
Significant Impact Quotes

There are 446 quotes

"Small improvements can add up to a very significant change in a relatively short period of time."
"I think what's incredible about the evacuation is that it was the regular people, the ordinary people who came in and changed the course of history."
"You guys are meant to do something very big in this lifetime."
"This is a step function change, it's an enormous change."
"They've got to have a big weekend, a lot of eyes are on them."
"A religious connotation you know when Dr. Hynek interviewed Officer Zamora, bloody Zamora did not want to speak to Dr. Hynek until he had gone to church to confession and spoken to the priest about what he had seen because he was troubled."
"This is actually bigger than Tucker Carlson being fired."
"Unleashing resilience at the tender age of 14, Courtney Hadwin didn't just perform on America's Got Talent, she left a lasting impression."
"The biggest regulation change for probably 30 to 40 years in Formula One."
"The connections and cooperation between Scripps and Jim have been significant."
"They felt it was a big enough deal to risk it all."
"It's not about being entitled, it's about not wanting to be exploited."
"The Elon Musk purchase of Twitter cannot be overstated."
"I think he set his mark on combat sports in general."
"Huge love for Jacob... he had an immediate effect."
"The name carries arguably more weight than any other in the sport ever could."
"This is a huge deal and really I think a transformative moment for the police."
"By 2019 it was pretty obvious that it was adopted by the industry."
"We went through some very intense formative years together and so for me, that's really foundational into our relationship now, yeah."
"These new measures have a big effect. This is not a series of small interventions."
"This is going to be a complete Game Changer."
"So, a stunning victory for Joe Biden in almost every sense of the word."
"The amount of change we're going to see... will dwarf everything." - Mark Cuban
"One of the most meaningful innovations that we will see in our lifetime."
"The tides turning and if you've got someone who's going to be as big with the financial clout of Lord Sugar."
"The Battle of Bachman may be the biggest battle of this war by far, but perhaps the biggest battle altogether that we've experienced this century."
"It was significant in taking people with bad motives off the street."
"If two point four percent of the population went vegan for one week, we would save enough emissions to go to Pluto and back."
"I view him as the most important person I've ever met in my life."
"The impact of his work in safeguarding across the sport is immeasurable."
"The zebra saves people an average of $922 a year on home and auto combined. It's a lot of money, it's an extra g."
"An increase of 2 percent in just four months - that's a really big deal."
"Somebody who is inspiring you and somebody who is going to inspire you is going to play an absolutely mind-blowing role."
"Big or small, the idea of bringing back Michael Keaton to play Batman is enormous."
"It's gonna knock your socks off, that's fire energy all day long, and it's gonna be huge."
"This is gonna be a much bigger deal than we thought."
"Alien disclosure: this is smack dab in the middle of the whole shooting match."
"The technological disparity between the US and China is significant and undeniable."
"Experts are calling these measures 'the most consequential housing plan in more than 50 years.'"
"The cicada population this year is supposed to be extremely robust... it's gonna feel like a plague on the East Coast."
"One thing that I found that has exponentially and drastically and hugely changed my trading is being able to understand the market's behavior not just with structure but also in singular candles."
"This is hugely significant and it's a big big win for the Ukrainians."
"Bitcoin is one of the most important inventions of all time, in the same category as the invention of the wheel, penicillin, literal fire."
"The current situation we have right now is radical."
"We want off of the ride endgame ended a decade of storytelling and it was a massive moment."
"I think Bruno is the most significant signing for Manchester United in helping Pogba."
"That's the one thing I take from the India thing is that, you know, 250 million people can band together and demand change."
"She wasn't born to be Queen, but she died as one of the most quietly influential monarchs this country has ever known."
"We are in the end game. How long the end game is nobody knows but we've never been this significant."
"He's done so much in such a short space of time."
"Thank you for making it happen. It means so much."
"This whole situation is a lot bigger... than I think anybody who's kind of followed the situation is well aware of."
"This was a game-changing session for them, in three LD5s."
"The Fallout is going to get big, it's going to get ugly."
"This is the biggest change that we've had at Manchester United since Fergie retired."
"I reckon the ESF is worth trillions if not tens of trillions of dollars in today's dollars."
"It's not an exaggeration to say that this album left a permanent mark on the world."
"The potential for this is I don't think people understand it. Like Battery Day was cool, everyone's hot on Battery Day. No, no, no, this is like so much bigger."
"This is a real [__] forever changing moment of music forever."
"It's going to be a very big deal. As far as V Friends, I think what I did differently was the things I did the 15 years leading up to the launch."
"I think this is something that could literally change someone's life."
"Gmod 13: the monumental update that changed everything."
"Path of Fire is the big content drop... since 2012."
"Everybody loves friends... companions like Nyoka here will play a huge role..."
"He was one of the most prominent wrestlers in the Monday Night Wars."
"Huge decision will be made, this week is going to be huge for the couples."
"It's going to be a very big change when it comes to the certain resolution of the problem."
"Getting that in a foot drop is literally a game changer, you know."
"The Tide is turning and it's turning massively."
"Varane would be the most impressive deal United could do this summer."
"Every leader who does something significant for God has a Gethsemane experience."
"This is definitely going to change the fabric of society."
"You have an entire German army almost surrounded. And if you can cut it off and destroy it, you've basically won the war."
"It's a pretty resounding big victory today for the justice department."
"That was very, very good. Magic mushroom was huge, twenty twenty was huge, number one with infinite range is huge."
"Peter the Great was, perhaps, the most important ruler in Russian history."
"For this list, we're looking at guest hosts who have left the most significant marks on Saturday Night Live since the year 2000."
"Which will still be a huge win for anybody that is on the federal minimum wage seven dollars and 25 cents."
"I feel like it was definitely the game changer."
"All it takes is one little tweak and instantly it goes from feeling benign to being potentially deadly."
"This is a spectacular deal for the American economy."
"This is a really big deal... but it really was the leadership shown by President Vucic, Prime Minister of Kosovo."
"This is not improving someone's life by three months or modifying some sort of signal by 10 or 15, no, this is correcting the disease."
"Not many players can go to Anfield and have that effect when you're playing away. It's really impressive."
"The consequences, the ramifications of this, much bigger than Dominion."
"This is a huge big [ __ ] deal and I am just really excited about it."
"The history of the Medina sierra is almost 80 to 90 percent a history of military battles."
"There's a spirit in this country like few have seen, and I think you can say we've helped a lot of the country's a lot really a lot."
"These numbers are staggering. It's large. And I don't think we're done. I think we're just getting started."
"It just doesn't get any bigger than this, not only in terms of a deal but really in terms of what it represents."
"These mistakes have lost teams games, may have cost a team a World Series, caused actual riots, gotten games canceled, and have even led to people being arrested."
"This is life-changing, you guys, it's gonna be a big deal."
"Rick Prime's influence on the events of the entire series cannot be understated."
"Oppenheimer was many things in life... the destroyer of worlds."
"But as a stepping stone to then do something bigger and more significant I think it's fine."
"This bill would be the most significant legislation in history to tackle the climate crisis."
"It was honestly a big part of my life around this time."
"The strategic importance of this program cannot be understated; it is going to be a big deal."
"The final 500-page report... is going to be a road map for history."
"How is Loki going to rewrite the MCU timeline in ways that Endgame stops short of?"
"Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time brought the series back in a big way."
"This long-running fraud was intentional, egregious, illegal, and he did it all with the help of the other defendants." - Letitia James
"The Liberation of Twitter is the most powerful and important work going on right now in the digital space."
"Something as little as changing your posture can have such a big impact."
"It's just been wonderful to work on this show because like it's the best sandbox that I've ever gotten to play in."
"It's going down in the history books right now, but I'm just saying, I'm calling it." - "Amazing turnout, amazing event."
"Jamar Chase's Talent was so good that it took the Cincinnati Bengals to a Super Bowl in his rookie year."
"You're educating people and you just said something, you said autonomy will add an additional 26 trillion to GDP in 10 years. This is a big deal."
"In 1928, a man destined to stand as tall as any Titan was about to re-enter public life."
"Charles Martel's dramatic and unlikely victory at Tours dashed all hopes the Umayyads had."
"The biggest flex I've seen maybe ever in my life was this."
"The lasting effects would be massive, no doubt."
"There's not going to be more important bill that deals with democracy in our lifetime."
"This bill is...bigger and better than 99.9% of things that Obama did," - Kyle Kulinski.
"Stanley lived an amazing life and he has one hell of an amazing story."
"Well for a less than two billion dollar company that is backed holdings to partner with a 356 billion dollar company mastercard this is a really big deal."
"We're looking at one of the biggest stories in healthcare, a category killer, during the next five to ten years."
"The reality is that if you're going to do anything that's worthwhile, you're likely going to have to be somebody who is controversial, who challenges the orthodoxy."
"This is gonna be a very big thing for the future of gaming."
"This strike could be possibly one of the biggest strikes that the gig economy sector has seen."
"Enough is enough. We have a turning tide in America; this will make a huge difference."
"We're talking about Big Time impacts here for the West Coast of Florida."
"It's real, tangible, palpable. You can feel it."
"Thanos, baby! Of course, we gotta have Thanos. Endgame was a masterpiece."
"This is a moment in history that will be remembered forever for all time."
"Most people have really not walked the walk. This guy de-radicalizing 200 klansmen has probably done more to fight actual white supremacy than anyone in the country."
"His life has changed forever now. Ain't nothing that you just gloss over."
"That's going to go down as one of the most egregious misconduct cases in history."
"People succeed. I don't... it's not about, you know, anything else. I want people to actually kick some ass. It is, uh, it's a big deal." - Mitch
"John Gotti became a Gambino family associate around 1970. He impressed the boss in 1973 by killing a man who had kidnapped and murdered a relative of Carlos Gambino."
"Update 1.10 is probably the biggest of this year."
"The fall of Saigon marked the end of the Vietnam War."
"That's huge, like not bad for a couple of words."
"The launch of online definitely was significant."
"The first Iron Man movie felt like such a big deal because it was so different."
"This is a very significant update that is coming and important for end game players."
"This update is likely going to be one of the biggest in Last Day on Earth history."
"Lori Ann Talens and her husband constructed what may be one of the biggest counterfeit coupon schemes in history."
"Bitcoin monthly returns: if you missed the best 80 days of the past 13 years, you missed out on 90% of gains."
"With one strike of the ball, Justin delivered a new era."
"This is a statement, everybody. This is a massive statement."
"From incredibly humble beginnings... to become one of the most influential organizations in history."
"You can most certainly expect a rather powerful change."
"Get Pakistan out of this Quagmire is going to be probably the most phenomenal thing that anyone could ever do."
"The tech sector is absolutely going to play a major role in its country's Redevelopment."
"The Ukrainian Army has completely changed the balance of the war."
"This update is definitely one of the biggest I have ever seen."
"Remember that a small spell in the right place can make all the difference in the world."
"Many authors set out to write a first draft of history—especially journalists. With 'A Very Stable Genius,' Phil and Carole have succeeded in doing just that."
"It's one of those things where it's such a small change but it actually makes such a huge difference."
"Bar's appointment by Manchester United is described as a GameChanger from United's perspective."
"President Trump's words, as you'll see on January 6th in that speech just like the mob's actions were carefully chosen, those words had a very specific meaning to that crowd."
"It's a powerful revolutionary new moon that's going to set you off on a very life-changing experience."
"In that sense, this is a do-over for the team that created the Tesla Model S, the most significant car of the last, oh I don’t know, ten decades?"
"One decision can change your life forever. Now imagine having those decisions come from somebody other than yourself."
"We are living through a moment in history that's as consequential as anything that happened after World War II."
"The ballistic missile text message false alarm was easily one of the biggest what the [ __ ] moments of 2018."
"If you experience a loss of career, a loss of life, a loss of liberties, you're going to remember it..."
"This fight will happen, I think it'll be the biggest event of 2020."
"Even the slightest difference... can make a massive difference to your group size."
"What he did today really moved the needle... it's no small feat."
"This is gonna be mind-blowing because the very much so the last two days of november are also going to highlight this very important potential which is about to slowly start changing your life and i cannot explain how important this is."
"This is a moment of real political consequence in Canada."
"Manchester United fans held a protest against the Glazers today and they have stopped the biggest game in English football."
"There's a lot of work went into this, it's genuinely transformative."
"This has just been an eye-opening experience."
"That changes the game, man. It changes the game, changes everything."
"The Black Death, aka The Plague, was responsible for some of the most horrific bodycounts in all of history."
"If no one was deficient in zinc, melatonin, vitamin D, and everyone exercised and moved more, that would make a material difference, wouldn't it?"
"There are a billion and a half reasons why you should be very optimistic about the future."
"The Ukrainians have probably lost more men in combat in one year than the United States lost to both the Pacific and European theaters for the entire Second World War. This is huge."
"Samsung Galaxy S23: Small Updates, Big Impact."
"People care about this a lot, it's a massive thing."
"Sometimes a little detail from the past pops up and puts things in perspective."
"I can guarantee you zero coverage of this will occur in the mainstream finance media next week despite the fact that it is enormously important news and literally worth trillions of dollars over the long term."
"Bloodlines is easily one of the ones I've spent the most time playing and it's also in my personal top ten."
"In one and a half days, AMC Theaters was able to wipe out all of their losses from 2020. That's huge."
"It's remarkable what a difference this makes and what a role it plays."
"Australia's lead on the Paris Peace Accords and that intact was very significant."
"It's the biggest sporting event in the world."
"To be at the forefront of what could be the most important invention since the internet..."
"This directly impacts the lives of so many people. This literally saves lives."
"This is such a huge deal for women's rights."
"As a pure matter of law, this is in fact a merely procedural decision, yet it is going to be one of the most substantive decisions in a long time."
"I just want you to know that that is the most heartwarming thing that I have ever heard in my entire life and it is truly what has gotten me through the first 21 days of vlogmas."
"Starting September 2020, what this is going to do for you is...with creative partnerships or with a creative project that's close to your heart."
"There is a huge transformation going on now."
"The revival mechanic... is very big game changing."
"They ain't gonna go away, this person is gonna change your whole entire life."
"This was a huge explosion, and the rumors are that what the Russians destroyed was a major ammunition dump."
"There's no turning back once Justin opens up that Poppy case."
"In the midst of this energetic whirlwind, it's crucial to maintain a sense of clarity and discernment, especially when it comes to making significant decisions that can have long-lasting consequences."
"Having that ability is a big, big thing. It makes a huge difference."
"A real pain is going to make a big impact on the NDC scene and in the Indie Awards race."
"We're staring down the barrel of a blue tsunami."
"This is big and it's going to be a lot of upward pressure."
"The average Texas homeowner who lives in their home could see a 42% cut in their annual property taxes."
"Elon being out of the picture completely... changes the trajectory of Tesla."
"15 million people died, we haven't done a thing about it, nobody seems to care."