
Priesthood Quotes

There are 531 quotes

"Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people."
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light."
"I'm not leaving... I love my priesthood. I can't imagine ever doing anything else. The Catholic faith is everything in the world to me."
"The appointment helped me to rediscover priesthood as a vocation as opposed to an occupation."
"He had a massive radical conversion and he went on to discern his vocation to the priesthood."
"With the deaths of the apostles and the loss of priesthood, the institutional power to perform and oversee saving sacraments or ordinances, learn the mind of God, and interpret scripture was no longer on earth."
"We welcome you to the priesthood session of the 191st annual general conference."
"The humanity of a priest is a bridge to Christ."
"Jesus is the Living Word and the high priest of our confession."
"Why do you think so many of these predators ended up in the priesthood?"
"There was certainly a priesthood of Melchizedek tasked with preserving this knowledge."
"God, if you call me to be a priest, I will hear anyone's confession anytime they ask."
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weakness."
"When God made me a priest, I was able to become everyone's everything."
"Priesthood is a calling from God, and if it's coming from God, he'll give you what you need to sustain you."
"If the world would see the happiness and joy that priests have, they would be jealous."
"It's no more Abraham's covenant than it is Melchizedek's priesthood. It's the covenants of exaltation."
"Men feel safe becoming priests or feel safe after they become priests, and this empowers them to act on their worst impulses."
"If priests that are ordained and you follow them up ten years later after ordination, the majority of them are all traditional priests that stay in the priesthood."
"It is impossible ecclesiologically for priests to have faculties and be suspended."
"Jesus, a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek."
"Jesus is your priest, you can now speak with God Almighty."
"The priesthood, it's a thrilling life, you know, because you are on the front line of the spiritual kingdom building."
"Jesus Christ is our Savior, he is our high priest."
"He became our high priest based on not on a regulation or his ancestry but based on the fact of having an indestructible life."
"Priesthood is always meant to be oriented towards service."
"We are now holy priests, serving God wherever He puts us."
"The power and authority of this priesthood holds the keys to all spiritual blessings of the church."
"The keys of the sealing authority are restored here in this temple."
"They will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years."
"As a priest, my job is to push people to Him."
"We do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses."
"there's no priesthood but the priesthood of believers"
"The skill of God's calling has been unlocked, and only those overfilled with awe can be registered as priests."
"The priesthood is so much more than just a social worker, you know. The priesthood is a participation in Jesus's offering."
"Because the Melchizedek Priesthood has been restored, both Covenant-keeping women and men have access to all the spiritual blessings of the church."
"Jesus as our great high priest after the order of mesic."
"The order of Melchizedek is the New Covenant, and its priesthood is a permanent priesthood."
"The New Covenant is everlasting, and its priesthood is a permanent priesthood."
"Melchisedec's dual role as king and priest foreshadows the greater priesthood to come ultimately fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ."
"The letter to the Hebrews presents Melchisedek as a type of foreshadowing of Christ, whose priesthood is characterized by its superiority, eternality, mediatorial role, and sacrificial atonement."
"...women could be priests almost 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt."
"The ordained priest is an icon of Christ, the true priest."
"Consider how your life would be different if priesthood Keys had not been restored to the Earth. Without priesthood Keys, you could not be endowed with the power of God."
"This sacrifice actually does something, this priesthood is restored."
"Profit or priest, those are the three things."
"As long as your high priest's thoughts are always holy, you are always accepted."
"The Melchizedek priesthood chiefly consisted of the endowment, it being a new order and bestowed authority."
"We need priests of this caliber. Men who are not taking advantage of the beauty entrusted to them and doing what they want with it, but serving that mystery, that sacred mystery."
"At the heart of a priestly vocation is to be a sacrament of God's presence."
"He has made us a kingdom of priests who can indeed offer worship that is acceptable."
"He shall bear royal honor and shall sit and rule on His throne, and there shall be a priest on His throne."
"God raises priests because the best of transformation is in beholding. That's why God is raising a kingdom of priests, because that's the only way he can make the man he's looking for."
"Priesthood is not just about talking, it's about sensitivity to the signals from Heaven."
"His heart is for you I love at st. John Vianney he says that the priesthood is the love of the Heart of Jesus."
"If we confess our faith in him, we release him to act as our high priest."
"The only true priests… until Aaron offers a sacrifice."
"The powers of your priesthood is the art and consistent prayers."
"Most priests came from exactly the same backgrounds as the people that they were talking to in their congregation."
"The temple marriage is the order of the priesthood, so and you don't enter into it without your wife."
"We are lawful heirs, according to the flesh. Blessed are ye if ye continue, a light unto the gentiles, and through this priesthood, a savior unto my family, Israel."
"The priesthood of Melchizedek is the priesthood of Mark, and it's about defeating your earthly enemies."
"My role as a baptized priest, as it were, sharing in that form of Christ's priesthood, has taken off on turbochargers since I came into the Catholic Church."
"This has been one of the best presentations of the priesthood that I have ever been a part of and you just laid it out so beautifully and tied it all together."
"God lights the fire on the altar, but the priests keep it burning."
"At one level, as a father, it has rocked me. You know, that's why I dedicated it to one of our six kids, Father Jeremiah, who's just ordained to the priesthood, received the sacrament of holy orders a year and a half ago. Amen."
"God doesn't just drop calls to the priesthood like bombs."
"As you come to him, the living Stone, rejected by men but chosen by God, precious to him, you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God."
"He argues instead for the priesthood of all believers."
"Jesus hates the deeds of the Nicolaitans because instead of teaching the laity that they can go directly to God through Jesus Christ, you now have a system that teaches that a person must go through an intermediary, a priest, in order to get to God."
"Be a priest in service of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"I'm asking the question, talking about Jesus. It says on page 979 Hebrews 4 verse 15: For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities."
"I am a priest and a Levite because of the new covenant and the new creation." - Isaiah 66:20
"God said to me, 'Can you see the power of the Melchizedek order? Because Melchizedek's priesthood is a kingly Priestly Ministry, it's a Marketplace Priestly Ministry.'"
"God's priesthood power flows to all members of the church, female and male, as they keep the covenants they have made with him."
"Miracles don't exist and two because this pain in the ass priest will do anything to keep his church open."
"Spiritually speaking... he appoints priests to teach the people that thereby they might hear and know the commandments of God why to stir them up in remembrance of the oath which they had made."
"There's a promise that's given, that this can happen, so that you can bless all mankind. You're expected to be a kingdom of priests to bless everybody."
"What is my credential to be a priest and to speak the truth of God? It is not that I have scholarship. It's not that I've an MD or a PhD. It is that I am called to be a priest by God Himself."
"We need the priesthood of Believers to wake up and say, 'I am a priest, and I am called to engage my Priestly duties.' Whether you're educated or not, it's not bad to be educated. Well, you give people Jesus. That is the Priestly definition."
"The priesthood of Believers is about a person who's been redeemed by Jesus, influenced by the Holy Spirit, and gives people Jesus, turning them into influencers, which is what a priest does."
"Any of us can be priests now because we've been called to Jesus. You're not getting wisdom, grace, power, and faith unless you have the Holy Spirit of God."
"The priesthood of Believers means being full of faith, full of power, and full of God's grace. It's about offering forgiveness even in the face of death."
"We now give unto you the first token of the ironic priesthood with its accompanying name and sign."
"Jesus is our great mediator, our great high priest."
"Priesthood: Ministering unto the Lord, beholding, waiting."
"Brigham Young himself is also on record in 1847 as being favorably aware of a black priesthood holder."
"The heavens are just as open to women who are endowed with God's power flowing from their priesthood covenants."
"He is the man who holds the keys of priesthood pow’r today."
"Your priesthood can secure God's hand and move it on behalf of his people."
"The priesthood of the Lord Jesus is permanent rather than temporary."
"A man who battles with that has no place in the priesthood."
"That's when I began to pray so the first thing that you need to do to launch the powers of your priesthood is dedicated and consistent prayers."
"Even priests have to afford to live. I think as long as your heart and intentions are pure, that's all that matters," she said.
"The Reformation taught that the priesthood is not a separated caste of people, but every Christian is a priest. And what is sometimes missed there, that means every man and every woman is a priest before God."
"The priesthood of all believers has sometimes been misunderstood as if I am my own priest before God. That's not what it means. It means every Christian helps every other Christian in the journey to God."
"The number one thing on this list is that no priest should ever tell you that it cost money for the sacraments. It just that that is such an egregious misuse of the role of the priesthood to charge for the sacraments."
"It's kind of similar to the first and it's about the denial of the sacraments. One of the things that a priest should never say no to is baptizing babies. I don't think a priest should ever say no to that."
"Every aspect of the celebration must be carefully attended to: space, time, gestures, words, objects, vestments, song, music. I really hope that all priests take that part to Heart by the way and every rubic must be observed."
"Let us always remember that it is the church, the body of Christ that is a celebrating subject and not just the priest."
"The cassock speaks to the holiness of the priesthood, sets them apart, speaks to the otherworldliness, the aesthetic life of the priest."
"Priests are celibate because they need the time to take care of us. The priest has a bride—his bride is the Church."
"Hey, I'm a nerd, I'm a priest, and I want to help priests be the best, give you some more time, help you engage people and help you accompany them through the sacraments."
"Priests are being asked to do things that really were never intended necessarily for the priesthood in 1950."
"All worthy men may hold the priesthood."
"The time has come for all worthy men to receive the priesthood."
"You shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."
"A lot of times the modern priesthood has turned into little more than bachelors doing civil service, and they've lost the supernatural character and the Christ-centric power."
"When you pray for priests, you are doing something even greater than striving to become a priest."
"I would probably be a diocesan priest, yeah. It was pretty strong, CFR diocesan priesthood was..."
"O Lord Jesus Christ Eternal priest who during your Earthly life generously cared for every poor person who was afflicted and abandoned I beg you look with favor on The Souls of priests in purgatory."
"The priesthood has a sacrificial nature built into it."
"Being a priest is an awesome vocation."
"Baptism brings you into the royal priesthood, it gives you a share of the royal priesthood of Christ, that share in his prophetic nature."
"Welcome to professional High Priestess where we deal with this type of [__]."
"This is the consecrated portion for Aaron and his sons."
"We are all clergy, we are all priests, we are the priesthood of Believers."
"When a therapist comes and tells women 'your husbands are not worthy priesthood holders anymore,' that is then shattering a woman's eternal life."
"As great of a miracle as that is, the fact that God could call me... could call me to be a priest of Himself."
"He is the king who's name is King of Righteousness."
"He is like the Son of God, he remains a priest forever."
"We do have a priest King, not from the tribe of Levi, but from the tribe of Judah."
"One who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry."
"We need a holy priest like never before."
"The priesthood is the key to the Catholic Church, right? You destroy the priests, you destroy the Eucharist."
"The holy portion of the land shall be for the priests and ministers the sanctuary which shall come near to minister unto the Lord."
"The universal dimension of priesthood: you don't become a priest to serve a place, but the church."
"Priests don't call them superpowers. They accept their vocation with humility so that they can serve people."
"I dedicate the grove of trees, those sacred woods, where under the direction of Peter, James, and John, the Aaronic Priesthood was restored by John the Baptist."
"The concept of a priesthood of all believers, à la Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, just does not fit the Book of Mormon."
"A revelation of comfort can also come in connection with a blessing of the priesthood, either from the words spoken or from the feeling communicated in connection with the blessing."
"Melchizedek was made by God to resemble the Son of God, prefiguring a priesthood independent of lineage."
"Jesus, as both King and Priest, represents a greater truth than the priesthood of Levi."
"He became a priest with an oath when God said to him, 'The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, you are a priest forever because of this oath.'"
"God had planned all along for him to be both priest and king, something he made against the law ironically for Israel because he knew men were corrupt both on the priesthood side and on the king side."
"Every day I'm going to wake up and try to be a good priest for you. Sometimes I'll succeed, sometimes I'll fail. Thank God the Eucharist remains."
"Jesus is coming in as a priest not in that order, it's not on his human ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life."
"Jesus understands he lived it he was exactly there and we have in him a great high priest."
"These are all the heritage of Jacob, I get priesthood, I get the gospel, I get celestial marriage, I get the redemption, the ministry, the privilege now of serving. This is what I want in my life, it's what I want for my family."
"For he is holy Moses and Aaron among his priests Samuel among those that call upon his name."
"But it must be prescribed by God if it's going to be pleasing to God. So in this book we see how worship was prescribed by God through the priesthood, to the people, for the Lord."
"God's validating the priesthood of Aaron, and there is a New Testament principle in Hebrews, chapter 5, that elucidates this, and then speaks of Christ at the same time."
"The old Covenant had the levitical priesthood, the new Covenant has Jesus as the high priest."
"You and I are kings and priests before God."
"Jesus referred to as your great high priest of good things to come."
"Priests, when they're all in black to show that they are dead to the world, they're alive in Christ. They've renounced everything to follow the kingdom. Celibacy is a very good thing."
"We're here for the Kingdom, not just for church. We're kings and priests to the world."
"For when there is a change in the priesthood there must also be a change of the law."
"The priesthood of Melchizedek is not some spiritual thing out there. It is that God will deliver, make your enemies your footstool."
"Among whom this liturgical form is stirring up numerous priestly and religious vocations throughout the world, men and women willing to give their lives to the service of evangelization."
"I believe in the validity of their sacraments like we believe they have real priesthood."
"As his people, we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession."
"Christ brings together the priesthood, creation, and the three worlds...connected to exaltation."
"Priesthood keys restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith make it possible for every covenant-keeping man and woman to enjoy incredible personal spiritual privileges."
"Both women and men receive the key of the mysteries of the kingdom of God."
"In order to receive the fullness of the priesthood, we must have a temple."
"Women and men must come together to enter into the fullness of the priesthood."
"Jesus didn't come representing the priesthood of the law; he came representing the priesthood of the father to do his Priestly intercession for you and me on the cross when he died for us bearing our sins."
"Being able to give them the key words, the signs, and the tokens pertaining to the holy priesthood and gain your eternal exaltation in spite of earth and hell."
"Our priests become our fathers in the family of God."
"John Paul II created a path where we could be considered by the Vatican for possible married priesthood."
"Each priest before he's ordained a priest is first ordained a deacon."
"We never lose our calling to serve even as we then advance on to the order of the priesthood."
"The Eucharist is the reason of being of a priest actually, it's the center of literally the liturgy, the life of the church because it's God himself who is actually present there physically dwelling with us among us even within us when we do the communion."
"Jesus Christ intended for there to be priests."
"You're actually meant to offer the sacrifice with the ministerial priest, united to Jesus the high priest, to the glory of God the Father."
"These beads mean that I either have ceremonies done, somebody did work for me, or I'm a priest of a certain tradition."
"That's the reason why we exist. We were talking beforehand, my younger brother; I have two brothers, but the middle brother just became a priest... So I have a real heart for priests."
"In this new testament, we are all called priests. Why? Because we all have to sacrifice something."
"Make your sacrifice, kingdom of priests."
"You're a chosen generation, a royal priesthood."
"For we do not have a high priest who was unable to sympathize with our weaknesses."
"Jesus is better than any earthly high priest."
"Our high priest is the Son of God."
"We have one who has been tempted in every way as we are yet was without sin."
"Our high priest is completely empathetic with our needs."
"Pray much for priests that they would love purity above all."
"The priesthood of Christ is perpetual and unfading."
"We have a high priest that can be touched with the feelings of our infirmity, amen."
"But as for us, the Lord is our God, and we have not forsaken him, and the priests which minister unto the Lord are the sons of Aaron and the Levites wait upon their business."
"He remains a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek."
"God at least rescued one good moment out of the priesthood that year, a prophecy that Jesus would die for the nation."
"Father Wessling, an 80-year-old priest, one of the most heroic men ever met in my life, was laid his life down for the church and for the unborn."
"Moment by moment and day by day, in the New Testament, in the book of Hebrews chapters 9 and 10, in a very extensive sort of way, the idea is developed that Jesus is both the priest and the sacrifice, the one who cancels and removes sin."
"Come to God through Jesus, whose priesthood never changes."
"He was once the high priest, the guardian of an ancient Kingdom."
"The priest has been given a certain portion of the spirit through his ordination."
"He was considered to be a dynamic priest who took the time to get to know his parishioners and become involved in their daily lives."
"All Christ's people are equally priests."
"And have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth."
"And has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
"You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek."
"I'm a Polish priest, that man has a wife and children, take me instead."
"A priest loves in a way nobody else can, he loves literally with the heart of Christ."
"Lord, heal Your priests, those that are sick, those who have lost their way, those who no longer believe in Your Real Presence."
"Jesus Christ is the priest, Jesus is the altar, and Jesus is the sacrifice."
"And you have caused them to become a kingdom of priests for our God, and they will reign on the earth."
"For the lips of a priest should guard knowledge, and people should seek instruction from his mouth, for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts."
"You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation."