
Early Advantage Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The kids who had that early advantage are getting the additional advantage of an institutional boost."
"This spider is so strong for the early game - just place one down and you clear out toilets forever."
"This ship is sailing and we're all gonna make it, but the reality is, we're so early."
"These are easily the best Pals to get in the game early."
"A good education gives your child a head start in life."
"Monks are good. They deal a lot of damage very early on in the game."
"The knight's greatsword is the strongest early game greatsword that you can acquire without defeating a single boss."
"The banished night's greatsword is the king of early game greatswords and is worth farming if you want to be as strong as you possibly can early on."
"China has this really cool ability and it's really worth highlighting because you can get a lot of early gold fast."
"Fast learner helps out quite a bit, especially early game."
"It's important to get those coins in your bank early, everything is cheap at the start."
"Getting minutes for a super Club at such a young age gives Valverde a massive advantage in his development."
"Crafting the cards early and playing them early can feel so rewarding because you get moments like that that aren't going to happen once people know how all the new cards work."
"Having a flyer that can come out early really dissuades a lot of attacks coming at you."
"You could find yourself with four or five clans with 8,000 odd men very earlier in the game, 40,000 troops, and you're not paying for any of them."
"Early game bonuses are crucial for snowballing."
"Pre-market breakout: a viable opportunity for early birds."
"Um the referee won't be turning that over um people saying uh um they're here to watch Ahmad he's not done anything yet but um an early goal in the game like this is always a good thing isn't it always a good thing."
"He has huge impact on other lanes and can swing early game leads in his favor."
"This seed is so overpowered because by day five we're gonna have like every power-up on the island plus we can take advantage of early game prices."
"The blood dragon vampire lord healing cap which is a really nice kind of early pick there."
"Snap, destroy decks pack an absolute punch with early turn domination."
"Basically, you get as many stats as early as you can to make them useful."
"As soon as you have a bunch of things, if they're still at 40, you could do a lot of damage, but you might need too many swings. But if you start knocking them down in the early game, then things are gonna be good."
"Just play aggressive till 6; you win and he doesn't."
"Breakthrough is one of the most important stats in the early game or even just in general frankly."
"Bjergsen's advantage from level one continues to balloon."
"I think having good early game mechanics can just be the difference."
"It's trying to get out and swing early, get equipment onto its thing, and draw you the value early."
"Liverpool stealing the show early doors, racing into a two-goal lead."
"Literally can just buy two upgrades already on round three bro, it's called your skill!"
"Upgrade your scanner for a massive boost to early game money making."
"Build your settlement early for hidden quests and abilities."
"Those who get in early usually end up benefiting."
"It's just very good to be able to start your engine on the second turn."
"There's nothing stopping you riding over there early on and beating the game to get that extra burst of gliding speed."
"This is actually a huge deal. It doesn't seem like that big of a deal. I mean, obviously, one damage sucks for the minimum, but this makes the hero a lot better in the early stage."
"They have amazing scaling and almost all of their roles but the early firepower is landing true."
"The lucky ones who came early got a plate full but for many others this huge pot wasn't enough."
"Elemental overload is very, very powerful early on."
"All of these builds scale well from an early level."
"Nobody wants to let the number one get away early on."
"Establishing successful routing nodes while the barriers to entry are still high for others and gaining an early mover advantage that could pay off for years."
"Getting in early is just a beautiful thing."
"It's pressure bowls at its best, really throwing down the challenge early."