
Jury Duty Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Advice for jury duty: Be honest and be forthcoming and don't be afraid of it."
"Don't harass the jurors; we want good people to do jury duty the same way we want good people to be politicians."
"I really want to thank them (the jurors) for their patience...I really appreciate them for actually taking the time out and listening to the truth."
"The sanctity of the jury system is to be maintained. A new trial must be granted unless it clearly appears that the subject matter of the communication was harmless and could not have affected the verdict."
"I think it really is significant when we had so many people show up for jury duty that questioned even the reason for a hate crimes charge in this case to see them come back after listening to this evidence sends a very powerful message."
"The jury is allowed to find all facts and all inferences that are available from those facts."
"Nullifying jury nullification is disregarding the law."
"Jurors cannot make a decision based on sympathy."
"In the absence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, a jury is obligated legally and morally to return a verdict of not guilty."
"This jury of 18 sacrificed and were willing to sacrifice a month of their life."
"My whole thing about jury nullification is that you shouldn't have to check your conscience at the door."
"There's really a lot of trust that is put into these jurors throughout this whole process."
"This case comes down to one simple question: Did Nicole Bell intentionally shoot and kill Henry King? If the answer is yes, you must convict."
"If the jury have a doubt, then the law says they should find them not guilty."
"Jury duty: the only time I dress up for something I hope doesn't happen."
"You should never lie to get out of jury duty."
"The judge closes the instructions to the jury with the following message: 'Now members of the jury, the time has come when the great burden of reaching a just, fair, and conscientious decision of this case is to be thrown wholly upon you.'"
"You were a wonderful jury to work with, punctual and attentive."
"Congrats, you got out of jury duty, it could have been either one."
"Don't try to get out of jury duty. It's your civic duty."
"If you were selected to serve on this jury would you consider and respect the view of other jurors even if their views differed from yours in accordance with our instructions."
"Your purpose as jurors is to decide what the facts are."
"I think we had a jury that took their responsibilities very seriously. I think that they paid attention tremendously well... they saw the full forest through the trees."
"You must not discuss this case with anyone until you retire to deliberate. This includes family, friends, and even your fellow jurors."
"I had the best excuse to get out of jury duty he had ever seen."
"I think you probably know why you might be here. Are you the juror that communicated to Mr. Combs that you knew one of the witnesses? Okay, you probably feel a little weird with everybody staring at you right now, but you did the right thing."
"For the jury... Enjoy the rest of your night and we'll see you tomorrow morning, just... yes."
"Serving on a jury is a privilege that makes the justice system work."
"I'm just glad I'm relieved of jury duty."
"I should tell you that I talk to jurors all the time after they come to a verdict, and every one of them, even though they didn't really want to serve, they were really glad they did."
"Your obligation is to honestly answer the questions and tell us of anything that might affect your ability to be neutral, open-minded, and fair."
"Even though many did not want to do jury duty, they've all told me afterwards that they were really glad they had the chance to serve as a juror."
"You're excused from this jury, but thank you so much for answering our questions."
"Remember that your job as a jury is to determine if the state has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Ashley McArthur committed the crime of first-degree premeditated murder with a firearm."
"You owe us as jurors one thing only, that you must entertain the possibility that we are telling the truth."
"You must follow those instructions regardless of your opinion of what the law is or what the law should be."
"Serving as a juror will cause you a particular hardship or if there is an accommodation that the court may provide to help you serve as a juror please speak up."
"Open mind if you happen to see one of us out there duck us we'll duck you, no research, no discussion and as I said, keep an open mind."
"Keep skipping over things that don't work for us keep skipping over things that don't fit into this nice little pretty box that I'm trying to give you you have to look at everything that is that's the oath that y'all took as jurors."
"It's the jury, right? It doesn't get more important than this."
"Juries are in a different position in a murder, some the way they are in a lesser offense."
"Jurors' duty is one of the highest civic duties you can do."
"I always like women on juries; the women were a lot more perceptive than the guys."
"We met during jury duty... and then we both got selected to be on the jury."
"It is the duty of the jury to listen to and weigh the evidence presented."
"The good news is that your service here as jurors is almost complete; the bad news is that the most difficult part of your service is about to begin."
"Fairness extends far beyond the immediate considerations here and will broadly impact the jury system and citizens' willingness to serve."
"Each and every one of you promised us during jury selection that you would have the courage to say the words 'not guilty'."
"Please remember my admonitions to you: don't discuss the case amongst yourselves, don't form any opinions about the case, don't conduct any deliberations until the matter has been submitted to you."
"You've had a uniquely or virtually uniquely American experience this week to serve on a jury."
"I've been a juror five times. Good, you know what you're doing."
"I would love to be on a federal jury. It would be so interesting."
"What's great about jury service is that at this point, you all hold the power, you have the influence."
"Our hearts go to the jurors who had to endure that."
"You determine the facts of this case."
"You will hear in this trial some interesting beliefs that might be a little out there... would you be able to be fair and unbiased?" "Yeah, I would be able to."
"...the state asserts that the citizens of Fremont can provide fair and impartial jurors capable of following instructions from the court."
"You have been summoned today to serve as jurors in the criminal action of the Commonwealth versus Sarah Smith."
"Does everybody understand that if we don't meet our burden beyond a reasonable doubt that you have a duty to return a verdict of not guilty?"
"You are the exclusive judges of the facts proved, of the credibility of the witnesses, and of the weight to be given to the testimony."
"For you to reach a verdict, it has to be a unanimous decision."