
Enigma Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"I think Cantona is almost priceless, but you know, he was an absolute enigma."
"The South is the most enigmatic region in America."
"You're an enigma and that brings with it a sense of fear. The last thing you or your masters want is a fearful populace."
"However, when SCP-5031’s existence ceases it still casts a shadow."
"The people hate what they can't figure out, see, they can't figure out how they got a billion [expletive] dollars."
"Shadow people are a fascinating and enigmatic phenomenon."
"The Wyoming incident will until the muses return and the puppet master comes out of hiding remain as an enigma in the night mine Case Files."
"The Voynich Manuscript is the most mysterious manuscript in the world."
"You are a mysterious puzzle that can't be solved, Manhattan."
"Without a motive, the random brutal killing of four college students by a grad student... sure is an enigma. Why? Why would he do it? It doesn't make sense."
"The frozen secrets of Antarctica have certainly captured our imaginations."
"It remains one of the strangest universe mysteries."
"Who is 9 mother 9 horse 9 and why was he trying to tell us?"
"They don't know what to do about it, they can't do anything about it, and they hope the enigma will go away."
"Venus is a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma, housed inside a world."
"A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." - Winston Churchill
"Ancient Egypt is full of riddles that today we still struggle to understand."
"Neymar is quite an enigma in the world of football, by far the most entertaining player in the last decade."
"Mistral's story takes shapes in the lyrics of her boss theme: 'A stranger I remain.'"
"The most obvious thing about Lil Uzi's career is the long-lasting appeal that they continue to have despite being a pretty elusive character."
"You are the mystery, you are the enigma that people can't figure out."
"The real Vladimir Putin remains an enigma."
"The Diquís spheres... were created by a mysterious civilization that has now been lost to time."
"For now, Sirou remains a lingering mystery that has yet to be solved."
"Still don't understand what you're doing, Mr. Perfect Organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility."
"The Riddler is an enigma, possibly the world's most brilliant man. But does his brilliance shine more brightly for the darkness that underlies it?"
"The mystery of an other, a robot that saves everyone and doesn't talk much afterwards."
"What can run but can't walk? A river."
"Let us then embrace the enigmatic nature of black holes, their capacity to challenge our preconceptions, and the perpetual inquiries they provoke."
"He's a sentimental man, interesting so much mystery behind this dude."
"It's like he's a mystical creature speaking in riddles to our hero."
"There is something very spiritual and mystical about you."
"You're very striking, you're very captivating, very Majestic, a little bit of an enigma as well."
"The man who would be king or could have been King is a great Enigma and that makes him more attractive."
"Here's an interdimensional mind gardener you all know him as Bill Cipher, but I know him as he's unknowable."
"The Zodiac Killer, a figure so enigmatic, still remains a mystery to this day 50 years later."
"We are the near Ancient, the warriors of final regret, the knowers of secrets."
"Lauren Malvo, an enigma, a walking death machine."
"You exude mystery, that type of energy where you will sense there's a secret or something."
"The Enigma was solved immediately upon the American's first words."
"You're very mysterious, but you're also very enigmatic. So they're drawn towards you."
"The structures remain like a riddle without an answer."
"Emperor Belos is introduced to us as a distant figure."
"There is a path which no fowl knoweth, which the vulture's eye hath not seen. The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it."
"Anne's a mysterious figure emblematic of the challenging religious era in which she reigned."
"I like the mystery, you know, next week they will see me, she's an enigma, yes, just accept it people, just accept it."
"Stanley Kubrick was an enigma to many people."
"Brando embodies the unpredictability and mysterious nature of the film itself."
"Life itself is an unsolved mystery."
"There lies a place the king of worms abides."
"Ellen Austin was a 210 foot long 1800 ton American schooner that came across another boat in the Atlantic Ocean that was moving at a decent speed but didn't appear to have anyone on board."
"This person could seem somewhat dark and mysterious."
"There's something very distinct about you. People may feel like you hold secrets of the universe."
"Prince was one of the most naturally gifted artists of all time and also one of the most mysterious."
"An enigmatic and perplexing phenomenon."
"It presents a riddle more difficult than the most scientifically contrived mystery."
"He never sleeps, he says he will never die."
"Many of these Mysteries will never be solved."
"There's something mysterious about you that people can't quite understand."
"Alan Partridge is a man of the people. He's an enigma to those who don't know him."
"They see you as a mystery, like a closed book."
"What makes this enormous figure truly fascinating isn't just its sheer size — it's visible from space — but the mystery surrounding its origin and creator, a puzzle that remains unsolved over 22 years after its discovery."
"The fate of dalen Mo Pua remains an enigmatic chapter in the Island's history."
"Perhaps one day will unravel this enigmatic digital Abyss."
"Frank Ocean is known to stay away from the spotlight with only a handful of interviews and little to no videos of himself on the internet."
"You are going to eternally be a mystery to this person, but that is a good thing, believe me."
"Cultivate mystery, stop them from figuring you out."
"This is the strange and challenging story of Stonehenge, the continuing enigma, a thing of beauty that continues to delight without striving to inform."
"Moisture, it's the essence of witness."
"Bible John remains as elusive as ever."
"It was kind of a lot of his shroud of secrecy and mystery, I think that, it was part of his appeal."
"Keep the shroud of mystery. Become an enigmatic figure."
"There's always the shades and it made you wonder about him, there's you know it's enigmatic and it just added to the Mystique of the band."
"'Do not try to survey,' Mel pondered this enigmatic phrase. His interpretation was pragmatic; it urged them to enter without excessive contemplation."
"The Disappearance of antoan dant exup."
"Exactly what is going on with the Bermuda Triangle remains a mystery."
"we ruled out all the conventional explanations so we're left with a genuine mystery"
"It flies without wings and cries without eyes. What is it?"
"Life quickly, let's kill." (This one is intriguing out of context!)
"Some days, God refuses to eat, even in Princeton."
"Consciousness is just like the strangest thing in the world."
"You're like a riddle that everyone wants to crack."
"For it is through the enigmatic and the unexplained that we truly come alive, embracing the fullness of our human potential and our infinite capacity to explore the vast expanses of existence."
"It seems to have closed itself off."
"Some mysteries are beyond rational explanation."
"The world is full of mysteries, and not all of them are meant to be solved."
"As Churchill once said of Russia, it is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."
"There was no wound or mark on him, and there even seemed a faint smile on his lips."
"Your person likes to stay mysterious."
"Casper Hauser was a mysterious figure who appeared in Nuremberg, Germany in 1828."
"To say with certainty who Sugar Ray Robinson was is a difficult task; he was so multifaceted and enigmatic, so loved and suspected, so happy and troubled that everyone has a different version of him."
"Sevens have an air of mystery around them. It's like they know something that you don't, probably keeper of secrets."
"Good question nobody takes with the Knight."
"Intelligence is kind of a mystery too."
"What would we have without our Mysteries?"
"Shakespeare's appearance is about as mysterious as his personality to us."
"I said it was a mystery. It's a mystery."
"This dagger that bites the teeth of Silence."
"But that's sort of the magic of Rick Astley, isn't it?"
"The locked doors were just the first of several strange clues."
"Life is an enigma and the answer lies in how we choose to live it."
"Shanks is one of the most mysterious characters in the One Piece universe."
"He lived and moved as they, in profound caverns, on knighted roads."
"So much about this story remains shrouded in mystery."
"It's an incredible piece of work, a puzzle, a maze, an enigmatic existential tragedy."
"A mystery is so strange that despite almost three decades of intense scrutiny and countless attempts to decipher its meaning, there is still no concrete answer."
"It may be the fifth element, and I say fifth one!"
"Thousands of years later, in the year 51, Sage spoke one more time, repeating the words 'hopefully, hopefully,' before turning solid black and disappearing."
"...is the most recent and the most man-made."
"...singing his own name out loud like mysterious strangers are known to do."
"Neil Young is a genius. He's an enigma, never played a team sport in his life."
"Money is like a dark secret, but everything has a secret."
"He remains an enigma, and this is the source of his fascination, a figure of sensuality and repression, fantasy and truth, lost boy and immortal star."
"Ivar's Legacy is shrouded in myth and mystery."
"Steely Dan is not a band, in fact, nobody's quite sure what exactly it is or was besides being named after a notorious object from a William Burroughs novel."
"The great mystery remains the suddenness of the Fitzgerald's disappearance."
"Despite these anecdotes, Dean's enigmatic Persona marked by rebellion and an untimely death at 24."
"These mysterious locations hold secrets and continue to defy explanation."
"Beyond the veil of the known lies a realm of enigmas where the Supernatural and the ordinary intersect in inexplicable ways."
"The moment the code was broken, the Enigma machines used by the Germans were useless."
"Everybody's so puzzled by get wilder's right-hand man Joram Van Cleven who announced his conversion to Islam last week."
"You're hard to read, like no one knows what's going on in your brain."
"The most mysterious song on the internet... the identity of the artist is completely unknown."
"Why Wonder of you is the coldest [__] of all time."
"What's the sign that's no sign? Only if it's a virgin conception."
"A mystery that trails behind me like an ever-present shadow."
"The Walker throughout the eons has never appeared before more than two people at a time."
"He's a tall boy and gotta be more than six and a half feet tall by my reckoning now it's tough to describe a man made of metal as ancient but there's really no other word for him."
"It's almost like the crop circle phenomenon from the '80s."
"The mystery of the Loch Ness Monster grows bigger day by day. It is the greatest mystery in the world."
"Countless Unsolved Mysteries may never be resolved."
"The true purpose behind its construction will continue to remain a mystery."
"The Calexis Assassin stands as an enigma, they are the absence where emotion cannot touch, the shadow unfelt even by the darkest entities of the immaterial."
"It's one of the great mysteries of the time."
"...all we know about the Baltic Sea anomaly is that we know nothing."
"it is tragic and we know very little to be honest even at this point as far as this causation there are many different mechanisms genetic superoxide this mutase phos genes and others that people are looking at but the the true nature of it is still a little bit of an enigma."
"A nightmarishly complicated universe."
"He’s a mystery man, and mystique might be his strongest personality trait."
"The mystery of the pale woman remains unsolved."
"It's all very mysterious, very mysterious indeed."
"There's no doubt about that. It's all very mysterious, very mysterious indeed."
"The Internet is a mysterious place."
"You are mysterious as all get out like people take one look at you and they're like okay what is this person all about."
"The domain traps its Target with a pact that can't be broken until its question is answered."
"A woman is full of mystery, don't forget that."
"He's a walking triple double, an efficiency monster, and a puzzle that has yet to be solved."
"By the time the middleman Alliance rumor started, they were primed to fully drop her from the roster. Bowie was an enigma to both the house guests and the viewers."
"And that’s where I put the mystery."
"This enigmatic entity with his featureless face and distinguishing hat looks not just in the corners of dimly lit rooms but also in the corridors of our minds, reckoning the question: what is he and why does he appear to so many across the globe?"
"For centuries, the fate of the Lost Colony of Roanoke has puzzled historians and archaeologists alike."
"It's one of the weirdest mysteries on Earth and experts are stumped."
"why'd you spill your beans beans it's codependence"
"Unexplained Mysteries: problems that can't be solved and discoveries that somehow seem out of place."
"Behind the big green orb is Frick."
"...you'd never really know exactly what he was thinking, and that was part of his genius."
"L was not a simple magician but the more one discovered about him the more complex he seemed to be almost like an onion."
"After over 10 years of unrelenting work, the Lagina brothers Rick and Marty, along with their loyal colleague Craig Tester and a dedicated team of interdisciplinary specialists, may be close to solving the puzzling 228-year-old enigma of Oak Island."
"It became one of the most bizarre unsolved mysteries of the last century."
"There is always this overall air of mystique."
"There are things out there that people don't know about, creatures, places, and things that would seem to defy all explanation."
"Mysteries are woven so deeply into the fabric of a place that they become Inseparable from it."
"Leaving no trace behind except for lingering questions and newfound phobias."
"The Enigma of the British royal family has always fascinated the global audience."
"At the heart of it, it's filled with mystery."
"He's the greatest mystery man of our day."
"King has always been an enigma within our main cast of characters."
"Their purpose is enigmatic as the beings encased in glass."
"The Voynich manuscript is mainly of concern because no one is actually able to determine what the heck it's about."
"I watched it over and over, but I didn't see anything. Finally, I turned the volume up as high as it would go and I heard something like a voice on the video, but I couldn't understand what it was saying."
"Truth is a mystery, the real truth itself is mysterious, embrace the mystery and love the process and keep growing."
"The P versus NP question has attained a certain almost mythic status within the computer science field."
"You just can't talk enough about him, and yet you can never define him."
"What is the end of time and space the beginning of every end and the end of every place."
"...every encounter with the world has always been an encounter with an enigma that no merely physical explanation suffices for."
"The mystery of Drake Kramer's disappearance lingers, echoing through the canyons and challenging those who dare to explore its majestic yet unforgiving terrain."
"In a world where all mystery is dissolved, there was one figure that stands out of them all."
"Mystery is something difficult to understand and comprehend because it's hidden from the natural mind."
"If there is any motivation in these dialogues, it is only to leave the other individual with this enigma, the paradox."
"The Sphinx, mute, sardonic, and wise beyond mankind and memory."
"Everyone fears him and no one can understand him except Shell."
"The enigma, the riddle, the mystery."
"The genteel facade she once wore crumbled, leaving a chilling enigma that captivated the nation."
"The sea might hate devil fruit users because of some connection to the Moon."
"To this day, scientists remain baffled as to how the multiple skeletons of Homo naledi found their final resting place in the cave where they were discovered."
"The pictures of the blue period are among Picasso's most enigmatic works."
"Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters."
"This flexibility of thought translates into responsive versatility, ensuring they remain an enigma that no adversary can easily decode."
"It must all be part of an enigma that will change the world."
"The expressionless smile carved into the mask only adds to a sinister aura."
"Despite debates, the footage remained a mystery, defying easy scientific explanation."
"Consciousness is a puzzle, but it's not the kind of puzzle that could possibly be solved."
"Lake Iliamna sits at the southwest corner of the Alaska triangle."
"The incredulity that ensues in its wake serves to deepen the enigma surrounding Durante day's quest for truth."
"The case of Rosalie is perhaps the greatest mystery left by that enigmatic psychical researcher."
"The life of Padre Pio is one filled with some of the most mysterious events that experts have not been able to conclusively explain."
"The mysterious Count of Saint-Germain is one of the strangest historical figures that has left historians and experts baffled for centuries."
"The Bermuda Triangle, the Alaskan triangle, the Nevada triangle, these are all strange places that puzzle people around the world."
"The Bermuda Triangle... the mecca when it comes to mysterious disappearances."
"That little Mona Lisa smile at the back there."
"There has to be more to the story, is it a mystery? Yeah."