
Truth Importance Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"They don't do it to be mean. They do it because the truth is the most important thing to them and they cannot stand anything that doesn't make sense to them."
"The truth matters, and hiding information and stating a lie over and over again does not make it true."
"The truth is more important than the system."
"The bulk of the population really does care very much about the truth."
"Nobody's feelings are more important than the truth."
"I believe that truth will save the world. So you speak truthfully and you watch what happens."
"Love for the truth is essential. Know what to do with it."
"It's really important that when we have conversations like this they're rooted in facts. I know you don't want to hear this because the truth burns."
"The only thing that's going to help you at this point is the truth."
"You can have your own opinion. You can't have your own facts."
"We should care about the truth. It's not our truth; if it's your truth, it's a lie."
"Words can destroy lives and we've seen it happen before and the truth really does matter here."
"Truth is more important than an individual's happiness."
"Win people's minds with facts, with truth, share your opinion."
"Truth as a value is crucial to a society's functioning because if we can't agree on a common core of truth, how exactly are we going to have any sort of discussion in a democratic republic? It just isn't going to happen."
"The manipulation of truth actually matters an awful lot."
"No matter how tragic the truth may be, it would be an even greater tragedy to avert one's eyes from it."
"If we don't debunk the lies, then no one will."
"The truth will set you free. Truth is the most important thing in the world."
"It's profoundly demoralizing to people to say things they know not to be true."
"We cannot perpetuate this really dangerous lie."
"The only people who fear truth are people who are peddling lies."
"Christians don't need exorcism, but they do need deliverance from strongholds which comes by truth."
"Honesty and authenticity, the narrative has become more important than the truth."
"We're living in the days of deception and if you and I do not know the truth, you're going to fall prone, fall victim to it."
"First tell the truth then give your opinion. Truth is holy in my opinion."
"If you believe that reality is best constituted as a consequence of truth, then you have a responsibility to speak the truth."
"Without truth, there's no light, without light, there's no path from this darkness."
"Facts and truth have to matter if we're going to have a reasonable, rational conversation about anything."
"The truth is what the facts are, and if you don't care what the facts are, then you don't care what the truth is."
"How do you get people to actually care about truth?"
"It's about being rational not that emotions are important not that they don't have their place but they shouldn't take precedence over truth."
"We need truth, we need hard cold facts and truth now more than we ever have before."
"If truth matters more, then you gotta make the move."
"Truth is one of the greatest principles in the universe and a major virtue in us."
"When you have anchors pushing lies as facts, it's really dangerous." - Adam Kinzinger
"Nothing beats the truth, bro. The only thing people try to do with the truth is ignore it or suppress it or cover the truth up. And that's just life in general."
"What's your empirical evidence that truth should matter? That's a good question."
"The only thing more dangerous than a lack of truth is half-truths."
"You'll gain so much more. I'd rather have an ounce of honesty than untold tons of lies."
"We have to move back to truth. If we don't, we're going to have chaos, dissension, disharmony."
"Truth matters, regardless of labels or beliefs."
"In order to have truth, there has to be a truth, there has to be a line of truth that does not move."
"Everyone who was affected by this tragedy deserved a search for the truth, not a search for a scapegoat."
"The reality will set you free. The truth is more important than just giving yourself over to the simulation."
"Absolutely not I was never trying to get her silence I was hoping she'd tell the truth."
"Understanding the truth and focusing on the details and caring about the details and Truth is really important for engaging with the political system."
"The only thing that matters is the truth, the pure truth."
"It's really, really important not to create false equivalence."
"If you really want to understand something, then it matters what the truth is."
"Lies are not compassionate and the truth is not cruel."
"Truth has an uncanny ability to mesh and integrate with the human soul; lies harbor resentment."
"You see, if what is true isn't most important to you, then you lost me."
"Sarah Silverman: I'm liberal as, but if what is true isn't most important to you, then you lost me."
"There is no value in living a life for a lie."
"As preppers, we know that our survival depends on knowing the real truth."
"Peace comes from truth, not from inflaming propaganda wars."
"The truth, it still matters and I truly believe that Justice is still Within Reach."
"Truth at any cost, truth above every other consideration."
"Reality and truth are far more important than anything else that you're going to do because once you see the truth, once you see the truth, you can combat evil."
"The truth is not always what people want, but that's what my mother gave them."
"Truth, honesty, accuracy, and accountability don't even matter to them like they do to me."
"Even if nobody believes it, the truth is still the truth."
"Truth frees the mind; when you lie to people, you create an imbalance in people's heads about themselves and about the world around them."
"Without truth, you can't have reason, and without reason, you can't have modernity in the West."
"This man is very careful to make certain that everything he writes is truthful."
"Truth again matters for its own sake and must be asserted and asserted again and reasserted in the face of lies and false narratives."
"There are no insignificant lies because they are all about the creation of an entire story of a person that may or may not be you."
"Individual human beings have to create Justice and this is not easy because the truth often poses a threat to power."
"The truth matters, the data matters." - Ben Marcellus
"If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth."
"Conscience, remember, is an open wound. Only truth use it."
"As long as you know the truth, that's what matters."
"Life is all about the truth. The truth is the most important thing that exists."
"The importance of verifiable truth, and that's more important now than ever."
"With very few exceptions, no cause is more important than truth-telling."
"You're restricting reality by any form of lie."
"The best ammunition to fight the good fight is the truth."
"Real spiritual warfare is a battle for truth, it's not swashbuckling demons and binding Satan."
"It really does matter whether or not what you believe in is true, not just whether or not you're sincere."
"Knowledge is power, and the truth is the most powerful thing in the world."
"Ignoring the truth doesn't make one's argument stronger."
"We have to tell the truth and arm them with the truth."
"We owe them our gratitude for fulfilling their civic duty and for their courage in telling the truth." - Keith Ellison
"The truth is a precious commodity in an age of misinformation."
"I truly believe the truth sets you free and we have no reason to fear the truth even bad truths that make us look bad the truth is actually our liberator."
"The most important thing for us is that the truth come out on this subject."
"Truth matters. Once perception of truth matters and one must be permitted to speak what one regards as the truth."
"We can handle a war, a disaster, internal conflict, but not having the truth? That's something we can't handle."
"The truth matters to me a lot, sort of pathologically it matters to me."
"It's time for serious people to grab the reins of our society, those that believe in truth has the highest order and have a real sense of humanity." - Royce White
"The truth matters here, okay? Let's actually care about the truth."
"The truth sets us free. It's because ultimately it is in truth that we find the best of ourselves and the best that we can be."
"It's about telling the truth, it's about being honest because without honesty there's no way that you can heal."
"The truth matters. It really matters. Perhaps now more than ever."
"Start with telling the truth, that's it. That's all you have to do. It takes away all of the power they have gotten their power by spreading lies."
"Truth matters. If people cannot stomach the truth, that's their problem."
"When people renounce lies it cuts short their existence like a virus."
"The truth is so much more powerful than the lie."
"The absence of truth makes lies appear real."
"Truth is truth and truth leads to human flourishing."
"The truth will set you free, and you'll never have to hide anything."
"Suppressing the truth leads to bondage; embracing the truth leads to liberty."
"Unity at the expense of truth is a false sense of unity."
"The American people deserve the truth, and not only that, it's imperative for the future and survival of our Republic."
"Facts are important. The truth will set you free."
"We need to calmly resolve to restore America in embarking on this effort. We need to keep a few things in mind. First, truth and nature are on our side."
"There's a central ethic at the core of a functional society, which involves recognition of the necessity of speaking the truth."
"It's so freaking refreshing when you hear someone tell the truth right. Like, you feel that you're listening to him and you're like, 'Oh, I don't have to contort and I don't feel weird like when you're hearing lies all the time.'"
"The truth is always better than a well meant lies."
"The truth is the only thing that is going to actually bring about peace."
"Truth is more important than feelings, which are temporary."
"Naked truth will always defeat a well-dressed lie."
"If you have the truth, can't nobody deceive you."
"It's an effed up case, and finding the truth, finding what happened, the truth itself is the best proper justice that people can find."
"So if you want to truly be free accept the truth for what it is because the truth will always be."
"One man or one media outfit armed with the truth constitutes a majority."
"The only way you can deprogram 'em is to overwhelm them with the truth."
"Truth mixed with error is equivalent to all error except it's more innocent looking and therefore more dangerous."
"The truth is very important... it's really gonna set all of us free."
"Living under lies is a burden, the truth always makes you free."
"Tell the truth because the truth will set you free."
"Don't ruin the truth, brother, because to lose the truth, you lose your hope."
"How important is it that we know the truth?"
"The truth dies in the darkness, and if we do anything in face, we spread truth and light."
"The truth is paramount, and the true version of events is paramount."
"Truth matters, and good and bad matters."
"Facts are irrelevant, truth matters," she returned.
"I care about what kind of world we live in, and the truth is what we believe affects the world we live in."
"Working with the truth has always been a better course."
"You should care about what is true and what is false."
"At the end of the day, it's the truth that matters."
"What should matter most is the truth, and not what we might prefer that the truth were."
"Believing in something can help you do amazing things, but if that belief is based on a lie, eventually it's going to lead to real trouble."
"You deep down inside know that truth seeking matters and you want to know not comforting lies, you want to know the truth."
"The truth is the most important thing."
"We're moving into this era where unconditional love and unarmed truth are so important."