
Biblical Themes Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
"God's taking you to the edge of the Red Sea so that when the waters part, you'll know it was Him."
"The book of the Psalms is sort of like a mini Bible that it covers all the themes of God's story and reminds people of his character and who he is."
"The commandment 'Do not fear' or 'Fear not' is the number one commandment in the Bible."
"Angels not only announced blessed events, but they also warned the righteous of impending danger or disaster."
"Jesus is here to begin the renewal of Israel."
"I hope people wake up to the fact that what is happening before our eyes is what the Bible warned about in Bible prophecy."
"The demon Satan masquerades as an angel of light."
"The Antichrist gathers troops and wants to do war with heaven."
"Justice is mentioned more in the Bible than love. The Bible calls me to be just."
"Israel has an opportunity to do what Adam and Eve failed to do, to remake a sort of Garden of Eden in a new land under the leadership of Joshua."
"The Jubilee is not just about restitution; it's about also Redemption. There was a Redemption going on in these last years that most people didn't even realize."
"It's not all bad. There's a lot of good prophecy too."
"The Genesis 19 passage is talking about sexual violence and rape."
"The trumpets serve as a powerful reminder of the sovereignty of God over all creation."
"Throughout the Bible, angels play a significant role in God's interactions with humanity."
"The whole biblical story is about God's desire to forgive the people and the twisted world that we've created."
"Just because your heel has been bruised doesn't mean you can't crush the Serpent's head."
"The entities of hell are coming, but guess who else is coming? The King of Glory."
"Dominion of the earth is the birthright of Adam, bestowed upon him from the beginning."
"Jesus talks about hell more than any other figure in the Bible."
"David beat Goliath. Do what you gotta do. Put them down."
"Now every valley will be exalted and every mountain and hill made low."
"Everything about Jesus is all over the Bible."
"Overall, I love how the last two tracks were connected and were two of the best tracks on the album."
"The Bible doesn't focus on individuals, it focuses on systems and kingdoms."
"Enoch walked with God despite living his ordinary human life."
"Noah walked with God not because he deserved it but because God extended him unmerited Grace."
"There is a story of recovery and rehabilitation in Genesis, not creation ex nihilo."
"Unity, unity, and this is a common theme throughout the Bible that most people don't understand."
"The antichrist will hate and oppose God... everything that God is, has done, and will do."
"Jesus stole our stains. He stole them. The Bible tells us that He defeated death, hell, and the grave."
"The anger of the Lord will not turn back until he has executed and performed the thoughts of his heart."
"Noah was walking with God when nobody else was. Noah was the exception to the world rule. He was marching out of step with the culture because he was marching to a different drumbeat."
"Walking with God is a major theme in the Bible. It has to do with a lifestyle of intimacy. It has to do with close fellowship."
"We want to take players back back to origin back to zero and make them able to dive into this huge world of the biblical stories and events."
"Death is an intrusion in this world. The Bible tells us it's The Last Enemy that will be destroyed." - First Corinthians 15:26.
"The entire Bible is about patriarchy, the journey of the seed across generations. Jesus replaced lampstands, churches, in Revelations, he's doing it now."
"The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her."
"The Abrahamic covenant is the core central element, the thematic element of the entire Old Testament."
"The battle is against spiritual wickedness in high places."
"The world is supposed to be saying 'peace and security.'"
"Esther's position was part of God's divine appointment, orchestrated behind the scenes for good."
"The curse will come, but also, Yahweh will show mercy so that the curse doesn't get the last word."
"How you understand Israel turns not only on how you understand some proof texts but how you understand Israel as a theme running through Scripture."
"The main themes in the Book of Ezekiel include God's sovereignty, controlling history, and whose plans will not be thwarted."
"Matthew cleverly weaves themes of prophets and Gentiles into Jesus' lineage, showing his universal significance."
"It is interesting that there is sort of a scarlet thread woven through the Old Testament pointing to Jesus Christ."
"The climactic book of the entire Bible is about redemption."
"David is about renewing the king. He's the renewer of the king."
"Mary's prophetic utterance, known as The Magnificat, highlights themes of social justice and the reversal of societal norms."
"Sex and sexual practice is a constant theme in the Scriptures."
"Revelation is a book of catastrophe on steroids and yet there's always a word of hope."
"The Triumph of the Lamb is the great theme of the Book of Revelation."
"God raises up a judge... to give leadership and oversight to His people."
"The Prince of the power of the air wounded the Prince of all things, but in the end, the Prince of all things will crush the Prince of the power of the air."
"Genesis 1 and 2, the focus on creation, is itself the seedbed of a vast number of biblical theological themes."
"The Bible from front to back is all about change."
"This is the garden for the Bible Society, all around Psalm 23, and it's designed by Sarah Eberle."
"That's your testimony, that's my testimony, and those are the two themes of the book of Exodus."
"Restoration is one of the major themes of the Bible."
"Being clear about your 'no' and your 'yes' is a theme that runs throughout the Bible."
"I would establish my throne of judgment to judge Israel."
"The Bible is about a King, a Kingdom, a royal family, and the expansion program of a Kingdom."
"Creation, conflict, and covenant."
"Genesis 1 and 2 and Revelation 21 and 22 are the only four chapters in the entire Bible where there's no curse, there's no fall, there's no sin."
"The Bible is more about knowledge, wisdom, and understanding."