
Spiritual Calling Quotes

There are 462 quotes

"We are called to do certain things: deny themselves, pick up their cross, and follow Christ daily."
"No one lights a lamp and hides it... you're the light of the world."
"You've been you long enough. It's time to be who God has called you to be."
"Stop letting people that did not call you stop you from the anointing and assignment that God has given you."
"God has called us out for something far greater than mere happiness. So much greater than happiness that happiness pales in comparison."
"Let Messiah set you free and be a called out one that is separate from the false ways and the mindsets of this world."
"You are not promised tomorrow. Now is the appointed time; today is the day of salvation."
"God needs his people to rise up like a trumpet in this nation."
"It's time for someone to step out of the shadows and into the platform that God has already set with you in mind."
"I want to be obedient, and I want to call you guys to be obedient too."
"Your anointing has an audience, your calling has a context."
"The church is the gathering of the called out ones."
"There is coming a day when you will be a prophet like Samuel."
"Spirit is calling you to go with a new love offer in your life."
"When you follow your highest calling, magic shows up."
"I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of Yahuwah."
"You are called by God created by God to be a saint."
"Open the door, answer the call... it's the door's knocking, the phone's ringing, and God's waiting."
"If this is your time to get in, if this is your call to be trained in your gifts, you guys are signing up."
"God does not call perfect people, he calls imperfect people to be devoted to him."
"God is calling you home to the real thing, the real gospel, so you encounter the real Jesus."
"If Jesus was anointed to the brokenhearted, who do you think would be attracted to him? People who had a broken heart."
"Your life is too valuable and your calling too great and your God too good to waste your life on things that do not last."
"We are called to walk in strength and become the priests of this world that fills the world with our Father's light."
"There's no room for Jesus in the heart of a lukewarm church. He stands at the door and knocks, seeking entrance."
"It's like you're feeling at peace or you are feeling called or led to something much bigger than yourself."
"Don't let anyone poop on your day. God has called you in a unique gifting. Go after that."
"Purpose is fulfilled when you accept God's calling to carry out the roles he's called you to, the way he calls you to carry them out."
"Your blessing is going to have more power than their curse. Bless them, this is your calling."
"The only reason why you and I would be privileged to be in this space... is if on the tail end of this thing he fully intends to call you deep."
"This calling is your Soul's way of signaling that it's time to shed the old, to release what no longer serves you, and to embrace the unknown with open arms."
"We're called to rise. And when that begins to happen, I believe we're going to take back this world for the glory of Jesus Christ."
"God calls you because you would go just the way you are."
"You're here, you're a preacher, it's time to be a witness with more than just being a good preacher."
"You have an ox goad. God has given you something that He wants to grab and use for His glory and the good of others."
"We may be called to something greater... adding to the higher opportunities."
"I'm living in my purpose, I'm walking in my anointing, and I'm going to do it."
"You are salt and you are light, and the question is: Are you willing, for Him, to be as salty as you can be, as bright as you can be, that the circle of your impact will go beyond your fondest dreams and imagination?"
"Your soul's purpose or your soul's calling is going to be very, very loud. You're being called to."
"Your calling is God's invitation for your participation in the reason for your creation."
"Your calling is customized, it's tailor-made."
"That's all God has ever wanted is for us to say here I am, send me, use me."
"The Lord is calling his people out of their comfort zone."
"He's calling his people out of feelings and tradition."
"We really felt that God was calling us to a different type of life."
"Call on the Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace. Call on God Almighty, the one who is, who was, and who is to be. Call on the one who commands millions of angels, the one who speaks and creates. Call on the one who has the keys to life and death."
"I genuinely am already on the plan that we're going to be doing the work that God's called us to do."
"It's time to take your rightful place as the body of Christ and to help people."
"You are meant to help lift the collective consciousness of humanity."
"You've come here voluntarily to bring forth a deep healing to humanity."
"You were called to win souls and make disciples."
"Your calling is to win souls and make disciples."
"God is concerned about me fulfilling my calling, not just my comfort."
"The calling of God upon your life is God's attempt to answer the cry of your generation."
"God is calling you to witness, not just to be successful, but to be fishers of men."
"Some relationships that look dead need to be resurrected because God has called them to be lifelong relationships."
"We are called to be holy because God is holy."
"Choose your divine path, follow your calling, do."
"When God calls you into the kingdom, he's calling you to a life that is going to be juxtaposed to one that you're accustomed to living."
"This is a woman who is hungrier like never before to Bloom into who you have called her to be."
"Lord Jesus Christ, use us, transform the world, make this prayer through the intercession of Our Lady."
"Your destiny is what God has called you to do and to be."
"Oh Lord use us for your glory and your kingdom."
"God is always calling you and I to partner with Him."
"The universe is calling to you to get back into the spiritual nature of what you're trying to accomplish."
"I just felt deep in my heart that God is calling me to go preach the gospel. I somehow had a sense I will go to the nations and I'll check the Word of God to the nations."
"God is raising you up as an end time warrior."
"Are you saved? Praise God. Well then have you discovered your calling?"
"God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the call."
"Father I thank you in Jesus name that you're raising up millennial heroes right now for the millennial generation."
"You were born for this moment, born to shift the culture, born to be a forerunner, born to prepare the way for the Lord."
"I want to pray for someone who's been hoping that God would allow them to step into their calling with audacity."
"You're called to raise up the sons and daughters of God."
"I call upon the light of this entire universe to flood our planet."
"Now is the time to share your light with the world."
"I will go wherever you call me that'll preach."
"You're the one God's chosen to change the generational pattern."
"I am not surprised... I cannot continue to put limits on God's promises and God's calling on my life." - Michael Chandler
"It is time for you to revisit what the Lord called you to do."
"Let them feel your presence let them know not only that you are real that you exist but that you desire relationship with them God you want them to be close to you and you have shed blood in the person of Jesus to make that possible."
"Be yourself, be authentic, and listen to the higher calling in your heart. You don't have to meet anybody else's expectations of who or what you are."
"We're not called to succeed, we're called to sow. Tell people about your Savior."
"Patrons' support sustains content creation journey."
"God has been giving you a sign, a confirmation that you have a great call upon your life."
"In this world today legal ethical moral spiritual not necessarily religious but you're serving a higher calling than just the money."
"I've come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know that they are sinners."
"You are part of a team of souls, called and supported."
"God brought you out for such a time as this."
"I will not be stopped. I will not stop doing what God has called me to do."
"He even chooses us broken vessels today to bring his messiah to those around the world."
"Don't you want to spend your one shot on earth doing the thing that God is doing while you're on earth?"
"When Jesus Christ appeared to me and He said, 'Go bring my people back to me.'"
"True moves of the Holy Spirit will cause people to say, 'Here am I Lord, send me.'"
"We are chosen by God, put on this earth for a purpose, because God thinks that we are the best option to fulfill this calling."
"To step into what God has for you to step into your purpose, to write the book, to preach, to prophesy, to travel."
"You've been called by God. By God's foreknowledge, He's predestined you."
"Heavenly Father Here I am I'm not running I'm not scared well maybe a little scared but I'm still here and this bush has been burning and calling my name and I'm ready to turn it into holy ground."
"You are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect, for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts."
"Your destiny is to find a sacred calling that allows you to channel your desire to be of service."
"Tonight has really blessed me. I've been feeling the Lord has been wanting to use me in some way. Tonight was confirmation."
"I'm here to tell you God is looking for a generation of people that are going to know him."
"Some of you are getting filled with creativity to do the unlikely things that God's calling you to."
"Loving God and loving other people, laying down your life for your friends, that's our call, that's our purpose."
"Listen to your calling and pursue spiritual growth."
"The father is waiting for some folk to come home, please don't miss this, don't miss this, don't miss this."
"It's a feeling, it's a calling, literally here with judgment, nothing's forcing you to it, it's absolutely a choice."
"We are called to be Salt and Light... not to sit on the sidelines and watch it all burn."
"The hand of God is upon you, prophesy with everything in you!"
"This ministry came to pass as a result of me making the decision."
"God was leading me to give up my career once again and start a business."
"We are called to follow Jesus, to be salt and light."
"I shoot for the stars. Radiance is my birthright."
"God never called us into the realm of assumption. Many people have called themselves what they are not called into."
"You are of light, and it's going to attract so many different things to you, but you are for some of those things, you can only be the light."
"God's voice is chasing you down even when you're an unbeliever."
"What was heaven trying to start? Heaven was trying to start you."
"Make a wish, the only answer is to give this world back to God."
"I'm anointed to do this okay I'm anointed to expose certain things to expose the kingdom of darkness that's what God annoyed to me for."
"It's kind of like he said to the disciple, 'Go and tell blind Bartimaeus, be encouraged on your feet.' He's calling you."
"How you can be someone who is safe... someone who is really an ally... what I believe God calls us to do and be in the world."
"If he called me to preach, I got to go deeper, I got to go deeper, I got to go deeper."
"God called me to prepare the way, raise up the prophets and apostles."
"They will fulfill their destiny, they will do everything you call them to do."
"Some of you are a light worker, okay? And this is what's happening right now is awakening you to that fact or expanding upon your current ability and knowledge."
"I thank God for being able to stand up here before you this morning and bring the message that God put on my heart."
"Enough is enough. I'm ready to become a voice in the wilderness crying, 'Thus saith the Lord, the King is coming!'"
"Jesus has called us to be his light, we are called to make a difference in the lives of our fellow men and women."
"Whatever God designed you for will be effortless to you, it will be what He created you to do."
"Decide to help God's children... by small and simple things."
"He has anointed you for such a time as this."
"It's not that you should become a priest, it's that someone must."
"God did not call you to a Ministry of infirmity."
"God is sending out his remnant to bring in those souls that should have been in the kingdom a long time ago."
"Are you willing to turn away from it? I want Him."
"I don't care what went wrong in your life if you call on him he'll come into your heart."
"Your god-given right to be free to be released from illegitimate bondage to pursue your calling under God and okay what the devil has told you and who he's used to speak it that's a lie that's a lie your bondage is a lie."
"God wants to flow through you. God wants to use you. And he's fighting for me."
"God's love summons your story summons your striving and it summons your Sanctuary wherever you're hiding place is."
"If God is telling you to write a book, it's not about you."
"Christ's call to holiness has never changed."
"Sardis is all about Christ's call to every believer."
"We're all called to do this and God will use what we have to give."
"Be filled, my friends, ask him to give you what he has, which is power."
"You can be a missionary by walking out your front door."
"Recognize your calling; there's something for you on the other side."
"God will use common situations to invite you into extraordinary callings."
"Confusing situations are many times God confronting you with your calling."
"This story is about following your divine calling, and not shrinking in fear."
"Your soul is calling you to make a change; follow the voice of your soul."
"Often in Scripture... when you see God calling someone's name... they, in the natural realm, didn't seem to be very important."
"God didn't make you to live like an animal... Men and women, that's right."
"It is time to live unhindered, uncompromised, unbound, bold, all out, on fire, and mighty in the power of the Living God. It is time to rise."
"I feel this is part of your calling in this life."
"When we operate in our gifting, in our calling, there is such a satisfaction that nothing else in this world can bring."
"God doesn't change our calling just because a component of it makes us uncomfortable."
"Here's the mission He wants me to do, here's an action He wants me to take."
"Wisdom is calling you right now to a relationship."
"Be confident in your own skin, be who God called you to be."
"You've been through so much, but you still rise. You're the anointed one."
"God wants that thing that makes you feel like a fool, that makes you wonder, God, how could you choose me as broken as I am."
"The joy of a life dedicated to Jesus...can cast out some of the fears."
"To enter into either vocation is to follow God's will for my life, and so this all takes place in conversation with him, surrendering to him, trusting him."
"We can't afford to just exist anymore, God needs the real deal in this season."
"You've been called to the kingdom for such a time as this."
"If you're a world changer, God has someone for you to be a water walker."
"I was absolutely called by God, in the most humble state, brought amazing comfort to me, and the revelation I experienced was for me to attempt to bring comfort to others."
"I am so glad God chose me as one of the voices to speak His goodness."
"His love saw me a broken-down kid with regret as deep as the ocean... yet he saw fit to use me for his kingdom."
"You're the Revival, my spirit being poured out upon you and you going and reaching the Nations for Christ."
"You're an earth angel that was sent here to make them wake up to the truth."
"I was like Jonah in the Bible. I didn't want to live in my village. I wanted to serve God in the city where things are easier. I wanted to reach others with the gospel, not my own people."
"Be Jesus in this world. As the Father has sent me, I also send you."
"The most dangerous prayer one could ask us, 'Why did you make me? What do you need me to do?' and then do it."
"Let's be the people that God has called us to be."
"God may be calling us to deeper prayer and faith to combat the struggles we face in the world today."
"Jesus doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called."
"God's original plan for his creation is calling us back to his order."
"Your calling is found in Jesus. Seek Jesus, and your calling will attract itself to you."
"God is waiting to hear from you: Where are you?"
"Every believer has been anointed and called."
"I believe that it's God that is calling each one of us."
"This child has a prophetic anointing on her life and she shall minister to the nation, and she shall prophesy, she will go places that a person of her caliber had never been, her race or her gender."
"Every believer has been anointed and called... you have been anointed to lay hands and to prove the gospel we're preaching."
"God, here is my anointing and here are my hands. God, show me how to make an effort to impact because I need a heaven open over my life."
"Trust almighty God who created you and has equipped you to do what He has called you to do."
"God calls us to moral excellence, to be above reproach."
"I've chosen you, ordained you to go and bring forth fruit, and not only that but... your fruit should remain."
"God called us to fulfill missions versus fill rooms."
"If God wants me to stop all this and just be his voice I'll definitely do it."
"You're chosen and God has you on a prophetic journey."
"You're being called to spend more time in nature."
"God's calling many of you right now to be that spiritual warrior, be that sniper, be part of the army of God."
"If God is putting it on your heart, don't deny your ministry."
"You were created for magic, abundance, and love. Call them into your life with intention."
"Are you ready to be used by God and also draw other sinners to him?"
"The time is now, so it's really crucial to be obedient to that call."
"I have raised you up for this hour to go after the strongholds of hell."
"Salvation is free, but the call of God to ministry will cost you everything."
"You can't please everybody, but I'm staying true to what God's called me to do."
"There is a calling that I got, you're not here by accident."