
National Growth Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The American way is to let each person live his life and seek to better himself so that the whole nation rises on the force of individual decisions."
"When we emerge from this, we are going to have an opportunity set for this country that we have not had before."
"These are the kind of conversations that are going to be essential for us as a country if we're ever going to grow past this hideous moment we're in but also to be a better country moving forward."
"India is already a major military power, and one whose capabilities are likely to expand alongside the Indian economy."
"I think the best way is to strengthen our economy, make a stronger base, grow domestic product."
"Can Burkina Faso become the most powerful African continent under the leadership of Ibrahim Trower?"
"Don't worry about it. Over the next four years, we'll be making America into the manufacturing superpower of the world."
"We're actually taking the reins of our own destiny, we're actually making money, but the biggest growing economy in Europe, we are actually kicking ass."
"I actually encourage foreign direct investment in the United States, I think it's incredibly important."
"We're going to build new airports, new highways, new dams... we will build new strength into our country."
"America has benefited tremendously from Capital wanting to come here right and then we we invest that capital in the American experiment and hopefully make America even better and help make the world better."
"India is becoming a force to reckon with in more ways than one."
"The country is moving forward, there is development for every day."
"There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest, and to grow in the United States."
"I have a vision for America where everyone who wants to work will have a job."
"The secret of Israel's growth is the unleashing of power, ingenuity, and creativity through a free market combined with a strong military."
"Dharma rises, protects the land, people, and helps the nation grow spiritually, culturally, and materially."
"We can prepare for a decade ahead from 2020 to convert India into not just a fast growing economy but as a global power."
"We have hundreds of billions of dollars pouring back into our country."
"Children like you with good thoughts should grow up in this country."
"India is at a turning point and that the vibrancy of its market is unbelievable."
"We are very optimistic about our future and we demonstrate it by investing today in our economy and our businesses."
"John Curtin: Australia's rapid expansion and cultural dominance."
"It's not anti-business to want prosperity in every part of our country."
"We want small business and entrepreneurship to flourish in our country."
"Do you want to know what it takes for a country to escape poverty?"
"We need to focus on immigration and get more people coming to the country. We need the smartest people in the world to keep wanting to work here."
"Both nations are growing in terms of their economic importance."
"This is quite simply one of the best economic growth engines of America."
"India is going to become a Powerhouse economically technologically and otherwise much more so than it is today."
"India will fuel this and become one of the most powerful countries in the world."
"All nations are in a season of mandatory alignment for growth."
"China's isolation is going to be really important to their growth."
"We're having a record comeback because if you look, we're the fastest-growing nation in the world after this pandemic by far."
"The future of India is tremendous. By 2050, India is expected to be the largest economy in the world overtaking first America and then China."
"I think that us opening our doors to immigrants is critical in our country's growth."
"Pakistan is on the right track to be over a billion dollars in venture investments."
"And I think we can make it greater in expanding it to include Puerto Rico as the 51st state."
"India is very much here, it's arrived as a growing power."
"The opportunity for America is not to be great again but to grow and raise living standards for all Americans."
"Chinese growth is for China. That's how their system is set up."
"India has been called the bright spot of the global economy, but for that to continue, its young population needs jobs."
"India is on the fast track to becoming an economic and Military Powerhouse."
"It's a huge opportunity for the country if we get this transition right."
"We shall have as our partners countries which, no longer solely concerned with the problem of national survival, are now working to improve the standards of living of all their people."
"No nation in the world has developed without seriously addressing the issue of building human resources."
"It was time to acknowledge that this was also the first time the nation had benefited from the collective energy of its young people."
"This is the type of innovation and possibility that we need more of in the country."
"Tanzania is waking up and taking measures to manage its resources to develop the country's economy."
"We're very committed to when we turn 50 years old as a nation... we are opening up our platform to the entire world."
"New nations struggled to catch up and tried to jumpstart their fledgling economies."
"We're on a mission to find out how a country which didn't even mass produce its own car until 1975 has managed to turn itself into one of the biggest car producers in the world."
"I want to see Jamaica thrive, I want to see it sustain, I want to see it grow."
"Money made this country, built its great inglorious cities, created its industries, covered it with an iron network of railroads."
"India today is very similarly placed to where America was roughly a century ago."
"We're learning, man, as a nation."
"India is emerging as a great power because of the choices that India is making and the foreign policy that India has adopted."
"It's been fascinating to see a country... become the number one player."
"It is high time we started investing in our country."
"I want to see Ghana become a greater nation, a better nation, and I would like to see the mindsets of people changed."
"It's quite incredible the effect that India's growing military, political, and economic power has had on India's self-confidence."
"For our country and economy to grow stronger, the American people must be able to have trust in the great companies of the 21st century."
"Education from birth, if the White Room can produce the best specimens it can and achieve this successfully, Japan itself would experience growth the likes of which the world had never seen before."
"People feel excited; the country's growing and they're excited they have the opportunity at least economically."
"Adventurers are important to a country's growth and a key line of defense."
"These pioneers helped nations grow strong, they influenced transportation worldwide, and they brought an awareness to everyone that the Great Lakes are a resource not only to be utilized but more importantly respected."
"Ultimately, this approach enables the United States to foster economic growth, accelerate toward technical innovation, and protect national security."
"America first does not mean America alone. When the United States grows, so does the world."
"The time for us to rise as a nation is now."
"Towards the end of the 16th century, England was therefore in full growth, there is even talk of a Elizabethan 'Golden Age'."
"We are not wasting money by rebuilding; we are investing in our country to grow an even richer country, a better economy."
"No nation has had a perfect beginning... but by how it seeks to become its better self, and by that measure, I judge Australia well."
"We have a president who wants to invest in our country and in our workers and in our manufacturing."
"We are still yet a nation in our ascent."