyle."
"I just wanted to show you the power of taking a skill, information, and then sharing it with people, helping them."
"Everyone has their own little bag of tricks and so you get to learn all these really cool tricks from your colleagues."
"When you can leave a skill, that's a lot of what happens in the maker community; we're giving people these little intro experiences that let them learn that they can, and then they go from there."
"And it was a game changer for me and then I found teaching other people to do the same."
"Teach others to be able to do what I do."
"I can just talk you through how to make it yourself."
"It's just the most amazing thing when one person in that group knows how to do this and shares with everybody."