
Greek Mythology Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"The sea monster is also called a Hydra in Greek mythology."
"As someone who grew up absolutely loving Greek mythology, this series was darn near perfect. It actually managed to tell a fun, new, modernized Greek myth story while still constantly referencing the old stories in an accurate way."
"Apotheosis is a Greek word meaning to transform into a god."
"The word 'hero' comes from the Greek for 'defender' or 'protector,' and that is sort of the opposite of a terrorist, isn't it?"
"Kratos is going back to Greece he he needs to he has more unfinished business."
"Greek mythology contains stories of cataclysmic events and cycles of destruction and rebirth, providing insight into their understanding of the world's end."
"We want to draw inspiration for these adventures in the battles of Norse mythology or the conflicts of the Greek gods of Olympus versus the Titans."
"This was like the year of 'Song of Achilles.' It was just such a beautifully written story, such a wonderful humanization of one of the most well-known Greek myths."
"The song of Achilles holy moly holy shlokes... one of the most beautiful love stories of all time."
"Annabeth is the daughter of Athena, not Ares."
"Phoenix Rising is inspired entirely by ancient Greek mythology, designed as a caricature of Greek society."
"The Greeks knew the mountain had roots, so we should be able to find in their writings."
"He's just an incredible athlete, being considered the body of a Greek god."
"Odysseus never gave up. He spent years trying to get home, but he was gonna get home one way or another."
"Odysseus' long journey, his odyssey, is at its end, but his legend will endure."
"Troy was thought to be just a simple Greek legend until 20th century discoveries revealed it was indeed a real city."
"Greek myths speak to a kind of optimism and pessimism."
"Heracles is perhaps the most famous Greek hero."
"Amy's life scarcely left any impact on history, but her death ricocheted down the centuries."
"Greek gods and goddesses are facets of what could become over deadly passion."
"Greek myth is a pole really does tell us through a lot of exemplary stories and a lot of different things about the nature of reality."
"Eventually the city of Troy would succumb before the courage of the sons of Hellas."
"Agamemnon aroused Achilles's wrath, driving the souls of thousands of Greeks straight into the realm of Hades."
"Achilles triumphantly returned to the Greek Camp carrying with him the body of the Trojan Warrior."
"The great pyre was lit and Achilles finally made good on his promise."
"Greek mythology is always a winner in my book."
"Together they command the spirits back to drag Hades kicking and screaming into Tartarus."
"The God saves them by wrapping the Manticore and his men in grape vines."
"Only Artemis could have a chance against Atlas."
"This is a game aimed at the younger audiences telling a more sanitized kid-friendly version of gory Greek mythology."
"Take your mental health one hour at a time, one day at a time because you're worth it."
"The incredible power of the legend of the Trojan War and the writings of Homer."
"The Song of Achilles, I would describe it as a retelling of the Iliad, be gay, me personally I was not that aware of this knowledge about Greek mythology."
"A true testament to heroism and the legendary Greek icon Achilles."
"Eros, along with Gaia, Uranus, Nyx, and Erebus, was one of the first generation primordial deities."
"He was predominantly recognized as a messenger god."
"Your rival in this theoretical region should be based off of a Greek hero like Perseus, Achilles, Odysseus, or even Jason."
"The statue of Zeus at Olympia was the physical representation of their God on Earth."
"Probably a bit harsh but then Greek gods aren’t exactly famous for their calm demeanor and balanced decision making, they were far too engrossed with drinking, incest and making animals with lots of heads."
"As any fan of Greek mythology would know, Hades really wasn't a bad guy, at least no worse than the rest of the gods."
"Stood atop the high hill near the second smaller temple of Helios in the acropolis of Rhodes. But my personal favorite, and what I..."
"Zeus, the god of the sky in Greek mythology was thought to be everywhere and aware of what was going on in the world at all times."
"Prometheus brought the gift of Techni for human flourishing, not dehumanization."
"The much-loved protagonist Cassandra was a misthios, or mercenary. She was born as the half-sister to Alexios and daughter of Pythagoras in Sparta."
"In a flash of lightning, Zeus, the God of Thunder, had appeared."
"At the beginning of the story, that way for Achilles was Fame, glory, and pride, but by the end, it is humility and understanding, compassion and acceptance of his own preordained death."
"Odysseus felt he had returned to the place he should never have left."
"Perseus knew that under no circumstances could he face the creature; otherwise, he would become another statue for Medusa's long collection."
"With a perfect spin, Perseus managed to strike a blow right through Medusa's neck, separating head and body."
"The blood dripping from the gorgon's body gave rise to two creatures: Chrysaor, the giant with the golden sword, and Pegasus, the beautiful winged horse."
"Mount Nysa is said to be the birthplace of Dionysus, the Greek god of winemaking, ritual madness, insanity, and partying."
Teacher: "Today we are going to talk about Greek mythology." Me after reading all Percy Jackson books: "I was made for this."
"The Greek Armada, more than 1200 ships strong, set sail from the beaches of Aulis to punish Troy after the humiliation caused by the kidnapping of Queen Helen."
"When she was talking about pulling a string and then everything going into chaos, it's Greek mythology."
"Persephone is the daughter of Demeter, the Greek goddess of grain and agriculture more generally speaking."
"These Stone heads depict Eros the god of love and sex Dionysus the god of wine making and festivity the demigod Heracles and several other deities from the Greek pantheon."
"When I say planets I mean that in the ancient Greek sense where the term planetes means Sky Wanderer."
"Eros is the god who was understood by the Greek culture to be the force of love."
"These testimonies are preserved in the Excerpta Greca, a collection of ancient Greek inscriptions that serve as a testament to the enduring legacy and mystical prowess of Asclepius, the healer god."
"It's Greek in its size in its scope it's mythic."
"One of the most popular Greek myths is of Perseus and the Medusa, dudes as many diamonds."
"It's beautiful and it's basically the only relationship in Greek mythology that is actively less horrifying when you read the original version."
"This is pretty much everything you need to know about Greek mythology, but all the while it's being told by women."
"It's not just about Achilles but the menis of Achilles."
"It's called Parthenon, dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena."
"'I'm fully convinced that these two myths are talking to each other or the Bible authors borrowed from the Greeks.'"
"Apollo was almost the yin to the yang of Artemis. Well, Artemis is kind of hardcore like shadow work, shadow work, shadow work. Apollo was, 'Hey, remember to drink water, remember to take a nap.'"
"'Illumicrate' editions of 'Circe' and 'The Song of Achilles' by Madeline Miller. Two of my favorite books ever."
"Hestia isn't cold and dead inside; quite the opposite actually. She's known for being the gentlest, kindest, and most forgiving of the Olympians."
"I think Hestia played her cards the best out of all the gods in the Greek pantheon."
"This adds up as her mother Athena was the god of war and more specifically the god of war strategy."
"It features an engraving of a Greek god Poseidon holding a trident."
"The entire story is about Odysseus going into all the corners of the world... all in the service of him becoming himself, not changing into anything."
"Apollo is the God who directs the harmony and makes all things move together, whether for gods or human beings."
"Artemis appears to have been so-called because of her soundness and orderliness and because of her desire for virginity."
"She is called Aphrodite because she was born from foam."
"Athena is understanding, all thought, the very mind of God."
"By 776 BCE, Greek mythology was complete; it was written down, the story is known."
"I love Greek myth retellings; I'm always searching for them."
"Stephen Fry has a few of these being 'Mythos', 'Heroes', and 'Troy'."
"For a book that would be considered the absolute classic of Greek myth retellings, we have 'The Penelopiad' by Margaret Atwood."
"In many ways, the Minotaur is the embodiment of all of the harrowing themes often found in Greek mythology: pity, rage, unbridled cruelty, disobeying the gods."
"The Hindu tradition of the Yugas... inspired the Greek idea of different ages of men."
"Iris is the name of a messenger between gods and humans in Greek mythology."
"In the Iliad, one of the things that's amazing about the interactions between Achilles and Patroclus is how equal they are."
"You roam around Olympus and traverse the wide and fathomless abyss; you are the beginning and the end, and you alone are mistress of all."
"Hades in most adaptations of Greek mythology shouldn't be confused with Satan."
"Once upon a time, many, many years ago in Greece, there lived some pine trees."
"It became a byword for Greek heroism in the face of insurmountable odds."
"Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and the Titaness Leto."
"She was worshiped all over Greece in a variety of different ways."
"To destroy the king of the Gods, we must seek the source of his strength: the flame of Olympus."
"When we do finish this mission, do you mind if you show me around Olympus?" Naruto asked.
"Poseidon sends Odys on a long ass detour and that detour is the story of The Odyssey."
"Zeus punishes oath breakers, and Hera is the goddess of my marriage."
"This narrative style was also used to justify the Spartans' colonization efforts, citing Heracles' journeys."
"The Iliad is the story of Wrath, of Achilles, of the Gods, of me and myself."
"Pandora was the first mortal woman in Greek mythology."
"The iconography of Nike slaying the bowl stretches back to ancient Greek Classical period."
"Sing, O goddess, the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans."
"What we do have are these two magnificent epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey."
"The Greek god Kronos was the primordial being overthrown by Zeus."
"The Greeks gathered a thousand ships to take her back."
"The Greek gods were very present in the stories of the lives of the ancient Greeks."
"Greek myth retellings are actually the thing that really cemented my love of antiquity."
"It's really fun seeing authors imagine Greek myths or analyze Greek myths or reinterpret Greek myths from a modern perspective."
"The Greek gods... gave their gods all of those types of human imperfections."
"The river Styx was the separator between the world of the living and the world of the dead."
"Apollo's place is at the center, either at Delphi or in Hyperborea."
"If you're looking for something inspired by Greek mythology, if you're looking for a heartbreaking story, this is definitely the one to pick up."
"Everything we know about Greek mythology is based on something somebody wrote down or surviving artifacts."
"The body of the Statue of Zeus was covered in ivory, and his clothes in gold."
"Remember this word: hubris was the most common character flaw for Greek heroes."
"I was really into Greek mythology when I was a kid."
"Hey, you know why you never have to repeat yourself to Hermes? Because he always gets the message."
"Zeus shrank from doing a thing to outrage rushing night."
"Mythos by Stephen Fry, I'm always kind of in a Greek mood, you know what I mean?"
"It's Greek mythology story of Achilles and Patroclus and their friendship to relationship and it is just so beautifully written."
"I knew Achilles' golden skin, in the curve of his neck, the crooks of his elbows."
"Aphrodite and Eros are more than likely going to be the pair that pop up to you."
"Ancient Greece was a land unlike any other, overflowing with titans and Olympians, monsters and beauties, darkness and light."
"This is also a pretty feminist take on Greek mythology."
"Underneath the helm is an unnaturally beautiful blonde-headed individual, perfect features as if carved out of marble like a Greek statue."
"My third grader... has just made Greek mythology so exciting."
"All of the Greeks were obsessed with their place in mythological history."
"In many ancient Greek tales, the Oracle usually plays a role of foreshadowing later tragedies to come with sinister accuracy."
"Between Apollo and Dionysus, you can find everything I want to say."
"The journey turns guests into the stars of their own Greek tragedy."
"Until they are out of the underworld, Orpheus cannot turn to look back and see if Eurydice is following him."
"The Mysteries encapsulate certain ideas about the afterlife and the world of archaic and classical Greece."
"The whole Iliad is the story of Achilles' wrath, of Achilles' anger."
"The Theogony... tells us about the divine genealogy of the Olympian gods, the story of Prometheus and Epimetheus, the story of Pandora's box, and all of the major events in Greek mythology that we take for granted today."
"He retrieved and returned Zeus's stolen lightning bolt and also dueled and won against the god Ares."
"Not until Agamemnon gives back the honor he has taken from me."
"You must be careful tomorrow," she says, "best of men, best of the Myrmidons."
"The genus of that milkweed is Asclepius, named after the Greek god of medicine."
"Hades is the god of the dead and the king of the underworld."
"In your labyrinth there are three lines too many," he said at last. "I know of a Greek labyrinth which is a single straight line."
"The ilad and the Odyssey are attributed to a poet named Homer."
"My name is not nobody, it's Odysseus."
"The great prophecy foretells a child of the big three destroying or saving Olympus come age 16."
"The Titan's curse must one withstand, and one shall perish by a parent's hand."
"To honor her lieutenant, Artemis makes Zoe into a constellation so she can forever be in the stars."
"The ruin of our state will never come by the doom of Zeus or through the will of the blessed immortal Gods."
"What you learn from me is vitally important. I expect you to treat it as such. I will accept only the best from you, Percy Jackson."
"Iris messaging," Annabeth corrected. "The rainbow goddess Iris carries messages for the gods."
"I am the son of Hades," Nico insisted.
"Artemis is goddess of the moon, goddess of hunting, but no campers. Artemis was an eternal maiden, so she doesn't have any kids."
"Perseus and Medusa: Perseus was a demigod born to the god Zeus and a mortal woman named Danae."
"Heracles cleared a space for Greek civilization to survive and made it possible for a sense of Greek cultural unity to emerge."
"For Helen, the runaway wife of Menelaus, ten years the Greeks."
"Zeus is head, Zeus is center; all things come from Zeus."
"That was Artemis? As in the goddess of the moon?"
"It can be anything," Annabeth said, "a section of wall, a boulder, a doorway, a sewer entrance, but it would have the mark of Daedalus on it, a Greek Δ going in blue."
"In Greek mythology, the souls of the departed travel to the Underworld after death."
"Those weren't old ladies, were they? Those were the Fates."
"Your first cervical vertebrae, or C1, is called your Atlas because Atlas in Greek mythology supported the entire globe, and your Atlas supports your entire head."
"I forgot that this, the Titan's Curse, is also the book where we meet Apollo for the first time."
"The Greeks put sculptures of Hygeia inside temples dedicated to Asclepius, often showing her holding or feeding a snake, which is the Greek symbol for medicine."
"Aphrodite's ideal of beauty was herself."
"I made up this kid Percy Jackson who finds out that his real dad is Poseidon, the god of the sea, and he goes on all these adventures."
"Homer is often thought of as the O.G. of epic storytelling."
"The greatest palace of all, the glowing white hall of the gods."
"These half-bloods have done Olympus a great service. Would any here deny that?"
"I am proud of my daughter as well," Athena said.
"I shall have a new lieutenant," Artemis announced.
"Odysseus, when he's dealing with the Cyclops, his name was Nobody."
"I love Greek mythology, it's definitely something that's always caught my attention."
"The Greeks gave us some of the best stories of literary history: heroes, monsters, epic journeys, angry gods - it has everything."
"I adore Hades and Persephone's relationship."
"If you are someone who is mildly interested in the Greek myths but feel overwhelmed, I definitely recommend Stephen Fry."
"It's almost giving me like Greek goddess sort of vibes."
"I feel a little Greek goddess in this one; I really love it."
"...the story of Achilles and Patroclus..."