
Polymorphism Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Polymorphism is a technique that allows you to get rid of long if-else or switch-case statements."
"Pretty cool and also sort of a demonstration of polymorphism."
"Polymorphism is the ability of an object in a class to perform a task in multiple methods."
"Dynamic polymorphism occurs during runtime when the program is being executed."
"Static polymorphism occurs during compile time rather than runtime."
"Switch statement in your code base is usually a clear sign that polymorphism is begging to be there."
"Interfaces and polymorphism inside of Go: kind of neat."
"Polymorphism just allows us to call a circle a shape or call a rectangular shape and refer to them as shapes however the correct area function is going to be executed."
"Always use polymorphism if you can get rid of if and switch statements."
"Polymorphism is the key to a whole bunch of things."
"We are in system F which is parametrically polymorphic."
"This is like the Omnitrix for parametric polymorphism."
"Polymorphism allows me to call a function on somebody."
"Polymorphism generalizes a functionality so it can work on different types."
"That is called the external polymorphism design pattern."
"Polymorphism avoids if else and switch cases, making code more reusable."
"Polymorphism allows the object of derived classes or subclasses to be treated the same as objects of a base class."
"In the background, every single student type has invoked its own implementation of the study method, and that is something that polymorphism allows us to do."
"Type erasure lets us pass arbitrary types, arbitrary lambdas, across ABI boundaries."
"Polymorphism is a concept where you can treat multiple different types as the same thing."
"The dynamic method resolution is a mechanism by which a call to an overridden method is resolved at runtime."
"This is good object-oriented design; this is 'tell, don't ask'; this is encapsulating conditions using polymorphism."
"Functions that can be implemented with the same formula for any type are called parametrically polymorphic."
"Give me anything that looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and I will use it as a duck."
"Inheritance, together with polymorphism, gives you the reusability, and that's what's making object-oriented programming so successful."
"We're going to use a polymorphism now to take our C dynamic player object and from that create a new dynamic creature object."
"Polymorphic means that the same species' animals can look vastly different because they've evolved two separate visual variations that both survive and breed at the same time."
"Graphite and diamond are perfect examples of polymorphism."
"What is polymorphism? Same code does something different depending upon condition."
"Inheritance encourages code reuse and programming polymorphism."
"Polymorphism... simplifies game architecture by having the object itself determine what behavior will run."
"All you need to do is have a polymorphic function in your base class."
"Polymorphism is essentially an application or a file that changes the hash every single time it appears."
"Polymorphism is the ability to behave differently in response to the same input messages."
"Dynamic dispatch is a type of method belonging to a class that can be overridden and redefined by a child of that class."
"Polymorphism refers to the ability of an object to adapt the code to the type of data it is processing."
"Polymorphism is frequently expressed in the object-oriented programming paradigm as one interface, multiple functions."
"By using polymorphism, you can add flexibility to your code."
"Compile-time polymorphism... allows you to separate responsibilities cleanly."
"This is polymorphism, and this is why object-oriented programming is very powerful."
"Polymorphic objects are the shape-shifting superheroes of object-oriented programming."
"Polymorphism is the ability to use the same code to process different objects according to their type."
"Amazon tree Boas are polymorphic, which means that just because you have maybe a brown animal and a yellow animal as parents doesn't mean that all of the offspring are going to come out either brown or yellow."
"When two or more different phenotypes exist in the same population of a species, the species is now called polymorphic."
"Polymorphic relationships... mean that an object can take various shapes."
"It's worth doing this even if you only call that method one time because the more polymorphic your code is, the fewer ways you can write it wrong."
"Shen supports polymorphic types as in the standard definition of map."
"Many good things happen when objects polymorphically conform to the same API."
"Runtime polymorphism is accomplished with V tables."
"Same chemical compound, different crystal form and Raman spectroscopy is then useful for differentiating polymorphs."
"The biggest gift from object-oriented programming is polymorphism."
"Inheritance enables even more reuse as well as extensibility through the third fundamental object-oriented concept of polymorphism."
"Polymorphism is awesome from a standpoint of software development; it's one of the most powerful tools you have in an object-oriented language."
"We treat objects with a common superclass the same as their subclasses."
"Polymorphism allows you to write generic code at a higher level of abstraction than you could without it."
"The pivotal point of the implementation is the graph[i]->draw() call that employs polymorphism to correctly select the draw() implementation depending on the type of the object, not the type of the pointer."
"Polymorphism is just a feature in object-oriented programming languages that allows objects to be treated similarly."
"Polymorphism is the ability to give different meanings to the same function."
"Polymorphism or interface inheritance is really great."
"Polymorphism literally means many shapes, but for me, a better definition is more practical of what you can actually do."
"Polymorphism is a feature of using the same function in multiple ways."
"Polymorphism is the use of virtual methods to make one method produce one of many possible outcomes or behaviors depending on the instance."
"Protocols are a way to achieve polymorphism in Elixir."
"It's a better way to do runtime polymorphism than inheritance."
"Inheritance and polymorphism are the most important features."
"Polymorphism means that my same code should work differently for different types."
"Polymorphism is used for code reuse."