
Weapon Quotes

There are 440 quotes

"The pain threshold of a Shaolin monk is their most deadly weapon."
"Minecraft's secretive new item is the heavy core, and if you combine it with a breeze rod, you'll get the newest weapon: the mace. This is the highest damage potential we've ever seen in Minecraft."
"If you're talking about a self-defense weapon... the most important feature that it has is to be spotless in reliability."
"Touch of Malice is back and according to early reports... this thing is a beast."
"The dubstep gun... uses the power of music to bring low your enemies."
"Stormbreaker's design, having best of both worlds essentially a hammerhead and an axe head, gives options and utility."
"Candy bullets which turned out to be a functional nine millimeter pistol made of candy."
"Coming into the number three slot... is actually my favorite weapon in crucible... it's the Grasp of Malok."
"The sword that Jack wielded was one of the most critically important things he possessed."
"Sometimes, the most powerful weapon is knowledge."
"This thing right here is going to go down in the annals of fps history as one of the best shotguns of all time."
"The PBSH is remembered as one of the greatest Call of Duty guns of all time."
"It's a pretty strong and unique looking sword and I used it pretty much exclusively from here on."
"The force has always been my greatest weapon."
"The internet is an inexpensive weapon with global penetration."
"It's just it's great I really like this weapon a lot."
"Returning this blade to you, Shogun Momonosuke."
"Even if it's not the most powerful weapon, it is arguably one of the coolest ones."
"This here is a genuine spacers choice injury customizing unit designed to deliver a lethal blast of electrical discharge. I call it the hand of the law."
"Love in all its forms is the most powerful weapon we have."
"Could time travel be the ultimate weapon in the hands of humanity?"
"This gun's a beam, you don't really need anything else."
"The double pump shotgun is back in fortnight Battle Royale."
"The gun is just a tool; the mind is the weapon."
"The most powerful weapon against propaganda isn't more propaganda."
"Everyone knows and loves the pack-a-punched Raygun."
"The greatest weapon you have is to provide love to them."
"Thor's mighty hammer is one of the greatest weapons ever created."
"The 57 millimeter gun is an absolute monster because its AP round will pen nearly 100 millimeters of armor."
"The MP7 is a premium top-tier... it goes a very very very long way."
"The MP5 with 9 millimeter rounds is superior... it's very powerful."
"The PKM has a fast time to kill overall in this game... it's just very easy to use overall."
"Every one of his kills using a rifle that didn't have a scope."
"Pluton is a battleship that annihilates the land."
"It's the lightsaber - to be fair, it does quite a bit of damage."
"We have the best weapon in our hands which is the truth, it's just a matter of telling it."
"Likes to whack people with a mace or a club."
"The sword also hopes that he would one day get a worthy Master to wield him."
"The navi bow which is always equipped by default is one of the best weapons in the entire game."
"Depending on how you use it, a tool can be a weapon at any time."
"The best site in Dark Souls 3 is Frida's Great Scythe, it's just a total beast."
"The flatline... it is actually just insane how strong this gun is without any attachments."
"Finally a blaster I feel comfortable door camping with."
"The mind is the sharpest weapon a human could hold."
"If a completely overpowered weapon used to be brain dead easy to use and abuse and then it gets nerfed into a state of reasonable balance that weapon is as good as dead."
"The Master Sword, also known as the sword that seals the darkness, reveals its true strength in the presence of the calamity."
"Halo 2 BR... a precision rifle... huge for the franchise."
"I have to admit, I really, really do like the concept of the face lifter shotgun axe. It's amazing."
"Recluse was without a doubt the best SMG in the game, bar none."
"This is the most potent weapon in war: fighting spirits."
"The Darksaber was a one-of-a-kind weapon constructed by the only Mandalorian to be inducted into the Jedi Order."
"The katana is not just a weapon; it houses a spirit brimming with immense spiritual power."
"I like the idea that a government weapon went rogue and wants to not be a weapon anymore and just wants to be free."
"The name of the sword is the dragon killer and it is the only sword that has any effect on an elder dragon."
"I literally have the best weapon."
"He grabbed something out of his car, and I'm pretty sure it was a handgun."
"The destructive power of this new weapon shocked the world."
"The wrist blades have been featured in almost every appearance the Predator has made."
"It's the gun. Sarah Connor's got that killer instinct."
"Raya's sword is inspired by an ancient dagger in Indonesian folklore, and its handles allow her to extend the blade and grab things with it or change direction when riding on Tuk-Tuk."
"It can only be stopped by using a weapon that consists of the four natural elements, water, fire, earth, and air, plus the fifth element which is a perfect being."
"The quizat hatak represents a great and powerful weapon, a being that can alter reality."
"Saiyan pride is our greatest weapon."
"Colonel Cromwell knows better than anyone that all weapons were ruled out of space as far back as 1970."
"He has a powerful weapon, yes, and he charges a million a shot. Oh, is he an assassin that's second to none? You guessed correctly. He's the man with the golden gun."
"I love that just lying about your weapon's abilities like I've uploaded your blood to my dagger now it will always track you. It's a cyber blade."
"The P-38 was a weapon that helped the pilots do just that."
"The shotgun kills everything. The shotgun is the weapon."
"What lightsaber form would you guys want to use?"
"No machine gun has made a greater impact on the world than the M2."
"The true history of Gore's weapon had been lost to time."
"I'm gonna put my word in front of it. No weapon formed against me shall prosper."
"This is the Gatling gun, a weapon that changed the world."
"The Vulcan Cannon, it's a 20 mm Gatling gun that's capable of firing over 6,000 rounds a minute."
"The g2 minigun is capable of shooting a lot of rounds at a high rate of fire."
"Odin's spear is capable of firing an energy laser beam that can mow down anything in its path."
"Forged in the heart of a dying star, Mjolnir grants the power of Thor to its wielder."
"That's an unfair advantage, I mean it's a skill but my gosh what a weapon."
"The Graham is the weapon from the God of War."
"This sword pierced the heart of Helman's fifth-ranked demon king of Slaughter 300 years ago."
"This is the first real weapon he is using in this life."
"There's an interesting weapon, and when it arrived in the Mesolithic, it gave the hunter the ability to reach out through undergrowth."
"We've got a hand grenade. It's a Mills 36, oh rusty, very nice."
"Plasma cutter, pretty solid. Works real well, in case anyone didn't know. Tends to be the best weapon. It's a reliable weapon."
"I think the Ripper is definitely more of a fun weapon to mess around with."
"A strong weapon that can save thousands of lives."
"She can't guarantee their lives but with that weapon, they can gain the power they need to face even a superior Dragon."
"The evil dream is a Cursed Magic sword ability that cuts deep into the psyche."
"'Humor really is the best weapon,' Nate repeated."
"The Wado Ichimonji is a bigger weapon of mass destruction."
"I snuck in the steel Ruger but still sharp with the hands."
"The greatest weapon of all is the tenderness of God."
"He was now lugging around a massive Webley WG Army revolver."
"Truly an iconic weapon worthy of its reputation."
"The most powerful weapon in the world is the truth."
"Rogueldorn's gigantic fuck-off chain sword called the storm's teeth"
"You're operating with the world's most devastating weapon system."
"Chaos is genuinely terrified of this sword. It's because it's actually real death."
"He then holds fos aminos which is a unique weapon."
"The secret to the silenced .22 pistol is its critical damage, quick rate of fire, and integrated silencer, making it stealthy and effective against soft targets."
"For the first time, they have succeeded in creating an indestructible weapon."
"A blade sheathed inside the ivory for easy concealment."
"So obviously the bat's the weapon."
"Perhaps the most impressive addition to the Mark 6 is Tony's laser beam weapon."
"Jack's katana from Samurai Jack is able to slay any evil magic in its way, making it a powerful weapon. A tier."
"The Green Lantern Power Ring is actually one of the most impressive weapons ever made."
"Memory is a weapon against the enemy or a weapon used by the enemy. The only difference is what you remember."
"The Bajrang Gun is the dino killer."
"also sometimes known as a Chely car the chakram was a weapon that originated in the Indian subcontinent around 2500 years ago."
"A gun? Oh, well, it fits your personality better than a blackjack, and the pearl handle goes swell with your fingernail polish."
"You treat the weapon with respect."
"Your edge of your blade is sharp enough to cut and lacerate the whole torso here. Cutting deep and cutting into bones. Your handle construction is a little bit on the wider side, but it's wieldable. Overall, your weapon will kill. Good job, thank you."
"I hope it's fired up a bit of love and passion for the spurred room because it is a weapon that is often badly misunderstood."
"Lego is a toy, unless you attach them to a blunt self-defense tool, and in that case, it's just a weapon."
"The 44 Magnum would be the way to go, absolutely."
"The sword can always just vanish itself back to its home base."
"Lightbringer is a sun sword, and of course, yeah, it's literally a ball of fire."
"The needle is primarily used because shinsu can be often a pain when using other weapons."
"Men will use silence as a weapon against you, especially if you're an overthinker."
"I love the idea of like my body is the only weapon I need Kung Fu Master right?"
"The mg4, I quite like it. Range is quite good. It's a good all-rounder."
"Almost none of the time in this review was spent with the default iron sights, so I'm not even going to mention them because, well, I can shoot irons, I just don't want to."
"In Wano, Zoro was bestowed Enma, a great-grade Mato formerly wielded by the legendary Samurai Kazuki Odin."
"Gunfire can turn anything into a gun."
"Sometimes the mind is the best weapon."
"The andromedans had not only created a devastating weapon, but they had done so by twisting the very fabric of life."
"He's building a weapon capable of destroying entire worlds."
"What's your favorite weapon of Ash's?"
"Your strongest weapon is humility. If you draw the sword, you will die by the sword."
"An atlatl -- a simple wooden shaft that launches long spears called darts at prey animals or enemies."
"Proto GN Raster Sword got high destructive power, durable."
"She's extremely powerful not only having access to Excalibur as a lightsaber but she's also able to manifest literal creatures from parallel worlds to fight for her."
"...a blade that never dulled, was sharp enough to pierce the scales of the toughest dragons, and resilient enough to withstand the full force of a dragon's bite."
"A weapon can wound you. That doesn't mean it's going to kill you. But just because it doesn't kill you doesn't mean it's not going to hurt you."
"He asked the guy. She clenched her fist. It will be a powerful weapon."
"When the head is inside the bag, then it becomes a weapon that could be used for good as well as evil."
"It's a powerful weapon. Guard it well."
"The heavy weight of my .50 caliber pistol would feel remarkably comfortable right now."
"But then again others are saying you know you don't want to tear up too much meat with a big bullet or a high velocity bullet."
"This gun has served me well in a lot of instances, I must say."
"In the absence of negative thinking, positive thinking is a real weapon."
"As long as it doesn't hurt someone, it doesn't matter how strong the weapon is, it's just a trinket."
"The typical Irish man of old was generally seen with cap on head and stick in hand, and the stick to have was the shillelagh."
"The rope of strangulation. Even the name is badass."
"As far as using this, like, for a marksman, this is probably one of the best marksman rifles in WW1 that they had available to them."
"She pressed the cool metal of her weapon, the weight and solidness of it reassured her."
"The Brotherhood plans to rebuild their super weapon known as Liberty Prime."
"The awesome thing again, the thing I want you to see here is we're really hammering down on the weapon and it is easy to control."
"This pistol possesses more strength, fires a larger ball, and is calculated to do more execution within ordinary pistol range than any pocket pistol in the world."
"It's a fantastic weapon system that we intentionally don't talk about."
"From mortal to legend, from flesh to living weapon."
"A plus one sword gets a bonus to both attack and damage, it is easier to strike your opponent with this sword and it cuts better than a normal sword."
"...one of the coolest weapons in the game."
"Who's that Pokemon? If you're trying to avenge your own murder, pick the tool that has been reliably used to kill people for the last 700 years: a gun."
"Her million-dollar smile is her weapon."
"This makes her wonder how he feels about switching from a sword to a gun and ends up using too much of her magic on her sword."
"Kong got himself a Thor-style ax with a Godzilla scale in it"
"Noah fights off the monster using his upgraded weapon and manages to defeat it."
"The most important weapon on the Custom Beam Saber is ‘Auto Power On’, the beam blades will only activate during moments of impacting with enemy MS."
"It's a fantastic centerpiece for the film and a perfect representation of Red's rage forged into a weapon."
"True martial arts weapon is determined to be the strongest weapon."
"TV was a learning tool, entertainment, and comfort. What if it could be a weapon?"
"I love the Rope Dart. It is messed up beyond belief but, man, what a nasty tool some sicko had to come up with this one."
"Our greatest weapon in this hour is the truth."
"I feel its weight and balance in my hands. It's nothing like the toy boomerangs I've thrown before. This is a weapon honed for survival."
"Minilla's main weapon are his atomic smoke rings."
"These bars are a very good way of protecting the hand without introducing a huge amount of extra mass or weight to the weapon."
"I will be taking control over the weapon I first spoke of years ago, effective immediate."
"A soldier without his weapon can easily be defeated."
"Our weapon is God's words, no way around it."
"The name of Jesus is a weapon. If I swing a gun at you, I'm shooting you. I won't play with you. You might get me; I will get you before you get me."
"The Holy Rosary is the weapon that the enemy fears the most and it's a refuge for those who seek relief from suffering."
"So I think a lot of these things the interesting thing is the M16A2 was developed during peacetime in the Cold War but very much pressed into combat and I think many Marines found out the hard way on how to use it."
"I don't see it as a portable weapon for self-defense."
"No weapon formed against you is going to prosper, no matter what they do."
"Prayer is your greatest weapon because you're not just praying from an empty place. You're praying with the Word of God."
"Blitz can pretty much use anything as a weapon if he tries hard enough."
"Boundaries are a tool, not a weapon."
"Hope is a powerful weapon against anything, even drought."
"A really nasty weapon with good weight, and the cowiela wood is really strong and really tough."
"You have no weapon if you don't have the Bible."
"If your priority is carrying the best weapon possible, which is what it should be cuz that's what this is about, then you really need to go look for the best weapon that you can shoot the best and is also highly reliable."
"The JASSM is an extremely long-range weapon that can be fired from most bombers and fighter aircraft."
"You can turn a pen into a knife or its equivalent. You can take someone's life with it."
"The sword can transform human sorrow into a desire to kill."
"This here is our golden gun. This is the only thing we have that can hopefully take down Phoenix's torque converter race engine cart."
"This weapon is used primarily for defensive purposes, which is really fitting considering Ichigo's frame of mind at the time."
"Quanchi, AKA the crossbow hybrid, is able to fire multiple arrows and even create a buckshot for closer enemies."
"This is not a gun, it's a third arm"
"So the leaders at the Lion King organization had sent Yukina with a really powerful weapon to kill the fourth progenitor if she thought he was a threat."
"Deception was still a shinobi's most powerful weapon."
"If your partner claims to have forgiven you for something but looks for any moment to bring it back up and use it as a weapon against you, they are more focused on hurting you back than healing and moving on."
"The sword is a killer, through and through."
"...turned into the perfect living weapon."
"The weapon that crushes the spirit of the enemy is the strongest."
"The deadliest weapon in the world is a marine and his rifle."
"Use their love as a weapon. That's kind of beautiful though."
"Whisper? A blade forged from metal pulled from the Far Realm."
"That's a pretty sick weapon, One Republic."
"A more elegant weapon for a more civilized age."