
Server Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"A horrible crime has just been committed on the Hermitcraft server."
"I'm about to start a religion around these on the server."
"Welcome to the server, boys. Welcome, welcome, welcome."
"This is all ours, my friends, a plentiful bounty brought to us by the gods. All hail server, because that's right, we got our own server baby!"
"It's one of the very few servers out there that had a successful Revival."
"This Dodo Rax is the strongest on the server, in sanity I tell you."
"If you want a 24-hour server if you want a server that is DDoS protected you want to serve it out to everybody in anybody in the world your solution is Apex minecraft hosting."
"I'm not sure exactly how you're gonna get up here but you probably have the prettiest looking base on the entire server."
"The server has many unique features, such as the ability to host up to 20 IP cameras with its comprehensive surveillance station."
"Get method will be used whenever you want to retrieve some information from your server."
"Ensuring that the server is configured with a static IP address allows the user to access locally hosted sites."
"For $165, I've now got one GPU in my server rack that can run two 1080p games to any device."
"If you're also interested in hosting more of your own stuff there's a lot more you can do with this server you just built."
"Anyway you should hopefully have a working Minecraft server I hope you have a lot of fun with it."
"When you're building an application, you need this kind of a server, now this UI or the front end will be making a call to a backend server which can be using this GP4 model."
"It's a really great example of where a Raspberry Pi project can be incredibly useful as a specialized server running in your home or business environment."
"Let's go silly and have some fun with the server. How about turning it into a gaming rig?"
"In its simplest terms a home media server is a computer Appliance and software application that stores digital media like video audio and images and makes it available over your entire network."
"Proxmox is ideal for turning these Mini PCs into your own custom server or just general VM server to access remotely."
"For accessing your new Proxmox server, you can go for a subscription if you wish, but again, you can use Proxmox pretty much entirely for free straight out the gate."
"Streaming media is media that has to be connected to a server in order to access it."
"If you're interested in building a server similar to this but you're nervous about using Linux, I would go ahead and encourage you to take the plunge. It's not as hard as you might think and it's a lot of fun."
"Now what else can we do to start our server off with better security?"
"Well, the next thing that we can do is actually secure SSH."
"Now what I'm going to do right now is run a special command that's going to copy my key over to the server."
"So what we're going to do is disable the ability to connect to the server via SSH with a password."
"Except it's going to be hosted in your own home on your own server that you've installed Ubuntu server on and configured yourself."
"Pretty much all you need is a Linux server and preferably one in the cloud."
"Kubernetes essentially takes a declared state of how you'd like to configure your server, your micro-services, your containers, and it makes it happen."
"You will see it's listening on port 443 and port 80."
"Your channels are very important because they help organize the different information and interactions in your server."
"...I've got no problem but buying pre-built servers. In fact, it's often my preference to do that however you just can't get a server with decent amount of hot swap drive that will fit into this rack without building it yourself..."
"So there you go, we've walked through some of the minimal things that I think everybody should do as a default anytime they set up a new Linux server."
"The first battle of the server: chaotic, wild, but ultimately a success."
"The reason we are adding read replica is tomorrow if cach a which is the main server if that server goes down we know that the URLs or the configurations of read replica is also available with our Clash client."
"This is pretty much everything I want to cover for taking an old system and converting it into a home server."
"But why should you open an account with Linode? Well, everything that you might want to build on a Linux server is compatible with Linode."
"If I'm determined enough I might actually guess the password, I might get into the server. But that's not what we want. We don't want someone to be able to try over and over and over again to get into our server, we want something done about it."
"You can actually set up your very own cloud Linux server in minutes."
"So many users these days when they're looking at getting their own server they're moving away from the cloud services they're moving away from pre-made slightly expensive network attack story Solutions and trying to find somewhere in the middle."
"Each node can behave as a server and therefore provide server functions to any user on the network."
"Now we're gonna run Docker Compose up in the remote server."
"We have the actual server that we set up."
"We've got a working GraphQL server that supports a schema that you can now request data from and also add data to dynamically. It's really pretty exciting."
"Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that actually runs on the server instead of in the browser."
"Now, let's go ahead and start our server. I'm going to be using node mon."
"The portion of time the server is idle is twenty percent."
"When you enter that URL into your browser, you're making an HTTP request to a server and that server is responding with the data that makes up their website, right?"
"Post requests are altering the state of the server in some form or another."
"Just imagine if you took four of these and then you put them in a server rack."
"With ArcGIS for Server, you can enable WebGIS in your own infrastructure."
"So let's run the server and the client, see if we can get the two connected."
"The server had some code running on it that heard that fetch request from my client."
"Now I want you to understand this is the storage that's on the server. This is fast storage. Very fast. Much, much, much faster than EBS volumes, faster than object storage."
"OwnCloud is amazing if you have a server. It can either be a physical server or it can be like a digital ocean instance or whatever else you'd like."
"Don't get intimidated by the word server. It's just like installing software and application."
"...these top two things, the Workbench and the server, those are the two most important things that we really need."
"Let's talk about what caddy is. They call it the ultimate server. It is a powerful enterprise-ready open-source web server automatic HTTPS that's written in Go."
"For us in the hobbyist world and running our own little home labs and things like this, Caddy's perfect."
"The WebSocket session does the thing we want the server to do—it's the moneymaker."
"...for the second use case, what I would do is create a repository on the server with some content in it and then clone that repository, cloning is nothing but making a copy of that repository."
"...something called as a Git server."
"you are successfully connected to our Amazon server"
"We're going to be using Express so that we don't have to build the server using regular Node."
"That's what we have to do now, to dockerize the application and then see if we can deploy it on a server."
"It's better than like Ark where, you know, a server can kind of just be fucked for a very, very long time."
"There's this great thing that happens when the server gets a message, it knows everything that's happening. It is the ultimate state of truth for our entire ecosystem."
"...we can see here that my Hang Fire server is running."
"If you want to have the Desktop version, but you want to have people in multiple states using it, what you want to do is, you want to get a company to host your QuickBooks on their server."
"You don't need to run a separate server or something, it's going to run alongside your development server."
"We have ourselves a basic Express API written with TypeScript running on port 5000."
"This is our main entry point, so it brings in our Express app and then starts it on a specific port."
"It would start a development server up for us and run it on port 6006."
"A darkness that had loomed over the server for over half a year was now trapped deep in the farthest reaches of Pandora's Vault."
"Once you've registered the device, it's then recognized by the server."
"Nginx is an open source web server that is useful for many features like reverse proxy, load balancing, and many other things."
"Finally, we start the server using app.listen, making it ready to respond to incoming requests and serve as the backbone for our full-stack application."
"The level of pre-made server hardware is really tough to find elsewhere."
"If your CPU is running about 70 percent or maybe 80 percent for more than five minutes, that is a sign that something is happening on the server."
"You can build your entire project as one running server that effectively has both of these things."
"We have a single running Nest server that is serving up this React client build to the browser."
"You officially basically have a home server now."
"We open up the HTTP server by calling app.listen and provide the port we want to listen on for HTTP traffic."
"Once we have all of these dependencies, we can run pnpm start dev here to start our server up in development mode and watch for changes."
"This is the most delightful area on the server."
"WebAssembly on the server is the future of computing."
"If I have a problem with that server, I know exactly where to go."
"It launches a development local server with live reload features for static and dynamic pages."
"You could take the file, process it on the server, do all kinds of really neat interesting things on top of these primitives."
"The server doesn't have to respond with the whole resource... just tell me that it didn't change."
"If I use it in a correct way, I can still save myself a lot of trouble coding at the server caching mechanism."
"With JWT, the server will have less load to do because they are not keeping any sessions."
"Let's turn on our server and login to the admin panel."
"Let's get to writing some server-side code."
"We're going to refetch the data from the server to show the newly created task."
"We're going to create a server that's powered by Node.js."
"Frankly, a Raspberry Pi can be a server if it's serving a function and basically running 24/7, and that's the beauty with home servers; they can be anything you want them to be."
"It's a tiny little Linux computer that just plugs into your internet and then plugs into a USB Drive and will run as a tiny server for you."
"We want to efficiently store the event data that is coming from the server."
"You can see how easy it is to spin up your own virtual private server."
"Welcome back to the art of server."
"Nginx is a web server that is commonly used as a load balancer but can be used for much more."
"You don't always need a really expensive beefy server; the Raspberry Pi 4 can really do more than you think."
"The server is down and not responding to queries."
"Imagine building a server and bringing people from all sorts of communities together."
"Nginx is a lot more than a web server."
"The server needs to respond with headers like 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'."
"Once the server actually responds to the bees.com preflight check, the beast knows 'CORS now is allowed for me by the remote server'."
"The server has to be configured properly and has to include the right headers returned on the response in order to allow CORS."
"Always change the origin, the headers, and the methods to the appropriate values for it to work properly."
"If you don't want to use the CORS package, you can go ahead and do that manually using a small middleware."
"Cloudflare is going to propagate this and after a while, your server now points to your htscp server."
"We connected to the server, but it returned an error."
"You always want to do it on both the client and the server because this is basically an endpoint on your server."
"Let's get this card installed in the server."
"If you're able to take advantage of that encoding/decoding capability, you can significantly offload the compute resources that are required on your server."
"Now we have a server that's fairly robust and handles client connections and client disconnections."
"Let's get started on a full start to finish DIY Linux web server."
"Server virtualization is supported on both standalone and blade servers and provides scalability and better utilization of hardware resources."
"If you see this message, it means the server is working."
"So far, we've set up our server to serve a video file when requested."
"The app.module is what we'll use to instantiate a GraphQL server."
"If you're not using some of the extra features Apollo server has, consider switching to a lighter-weight server like Express GraphQL."
"Consider using GraphQL JIT if you can't add it to your server."
"Our server requests per second have increased by 65%, and client requests per second have increased by 220%."
"Simulate a c2 server, I have written a simple python https server."
"This is going to use node mon to start our server and watch for any changes."
"The server is running on localhost on our chosen port."
"This is one of the reasons that I think Windows Server 2012 is a valuable tool, valuable server, why I would pay for it in the enterprise world."
"The server contains the R code that's going to run for your app."
"So in those videos, I'm going to go into things really deeply about how to secure your server."
"Beckerson is the first pet on this server, the very first pet."
"Overall, this was actually just a really cool server to look at."
"This is actually an opportunity not just to see a Huawei server but also to see the server with their own CPUs which is absolutely awesome."
"If it runs Linux, it could be a control server."
"That's the goal, you know what I mean?"
"We want to bring something interesting and different to the server."
"The browser connects ideally over HTTP to the notebook server, which is a tornado web server."
"If budget is no concern, it's a no-brainer for me, I'd obviously go for the dedicated server and have direct hardware access to it."
"But the nice part is then you can also start peeling things off, and you still have a server as long as you have enough stuff still installed."
"This triple-a framework commonly runs on a triple-a server that's somewhere in our network."
"The HTTPD -V command shows you the version, the build date, and the server version."
"It's more about stuff that happens outside of the server."
"It's a very active server; there's always people talking."
"A server is a central piece of hardware or a system."
"Connecting to server, please wait."
"The server is the ultimate authority."
"What we actually want to do is we want to change this by having access to our server through dependency injection."
"The server is responsible for handling pretty much all of the game logic."
"Server is running and connected to database."
"There's a camaraderie on that server, you know. I've made a lot of very good friends there."
"I'm gonna start a hardcore Minecraft server soon."
"Welcome to the best server ever, I hope you like it."
"Most of the time when you're asking for data from the server, you're doing it in response to a user action."