
Infants Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"I would massively support infants and children and the people who take care of them."
"Oh no, oh no, wait. Infants can be a real handful, especially for new parents."
"Oh no, they're all screaming, they're all awake!"
"Berberine may cause or worsen jaundice in newborn infants and could lead to a life-threatening problem called kernicterus, a type of brain damage. Do not use this medicine in children unless recommended by your pediatrician."
"Infants have a better sense of object permanency than he does."
"Thank you so much for watching today's video. I hope you're able to pick up some fun tips and tricks on how to pack for an infant."
"Babies can't talk but that doesn't mean they can't communicate and that doesn't mean that we can't communicate with them."
"But the main reason you want to change this towel out is with them being brand new babies you want to keep it as clean as possible."
"That stuff eases them so easily and also takes away their hiccups super quickly."
"Overruling grace redeems murdered infants."
"Cry scale is one of several pain rating scales that can be used with infants who obviously cannot self-report pain."
"Babies have an instant love appeal. You know, nature builds that in so that you want to have another baby."
"Jack-Jack's powers though, dude, like Edna said, that it's not necessarily unusual for a baby superhero to have a bunch of powers, but Jack-Jack had a lot."
"Psychologists are unbelievably brilliant about how they can figure out when an infant knows and doesn't know."
"Even very young infants look selectively at novel objects."
"Infants almost from birth seem to love to control, or provoke, their environment."
"In the first three or four months, infants explore the world a lot by their mouths."
"Cruising with infants and toddlers is to just take it easy and go with their flow."
"The key take-home message about SIDS is that the child is supposed to sleep on their back."
"The key point for SIDS is sleeping position... have the child sleep on their back."
"The first 6 to 9 months is crazy because they got to feed like every 2 to 3 hours."
"RSV is actually the most common cause of bronchiolitis in infants."
"Remember their ABCs of safe sleep: A is for Alone, B is for on his Back, and C is for in a Crib."
"I'm actually pretty excited about the infants."
"This is where I step in; I'm doing this on behalf of all babies."
"By the end of this message, one more premature baby will be protected."
"If they are given probiotics right around the time of birth and for the first two years, their infants have lower rates of atopic conditions as they age."
"You all know how wonderful carnation is for babies."
"It's not recommended to jog with an infant until they are at least 6 months old."
"Babies need a good amount of iron from about six months of age."
"If you ever have children, pick them up, hold them, be attentive to them. You cannot spoil an infant."
"Infants start to learn that some things which don't look the same or sound the same or smell the same actually have the same function."
"The CDC study claims that the 'Safe to Sleep' campaign helped to reduce sudden infant death syndrome by 50% since 1994."
"Babies like to look at faces from the moment that they're born."
"These are great for babies that don't like to have their arms down and be swaddled."
"Interactional synchrony is where infants and caregivers perform actions at the same time."
"We have stuff for babies in here and then breathing equipment as well."
"The back to sleep program corresponded with a significant drop in SIDS cases."
"Breastfeeding reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome."
"Always place the baby on the back for sleeping."
"Does white noise help babies sleep?"
"Babies usually breathe in and out through their noses so they can feed without choking."
"Babies can sense it when someone loves and cares for them dearly."
"Infants are biologically pre-programmed to form attachments; it's an innate survival need."
"Infants under the age of three months still have mom's antibodies."
"No one can argue with the proposition that babies in neonatal units must be kept safe and well cared for."
"Infants need about 16 to 20 hours a day of sleep."
"It's just the perfect clean kind of baby scent."
"Never give an infant honey as it will create botulinum toxins."
"We'll donate it to a cause that helps babies in need."
"Babies younger than one should not be given honey."
"Pastel colors became a fad for babies."
"These are my treasures for tots, so these are my top picks of gifts for infants and toddlers."
"Babies just want to be loved and cared for."