
Second-hand Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"It's always wise to see if you can find something second hand first because you'll save money, and it makes me more intentional about my purchases."
"We're gonna go over the goodwill stuff that we got."
"If you're not going to mine, picking up a used graphics card from this generation is probably going to be a really, really good time to do it."
"This American Eagle dress has an estimated retail price of fifty dollars but was just eight dollars and ninety-five cents that's amazing."
"I feel like at the end of the day of course it's nice to have brand new things but I am willing to sacrifice not having something in like mint condition to just not buy something new."
"I think if you can find an item from a company second hand first before you actually buy from that company or test it out."
"The best option for buying clothes is definitely second-hand."
"Many vending machine operators recommend buying used or refurbished machines at first."
"It's probably the best secondhand bargain I've ever bought myself."
"The condition is really, really nice. It does feel like it's new, which is mad considering it's a 2003 car."
"It was in a recent garage sale video but we picked it up at a garage sale."
"Most of the clothing that I buy is secondhand... as you will have seen in actually a lot of videos recently because I love this shirt so much."
"Shopping secondhand when I can does make me feel good because I know it's great for the environment."
"I'm even more excited about the opportunity to find even cooler secondhand stuff."
"Thanks to the bustling online secondhand economy, I can probably still go find it secondhand for a better deal."
"When I do actually find those gems that I really love I appreciate them so much more because I didn't just pop into an H&M and find something on the rack and then 10 minutes be in and out and be good to go."
"Everything that I buy, I try to buy second hand. It's a pretty big value of mine."
"When I wasn't making money on YouTube, I bought my laptop off Kijiji, my phone off Kijiji, and everything because, like, why not?"
"In this economy, you absolutely should be looking on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. Do not scoff at people who buy secondhand furniture."
"It's just really amazing to have items like this which is really great quality but just lightly used that I can buy to save a little money."
"I always try to buy second hand myself where I can."
"When I looked at thredup they had so many Coach bag options that were vintage and in great condition."
"I do still really want to get these paperbacks off my shelves once I read them. I'm just going to donate them. They were secondhand books to start with, so I will send them back into the secondhand book life cycle."
"The things that we have found are 10 times better than anything brand new that you can find in a store."
"The thrifting intuition never wrong."
"All the stuff we're using is actually second hand."
"When it comes to shopping for clothing, I believe that buying something secondhand is the most ethical choice that I can make."
"My place is all like Facebook Marketplace second hand vintage."
"If you get them used and for the right price I think they're a great vehicle."
"I've been buying so much thrifted stuff, so much second hand... it almost has become second nature to me."
"Not even a second-hand store could get rid of this. So I just, you know what, I had to rescue it and bring it home, dust it off, you know, just to be that completest in my collection. So, yeah, true story there."
"Going secondhand though means that you could get that model today if you can find it of course."
"They are the global marketplace for pre-owned and refurbished bikes."
"I think that if someone really loves and wants this style and is willing to take a secondhand coat they might really love this so I'm gonna go ahead and list this one on Poshmark."
"The most sustainable thing you can do is not buy stuff at all, but the second most sustainable thing you can do is buy second hand."
"I don't wear second hand clothes."
"This all came from the thrift store."
"...as long as you find one that's been taken care of this one was owned by an older lady who barely drove it so and she also maintained it very well uh she serviced it regularly so i think i definitely got lucky with this jeep."
"90% of the decor in this home is second hand."
"I love every single pair and again the fact that every single one is second hand is mind-blowing."
"I love to visit my Goodwill at least once a week and shop there for home decor."
"90% of everything you see I got from the thrift store."
"It's pretty easy to pick up secondhand equipment on things like eBay."
"I love to shop secondhand, I'm sorry, that's just who I am."
"Don't pass up those items at the thrift store."
"I was so proud of ourselves for doing that, we're still doing, you know the very frugal, minimalist lifestyle, you know, we're going to goodwill for, you know, for buying clothes secondhand."
"The more people who shop second hand, the better it is for our environment."
"Just goes to show like whatever it is you're on the hunt for check the secondhand stores first."
"So, before I get into any of my tips, I just want to start off with a couple reasons why you might want to start buying second hand."
"I love to take secondhand finds and transform them into something new."
"Have I inspired you in any way to look at secondhand finds in the new way?"
"I do like a battered book, especially if you buy them secondhand; you know and you will see the life that they've had before, I do quite like that."
"...if you can buy used because you're scared about dropping it or wrecking it or something like that, that's great."
"None of the stuff you see was purchased brand new. Everything in this drawer was bought used, secondhand."
"definitely be conscious of what you actually need or you'll actually use and always prioritize secondhand first"
"When you go to Goodwill, you never know what you're gonna find."
"Nothing quite beats the returns on garage sale stuff."
"I hope you've got a bit more confidence perhaps now going to a thrift store...and just opens your eyes a little to what is available secondhand."
"Some of my favorite things I've bought secondhand probably my favorite thing to look for is secondhand where I find you get the best value is in Furniture."
"Deep Hop is a really good app to start getting into buying secondhand or just find some really good vintage treasures."
"Thredup is awesome, and I highly recommend you guys check it out."
"...there's no other way to save more money than to buy a used drum set from a person..."
"We made good progress though and we certainly learned a lot about this new Craigslist purchase."
"...if you're looking for a second-hand adventure bike, the Tenere really does fit the bill."
"So that's exactly what I did. I picked up a used Peloton bike from Facebook Marketplace."
"I'm off to the post office to post a parcel. 'Off to' means I'm going somewhere. If you want to find old books, a charity shop is a great place. Everything in the charity shop is used or secondhand."
"Thrift stores, charity shops, flea markets, boot sales, garage sales, estate sales."
"This one is red lambskin, it is a 10-year-old bag that I got pre-loved."
"I got this when I was like 16 in a French thrift store and and it has a lot of memories but I never use it and it's really beautiful bag so someone else should get to enjoy it."
"If you're going to buy it, buy secondhand because it's already been made. Try not to buy new crystal."
"Charity shops sell donated items and use the money to help people."
"London has a number of really lovely second-hand bookshops, charity shops, and antiquarian bookshops."
"Use secondhand furniture to furnish your apartment."
"You're really doing your part by shopping secondhand, helping out our environment."
"Don't be afraid to buy pre-loved... you can have some amazing pieces in your collection and save hundreds of dollars."
"I think just having items that have already been loved makes a house a home."
"Buying a secondhand bike could be a really good way to save a lot of money."
"I think it's good to mix buying new with also buying used and old."
"If you want to donate used shoes, just make sure they're clean and they're gently used."
"Utilizing Facebook Marketplace... you'd be amazed at all the treasures you can find."
"Buying second hand is always a great option."
"The thrill of bringing somebody's pre-owned toys home and giving them a loving home was such a joy."
"The vast majority of the furniture and objects of this has a second hand and I have loved searching out, finding, reclaiming, and restoring them."
"Facebook Marketplace is going to be your best friend if you're willing to buy things secondhand because it just saves so much money."
"I have become a big believer in pre-loved and shopping pre-loved and giving something a new life."
"I really like getting stuff second hand; it's typically cheaper, it's more unique, you're not adding to waste by purchasing new products."
"Shopping for used items can save you so much money."
"Buying secondhand furniture is definitely a good way to save some money if you are trying to build a nursery on a budget."
"It randomly clicked that there was this little flea market thing that had a bunch of just second-hand items... it's like a dream."
"As always, a majority of the items that I had shown in this video were secondhand."
"I really do prefer pre-loved items now."
"What I love to do is take secondhand finds and make them over."
"I've never used it, my friend Valerie picked this up at an estate sale for me."
"It's shocking the stuff that you can get that saves you a lot of money."
"Instead of just throwing away in the garbage, you can either donate or put it on Depop."
"I think this thing is a great value on the used market."
"Buying something new isn't necessarily better than buying used."
"I bought this one garage sale, I think it's really silly but it's ridiculously useful."
"When you go second-hand shopping, most of it's pretty unique; it's like one of a kind."
"Secondhand items should be priced based on the item and the quality and not on the brand."
"If you can opt for thrifting, antiquing, really finding unique pieces for your home, you're going to end up with a very timeless look."
"I try not to buy anything that is new, so I like to buy things either upcycle or secondhand."
"They also have a pre-love section which is a whole treasure trove that you can really have a dig around in."
"I personally love buying stuff used because I like fixing it up and kind of changing it up, making it the way I run it. But that's all a matter of preference."
"Let someone else find that treasure, let somebody else enjoy that."
"I hope you guys feel more confident buying a used pop-up camper."
"You're gonna want to buy pretty much all your luxury watches secondhand anyway."
"There's always something special about going to a shop that sells secondhand gear because you never know what you're going to find."
"I think that when you can get things second hand, why not? Like why not?"
"I don't think there's anything wrong with giving second hand things as a gift, in fact, I think sometimes they can be even more special."
"There's no reason why you have to buy new to put a smile on your face."
"I love a secondhand flannel, nothing beats a thrifted flannel. It's so soft, so broken in, so comfortable."
"I like to think that I'm the world's greatest advocate of second-hand shopping."
"Most of the beautiful things in my home are either bought secondhand, reused, or made from scratch."
"It's always nice to find pieces from there, secondhand."
"I love to take secondhand finds that I find out in the wild that a little worse for wear, need a little bit of help, and give them new life."
"Everything I found that I'm going to be showing you I found recently, and it was all secondhand."
"Treasures from Marketplace thrift stores, antique stores, and other second-hand online shops become part of the story of our home."
"The trajectory of the pre-owned market is expected to continue going up."
"When you shop secondhand, anything is possible."
"Love secondhand books, it's what we love to see."
"I recently come across this piece at the Goodwill and I only paid $6.99 for it."
"Borrow or buy used equipment from places like Facebook Marketplace, eBay."
"Yes, I know the name is funny, but Hard Off sells used electronics and hardware, hence the name Hard Off."
"I am really impressed with myself for making this step towards buying second hand."
"Everything you're about to see I found secondhand recently."
"It's truly become one of my favorite ways of shopping secondhand."
"Pre-loved prices tend to be cheaper than new."
"But on the used market, these can be a lot of fun."
"I really enjoy the process of finding these things secondhand."
"I've pretty much only exclusively shopped secondhand."
"Within this junk, there's often a lot of treasure to be found."
"For secondhand or hired equipment, they should be fit for purpose and safe to use."
"Buying dolls second hand... probably one of the best things you can do if you really care about the environment but you want to collect dolls."
"There's nothing wrong with getting things second hand."
"There's a lot of good second-hand collars available, so if you can find your collars second hand, it's a lot cheaper than buying new."
"Buying second hand is definitely good for the Earth; we save those items from going in a landfill."
"I wore some secondhand clothes, thrifted vintage clothes on the Today show."
"Shopping secondhand actually helps to reduce your carbon footprint."
"It brings me a bit of joy that even though I can't wear it anymore, someone else can get enjoyment from it."
"I love that I can now thrift shop online from ThredUP in the comfort of my own home."
"At zero and ten dollars used with some slight dings and blemish on them, to me definitely well worth it."
"If you can't find something used and old here, you're not looking in the right used and old store."
"Buying things secondhand has always seemed logical to me."
"I love secondhand, I love vintage."
"I'm trying to buy more secondhand at the moment, trying to be more sustainable with what I'm buying fashion-wise."
"If you are looking for an instrument, maybe you're looking to change at this point, have a look for a secondhand Genos. You really will not be disappointed."
"You could always buy pre-loved, which means you can get quite a good discount."
"Thrift first... by buying the things that you need secondhand it can help you to save a ton of money."
"I definitely advocate buying as secondhand as you can."
"I love to declutter, I love using Depop, I love getting rid of pieces that I'm not wearing."
"I'm not crazy about some of their furniture, I think you can find better secondhand."
"It's about saving as much money as possible to get the best deal possible, then ignoring the secondhand market probably not a good idea."
"I love having something that someone else has loved and used before me."
"It's crazy, the environmental implications of buying things second hand."
"I love shopping through ThredUP because it's better for the environment."
"Buying books secondhand is the most ethical way to get your books for cheap because at least you're not supporting exploitative companies and it's also more sustainable for the environment."
"On one hand, of course, we should be encouraging people to shop secondhand when possible instead of supporting fast fashion companies."
"The goal with buying secondhand, of course, is to reduce the amount of textile waste that is overwhelming our planet."
"I love how easy ThredUP makes it to shop second hand; it's just such a great sustainable way of shopping."
"I think reselling online is a great way to declutter your closet."
"Someone else then gets to make amazing memories in the clothes that you once made amazing memories in."
"I have been buying a lot of clothes pre-owned since the beginning of this year."
"If you have clothes, shoes, accessories, art, makeup that are in gently-used condition, you could benefit from selling your stuff on a platform such as Depop."
"I'm taking part in Second Hand September, which is a great initiative basically encouraging everybody to shop secondhand, shop pre-loved, pre-owned, vintage, and shop your own wardrobes."
"I have been purchasing more of used items... it's just going to be better for not just his wallet but for the planet."
"After we're done, we hope you have a better knowledge and a better feel for the wonderful bargains you can buy second hand and save yourself a ton of cash."
"Always look secondhand first; it's great for the planet, it's great for all of us."
"We got all of these things secondhand, and I couldn't be happier."
"I love upcycling things and buying second-hand."
"Let me know if I've inspired you in any way to look at secondhand finds in a new way."
"Buying second-hand furniture is going to be so much cheaper, so much more affordable."
"Buy second-hand books is a very good option if you just don't have the money to spend on those books because they are so freakin' ridiculously expensive."
"Not only is it obviously eco-friendly with having second hand items, but it also, in my opinion, just sparks so much creativity."
"New definitely doesn't have to mean that it's brand new; it could be thrifted, secondhand, borrowed, but anything that we haven't necessarily worn before."
"My recommendation for shopping is to always go second-hand, always go vintage, go to charity shops."
"Buying secondhand is a step towards being more ecological."
"Pre-loved is another really great way to go."
"Shopping secondhand is just way better for the environment."
"I see the appeal in things which are used, I see the appeal in things which have had a life."