
Divine Perfection Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"He does all things well and when something doesn't work out in the time frame that you think it should, every time you see the number seven, you need to be reminded he does all things well."
"Trust should be earned, the only person who has to trust is God because he's perfect he has no conflict of interest."
"Allah doesn't make mistakes... In fact, for someone to even assume that he does, you've left the fold of Islam."
"God makes no mistakes because if I hadn't made that mistake, I wouldn't be in front of you today."
"From a Christian perspective we have very good reasons to think that God is perfect in love."
"God's never wrong. God's the one. He's the very standard of truth."
"The treatment is an expression of that perfection of God within you."
"The validity of the Quran was, and the fact that there were no mistakes, no contradictions, it was just like, I realized it was such a holy book."
"Now everyone understands that it is not easy for God to make perfect a group of people, right?"
"Just because we don't understand the function doesn't mean it doesn't have one. God is a perfect creator."
"God wants to make us perfect according to His desire, not ours."
"God doesn't make mistakes... This will go down as a sad moment for the woke left."
"Our Bible is not going to change it is inherent and it is infallible."
"God's timing is perfect because He doesn't make any mistakes."
"God is the truest, most perfect, most complete being, uniquely worthy of all attention and worship."
"Thank you for the richness of Your Love, a perfect love that drives out all fear."
"The fact that he would finally bring this universe to a form of perfection and completion and have Judgment Day and have the heavens roll up like scrolls and everything burn, that doesn't mean that it's somehow contrary to his nature."
"The violet flame of God's infinite perfection is the most powerful tool available to help us accelerate the integration of our I AM presence."
"God's truth is perfect, but the messy part is there for the rest of us."
"Everything in the skies and the Earth declares the Perfection of Allah."
"God makes no mistakes, even when things come as a surprise to you."
"We can never improve on what God has given us."
"The knowledge of good and evil comes with experience and age."
"It's not okay. You are perfect. You are made in the image of a perfect god."
"Everything in the Quran is intentional; coincidences or coincidental patterns are not the works of a perfect being."
"I pray the blessings of God be on you and here's what I ask the Lord for you today: that he will perfect everything that concerns you."
"I think before anything we should try to live christ-like lives, our God made man and woman, our God does not make mistakes."
"Islam came down the ayat which says that they have perfected your religion and we have completed your favor and we have we have to allah islam and we have made the religion of islam as the pleasurable religion."
"God is going to make this year a year of perfection in your life."
"What does the atonement of Jesus Christ accomplish on behalf of those for whom it was given? What Perfection, perfect Redemption."
"God is a spirit He's looking at you in the spirit and He sees you perfect."
"God sent His son into the world who lived the perfect life we could never live."
"God does not make any mistakes and he created us. So it's not a mistake."
"We have our weaknesses but the infinite God has none."
"We get to come to you just the way we are; we may have done wrong, but we are not wrong, we are made perfect in your sight."
"The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever."
"God makes no mistakes; He is perfect, the epitome of perfection."
"Perfect timing, perfect plan, perfect person, perfect reason."
"God created the world in perfect harmony, no disease, no death, no despair."
"All I can say, make mistakes, God does not."
"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Thy mercy, O Lord, endures forever."
"777, yeah, God is perfect, He reigns on from Heaven."
"If indeed a loving God made us and your children this way, to believe that was a mistake would lend itself to believe that God makes mistakes, and that's not within our realm of theology either."
"Perfect in his sight is just talking about people who are committed to him, committed to receiving his best."
"God makes no mistakes; He made you perfectly in His image."
"Whoso keepeth His word, in him is the love of God perfected."
"Allah does not make exceptions or mistakes."
"God is perfect in everything He says and everything He does."
"God's way is perfect; all the Lord's promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection."
"Nature itself groans for the return of our Lord and Savior to be restored to perfection as God intended."
"I am is complete Divine Perfection, you are made in God's image and God doesn't make mistakes."
"Every one of His actions is complete and perfect; His ways are all fair judgments."
"God is perfect and His timing is perfect as well."
"We serve a God of perfection who is purposeful."
"God does not need people who are flawless. He seeks those who will offer their heart and a willing mind, and He will make them perfect in Christ."
"Turn to God and fill your consciousness with the realization of His perfection. Let your weakness be dissolved in the worshipful thought of His strength."
"He is maximally perfect in his knowledge and his wisdom."
"If God does it, He does all things well."