
Financial Exploitation Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"What you are seeing is basically a second form of colonisation. You have had initially occupation and resource extraction and through that process countries like Britain, which have had a large offshore empire have developed significant networks, and now those networks are being used to promote and exploit financial services."
"He deceived these women into believing he descended from an affluent family, bilking several women out of a combined 10 million dollars."
"She gave these people false hope, shortened the time they had left, and took thousands of dollars from potentially struggling families."
"It's difficult to say that the conservatorship is helping her from being taken advantage of financially when in fact large slots of her money are being spent without her consent."
"The charity work they do does not erase their sins nor does it erase the unbelievable Space Opera paraded at the upper levels for whopping amounts of money that's the entire meaning of Scientology."
"We're essentially being robbed at gunpoint. This is essentially what's happening here. We are seeing armed robbery happening right now by the financial institutions, by Wall Street."
"Her father collects a $100,000 salary from her."
"Manchester United is a cash cow to them, and they're going to milk every single bit out of Manchester United."
"How many people are dying because our Health Care system is run rampantly inefficiently by people that just want to milk you for as much money as possible?"
"This is robbing us, stealing the money from us."
"Let 2018 be the year where we get smarter as players, and educate other gamers on the tactics being used to separate us from our money."
"We estimate that the profit that's being made off of retail traders, is probably in the neighborhood of more than $20 billion a year."
"Money, it's because financially they see us some would say as a cash cow."
"You're paying money to do a job and then they take your money when you're done with the job."
"They're not going to give you that satisfaction for those of you who were wondering whether or not you were being taken advantage of for your money."
"Donald Trump knew the big lie was a big lie. They used it also as a big shakedown, and a ripoff of his supporters to keep money rolling in."
"The NRA abandoning its mission to advocate for second amendment rights in favor of exploiting its membership and finances."
"The part about this story is that she ever had a Warner Brother TV deal. This is a woman that has no talent outside of scamming people to give her family millions."
"They make up their own rules... and steal people's money."
"Fear of missing out drives spending: Fortnite and other games exploit psychology."
"You're being overly milked and it's a cash grab."
"She exploits people financially constantly... it's grotesque."
"It's truly insane how much of a prisoner she actually was. She's like an island, making money and paying people to control her. It's ridiculous, sick."
"This ring of scammers operating 24/7 on YouTube is pulling in excess of 1 million dollars per month from compromised channels preying on their own subscribers."
"Our government is just throwing its own citizens to the money wolves, because they don't want to deal with the thing we literally hired them to do."
"Some of these alt or meme coins will try to take advantage of you by designing their tokenomics in the following manner."
"For all the people saying stop with your [ __ ] math equation, stop with your anything, just call it what it is, a robbery." - Brian Campbell
"Debt slavery is an economic system that hides the truth behind words like 'Fidelity and Trust' while ripping you off."
"No consequences, Popoff and his wife just get to live scot-free off the millions of dollars that scammed off of the helpless and the poor."
"They're corporate vampires profiting off your hard-earned money."
"Every single dating app is designed to extract money from men, not actually help you find a match."
"Over the course of their operation, Peter asked for more than $300 to perform their miracles, but alas no such miracle ever came."
"I paid for everything that Nicole did out there. That's the problem. It was my birthday, and you came on my birthday trip with no money because you just thought in your head that I was gonna pay for everything. You took advantage of me."
"You're playing with house money because they're stealing it."
"These groups make tens of thousands of dollars... by literally ransoming high profile players."
"The ruling Rajapaksa dynasty bled the country dry for more than a decade, stashing away billions of dollars outside the country."
"He's just trying to get money from her, that's it. He doesn't care what happens to her."
"A Long Island man is suing a nursing home on behalf of his 85-year-old mother, claiming she was swindled out of money and humiliated when the home shipped in male strippers."
"They are the jerks for treating you as a wallet."
"America, they will steal your money left and right."
"You have to be a really terrible human being to swindle innocent old ladies out of their pension checks."
"Big back [] m word think he F to get a scent out of me []."
"That was our hard-earned money that funded her lifestyle in a frivolous way."
"Most people are not making the money. They're getting robbed."
"It's designed to extract money from people who already paid for the game."
"College is a scam... they rip off young naive people."
"Honestly, honestly, I'll let you in on a secret. Don't tell anybody I said this, but we figured out how to just eat so much money. Uh, Hollywood in the internet like we're just running with it."
"Poor family got skimmed harder than Logan Paul's fans."
"That's so messed up you're gonna charge someone that's struggling financially ten dollars so you can just cast a spell on them."
"It's not fair to let these schools make billions of dollars on the backs of these kids."
"Every attempt on the creditor's part to get you to pay again is the action of a third party trying to extract more credit from you."
"It's a great little circle of grift that's going on here."
"Credit card companies are legalized loan sharks. What they do is they give credit cards to people who they're hoping won't be able to make the monthly payments because that's where they make all their money."
"The tools cult was not just a way to make vast amounts of money, though clearly it was that. It was also a political and ideological project to remake America."
"Now they're targeting senior citizens that are eligible for a reverse mortgage to overspend on their budget because don't worry the equity of the home is going to pay your reverse mortgage."
"...the fact that like one of the main lawyers is making 10 grand a week for the past 13 years off of like the conservatorship fees is just that alone is like jail like just straight to jail don't pass go don't collect 100 just throw the man in jail immediately."
"You should not be paying to audition or work for a company."
"Don't exploit your children for money. That's it."
"There's no point having colonies if you're not rinsing them for all the money you can get."