
Technical Challenge Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"That one innocuous bug turned out to drag me through 10 months of reverse engineering, micro soldering, laying out circuit boards, and talking to people."
"If the theme calls for a bit of technical skill you may not possess, do your best to make it happen."
"You mentioned the reusable pads, Thomas, because yeah, cause 39a and 40 have a lot of important missions coming up back to back with one another."
"Reverse engineering is like if somebody comes to you with a product that already exists... I want you to make this exactly like this."
"In compositing, one of the greatest challenges is getting both images to have the same color theme or the same color temperature."
"It's super technical challenge of the circuit if you're on fuel."
"This video is less about how you yourself can build a cycal drive and more about an overconfident nerd spending over 200 hours charging head first at an extremely complex and multifaceted exercise in technical design and execution."
"It's gonna be rocket science, guys. It's gonna be really tough."
"This is how you put a 20b into an FD RX7. It is worth all of the pain but all of the benefit is just so obvious."
"Kelly tap dances with the cartoon mouse Jerry. The sequence required the utmost care to pull off; animators had to painstakingly use rotoscoping to match the mouse's movements with Kelly's frame by frame."
"It feels a bit like a game, like a challenge because it's not always easy to reach your desired goal. It takes a lot of tweaking, some creativity, and some imagination to try to guide the AI in the right direction."
"That's tough and that's why you need a very special nozzle application in order to be able to achieve that."
"I picked it because it was the most complex one with the most intricate things involved."
"Utilizing that airspace, the technical challenge is building an autonomy and ensuring it's safe."
"If you ask me, it is going to take everything Keith has in his bag of tricks to make a performance engine out of what has always been known as Chevrolet's boring base motor."
"Self-driving is one of the hardest technical problems that exists."
"Wow, that's pretty dumb for a livestream if your connection can take it."
"It's easy to make something loud, but it's difficult to make something loud but still have clarity."
"Easy does it. Slowly, slowly. We need to get it up in the air and spin it round."
"It's technically a little bit challenging but it's also incredibly relaxing."
"Manually configuring a kernel is often seen as the most difficult procedure a Linux user ever has to perform. Nothing is less true."
"Wow who'da thunk it turned out great if not better you guys act like my career's not at stake when I make these."
"Having programmed for 15 years, I can tell you that feeling pretty much summarizes programming very well: it can become quite addicting to chase, but an addiction in the best way possible."
"Performing this migration for hundreds of millions of customers without disruption is exceptionally challenging."
"My biggest complaint is always the links are too short which makes it hard to cable manage the links on this guy that's really long."
"The estimated cost of fixing the Y2K bug goes from some people say 300 billion dollars."
"I like seeing developers try to port challenging content to less powerful machines, I think that's genuinely pretty interesting."
"I still came up short this harness has these pressure sensors."
"The idea behind reverse engineering code: 'We can exploit it or modify it or copy it probably in a way that the original author wouldn't like.'"
"Cyberpunk is a very, very CPU intensive game."
"The locksmiths watching, is this something where you can actually replicate or modify a stock part to fit?"
"The final answer is the price, so eliminate my own mihika bowel access of parameters and challenge thus Nikita."
"I ordered a bunch of things that I'm going to try to piece together, I've never built a pumper truck before."
"Overall this is a pretty fun experience of pushing the game to its technical limits to overcome a seemingly impossible challenge."
"It's gonna take a lot more than just a simple Etho Hopper clock to make this work."
"Building a gaming PC can be a challenge... you need to know what parts to choose and how to make sure that they work together..."
"Remember that really weird Superman mustache they had to pay thousands of dollars to remove?"
"The event itself wasn't really like an event, it was just like a gathering place."
"Now the hardest thing to do a log is basically exposing for when you're shooting it if you screw up the exposures your man that image is gonna have a lot of grain."
"Vanishing gradients bias our network to capture short term dependencies, hindering long term connections."
"So it this is, I could just tell you, by how much this quarter panel wraps and comes over different pieces and stuff it's going to be the hardest quarter panel job we've ever done."
"It shows off the massive potential for Vicarious Visions and crash if they can design and pull off a very difficult 3d platforming level this well utilizing all the power-ups."
"Still will be crosstalk, why? Because the distance between these tracks is the core thickness."
"So, what makes them worth putting up with all the voltage quirks I just mentioned? That reason is the filters."
"This design feature was very difficult to do but Alan pulled it off."
"This will be technically difficult, this will require an implementation challenge, but it is necessary."
"1500 LEDs is doable, but it's certainly a problem."
"There are some books which are really technically challenging, and that was probably the most technically challenging book I've done, but one of the most rewarding as well."
"Not only is your single node database hard, but they're even also harder if you make them distributed."
"It's technically difficult to pull off."
"There's a lot of work trying to emulate these artifacts."
"If it's your very first glitch, this might seem super overwhelming; they're not, and they're actually kind of a lot of fun to make."
"Handling all the transformations that are involved in getting a 2D image to appear 3D is quite complex."
"I'm really pleased that that's the fault because now I've got a chance of fixing it."
"The central technical challenge that we need to solve is, can we decentralize the system?"
"It's extraordinarily difficult to film in the dark and make it look that beautiful."
"We're already at 11 million polygons, which is very difficult for slower computers."
"Proof of work allows Bitcoin mining. Miners compete with each other to solve a very difficult technical puzzle, and when that puzzle is solved, Bitcoins are created as a reward."
"The challenge for this project was to find z80 based systems that were similar enough in architecture to make a combination system."