
Religious Change Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The big news in the evangelical world right now is that Todd White has repented."
"Pope Francis is making waves, reversing the Church's stance on criminality of homosexuality."
"Prophecy hasn't ceased, but the purpose of prophecy shifted with Jesus."
"There's no denying that these kinds of radical changes are simply unparalleled in the history of the Church."
"Nations will convert, England will cease being Anglican and will return to the Roman Catholic Church."
"I was a real super Christian... and I'm not gonna do it."
"One massive doctrinal change that came about in around 2012-2013 was the new light on the faithful and discreet slave."
"House Indoril: from ancestral honor to religious fervor."
"I think one thing the church really is going to have to do over the next century or so is really deter make clear in the light of Vatican 1 and Vatican 2 what the role of the Pope is for in the life of the average daily Catholic."
"We're going to see a new religious landscape 10 years from now that's only right now starting to form."
"He shows that through the greatest of intellectual pride there is nothing that sanctifying grace cannot do to change a man."
"In this moment, Buddhism would begin its journey in human history, challenging and changing the course of religious, social, and philosophical orthodoxy forever."
"If we manage to make a change on Temple Mount, that in my life was better than being a president."
"Vatican 2 was a burst of light after darkness, shaping my generation."
"The number of ex-Muslims is rising drastically in the world."
"The secular community is still winning. The world is becoming more secular."
"With the stroke of a pen, the Holy Father may tear all of that away from us."
"It's time to reject some of the tenets of our faith and lay the foundation. The scriptures declare, 'If the Foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?'"
"Theodosius continued to de-paganize the empire."
"We're becoming a pagan nation that has forgotten that it ever knew God."
"Should we expect more secularization of the church?"
"Change your religion if your religion is telling you to hurt animals or people."
"The Lord is getting ready to bring about replacements."
"The church is in a constant state of reform."
"The ability to mass-produce books of this type means... making that sort of break from Rome so much easier."
"Jesus replaces the temple ritually, no longer needing the Yom Kippur sacrifice."
"Henry VIII's divorce: a battle with the Pope."
"Henry's desperation to marry Anne Boleyn and his resulting feud with the Pope had changed the course of English history and religion forever."
"My church, there's a shaking going on to shake the chains that their religion has brought upon my people."
"Leave that church, start your own thing. Be the change you want to see in your church."
"The great falling away of all religions is coming."
"I think I'm going to end up leaving Jehovah's Witnesses because my faith evaporated."
"Or are you going to make the change and start to follow the true people of the Most High and follow them into the truth that the Messiah is now sharing with his people?"
"One of the hindrances to Revival is the things that God did yesterday hindering us from what God wants to do tomorrow."
"Our church is going through a metamorphosis like we've never seen."
"By sheer force of will, Constantine was converting the Roman Empire to Christianity."
"Japan was changing drastically in the 19th century and religion was to be no exception."
"Christ's sacrifice is what did it—no longer the sacrifice of a lamb or goat or bull, but Christ's sacrifice."
"That's unbelievable, we never see those kinds of changes in such an important thing like religious identity in the space of only a decade."
"...the Reformation... the mighty lord who broke the bonds of Rome."
"Jesus People movement's over, it's a new day now, and God's doing some new things."
"Islam eliminated idolatry amongst an entire civilization."
"The Anglo-Saxon élite traded their many gods for a foreign one, mainly in an effort to align themselves with their rich Christian neighbours among the Merovingian kingdoms."
"Martin Luther... wrote his famous 95 theses and then nailed it to the door at the church in Wittenberg."
"European religious beliefs changed significantly as a result of the Protestant Reformation."
"Martin Luther... starts in 1517 the Protestant Reformation. He challenges the authority of the Catholic Church."
"The Protestant Reformation explodes when Martin Luther pins his 95 Theses to the door at Wittenberg Cathedral."
"It is very traumatic to lose your religion, even though it is worth it."
"Many believe that the Savior came to earth to make fundamental changes to worship."
"This is one of the most significant changes in the American religious landscape."
"Christ changed the laws of Moses."