
Awareness Raising Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"I will continue to raise awareness of UAP as an urgent matter of Aerospace safety, National Security, and science."
"The point of this video is to raise awareness and to help ensure that you have absolutely no delusions about what it's going to take to survive a long-term grid down situation."
"Raising awareness is 50% of that battle of change."
"The danger is clear and today the awakening is happening. Today the free world must respond."
"If you're bringing light to this very real issue, I don't care how crazy you are."
"We are desperate for spreading awareness." - Greta Thunberg
"If it sounds racist it's probably because it is."
"I want to raise awareness. I want you to be an explorer so if I can get you to raise your awareness... it leads to discovery."
"We've been lied to, friends, and I think it's very important that we expose the truth."
"It is incumbent upon everyone to use the platform they have to raise the alarm."
"Make sure your friends and family truly understand how dangerous Donald Trump is."
"Good for her for pivoting, turning this into a positive thing with raising awareness regarding these frontline workers."
"If the goal of a piece of art or commerce is to get people to understand a specific issue, that's a different thing."
"I just want people to realize how silly the situation is."
"Using our platform as a way of raising money for charities and raising awareness of good causes."
"We all may not have the ability to arrest someone or do DNA testing, but the one thing that we can do is share this and raise awareness."
"Anyone with a voice can speak. It's so powerful that you can start talking about and putting eyes on things that otherwise no one would know really existed."
"It's designed to bring awareness to Cool Tools that you probably would have never seen otherwise."
"It's more than just raising money; it's about raising awareness."
"Thomas bravely shared his story publicly to raise awareness."
"Our goal is to have that be something that raises consciousness and of an understanding so we reach that 1%."
"Number one, I mean I love ICP, but also, oh my gosh, this is a huge band, a huge platform that brings so much more awareness."
"If her death prevents the next young girl from saying you know what nah I'll pass something don't feel right."
"Acknowledging these issues is the first step toward dismantling the structure perpetuating injustice."
"He's running on trying to end the corruption... and that's a very important thing to raise awareness about."
"My responsibility is to promote social awareness, stimulate your consciousness, help you elevate, and understand the imminent threats and dangers that surround you so you can know how to evade those dangers."
"Even if a couple people see this piece and begin looking into the issue and they wake up right then there was value in doing it."
"His death sparked an inquest into the abuses endured by these victims of the residential schools."
"It's just so important to talk about it and since I do have this platform, I felt it was my duty to really just talk about this with you guys and just put some things into your awareness."
"The more people know that you're here to do things like this for more animals, the better."
"The intention was not to steal, only to highlight the woeful security."
"Men can be victims and they should not be erased from the conversation."
"We're about to head in and investigate... to try help raise awareness that this building exists in the first place."
"If doing little videos about it helps make it, you know, shove it in your face."
"Nevertheless, it is worthwhile, also, from time to time shaking off the anesthetic of familiarity, and awakening to the wonder that is really all around us all the time."
"Start spot fires of awareness everywhere around you."
"This video might leave you worrying about your privacy online."
"I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm just trying to raise awareness."
"You know, in some ways, for some of you, this might be new that you're hearing this."
"Wow they're they're definitely using their platform for the betterment of the good and they're definitely raising awareness towards touchy subjects controversial subjects that the fans would love to see where they stand and their support."
"We want this information to come out to other humans, it is time for more people to know about us."
"There is no other group that has experienced the most inhumane treatment for as long as we have that's number one."
"The amazing strength and massive platforms that you both have will surely bring major light to a very dark reality."
"In recent years, there has been growing awareness and efforts within Masai communities and by international organizations to end this brutal practice."
"The impact of your work... is that more and more people see the actual reality."
"The YouTube community actually made a real difference in bringing attention to this situation."
"I encourage all of you to exercise the barest minimum of social awareness if at all possible."
"It's hilarious that the woman thinks you're an a-hole because you made her aware of the horrifying actions of an actual a-hole."
"Y'all need to be aware that this is happening, it's real, and it's not uncommon."
"We also need to constantly educate people on what has happened and the impact."
"Our goal has always been based off of education and conservation awareness."
"My passion is to help people understand what this really is and to not get lured into this dangerous organization."
"There's huge slavery operations that have been going on that the public, the people of Earth, are not fully aware of."
"We're living in a world where the best way to warn about the dangers of social media is social media."
"Not only is he actually curing a thousand people of blindness for the video, but he's sparting awareness of this organization."
"Pedophilia is in our government, it's in Hollywood." - Shedding light on hidden societal issues.
"All Mia and the rest of Mary's family want is for people to know what happened to her, to demand Justice for her, and to make sure that nothing like this can ever happen again."
"He's playing chess, trying to wake people up."
"If you know that there is some sort of trafficking going on, you should probably, you know."
"It's high time they clue everybody else in on what other potential threats are out there that could lead to the destruction of the entirety of humanity."
"These people have their power because we're not speaking about it... shining our light on the darkest parts."
"I wish we could put it in front of everyone and make them see it and make them realize where this sort of action comes from."
"Raising awareness, but still shallow in information."
"Help share this with people because a lot of people just are not aware."
"The great imperative of our time: waking the masses to the climate engineering onslaught."
"This is happening, guys... on a global scale... would help people understand that we're living in the last days."
"We've received unprecedented support from many in the broader American community who said, 'We didn't know about this, thank you so much for educating us.'" - Sameer Khal, Hindu American Foundation.
"The way that women are treated is horrific, really."
"Everything that you and your family have done to bring more awareness to Maya's case is just very admirable."
"I've received so many messages from you saying you didn't even know this existed."
"I just want to spread the word for that cause. That's all I wanted to do."
"We need people to understand how important this [expletive] is."
"You bringing this out into the mainstream and making it part of the conversation so important."
"Huge shout out to laprad chon one more time for bringing this issue to the light."
"Hammering home how dire this situation has actually become." - Description of the bleakness
"He more than anybody, I think, has been sounding the alarm since at least 2016."
"The fear of the browning of America is real, and they want us to stay asleep."
"Pressure groups are very influential; they look to raise awareness about a particular issue."
"We just got to get the word out so they don't suffer in silence."
"We're not trying to scare people... but to just raise awareness of what gastroparesis is."
"If it raises awareness and it saves one person from losing their life savings, then it was worth sending it to them."
"Maybe education will always have my heart, and I will always want to raise awareness about issues going on in education."