
Societal Neglect Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Mental health is the worst thing that's ever happened to anybody, and a lot of people are just not talking about it."
"We dropped the ball on the environment. We did. We dropped it like it was hot."
"But all of them including andrea have been denied of that future because mental illness still today even now fails to be taken seriously."
"As long as there is a hierarchy of victimhood and suffering, those who are further down the list will always find themselves in situations where their concerns and grievances, no matter how legitimate, will fall by the wayside."
"It's shocking that an entire family is wiped out and no one reports the missing."
"Men's mental health doesn't mean much to other people, but it does to us."
"Anti-semitism continues to be the more storable hatred and also the hatred people will ignore."
"They don't give a [ __ ] about people like you, Arthur."
"At the end of the day it really looks like this is simply just a sad girl who didn't get the mental health care that she needed whose life completely fell apart because honestly it seems like nobody cared when when she was insane."
"Time goes on for the people who are on the outside and eventually they just sort of forget about you on the inside and they move on with their lives."
"I've always felt that men, you know, are not discussed enough in the conversation about abuse."
"I think over the last kind of 15, 20 years, women have sort of been forgotten about."
"Yeah, we left off that Brent has been screaming for help forever. Yeah, he has been humming his pains and we've just been jamming, you know, like damn near suicidal [ __ ]."
"We don't treat trauma very well in our society."
"We've ignored things for decades and now we have this massive growth."
"Do I lose my family then? No one's doing a goddamn thing about it."
"We didn't learn any coping tactics... people said, 'Oh, get over it,' or 'There's nothing wrong with you,' so the cycle never got broken."
"We don't invest in mental health. We really don't. Yo, we walking around enjoying nuts, we burnt out."
"That's mental health. Like, we, we, you know, we don't really address that stuff, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's like it's been right in front of our faces, and maybe even we've seen it a little bit or it's been brought to our attention, but we've swept it under the rug."
"Mental health is a big issue we don't take seriously."
"It's easy to sort of throw it around but the reality is it doesn't matter what city you're in these days you cannot walk down a street without stepping over a body of a human being."
"This shows such insane levels of disregard for your average human being."
"The streets don't have a purpose and if you go through 20, 30 years like that on the streets, that's what you're going to be."
"People still feel so disconnected from their government... influenced heavily by those who can afford high paid lobbyists, the rich and the powerful... people are left behind as a result."
"Nobody wants to talk about the absence of societal investment in black boys."
"Mental health has been overlooked for too long, but there's more to be done."
"People like me would just be swept under that carpet."
"Nobody will talk about that because, you know, it's all right when football matters more than anything when they're promoting just a derby but when we're in the when we're being subjected to this mental torture no one's there."
"Nobody's even looking for my daughter anymore."
"American society has given up on educating children... it's one of the most shameful and cowardly things I have ever seen."
"Who's going to feed them? Who's going to take care of them? No institution will."
"Atmosphere is what lingers; it is the repeated inserts of Goksung’s peaceful landscape, a sign of an awfully neglectful outside world, and an excessively objective force of nature."
"We witnessed was traumatic for us but it was the trauma response of three girls who realized that the adults around them do not give a about them."
"Why don't we have the same devotion to mental health?"
"We don't pay enough attention to mental health."
"There's an awful lot of people are going to be left behind."
"This refusal to take this seriously... goes beyond... predates."
"They don't care about us. They never have, they never will."
"It's a global sell-out and I don't know what it was about that previous generation above us that says, 'Man forget that, I ain't worried about the kids.'"
"They fought for their country but they just, it's never nothing else worked out you know they feel kind of underappreciated."
"Psychiatric services increased dramatically for kids - those who can't cope are dispensable."
"And they seem to have lost their ability to at least give the appearance that they really care about the problems of these struggling populations."
"It really is so sad to think that a person can slip through the cracks like that and seemingly vanish altogether."
"I have struggled with life-ending thoughts... conversations aren't happening... mental illness."
"Men's issues like male suicide, education, and father-child relationships are often met with hostility or dismissed, creating a hostile climate for discussing these issues."
"Male suicide is a case of out of sight out of mind."
"The mental health of black men is not questioned often and many of us wonder why."
"Attention must be paid. He must not be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog."
"The Ministry of London is not altogether powerless to those who attend it, but it is utterly without point or force to the dense mass who lie outside the house of God. Disease, however, is a trumpet which must be heard."
"I served my nation and I was discarded. I was abandoned."
"It's not life in paradise if you move to the land that's are basically sick and dying through our own neglect."
"People don't give a second thought, do they? As long as everything's chugging along alright, they carry on with scant regard."
"There's obviously a lot of undiagnosed mental health problems in America because we generally leave people to deal with their own problems."
"I have a worry... they're just gonna leave the folks who are struggling."
"I think the worst crime that society's committed is ignoring the children born into these societies and not giving them the same rights to protection that every other child in this nation is given."
"You're nothing special to me, you're just a bag of trash the city overlooked."
"The blue-collar skill-trade men and women in this country have been forgotten."
"I think that mental health is so important, and it's often overlooked when it comes to your well-being."
"Society won't make any allowances for mental illness."
"We simply don't value oral communication."
"To be homeless is to be ignored when people walk past while still being in full view of everyone."
"It's a tough place to be as a teenager committing crimes because they don't care about you."