
IT Quotes

There are 366 quotes

"Machine learning topped the list of the most desirable skills in all of IT and information technology."
"Particularly as networks get larger being able to visualize them in this way is enormously powerful."
"Simple, remember the five things: LAN, NAT, DNS, route, way to get out."
"Distributed tracing helps pinpoint where failures occur."
"Context and propagation represent the engine behind distributed tracing."
"Getting into IT is like a cheat code in life."
"Virtualization technology support... run virtual machines... sandbox type environment."
"Information technology or IT: it's a win-win-win on all levels and I think it's one of the best career choices."
"If an IT business or any other business needs rapid elasticity, then cloud providers also have resources which are offered which are elastic."
"Career growth in IT can go all the way up to a vice president or further."
"Every VPC network functions as a distributed firewall, when firewall rules are defined at the network level, connections are allowed or denied on a per instance basis."
"The cloud represents what we call a shared responsibility model."
"It was just around the year 2000, and I was working in IT."
"Change management is more than just an IT purview."
"To reduce the number of help desk tickets submitted, implement a single sign-on with biometrics."
"To turn off your computer gracefully, select start, then the power icon, and then choose shut down."
"If there's only one person at your company that could fix the issue without managing to wipe the database the company has much bigger issues than the lack of a personal phone."
"The next generation of people coming into IT don't necessarily think about systems the way we do."
"You can only do sysprep on one machine, on one image, eight times."
"If somebody asks you about sysprep, first of all, this person knows what he's talking about."
"I hope you find this educational and helpful in your IT career."
"Once you earn both of those exams, you pass both the Core 1 and the Core 2, you are A+ certified, and that certification is good for three years."
"That's the heart and soul of i.t support work: what good is technology or information if people can't use technology or make sense of the information?"
"It helps people solve meaningful problems by using technology which is why you'll see its influences in education, medicine, journalism, construction, transportation, entertainment, or really any industry on the planet."
"By bringing more people of color, more women, more ethnically diverse people into the i.t field, we're bound to see unique new ideas and products that we haven't even begun to imagine."
"My favorite part of i.t support is the problem-solving aspect. I love to exercise my creativity to spin up a solution to a user's issue."
"IT service projects are supported by IT operations functions, design engineers, CSI staff, change management staff, problem managers, development teams, DevOps."
"Service level agreements promote the value of IT services."
"Managing services via ITSM means that we understand what our individual jobs and roles contribute to the business as a whole."
"Measuring services is extremely important because you cannot manage what you don't measure."
"The IT office is always pretty cool."
"Cloud Engineers ensure the cloud infrastructure operates efficiently and securely. Their daily tasks can vary depending on the size and the needs of their employer."
"Is there room for introverts in IT? I'm thinking about getting into Network admin or security monitoring but worried there might be a lot of social interactions."
"Taking Security Plus this Friday I have A Plus and Network Plus."
"This next question asks, 'Which of the following would provide data integrity for a drive image taken after a security incident?'"
"...the more you know about networking the stronger IT technologists you're going to be on the security side as well that's incredibly important."
"These are free, they are available on the CompTIA website."
"You have to know Linux if you want to be in IT."
"Don't mess with the IT guy for real."
"One for common questions: it wasn't my network."
"Scripting is great, it's amazing, it allows us as administrators a way to automate certain functions on the network if we want to."
"I think having passion is really important too right hopefully everybody that's watching this you love IT."
"Active Directory. That's the most powerful thing you already have."
"Group policy is not something that I would expect you to know at the entry level, that's just totally... no. No company 90% of the time will do that, right? They're not going to give you that kind of access because if you mess up some things, it's all over impact."
"You can restrict this NIC to different VLANs if you wanted to."
"So after joining the cluster, you can now see both of your Proxmox servers within the data center view."
"Knowing IP addressing and subnetting is like an acquired skill for everything in IT."
"But for this question that asks to best describe the time required to fix an issue during an outage, the answer is by far the MTTR."
"You have to be able to be pragmatic about it. That's one of the hardest things. I often say that we have to be good at working with people in IT. The computer part's easy."
"More than 95 percent of the time, everything will be done from Active Directory Users and Computers."
"When you're dealing with this much information that's dealing with networking and operating systems and hardware and security and Cloud Technologies and remote access and scripting and everything else, you need some way to consolidate all of that into one single document."
"You need to be well-versed in key concepts like storage, networking, virtualization, operating systems, security, disaster recovery, web services, and DevOps."
"Knowing your port numbers is an important part of IT."
"Once you start using these port numbers, they get locked in."
"...trust me these will be numbers that you use throughout your IT career."
"The number one tool that I used was Professor Messer's videos on YouTube."
"It's about solving problems. IT is just one puzzle after another."
"Everybody has to deal with security in the workplace no matter what you're doing in I.T. and having knowledge in security can only help you."
"If you wanted to allow Microsoft SQL Server, you make a rule that says allow SQL Server. You don't have to know a port number, you don't have to know a protocol, it's like magic."
"The technologies that I like working with as of right now are practicing the virtual labs with VMware Workstation 16, configuring servers, connecting them to the domain controllers, troubleshooting other PCs."
"It's a big topic on both your CCNA exam and your ENCORE that's the core exam for your CCNP Enterprise certification."
"Anyone who says you need to know all the stuff off the top of your head in IT to be successful is lying."
"Sysadmins: the silent heroes who keep the digital gears turning."
"In the world of IT, sysadmins are the magicians who turn technical challenges into operational triumphs."
"Sysadmins: the unsung champions of digital stability, keeping the wheels of progress turning."
"From servers to software, sysadmins are the ultimate problem-solvers in the world of IT."
"Showing empathy, using the right tone of voice, and dealing well with difficult situations--these skills are essential to all IT roles."
"Being responsible for keeping data available isn't easy, but it's a rewarding role in IT."
"The answer is going to be host is in subnet"
"Decentralized access control allows the IT Administration to be closer to the mission and operations of the organization."
"Sysadmins, the unsung heroes of an organization, constantly fighting to prevent IT disasters from happening."
"Think of system administrator as a tech generalist. They handle many different things to keep an organization up and running."
"Operating systems are absolutely essential in IT considering that without them none of this hardware we've discussed would be able to accomplish anything."
"In the IT field, you need to be constantly learning, you need to enjoy learning, and you always have to be challenging yourself."
"Self-learning is the most important skill that you can have in any career in the IT field."
"DHCP is a protocol that dynamically assigns IP addresses to the devices in the network."
"Remember, we always lose five IPs for every subnet."
"Cloud engineering is one of the most in-demand and high paying professions in the information technology space and will be for years to come."
"The one that really gives us exactly what we were looking for in a Consolidated View and provides us with details of our system is the IP Command."
"One of the things I've learned in IT is that you can't stop learning you've got to keep on improving your skills."
"The certification that really is the glue for everything we do in IT so if you're somebody who is working on your Network+, or you're interested in working on Network+, you're doing the right thing that's exactly where you should be keep doing what you're doing."
"Being uncomfortable in your chair and you will be exactly the right IT person."
"So what do we do? We use it all the time, because that's what we do in IT."
"It can save you a lot of problems it can solve a lot of accidents for you and make sure that nobody suffers any downtime just by enabling rapid spanning tree protocol on your switches it's really that easy."
"If you follow the road of being uncomfortable in IT, you will continue to get better jobs."
"There's no ceiling in I.T. How much do you want to make is directly proportional to how much time and effort you put into it."
"The world of I.T. is almost like an earthquake every day. The entire infrastructure under your feet is constantly in motion."
"If you're new into IT and you're still looking for that first help desk job, I really recommend you go look at what help desk jobs are posting out there for jobs and see what they're asking for."
"Network Plus and CCNA are in no way interchangeable with each other, and you should not treat them that way either."
"Powershell is the right answer and that is the file extension for Powershell."
"Changes to the production environment should be carefully managed and follow strict deployment procedures."
"Remember, if somebody comes to you and says it's the firewall, chances are high it's not the firewall."
"Everyone pays. Why? Because every IT department is pissed off everywhere."
"Established MP BGP between our three and our seven."
"Wouldn't it be nice to just execute one command, sit back, and watch it happen? Well, that's where ansible can give us some help."
"Ansible is a powerful automation tool. It can help automate any repeatable task."
"We've also set up a rule to block VLAN to VLAN traffic."
"Adding OSPF not because I want you, but because you asked for it and it's a great way to go."
"The purpose of this channel and these videos that we're creating lately is to help people at the CCNA level get that leg up they need to get the CCNA done, get the understanding, and then keep on their journey in the world of IT."
"Similar to top-down service mapping, we still need to make sure that we have our mid server active and validated."
"Creating VLANs in pfSense isn't as intimidating as it may seem."
"Handlers in Ansible run only if the tasks contain a 'notify' directive and indicate that something changed."
"An IT analyst role could be similar to help desk but it could also be someone who works in your company to create or influence certain IT systems. And this could also bring them closer to a systems analyst role."
"Selling IT products and services can be a highly rewarding career."
"Movies like The Goonies and It seemed to put into words everything that I had felt for my whole life."
"Accept traffic on Port 80 and forward that traffic to the application running on Local Host 3000"
"Network Plus is always a good one. I think it's one of those certifications that you use no matter what you do in IT. It touches everything we do."
"Being able to automate these functions is a core part of anything that we do in information technology."
"How do I run my applications securely?"
"Scripting and automation has been in IT for as long as it has been around."
"And these are commands that you could run if you're troubleshooting Outlook on someone's computer, and then you know, you don't have to recreate the whole profile, that's just too much work, right? Why would you do that? It doesn't make any sense."
"The number of borrowed bits are the bits that you add on to the default subnet mask."
"If you want to borrow bits and add those on to your default subnet mask you're going to create this many subnets the number of created subnets is 2 to the power of s where s is the number of borrowed bits."
"We just created eight subnets by borrowing three bits."
"Cybersecurity is one of the most lucrative careers in the IT world today."
"Configure disaster recovery covering databases, applications, and web tiers."
"There's a general overview of the most common IT infrastructure services you'll encounter when handling system administration tasks."
"Close all unnecessary and unused ports and services on systems and devices."
"Don't settle for subpar, boring training. This is what IT Pros want."
"Azure Active Directory domain services is an extension of your traditional Active Directory."
"Drift detection tells you that, hey let me go here click on this drift detection if there is some change then something or someone has messed it up so I have to go and fix it and in future I should not give them permissions."
"As a systems administrator or IT support specialist, you might also be a domain admin or enterprise admin because of the power that gives you to make changes in Active Directory."
"Replication failure is another reason that a GPO might fail to apply as expected."
"Utilize native tools and sysinternals to forward event logs."
"Incident management is used to manage or overcome issues faced by users."
"It is really nice to have these systems."
"ITOM automates operations management within organizations."
"Discovery finds applications and devices on the network."
"Event management creates actionable incidents from captured events."
"Service mapping discovers all business services in the organization."
"The minimum viable practice technique will allow your organization to optimize its investment into ITSM, whether that be documentation, tooling, training, and so on."
"Carrie needs to limit the amount of broadcast traffic on a network and allow different segments to communicate with each other. I already know what I'm thinking. Add a bridge between two switches."
"You'll never know everything in IT, but constant learning is crucial."
"When I say 'leader,' I don't just mean the CIO. I mean every role in IT or the company. Everyone is a leader and it all starts with the tone at the top."
"Networking touches everything, it doesn't matter what you're going to be doing in IT, you're going to be touching a network."
"ARP resolves IP addresses to MAC addresses."
"You should always have some level of 'I don't know' in I.T. There should always be cases where somebody can ask you a question and you think, 'Wow, that's a good question. I'm not sure, let's go find out.'"
"The role of the architect in a modern or large IT enterprise completely changes."
"If you're experimenting, if your new business models come out of IT, then IT becomes a differentiator."
"Turn it off and turn it on again."
"In reality, pods are mixed and matched, so if you want to restrict traffic from one part of this node to another part of this node, then the EC2 security group is not gonna do it."
"She leaned in to kiss him. It was Christopher, the IT guy who'd helped them escape the CDC."
"The data model is really about the CMDB. It's the whole model of that service all those different pieces of the service working in concert to deliver value back to the business."
"...I've always had a passion not just for IT but also for helping people learn and helping make the world a more secure place."
"A CMDB is a series of database tables and fields that contain all of the components, hardware, and software that need to be managed by your company in order to deliver services, as well as their attributes and relationships."
"Understand that you need to know how to change your password, how to unlock an account, how to add someone to a group, how to remove someone from a group..."
"...because a security group is for security things like shared drive permissioning, giving access to a folder, giving access to VPN, giving access to a certain website like Citrix..."
"IT is not about locking people out either. You want to be secure but you also want to keep that flexibility for your user."
"So if I do gpupdate /force if I do this look at this what does it say it says updating group policy."
"The server that's hanging off of FA0/5 needs to be in VLAN 777."
"It's simple when you have one office. If you have a dozen offices you then have to build a dozen VPNs with routing protocols."
"When you try to impress or sell yourself, it's touching the sweet spots for an IT person."
"Web developers and so many other IT-related fields... you do not need experience."
"Before I start looking at how to install and use the ADMT tool, I will first look at some concepts and terminologies that you should be aware of before you start moving objects around Active Directory."
"The next concept I want to look at is Sid History."
"This essentially means that the security token can be used to access resources in that domain and any resources in the old domain."
"If you are going to use this option, ensure the version of ADMT that you install supports the version of Password Export Server that has been installed on that Domain Controller."
"For example, if the users are being moved from one office to another, you may decide not to migrate information about the location of the user such as their office and company address, since this will now be incorrect."
"On large networks there is a good chance that two users will have the same user name."
"Ansible abstracts complexities away from the end user."
"Go after the Cisco CCNA, and this is obviously, obviously if and only if you are new in IT, yes, go through the content of the Network Plus, go through the topics, get the big picture about networking, but then right away get into the Cisco CCNA."
"Ansible playbooks are intended to be idempotent."
"IT sales: selling IT products and services can be a highly rewarding career."
"Technical writers create documentation, manuals, and guides to make tech understandable to everyone."
"IT trainers educate others on how to use various software systems or applications effectively."
"Have you tried turning it off and on again? It's kind of turned into a joke but it often solves the problem more often than not."
"Being a good IT technician goes beyond your ability to troubleshoot problems and your expertise."
"I think a lot of us in IT just love to solve problems and I think ultimately if you were to step back from almost any IT position, certainly an entry-level position, it's all about solving problems, it's all about having a puzzle that needs to be figured out."
"Most companies use Active Directory. If you've ever worked with a set of credentials, it was likely Active Directory."
"You can think of Kerberos as a key authentication service with Active Directory."
"Instead of giving them each and every IP addresses, you can simply change this behavior by creating a service on top of the deployment."
"For IT, we've invested in the different views and badging and filtering so they can judge which application fits which role."
"RAID is not a backup. It should never replace a good backup strategy."
"Fantastic, now our new server is being created."
"These MSPs need to run as administrator, but by default, they don't."
"Let's confirm our route reflectors are configured."
"First of all, informatics and IT is a wide-ranging discipline. It is applied in everything from space technology to delivering boxes by UPS."
"CISA is a highly sought-after certification for IT audit, IT security, and control professionals."
"Deploy the staged configuration from the candidate by committing the changes."
"Rollback reverts the running configuration back to a file that was saved prior to the previous commit."
"I've seen quite a lot of reasons why that can fail, a lot of the times it's due to SIDS being assigned to delivery groups, published apps, published desktops."
"That's how you use health checks."
"Learning about IT and software development should be fun."
"Release management: to make new and changed services and features available for use."
"Your whole job here is securing this data, no matter what the workload is, and no matter what your requirements are."
"...if you do not find a DMAP that matches the product that you purchased then you would probably want to raise a support request with the SAM content team..."
"Most importantly, in such a deployment, for example, the 'blue' could currently be serving real traffic to real clients, and we might have another one, the 'green', on standby, or vice versa."
"So, if we discover a bug during the rollout of the new version, this approach helps us minimize the affected users."
"Splitting your database is more secure."
"Move data from one place to another."
"Handles which stream gets transfer data."
"This is really useful because you can take a load of the copying."
"...when you want to know when you will have data access, this is really good because it's deterministic."
"Information security analysts monitor their organization's networks for security breaches and investigate when it occurs."
"A cloud engineer is an IT professional that builds and maintains cloud infrastructures like iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, and so much more."
"Security policies are pushed down to computers in what's called a GPO, or a group policy object."
"I triple A is the identity, the authentication, the authorization, and the accountability."
"Stability, consistency, maintainability - these are the pillars that hold up our decision to migrate."
"After the A+, got my first IT job, then just passed my Network+ and I'm getting to shadow the network guys at my job."
"The best thing you can do, if you want to be in the server team, the data center team, the networking team, the security team, go talk to them."