
Investment Timing Quotes

There are 331 quotes

"What if I told you that the best opportunities to achieve financial freedom in a relatively short period of time in crypto is actually during bear markets?"
"If you can watch these kinds of corrections and you can be buying somewhere around here, you're almost guaranteed to make some money on the bounce."
"Once you understand why I knew Ethereum would surge and was buying back in March when everyone else is selling instead of being manipulated by whales out of your Ethereum, you can trade in the same patterns as the whales."
"The reason I sold is because I saw that it was at like a peak and based on what I've seen at crypto, it's always like, 'Yeah, we're all rich,' and then it's like, 'Oh, it's worthless.'"
"Updated return is an opportunity which is given to you at that point of time." - Chandra Varshney
"Buy on the sound of cannons and sell on the sound of trumpets."
"You always hear the expression, 'time to buy is when there's blood in the streets.'" - Jim Rickards
"When things get difficult in crypto is usually the best time to be here. Most people only want to come when they see big green numbers and that's the most dangerous time to be here."
"The best time to buy hacks is when it was nowhere and people were calling it a scam."
"Fortunes are made in the down market; they're collected in the up market."
"The greatest wealth is created in the shortest period of time."
"Gold has moved. I mean, you know, you should talk to me a couple years ago. Gold was $1,200, it's now, you know, it just broke out through its all-time high of $1,900."
"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."
"Some are still off from its highs which is also good because that means you still have the time to buy the dip."
"Fundamental analysis tells you what to buy, technical analysis tells you when to buy. That's big stuff, you know."
"When whales start buying, you know that's generally at the beginning of when you want to really start buying heavily."
"The fundamentals tell you what and why, and the technicals tell you when and how much." - Yuri
"Bitcoin season is still on and we haven't seen a number that low since May 2022."
"The real key to succeeding in this bull run actually lies in these dips."
"Remember that time in the market always beats timing the market in the long term."
"It's never too late to buy. Look at the companies that are buying now at fifty two thousand dollars a coin fifty five thousand dollars a coin."
"This is one of the best times in history to buy right now."
"Try and look around the corner and that's when you make the most money."
"Don't wait until end August to buy it; start thinking about what's the next narrative."
"Sometimes people forget it's like that can be...a really good time to invest in the stock market because it was underperforming look at it now."
"Upcoming unlocking of shares of Bitcoin of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust is going to take place next month."
"The only thing that you should be doing or changing is potentially buying more."
"To do investment right, you need two things: the what and the when. I always had the what, I was always early on every new technology, but I didn't have the when."
"When bitcoin goes up for a week or so, that's when you make a lot of the money."
"The cycle bottom tends to correspond well before the having... every single prior having has occurred at the price where bitcoin hit the fair value."
"Stay positive, stay creative, and keep on DIY."
"The best times to buy were when it felt the most depressing. It's not when we're in the bull market; it's when no one really wants to buy."
"I find that whenever bitcoin sentiment is very low, it's a very telling moment."
"The earlier you're in, imagine if you were invested in Avalanche the first time we did an interview with John Woo."
"Every time people say that we're late, you know, at 100k we'll be saying we were late at 100k."
"Keep hustling when the 2020 pandemic happened; that was when the stock market and cryptocurrency was the biggest opportunity."
"So, is this a sell on the news event or not? I think a lot of people have been saying that."
"I expect Bitcoin to put in a bottom probably around mid-year... although the bull market will take years to develop."
"Investing during a recession is one of the most profitable times to invest."
"Despite any FUD you hear in the news, despite Jim Cramer telling you you're an idiot for buying crypto, this is the best time to get in."
"Cryptocurrency is about to pop, it's gonna be on a very good upline for the next week or two, it's gonna drop in the next two weeks and by the end of the year it's going to be through the moon."
"I still can't help but think there might be a better opportunity to buy this company."
"If you were smart enough to buy in when it was down, it's probably gonna keep going up."
"Investing as early as you can... that one year difference will literally double your initial investment."
"The AI 2.0 wealth window is opening now but it's going to close soon. Don't let the opportunity pass you by."
"I think having a good mix between keeping some liquid coins to play with and just to make sure that you have the capabilities to do the right things at the right time with it is important."
"I think the investors that bought during this time got a really good deal."
"When the sentiment gets very very negative, that's usually when you get some pretty good opportunities."
"When the markets are down, this is when you come in."
"A little too high for by the dip, personally."
"Most of these stocks have most of their price action intraday or in a couple of days."
"Bitcoin just broke all-time highs; this historically is the best time to be in crypto."
"I don't ever recommend buying stocks at all-time highs."
"be patient wait for the perfect pitch then and only then do you swing and swing hard"
"The last few weeks were a gift to us. Just a good buying opportunity."
"If you can pick the key narrative in crypto early enough, you will make thousands of dollars."
"If we're not going to get good news, then we need to have a dip now to make bitcoin so cheap that people sitting on the sidelines go, 'This is it, I'm selling my car.'"
"Buy when everyone is fearful and sell when others are greedy."
"Wait for the market to find its bottom, then make a precise entry."
"The people that come in at this point will say, 'Wow, I wish I got in down there.'"
"When you feel that pit of fear, that like absolute panic, that's probably the best time to buy."
"The best time to buy a gaming PC and also the worst time to buy a gaming PC."
"Wait for a great entry. On average, you'll get a return that's normally 15 to 35 percent higher."
"We're at the bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom of the cycle. This is the right time to get in."
"I want you to be able to say, 'I did it. I was sitting on the sidelines of my cash with a clear mind, ready to pounce.'"
"During one of the most fundamentally bullish times for bitcoin and for cryptocurrency as a whole, I don't think now is the time to be bearish."
"Stick around when the market is calm, that's when you make the most money."
"The best time to buy bitcoin was a year ago, the next best time is now."
"There might not be a better time to accumulate those positions that you do believe in."
"When things are down 50, 60, 70, I'd say that's a pretty darn good buying opportunity."
"That's why you get those big moves because of the accumulation in the boring time."
"It's always the right time to buy. I think that this is the decade of bitcoin."
"You're not late to the game as long as you show up. Shiba Inu is not going anywhere, it's not a meme token, it's a coin with very useful utility."
"Short-term capital gains exist, why waste it?"
"The market is absolutely ruthless this year... you just get destroyed if you buy at the wrong time."
"What you guys need to do is do research, pick a niche, get in while no one's talking about it."
"Trust that. Don't look at it, and when the hype comes to your sector eventually, that's when you sell and take profits along the way."
"There are opportunities that come up and, you know, my personal goal is for people to be prepared and frankly, I'd always rather be, I don't care if I'm 10 years too early because when do you want to know when it's hyperinflating?"
"It's a perfect bottom signal when everyone is talking smack about you."
"This is very very early in the grand scheme of things when we're looking at these altcoins."
"Do you have those diamond hands or you selling way too early before you secure those major profits?"
"Realize that the real gains come from investment or reinvestment anywhere near the bear market lows."
"I still believe there's plenty of time to buy the dip, to accumulate Bitcoin."
"You want to own it when nobody else wants it."
"When there's blood in the streets, perfect time to DCA."
"The best time to pick up the stock...is after the lockup period is over."
"When we see continuing bad news and then asset prices quit going down, that will be probably a pretty good heads up."
"Either buy it right at the beginning or when the production reaches steady state." - Elon Musk
"Generally speaking, we always feel like the best time to invest is now."
"ETH is hot right now, but the time to buy ETH was in January when we were buying it." - ETH is hot
"If you were able to time the market, the returns from market timing are far less than those from effective stock picking."
"The market participants have essentially been a year behind the whole time."
"Once things hit a critical level, the next leg up is very fast."
"Not all is lost, but the good thing is where we are now presents a really good buying opportunity."
"Retail always piles in at the all-time high."
"I believe that alt season is right around the corner."
"Remember, extreme fear has always been a good time to be interested in the markets."
"Bitcoin is probably going to hit towards maybe the 50,000, 60,000 price range by the end of the year."
"The best time to sell puts is at the bottom."
"This is really a great time to buy because this move... is simply the disbelief phase."
"Let's double down, be on the right side of change, and invest when things are cheap."
"Never invested in a cryptocurrency so early."
"Buying in when things are low like unloved, unappreciated, that's when you get it..."
"You guys have to be having if you bought on the dips, we put around seventy to sixty-five percent of our portfolios in the market."
"Not starting my Roth IRA earlier when I first started working is one of my biggest financial regrets."
"We said it would not have a negative effect on the price. Why not? Because it's the same time of the cycle."
"Don't tell me what to buy, tell me when to buy it."
"Now's a good time to make any investment choices or financial decisions."
"Simple ideology: buy altcoins when bitcoin dominance is high, take profit when it's low."
"Guys, you know they've been quiet for a while because the coins have just been going up and up and up but now we can start looking at where's the good entries all of that."
"I don't think you're late on the altcoin market by any means."
"If everyone is fearful, then it's time to be buying."
"Once it passes its old all-time high, that's when it's really going to have its fast leg up."
"Wait for a bear cycle, then you could buy it up for pennies on the dollar."
"Your entry price is very important, it's not just about being in the right stock, it's about being in the right entry price and understanding the time of day different catalysts." - Timothy Sykes
"How many of you guys thought you were getting ready to retire?"
"Panic selling is never a good idea. You sell when things are going up."
"The safe time to invest is when there's blood in the streets."
"Why are you still here? Why are you still watching if you don't think you're in early enough to make money?"
"The best time to buy is when people are panicking."
"Remember, one of the biggest issues I see is people being too aggressive with their time frame in options trading."
"That's telling the market and the whales, 'Hey, there's no one really wanting to sell, this is a good bottom.'"
"Anything below 30 on fear and greed index is an area you should be thinking about buying."
"The best time to invest? When no one's talking about it."
"These boring times, these dips... provide the greatest opportunities."
"Cash is king. Going to cash will allow you to accumulate more coins at a lower price."
"You'll never get the exact bottoms. It's a great time to start dollar cost averaging on the way down."
"When markets are bad, that's when we leak our best alpha."
"Diana's tragic end marked the loss of an influential figure."
"Now is actually the time when professional investors should be working... this is the time when actually all of the best returns will come out."
"If you were down thirty percent and you started buying, you would have had amazing timing every single time."
"Sometimes it just takes a long time for the market to realize what's happening."
"Sometimes the best time to invest is when the masses say it's the worst time."
"You know within probably I would say the next six to nine months there's a good chance that the altcoin market could actually turn back around."
"People are buying into stocks late into run-ups at high valuations because they want to take part in the gains."
"Is now a good time to be picking up some of the shiny stuff? Well, I definitely think so."
"Looking at the market cap, all coin season might be back."
"We've actually just about seen exactly that right here 61 spot six three percent."
"Generally when sentiment is this bad it's a sign that we're closer to the low than the high."
"Billions and billions of dollars of your money being poured into the equities market at the wrong time."
"Bitcoin goes up first and then altcoins do this big catch up at the end."
"Try and buy at the right time, don't overpay."
"The best month to invest in stocks is April for the past 20 years."
"Even if you bought on that first Green Dot and dumped all your money in irresponsibly, you're still getting in when you come up to these new all-time highs."
"Americans views of the housing market hit an all-time low this year with more than three quarters or more than 75 percent saying it's a bad time to buy a house."
"Historically speaking anytime we're down in this green area it has been an amazing opportunity to buy."
"Bitcoin is coming back to a key point in the chart. This is where we would naturally expect people to start buying up Bitcoin."
"Now is the absolute time that you should be buying a card."
"This is probably one of the best times to buy bitcoin with like almost no risk in my opinion."
"Best times in crypto: after the bear, before the bull; only true believers remain."
"Think about how many people get the top exactly right."
"There's no doubt that yeah we could have another bottom but that one bottom is in and the question is do you want to leave those types of gains on the table so what I do believe."
"Stocks coming down is actually what lowers the risk in the market."
"Bitcoin is still early days. You're very, very early if you're buying now."
"The biggest mistake that people make when it comes to just metals is that people wait until there's a problem to try to fix it."
"We sit on the cusp of all-time highs, it could happen as soon as today."
"This could be that long-awaited multi-year breakout moment."
"The probability of success is heavily weighted in your favor if you can wait for cycle lows."
"I think the people who make the most amount of money are the ones who got in like 2011, 2012 and just held, didn't do anything."
"The people who make the most amount of money are the ones who got in like 2011, 2012 and just held, didn't do anything."
"Did you buy the dip or did you just talk about buying the dip?"
"The better setup is still hunting a buy at reclaimed support or kind of selling back below resistance."
"It's a whole lot cheaper to be a little bit behind, and that's a valid strategy in business."
"I think it's as attractive as it was during prior beginnings of bull markets."
"We still like Metals... it's a fantastic time to buy."
"The best time to invest in the company is before the hype kicks back up."
"Congrats to everyone who was buying ada back then."
"Invest when there's blood in the streets or be greedy when others are fearful."
"The best time to invest in these stock market crashes."
"Proportion in both time and price is extremely important."
"It's better to accumulate them when they're quiet."
"It's all about short-term risk, long-term when Lambo."
"We actually have an opportunity to buy when it is cheap."
"By the time you've heard of them, they've already pumped and you've already missed your chance."
"Don't wait to buy property, you buy property and wait."
"The best moment to buy would be the minute before Joe Biden announces that we're keeping Jerome Powell."
"But I would definitely buy anywhere between the 90 or 100 going out to July 16th, that monthly."
"If everybody is greedy like a few weeks ago you want to be careful... now that there's panic and fear in the market, I think it's interesting again."
"The best time to invest is at this point here or at this point here... the worst time to sell is at the bottom of the market."
"Tesla stock dips after China EV sales Fall by 11% - is now a time to buy?"
"This isn't even the beginning of alt season yet."
"If you can identify the narratives in the cycle, then you know when to get into the market."
"When everyone is 100% fearful, that's when you may want to go against the herd."
"Don't agree with taking profits in January? What do you mean? You should be taking profits right now!"
"Every single time we had narratives like that, it was the best time to buy and to hold."
"Now we're starting to move into really an opportunity for altcoin season."
"We're in a cool down period, and this is where you're able to find those deals."
"Never forget that the dynamic is always so that the first short sellers to cover get the best deal."
"Things do happen fast, so if we do get that dip... be ready."
"Peak fear tends to be a great time to buy up assets."
"Is it telling you that the play is over or does it tell you that it cooled off? It cooled off and like we say sometimes when things are running all the way up and then people chase it then they get left and you know what they have to average down."
"Look at the greed and fear index... if everybody's scared that's an inclination that maybe it's a time to be bold."
"Smart money is not buying bitcoin when it's up 85 percent in seven weeks."
"This was just a one wave and we're correcting down in that one wave before we experience a three wave and at that three wave I would expect it to hit about 30 cents."
"I think we need to be looking right now for a bottom and then once we have found and confirmed that bottom, we should be looking for a long position."
"Qualcomm's stock is down 3.44% - a buying opportunity for 5G."
"It's a lot better to buy Tesla at $400 a share than $500 a share."
"There is a kind of a time lag between public investment in highway infrastructure versus transit infrastructure in our nation."
"The last two months have been like a gift for those who got in late."
"Even if you got in at some different levels, this might not be the best time to sell."