
Human Decency Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I think that you're a decent human being...and all of it, I mean in the insides as well."
"No decent human being, if they have the power to do so, would stand up against what's wrong."
"If you prioritize a video getting on Worldstar Hip Hop, over helping a fellow human being, you have a problem."
"Even if all the cards they were dealt in life led them nowhere near the state of vulnerability that they're in now and they willingly chose it, they still deserve to be met with basic human decency."
"One of the things about being a good human, this is being a man or a woman, is taking accountability when you mess up."
"It's just not who we are as a people. If there's ever a time for humanity and decency, now is the time."
"It's about being a good human being, not just a business."
"Just be a good person, love everyone, be empathic, be a human being."
"Our values are Humanity, mercy, and compassion."
"What makes you a man is what's inside your heart, your empathy for other human beings, and the desire not to hurt anybody. That shouldn't even be an issue."
"Treat people decently, you know, be kind to each other. It's not that hard."
"We might not believe in God anymore, but we still feel a sentimental need to be nice to each other. I'm not nice to people because it's sentimental; I'm nice because I'm not a fucking cunt."
"Treating people with dignity and respect... should be a basic human reaction."
"A fundamental human decency and respect for each other."
"Let's just treat people with decency, let's treat people with humanity, let's treat people with compassion, let's focus on like the 99 of Americans out there."
"God bless him, there is some decency left in mankind."
"The same variants of the mutated virus trend are already here in the U.S."
"Just be cool, be nice, be a nice human being. It's worthwhile in the long run."
"Respect for his bravery and respect for his decency as a human being."
"Basic human decency shouldn't just expire at 18 years old for women."
"I was actually going through postpartum depression."
"Just be respectful, just be a basic kind human being and it will always be appreciated."
"Why do you have to treat them any different if they can't do anything for you? I think whether someone can or cannot do something for you, you treat them with kindness and respect."
"The attempt to show empathy and compassion and to treat people equally should not just be an alternative political position. It should simply be what we do as human beings."
"Disney's 'Beauty and the Beast' is a story about basic human decency."
"Please be better than that, please don't reduce this person."
"Respect is earned... when people don't treat you with human decency back, there's no reason to think that you owe them anything."
"Our own I could have 50 Awards today, I could have Oscars... if I'm not like a good human being, what does that all stand for?"
"We should treat each other as individual human beings with innate human decency."
"I think it's a psychological health-based issue... not just because that's the human thing to do but because that will help us to reach an appropriate solution."
"What I didn't understand is the human decency that people of color don't experience."
"The average person is a lot more decent given the opportunity."
"Affirmative action is the only way to protect black people from systemic oppression."
"It is disgusting and it is vile on a pure human level."
"Celebrate decency and kindness... Lift it up."
"Being a good human doesn't mean being a Christian, it just means being a good human."
"You don't have to love me, you don't have to like me, you can think I'm the devil incarnate, but you better treat me like a decent human being because that's how I treat you even though you don't believe that I have the right to exist."
"I respect people even when I think their ideas are not helpful to humanity."
"You can always tell someone of quality because they treat the king and the janitor the same way."
"This is human decency 101, but it's certainly important if you espouse any kind of collectivist thinking."
"Fundamentally committed to the decency and humanity of each and every person."
"Atheists get their morals from the same place as decent people get their morals, whether they're religious or not."
"Being a man is first and foremost being a good human."
"Be a good human being, put your boundaries down."
"We should talk about the decency and humanity in people."
"Be a human being. Treat people how you want to be treated."
"We just try to be good people and respect other people and be kind."
"You don't have to have a particular religious faith to adhere to principles of human decency."
"Everybody has decency in them but we have created a dynamic now in which we are demeaning people."
"You treat everyone the same, no matter what they look like."
"Shows that there is some humanity left and why we should not give up."
"It doesn't take a lot to be a decent human being."
"No sane person, no matter how motivated or spiteful, would ever do such a thing to another human being. There are lines that are simply not crossed."
"They're proving that if you just treat people like humans, if you do unto others as you'd have them do unto you, people will return the favor."
"People deserve some credit for just putting in the effort to try and be a decent person."
"It doesn't take much to be a decent person. It really doesn't."
"If someone says hey man I just kind of want you to treat me like a human and your response is then I should be able to punch you you need to go to therapy you need help."
"Just be a good human, just at the end of the day, just be a good human."
"Even if you're not a Christian, just if you're a decent human being, you should do everything in your power to stop people like this."
"Good people do not wish for the suffering of others."
"Are people like, 'Oh, we're just curious.'? A lot. They justify their rudeness or their lack of human decency with, 'Oh, you can't just blame us. We're curious.' I'm like, 'Fair enough, I guess.'"
"To think that there were people out there, hundreds, thousands of people that were willing to comment such atrocious thoughts to public discourse made me lose all faith in human decency."
"I want him to show me basic human decency. It's so sad saying that out loud because unfortunately it's really not that common anymore."
"I've always believed in human decency, but then I started a YouTube channel."
"If you are just not a nasty human being, that is already an accomplishment and already better than most people."
"Just be nice. That's the only thing you should do in this planet, just be nice."
"Until then, just be a decent human being."
"The vast majority of people are decent everywhere in the world."
"It's not easy to be a decent human being."
"You know you could be kind, you could be kinder."
"Everybody deserves respect, there's no need we should treat people so horribly."
"Let's not try to ruin people's lives, guys. Let's be normal human people."
"Human persons are obligated to behave morally, not as Stalin behaved."
"To us, Kofi Annan was the epitome of human decency, a graceful and charismatic leader who cared deeply about the fate of everyone."
"If someone shows you kindness, especially someone who ain't got much reason to be kind, then the gracious thing to do is accept."
"People are in general decent, and if you are willing to give them a chance, they will very frequently give you a chance."
"I think it just comes from people being decent and charitable and empathetic."
"There's also such a message of love and hope and human decency triumphing as well."
"We are better than that as humans, but if we're not shown that, and if our shame and our pain is not met with grace, we'll keep hiding that shame."
"The Quran first and foremost is a call to human decency."
"Fundamentally, there are good people who value justice, manners, and decorum."
"Being courteous and being sweet, kind, considerate, and just a caring human being is a big value for me."
"Please stay kind; it's the first and most important thing."
"It's just sad that humans, for all of our achievements, still don't know how to be decent to each other."
"I could get on the same page about some sort of fundamental like human decency."
"What is wrong with being a decent human being and just being honest, just being real, just being vulnerable?"
"Show some love, hey, I appreciate you for treating me at least like a decent human being."
"The article was about rebirth in more ways than one, as well as the benefits of treating people decently."
"Thankfully there are plenty of good, decent people in the world that genuinely care about others and want to do good."