
Legal Authority Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"No federal agency can change the statute; they can change a regulation, that can write a ruling, that can write a new regulation, and they can write letter opinions based on their authority, but a federal agency does not have the authority to write a law. That's congressional."
"When a supranational common good is clearly identified, it necessitates a special legal authority capable of facilitating solutions."
"Trump has the immunity to execute the laws; if the election is rigged, he's got the authority, in fact, the moral obligation, the sworn duty to go in and to investigate it, and that's all he's done."
"The very moment that the president decides to declassify material, that material is declassified."
"I order that you be committed... for a period not to exceed 50 years."
"Even in its current form, Section 230 doesn't stop the states from using their own laws against platforms engaged in fraud."
"A subpoena from this committee is a powerful tool that I do not take lightly."
"The department continues to believe that the order requiring masking in the transportation sector is a valid exercise of the authority Congress has given CDC to protect the public health." - Department of Justice
"If you believe from the bottom of your heart that I nor this court has any jurisdiction over you, ma'am, don't come."
"States have no authority to remove Trump from the ballot."
"Wielding pardon power is definitely part of ending weaponization."
"You are an attorney general who is using wielding power, the power of your office to protect your constituents and to protect the people of Texas. This seems like an important practice."
"Now presidents are not kings and the plaintiff is not president." - A U.S. federal judge
"Our decision today turns not on respondent's concession but rather derives from our constitutional authority and duty to protect the public from attorneys who are not fit to practice law."
"The law provides the discretion to the judge so at some point someone is going to exercise that discretion."
"Trump's people say the president has absolute immunity from Criminal prosecution for actions performed within the Outer Perimeter of His official responsibility."
"No more deference to the executive branch... no more expansion of second amendment rights."
"It's not a brace ban because it can't, the ATF doesn't have the authority to ban the accessory."
"ATF bureaucrats don't get to write laws they don't get to redefine federal law to expand its scope."
"Hand over your driver's license and your car, yeah, please."
"If you gather in numbers more than six, we might come to your house and arrest you."
"A governor has no power to issue any order that requires a member of the public to do anything."
"Acting with power and exerting force with no legal authority is tyranny."
"Racism is not limited to isolated acts by mean people, but backed by legal authority and institutional control."
"My strong position is nobody should be trying to instruct the jury on the law because that's my job at the end of the case."
"A clear decision by the International Court of Justice."
"The power to exclude from the sovereign's territory people who have no right to be there."
"It's always about declaring who is contracting on your behalf."
"Not only has the board agreed to turn over all the relevant information we sought in our subpoena so that we perform an audit, but they also acknowledge that the legislature is a sovereign power of the state."
"The judge said whatever Scientology says are the rules are the rules."
"The state legislature has the ability, they should take that up and they should use their ability and their rights to impeach and get them off the streets."
"A court of equity has not jurisdiction to enjoin acts only because they are attempted or threatened under color of an unconstitutional or void statute or ordinance."
"That's why he went, is what he's saying. Law enforcement officers can issue search warrants."
"Hong Kong's semi-autonomy is for the birds ultimately the rule of law in Hong Kong is going to be hollowed out and gradually Hong Kong is going to be subordinated to Beijing where it matters the most which is its law."
"It should be up to a judge, not the President and not his political appointee to decide whether or not it is appropriate for the committee to review the complete record."
"Title 42 is not an immigration policy; it is a health authority."
"The federal government doesn't have this authority technically."
"The best populist state actor is the Texas attorney general."
"Kristen Clark in many ways is black America's attorney general."
"The House needs to consider every power it has at this point."
"It's time to fight fire with fire and you know what we actually have the Constitutional authority to do so."
"The national emergency I declared last month was authorized by Congress... under the 1976 national emergencies act."
"One of the foundations of my work as a lawyer but especially as a journalist is that any kind of power in the hands of authorities will be abused."
"The court finds you guilty. Anything goes sideways, it's on you."
"If the executive branch has the discretion to decide which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore, then what's the point of having laws in the first place?"
"The idea that a judge could take away the authority of a federal agency to enact a mandate in the middle of a public health crisis is really dangerous."
"I disclosed that Chris can legally bind the team entity."
"You are now being issued a criminal trespasser."
"Your state cannot overrule federal laws like that."
"This involved a situation where the states had already made the official and authoritative determination as to who won in those States." - Bill Barr
"The power to control prices or exclude competition," - Attorney General Meritt Garland
"He has the constitutional authority to it, and if he doesn't do it, it's going to be very disappointing to many people."
"The ATF doesn't have the power to make something a crime that wasn't a crime before."
"The judge has the authority to manage the flow of the courtroom."
"The state is authorized to use physical force to take you under arrest."
"I've heard it said that the single most powerful public official in the United States is a individual federal judge."
"Things like the pardon power, the power to recognize foreign nations, the power to veto legislation, the power to make appointments."
"The final rule is going to have the force of law."
"By the power vested in me by the great state of Texas, I now pronounce you husband and wife."
"Power of attorney is only effective during the lifetime of the person who gave power of attorney."
"It's always better to choose a higher bench's judgment or a higher court's judgment."
"This court is vested with the authority and has the jurisdiction to address custody cases such as this and enter orders accordingly."
"The centrality and validity of the permanent Court of Arbitration determination on the Philippines case."
"Under Pennsylvania law, that person will be able to carry out your medical decisions in the event that you cannot."
"There's a unique power and duty of Courts, and among them the Supreme Court, to say what the law is and enforce the Constitution."
"Subpoenas override NDAs. Yes, you cannot prevent somebody from testifying."
"Airspace is controlled by Air Services Australia, not the owner of the land."
"Courts... they don't have armies; what they have is the people's public trust."
"Physician-assisted suicide differs from euthanasia which is defined as the act of assisting people with their death in order to end their suffering but without the backing of a controlled legal authority."
"In a representative capacity, the individual appearing before you is signing the document on behalf of another party."
"The decision on recognizing a group as undesirable is entirely in the hands of the prosecutor general."
"The President shall have the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except for cases of impeachment."