
New Week Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"What's going on y'all, welcome to another glorious Monday. It's a big week, another one, another one right, that's a fact."
"Enter into this week without regrets, with the ability to look at everything as context."
"It's motivational Monday, wishing you a magnificent Monday!"
"Happy Monday, family! Let's go, let's get it!"
"It's a beautiful Monday, I hope you had an amazing weekend."
"It's Monday, cheers to a good week."
"Right then game on it's Monday morning yes"
"It's a beautiful Monday and that means it's the start of the week, less traffic on the road and a whole new week to start out fresh so let's do it."
"It's a new week, it's a new dawn, it's a new life for me and you and we're feeling good."
"Happy Monday, guys. It's a beautiful day."
"Happy Monday! We all had a great weekend."
"Good morning! How is everyone doing today? Massive happy Monday and positive start to the week!"
"Unwind and recharge, making sure I'm ready to tackle the week ahead."
"Happy Monday everyone, this week is going to be such a good week."
"Hope you're all having a very pleasant start to your week."
"Hope you guys have a great week ahead."
"Good morning, happy new week to you!"
"Have an amazing Monday and an amazing week."
"Hope you guys all have a fantastic Sunday today and a fantastic week up ahead."
"Happy Sunday, this week is going to be very exciting."
"It's a beautiful brand new day, welcome back to another exciting farming week."
"It's Monday, we're gonna have a great week."
"Let's go ahead and get on with this week; it is Monday, happy Monday."
"I'm going to 100% go into next week with a positive mindset."
"I am being energized, refreshed, revitalized - start of the week."
"Good morning, it is Monday, the start of a new week."
"Good morning you guys and happy Monday."
"Good morning, happy Monday, fresh week. I'm feeling very good today."
"Happy Monday, I'm so excited for this week."
"It's currently Monday morning at the start to a brand new week."
"I hope you're all having a lovely weekend, I hope you'll have a lovely start to the brand new week ahead."
"What better way is it to celebrate this week with starting it off right."
"Welcome to a great week for you to be here."
"Have a wonderful week ahead everyone, I hope it treats you all well."
"I hope you're all having a nice positive start to the week."
"Hello, good afternoon, it's a new week."
"Have an awesome amazing week ahead."
"Let's make it an incredible great week."
"Happy Monday to you all this beautiful Monday morning."
"Let's have a good week, good morning."
"Happy Monday, and I hope you guys have a productive week."
"Welcome to Monday, it's going to be a great week."
"Let's have a better week, let's be positive where we can."
"There's nothing quite so relaxing on a Monday morning to start the week off on good terms."
"I hope you guys have an incredible week, third week of the new year."
"Good morning everybody, welcome to Monday."
"Happy Monday everyone, hope you had a great weekend."
"I hope you're ready for an awesome week."
"Good morning to you, it is Monday."
"I hope everyone's having a very pleasant start to their week."
"Good morning, it is Monday morning. I hope everyone has had a beautiful and fantastic weekend."
"Good morning! Today is Monday, and it's the start of a brand new week."
"I just feel like this week is going to be a great week, and we're starting off strong."
"Hope you guys had a great weekend, and let's get going."
"Let's smash another week, we can do it."
"A fresh set of nails to kick off the week is my idea of the perfect Monday morning."
"It's gonna be a great week. I can feel it."
"Let's be positive, let's go, it's Monday."
"Good morning everybody, it's Monday."
"Thank you guys so much for listening; I hope that you have a great start to your week."
"It's Monday, beginning of a new week."
"Monday came and swept away all the fun of yesterday's, but I'm gonna hold it together."
"Good morning, guys! It is Monday the 16th of October, and I am so excited."
"It's good vibes, it's Monday, let's go."
"It's going to be a beautiful start to the week."
"Welcome to a beautiful Monday, July the 26th."
"Good morning, it is a new week and therefore a new weekly vlog."
"Feeling pretty recharged, rested, headed into this week."
"Good morning guys, welcome back to another week in our life."
"God has gone back to work and so we celebrate on the first working day of the Jewish week, Sunday."
"I hope y'all had a great weekend, looking forward to a great week."
"Morning everybody, welcome to another week here in Ireland."
"It's Monday, I feel good, I want to like go shopping a little bit."
"Good morning guys, welcome back to our blog channel. Today is Monday."
"Good morning and happy Monday, today is Monday and I am excited for a fresh start to the week."
"Happy Monday! I hope you're all having a great start to the week."
"I hope you guys have a wonderful start to your new week, love you guys, bye."
"Happy Monday, you guys! I'm so freaking excited to be back."
"I hope you all are starting your week off on a wonderful note."
"I hope y'all week starts off really, really great."
"Bring your energy Monday. There's going to be lots going on next week."
"Hope you guys have a wonderful Monday and a wonderful week."
"Good morning everyone, it is Monday and we are starting a new college week in our life."
"I feel so refreshed and ready to like take on the week."
"Happy new week, today is the 4th of April."
"Starting my week off with fresh clean sheets."
"It's Monday, let's have a productive week."
"Happy Monday, it's a great start to the week."
"Have a wonderful rest of your day and a great start to your week tomorrow."
"It feels so good to go into the week with everything fresh and clean."
"Happy Monday, I hope everybody has an amazing week."
"Rise and shine, my mom used to say. And I say, rise and grind. Happy Monday to each and every one of you superstars on the line."
"Let's get ready to make everyone look good; that's right, Monday is the start of a whole new week of hard work."
"I have a really good feeling about this week; the sun is shining, it's going to be a good one."
"I'm gonna wake up and start a prosperous week."
"Happy Monday! Welcome to the start of a new week."
"I hope you have a great day and a good start to your week."
"Happy Monday to all of you, God bless all of you also."
"Good morning and happy Monday, you guys."
"Hello, my duckies, welcome to Monday."
"I'm feeling super refreshed and just like ready for the week ahead."
"Good morning, happy Monday, y'all."
"Welcome to Scoop World Order. Happy Monday! I hope you guys are having a great start to your week."
"It's Monday, and you know what that means; it's time for elevation."
"Have a good week guys, happy Monday."
"It's a beautiful day, it's Monday, and they have a lot of things happening."
"And a big happy Monday, the start of a positively exciting week."
"Hope your week is off to a good start."
"Have a fantastic Monday wherever you are, and take care everyone."
"Hope all of you guys had a great weekend and that you're having a nice start to your week."
"This new week will bring you an abundance of joy, great moments, wonderful people, and blessings."
"Happy Monday! I hope you guys are doing amazing."
"I'm starting off the week pretty strong."
"It's a beautiful Monday, let's get it."
"Happy Monday, Monday fun day in the house!"
"Good morning everybody, how are we all doing today? It's Monday, we have a nice fresh start to the week."
"I hope you will have an amazing start to this week."
"I hope everyone had a great weekend, and let's get going for this Monday."
"Happy Monday everybody, we're going to have a beautiful amazing day."
"I hope you guys are having a wonderful start to the week."
"Good morning everybody and welcome back to another fun-filled exciting Monday."
"Happy Monday, it's a beautiful sunny day."
"I just love a Monday. I just love new beginnings."
"Good morning, beautiful people. It's another week, we are better thankfully."
"The sudden and unexpected progress that you are going to have in your life at the beginning of this week is going to bring a very positive change in your life."
"It's Monday, let's make the most of this week, let's be our very best."
"Morning everybody, it is Monday, we are ready to roll."
"I wish you a wonderful and creative week ahead."
"Hope everyone is having a great start to your week."
"Happy Monday, I hope that you have a great week whether it's work, school, or something else; you got this."
"I hope you had a beautiful weekend, happy Monday to you."
"It's time to have fun; happy Monday if you're just now coming in."
"Happy Monday! I hope you guys are having an amazing start to your week."
"So that on Monday, I wake up feeling fresh and cleansed and ready to tackle the week."
"I hope you guys have an absolutely amazing Monday."