
Personal Contentment Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"I'm happier probably than I've ever been in my life."
"I don't regret anything in life... I like where I'm at in my life."
"I'd rather be ugly and funny than pretty and miserable."
"I don't need much to be happy; I just want to be able to live comfortably."
"Life doesn't need to dramatically change for her; all she needs is a willingness to see what she already has around her."
"Inner happiness is if you've ever felt it you know it's the best feeling ever just to be content and happy with yourself."
"A play ball is what you look for. That's nice."
"I love it. I wish everyday Kryz could be like this."
"I'm okay with being single for a little while."
"I don't hope anything happens ever in my life."
"Nothing in this life makes me happier than vlogging."
"Ultimately, that ended up working out, I'm pretty happy with how this actually looks and feels."
"I love the world I lived in. Just the fact that I can think that makes me very happy."
"Comparison is the thief of joy." - Theodore Roosevelt
"One of the greatest things that the church can be right now is a voice for those who cannot be heard."
"I'm happy with who I am and where I am today."
"For now it seems like I'm more than okay with being on the sidelines."
"Life's been okay, you know. We've been having a good time."
"After watching the anime and playing the game, a part of me really wants this series to succeed."
"May you live as long as you want to and want to as long as you live."
"You're not too young or too old, you are exactly who you are meant to be."
"Adjusting the baseline: find happiness in everyday tasks."
"Everybody wants to walk around, feel safe, get a sandwich, find love, have a couple of kids maybe, and just be okay."
"That last night had ended like so many with us sitting outside at the pool happy and content, drinking wine, talking."
"I feel happy and I feel content with what I'm putting out there."
"Honestly, it's a perfect end to a perfect day. I had a really good day today, and I hope you guys did as well."
"Life's great and I'm happy, that's what matters."
"Just because their blessings and their success and their gifts look different than mine doesn't mean it's better or worse."
"My life will be perfect, I'm thankful and grateful for where I am now."
"Stop thinking about me if I'm missing the rally or not, I'm doing fine, my clients are happy, I'm happy, everybody's happy."
"I'm out here right now, man. I just feel like the luckiest man in the world."
"I'm a horrible builder, but there you go. There's my bamboo done. Simple. I like it."
"You're single, you're happy, and you're abundant... you've been like that since the past."
"No matter how much you siphon out of that, I'm fine with siphoning myself."
"He's all right for you before you die, so cool, like you're like Bud Lights away."
"I would first off want to be in a place where I was so content and happy and confident and comfortable as a person."
"One day Biz said to me Tara I have the best job in the world and I said what being a DJ and he said no just being me."
"I'm very happy now because I just realized I've been so caught up in just getting my videos done."
"If I can look at myself in the mirror and be okay with what I am today, that's the main thing."
"Life for me, I have to say, I just don't have complaints, or room to complain."
"Find joy and peace in what you do. Joy is a little different than happiness."
"I don't give a [] about Emmy. I mean, just making a living at this [] and having fans who come to see you on the road and having a good group of friends like I'm I have no complaints right now."
"You're heading in the direction of being famous, wealthy, content, and healthy."
"I am pretty happy with how this draft played out."
"Social media, that stuff isn't real, it's all... I want to learn the valuable lesson of being content with my own life from David Bowie."
"I guess that means people won't make fun of me for my amount of hours, well okay I love them."
"When we love who we are, when we love what we're doing, love finds its way to us."
"I'm feeling really good with everything I did purchase."
"I got a Luger, I'm happy, I am satisfied with this unboxing."
"Being okay with living with yourself is elite."
"It takes a long time to get to the point where you're content and comfortable with having all these people have these opinions."
"Comparison is the thief of joy, okay? That's my point right there."
"I don't care if someone else has more than me so long as I have a system where I'm able to do okay."
"It feels good, you know what? It feels good."
"People seem to think he's crazy, he's dreaming, he's no longer on the ball, but John Lennon is at peace, people. He's just happy watching the wheels go by."
"Nah, I'm cool homie. I'm good homie. Yeah, I'm good."
"You're very content and happy in your life right now."
"I truly just love myself. I want to feel good in myself naturally imperfectly just the way it is."
"I could get used to this whole living and normal life stuff."
"Isn't that a good thing that my life is really happy and I feel content just by having a cup of soup?"
"I don't need this person's approval or that person's acceptance or this other person's validation. I don't need it. I'm satisfied with where I am."
"Money can't buy happiness, kids. That's right. Money can buy you a lot of cool stuff, but it cannot buy you happiness that comes from within, you know?"
"I'm happy. Let's just say that. I'm back to talking about cartoons."
"I'm comfortable in my own body and with myself and what I'm releasing. I'm totally okay with this."
"At the end of the day, I'm happy with what I'm doing and I'm comfortable with what I'm doing and I'm making good money with what I'm doing."
"If I died tomorrow, I would die a happy man."
"It's more like sharing our life, and I love it."
"I feel fantastic. Birthdays are great. What are your plans for your birthday? Oh, I got work to do."
"I'm happy with my life, I'm happy where I'm at, I'm happy with my businesses."
"Refuse to pretend because whatever you're happy and content with, you will have."
"I know I'm pretending I'm jealous but in reality just seeing them all sat there makes me very very happy."
"What a day. I cannot imagine anything better right now."
"I feel ready to settle down with the boy across the street and live in the same house for my entire life and also make a damn good cup of tea."
"Comparison is the thief of joy. It robs you of your joy when you compare yourself."
"You shouldn't feel bad for driving around in a beater."
"My happy place is just doing what I love each and every day."
"Honestly, not bad. I'm actually really happy with us right now."
"I'm more comfortable now than I've ever been."
"Make your internal landscape feel so full and wondrous that you're not even occupied thinking about someone else."
"I'm so happy for our family because we really, we just love it here."
"How's your relationship? It's exactly what I want."
"I learned a long time ago there's no sense getting all riled up every time a bunch of idiots give you a hard time. In the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should." - Plus, I have a really large penis that keeps me happy.
"Just because this girl over there can get a multi-millionaire and you can only get a millionaire or a six-figure guy, ask yourself, are you free? Are you happy?"
"Now that I've made enough money, even if I disappear... I'll be okay."
"Comparison is the thief of joy. For me, that was really true. When I just became content with what I had, that was a huge part of this."
"I wake up thankful and happy and I choose love."
"I'm going to say you this is 11 out of 10 satisfying, I don't know if I'll ever be this satisfied in my life again."
"I can actually be happy right now with what I have. I can be content."
"Happiness is being happy with what you have now."
"Focus on your own blessings, regardless of status in life."
"Stop being jealous of other people that have things you don't have. There's got to be a reason you don't have it. I am convinced if I don't have it, that means God knew I couldn't handle it."
"This turned out great, I love our new home, Mom."
"My heart can't take this, that makes me happy, this is the best thing ever."
"Be comfortable in your skin. That's the most important thing. If it's enough for you, it's enough for other people."
"You just want to be able to share and be able to introduce it to everybody else so they can also enjoy the life that you know I'm living right now."
"You're just basically getting like, you know, just more peace in life knowing that."
"Success means being content with how the day went."
"Greed is a contentment killer, and if you do not have contentment, you will never be happy."
"There's nothing at the end of the rainbow except what you have, and you can enjoy anything here and now."
"I can live with the way that this focus is looking."
"Trust the goodness of what you already have so you don't sabotage it."
"You're finding yourself very content in your home."
"Comparison is the thief of joy if you are comparing your life to somebody else's it automatically makes yours not as good in your eyes."
"Nobody's perfect, but we are perfectly happy together."
"Nothing spectacular... but it's definitely something."
"If your biggest problem is 'I'm bored,' life's going well for you."
"In order to be truly content, we need connection to a person, to a cause, to anything. If you never find that, you'll never find yourself."
"It's like, kind of late at night so I'm very happy."
"I'm confident in saying I enjoy being halfway up the grass is not greener elsewhere not for me now..."
"I'm content right now, I've been getting so much sleep."
"I'm in a very, very good place in life. Everything is [ __ ] golden."
"Very, very pleased with the decisions that I've made here."
"The wish is fulfilled, emotional contentment, fulfillment."
"Life's pretty good at the moment. I think Pinkie's doing good."
"Nice and comfy in this chair so everything's really good."
"I think it is. I think it's looking pretty good, mate."
"You are loving yourself, you're ready for love, you're working your passion, you are feeling comfortable and happy in your skin."
"I love life right now and how everything's going for me... so I just kinda want to keep it that way."
"I'm very happy with the person that God created me to be."
"I don't care if I hit a million or anything above a million, this is it. Thank you, ExpressVPN."
"The budget is critical, being content and happy to say, 'This is not us today, this is not for us today.'"
"I'm just happy - straight up, I'm just happy."
"You gotta feel cool, that person might have this, might have that, I'm comfortable in the package that I have."
"Work on yourself, heal dude. It's fine to be alone."
"So, now we should be left with this, very, very simple stuff, I love it."
"You don't find happiness, you just are happy."
"You deserve to feel really good as you are now."
"Life is good, I do appreciate all the support."
"I think the best thing you can do is to look inwards and ask yourself what would make you content right now."
"Hope you like my face right now because I like my face right now."
"The cure for longing is... be content with yourself... start with one little thing... gratitude practice in your daily life."
"I'm happy with the results, the top of the head looks like it's a Goldy color."
"We just want to wake up, do our job, and live a good life."
"I feel fine without knowing more about politics."
"Life is grand. My nerdy little heart is just pleased as punch."
"I began higher so I don't really have anything to compare my life with I assume it's weird but this is wonderful."
"I think sometimes we just need the sunshine, whatever you feel like coming out as much as I complain about the sun these mountains and our backyard is beautiful so I'll take it."
"If this is not the perfect thing to wake up to in the morning then I really don't know what is."
"As long as I can look back... I had a good run. I'm happy with that."
"I was happy with my life, even though I still felt guilty that Ron didn't know the truth."
"I don't need that stuff, man. I wake up laughing because I probably had a quick thought as soon as I wake up."
"It's Saturday night at 9:21, like most people are out clubbing, okay? And no, no complaints. I live a very blessed life."
"I love the way this look turned out, like I feel so pretty right now."
"God has given it, you better just leave me alone okay? I'm doing fine."
"I'm just happy to be here and be alive mostly."
"My collection isn't huge in terms of VCA but that's okay with me I'm happy to add it slowly."
"I love my life, not a lot of people can say that."
"I'm content with staying at home playing League of Legends, reading a book, eating a bagel with cream cheese from HEB cheap aisle."
"I love money left over; we had our first kiss already."
"I'm so proud of it. I'm proud of the clouds, I'm proud of the name, I'm proud of everything. This mama's ready."
"I'm a simple girl, this is all I need, you're all I need."
"You just need to find a little bit of happiness."
"I think I can live here literally for the rest of my life, and I'd be fine."
"I intend to enjoy the river to the last day that I live."
"I'm 30 years old and thank the Lord I've gotten it, I don't care at all."
"I'm happy, you know what? I'm just content with life right now."
"I have a great life right now and I'm with people who love me and a real mother who actually cares about me."
"it's really nice to be living a life like this some people never get to experience it"
"I have never felt more at home in my entire life than I feel in this very moment."
"My chest is wonderful, and I'm really happy that it is the way that it is."
"I'm on a happy happiness from having some fries because I'm hungry today."
"I'm blessed and highly favored; I can't complain."
"I am over the moon and I have never been this happy and content in my life."
"If you died tomorrow, would you be okay with it? I am living my life the way that I believe life should be lived."
"my lilac tree, I need to bring some inside it's so pretty like seriously my life is perfect right now."
"I'm not ashamed of anything I've done in my life, not ever."
"It's more refreshing than anything, oh my god, I'm a happy girl."
"I'm living a life that makes me happy."
"I'm really, really, really pleased about that; that couldn't have gone any better for them."
"I was hoping to get about 500 pounds for it, and Ian exceeded that, so I was quite happy."
"He just makes me happy, the happiest I've ever been."
"Now I finished my PhD and I'm making good money and am content on my own for the most part."
"The world's been good, God has been good, I've been good."
"I'm just so happy about this wardrobe and I honestly feel like I'm set for the summer and the spring."
"I can't complain, I've been super blessed, living my best life."
"I mean, I'm really happy with it; I think it's gonna be a great fishing plan."
"If you're happy, that's all that matters really."
"Sometimes you might be content to watch the fire or perhaps a candle."
"I still got my health, I still got my friends, so yeah, I'm okay."
"I'm happy with the choice I made."
"It's literally just wanting to be content with yourself and who you are as a person."
"Why was the man tipped to be Minister of Magic content to remain a mere headmaster?"
"Life doesn't have to be a competition."
"I accept myself without complaint."
"I'm so happy with my life right now."
"You will feel more contentment than you ever have before, void of all loneliness, because of this relationship with Jesus that is growing from today."
"It's really nice to just be able to exist."
"I wouldn't want to be born in any other timeline than the one that I'm in right now."
"I just get nothing but joy out of it."
"I'm actually not stressed out, I'm not tripping about stuff, and... And you're actually happy."
"As long as you are happy, that's what's important."
"Everyone should just be happy with who they are."
"It's enough to have you in my life."
"The secret of learning to contentment is I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
"I could not be happier at the moment."
"I haven't had one regret, which I think is a really big thing."
"I'm still quite happy with this truck."
"The happiness that you have at the end of the day comes from within."
"I couldn't be happier with how we are."
"It's given me something to smile and laugh about every day."