
Entertainment Critique Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"The writer Dr. Samuel Johnson once wrote that when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. But this game would tell you otherwise: when a man is tired of Legion, he is tired of tripe."
"Look at Dexter, look at The Walking Dead, look at The Office; like countless shows when they stretched too thin, they always fall flat on their face in that same way."
"I honestly really liked Silent Hill: Revelation."
"However, this clearly isn't the type of entertainment its handlers were going for."
"The show's direction is nothing if not overblown and sloppy."
"It’s too bad that Game of Thrones didn’t stick the landing like Endgame did."
"Annie 2014 was a [__] show of ever proportions and I'm gonna tell you why in however many minutes this ends up being."
"The only reason I report on these things like I do is because I care so goddamn much about entertainment."
"The production value is so low it actually comes off like an SNL skit."
"It was kind of fun, but I think my problem with it is that it didn't feel like it knew what it wanted to be."
"He watches every show. That's not a good defense."
"There's actually a pretty good TV show buried inside that garbage about a found family of affably jerky bounty hunters tooling around the solar system, stopping crimes, and trading quips."
"We're done with this whole sitcom bs. It's full-on Marvel now."
"But it's not just Marvel that's in the firing line in terms of parody with DC and in particular the Justice League also being made fun of."
"They try to fit too much in and as a result the quality of the show suffers."
"You need a level of consistency, and I don't think WWE even knows what that means."
"The overall presentation is like indistinguishable from some of the greatest movies."
"Seth Rollins versus Bray at Hell in a Cell 2019... a match that made fans chant for refunds."
"Perhaps I could do the same with the third season, and while I still believe there's going to be some long neglected gems that await us, this season had a really, really rough start."
"I hate them both [__] probably ridiculousness there's a little moment yeah there's more parity."
"Pilots are the worst way to judge a TV show; all TV shows take a while to find their footing."
"I liked the game but wasn't having fun playing it."
"This is the best damn movie-related show on the planet Earth."
"This is like a dog and pony show for them and they're gonna cling on to it because they love that...yeah, they love that."
"If you don't want to watch this show to make fun of the people involved, is there any other reason why a grown adult would ever watch this television program?"
"Peter Pan and Wendy indeed the [ __ ] of the century."
"The storytelling and dialogue is very... it's okay, it's serviceable."
"Force diversity is harming our entertainment far more than it's helping it."
"This movie is not punching me in the face with stupidity."
"True crime should be more informative than it is entertaining because I can get the criticisms of people being like I don't understand how learning about murder is entertaining."
"What you're doing has to be at least interesting but everything is so [ __ ] boring."
"That's almost as bad as if Luke Skywalker died in Star Wars by transmitting his essence across the galaxy."
"I think the pacing in the series is handled really well."
"This is not a reality show, this is reality."
"Star Wars is basically dead in the freaking water, isn't it? We don't talk much about Star Wars these days because frankly, we don't really care."
"Your life will be empty without this fucking show frustrating myself and everybody else."
"Old people on Netflix... within the first five minutes I was like literally gagging."
"This was a good time for me to make up some time. I'm not knocking either one of these girls but if I didn't like this show a girl's match wasn't gonna change my mind."
"I want her to have a plot, I want her to have a character arc."
"I think it's about as intriguing as like a fast movie." - Ken Napzok
"It's a spectacular scene and is probably one of my favorite things to come out of Heroes. And hats off to Suji for not correcting everything, very much appreciated."
"But seriously, holy shit, do they sacrifice a lot of logic for the sake of dramatic effect."
"Are you kidding me? Instead it's a complete mess of new characters and bizarre outcomes."
"I think overall this was very mad. It's weird before it was released I heard non-stop like raving regimes that it was like the best horror movie of the year and then after it came out I heard much more mixed reviews."
"Two out of five because the show is too long."
"Isn't it crazy that we all saw a clip about Nicole Kidman wanting to [ __ ] Jimmy Fallon and we can all agree that Jimmy Fallon's not funny and he's not worth watching? Yeah, that's crazy."
"It had the vibes and then of course I am a ho for a good serial killer."
"The Mandalorian was the best thing to come from Star Wars since the greedy corporate acquisition by our buddy Bob Iger."
"Live is the best and it's just like people they were all terrible chill out well."
"WWE made what was supposed to be an unpredictable Royal Rumble predictable."
"So, if you’ve ever pondered the eternal question of whether you’d rather be stuck in a song that never ends or acid-induced muppet nightmare, then this is the video for you."
"The Season is too long, and one of the reasons it feels that way is because there is very little pay off here."
"Fear the death, death Death or the potential of death right but of course always going for the children every time."
"Her looks isn't necessarily the scariest of this cast but it does feel fresh and fashionable - umm I think I’m going to give this a HOT."
"The first dying light story was basically a direct-to-DVD action movie complete with cheesy melodrama."
"I finished Spider-Man 2 and Super Mario Brothers Wonder last night. It's a problem when the release dates of big titles you should watch overlap. However, I think both are masterpieces that I can recommend to anyone."
"Oh dear lord, help me. Anthem has gotta be one of the weirdest things I've ever seen."
"Not even this famed blue blur can outrun low ratings."
"These are the primary points of evidence that Rings of Power is going to be a steaming pile of crap."
"They literally tap dance for Tyra. This show does so much while doing absolutely nothing."
"It's a movie that was a cash grab based on YouTubers who were popular at the time."
"It's like overwhelmingly negative... truly like going back and watching Ace Ventura. So bad."
"Jem was so barefaced in its lunacy one of those things that shouldn't work and yet it works it shouldn't be and yet it be it was just it was truly outrageous truly truly truly outrageous."
"It's an insane but entirely appropriate conclusion for the series genuinely this has been a show for the ages."
"I really enjoyed it, it definitely showed the potential that the series had."
"Raptors were my favorite characters in the movie. In fact, they were better, they were more likable than any fucking human character in this movie."
"But how many quotable lines are there? They don't do them anymore. I mean, you're left all the time going back, what, to the 1990s or something?"
"This thing around I definitely loved it as a kid I had it on repeat I had the DVD but this time around I found myself like checking the run time way too much there's an effort to make this look bigger than the show in some ways."
"It's actually a really touching story, until of course they decide to crush your childhood by teaching a theater full of kids about their own mortality."
"The show as a whole just has this really unique personality which can just be really hard to achieve nowadays."
"I'm not a huge fan of the performance of this young Quill right now but obviously that's not gonna stay."
"It's amazing just how endearing of a cast this is, I'd say this even ranks above most Disney shows."
"I hate myself for liking it because it's so bad yet I can't look away."
"This is not a game without flaws but god damn this game is just incredibly engaging to play."
"Madam Web makes Catwoman of Arabia look like Citizen Kane."
"Harder to enjoy the show for what it is and instead of getting into the characters."
"People sometimes get offended when people call things like guilty pleasure or trash but really it's the best way to say it."
"Illumination's minions have mastered mediocrity, and it's something absolutely everybody can enjoy."
"X-arm is a full-on 5-alarm dumpster fire, the highest honor available in a rating system that I definitely thought about before writing this sentence."
"At what point does the garbage overshadow the good stuff?"
"NXT continues to go down and down and down every single week. That's a fucking issue."
"'Old' is the type of movie that you gather a bunch of your friends together to hate-watch."
"'Old' is an instant camp classic. It is the worst best thing that I've seen this year."
"Depending on where you went, that was either the bit one of his best specials ever or he's a [ __ ] abomination who shouldn't gotten a second chance."
"It's got some cool dynamic elements... I give this one like an eight out of ten."
"The t-rex is by far the star of Jurassic Park, and by gosh, did they get her wrong."
"I also love looking back, I realized the movie was stupid, but honestly, I sometimes don't regret watching it at least once."
"I'm not being dramatic. Well, I am, but either way, there's a lot to get into here. I hope you're ready for shaky cinematography and CGI dolphins."
"Just so much fun, I haven't picked up the second one as I was a little disappointed with some of the things they did for the sequel."
"I think almost all the shows we saw here were actually significantly worse."
"I can't wait to see where this is gonna go, even if it's hot garbage. It'll be the fun hot garbage that you can make fun of, kinda hot garbage."
"I think it’s indisputable that the art direction they chose for the remakes was definitely jarring, and came as a massive surprise to say the least."
"It reminds me of G5 honestly where they have like three plot points that just repeat for the whole thing we we got to find the magic you guys we finally have magic magic magic magic oh"
"The entire premise of the show is basically wrong."
"It's a crushing miserable punctuation mark on one of the most underappreciated tragedies the show has."
"It's kind of funny that even though Mr Beast squid game seems to have recreated most of the same challenges as this multi-million dollar Netflix production there are actually fewer complaints about the conditions the contestants were subjected to."
"It's sad to see franchises you've loved for so long used and abused."
"I want to see Hollywood Batista. I want to see dick Batista, okay? I want to see Sun glass wearing Armani suit wearing des petites to come out just ridiculing all the fat slobs in the front row."
"This is like bad Star Wars fan fiction. Mando goes to a planet and he meets a man who has Boba Fett's armor and then with the Tuscan Raiders they kill a dragon."
"It puts me in a very difficult position because really overall, you should get it down, but it was also dedicated to the Undertaker, and anything dedicated to the Undertaker should get it up."
"Game of Thrones is the worst ending I've ever seen of any show and I'm standing on it."
"Reality television is like a car crash - you want to keep watching it."
"This game sucks, but that halftime show was fire!"
"The Pokemon anime has been very entertaining, but there is a baffling lack of awareness over some of the choices made."
"Assassin's Creed IV was fantastic... Assassin's Creed was unabashedly good again."
"Every segment falls apart if you just look a little bit closer at it."
"But that's also part of what makes it kind of fun. Just how phoned in parts of it are mixed in with new elements that are legitimately good."
"How do you put a show together with such amazing characters from George Lucas and make it so bad that I was like we're just we're gonna pretend it never happened like you can't even go watch it anymore."
"Dragon and Shego were literally great villains."
"And this brings us to the most delicious response to this movie ever and it's from BuzzFeed."
"Oh man, this is fun and original! But then all of a sudden, I realized Five Nights at Freddy's just did this. They did it!"
"The greatest of all Marvel superheroes has now been reduced to something that is very, very entertaining but all of the complexity removed."
"Please do anything to not make me watch this, it ruins LEC."
"Even as a kid I could tell, but as an adult I've gained a more critical eye."
"It's all positive you know and good way it doesn't mean I'm not gonna type to be you know obnoxious stand up and cause a scene but uh let me let me be real what you like me they went all in killed it man he'll do the Thanos twins killed it."
"Dean Ambrose is moving on. Dean Ambrose was such a fun character that just was misutilized in WWE."
"What sort of wretched abomination do I bring to you today, you may be asking? Well, you saw the thumbnail and, uh, what even is this thing?"
"Venom... a bizarre totally uneven film... still strangely endearing... ton of fun to watch."
"A work so completely devoid of wit, style, intelligence or basic entertainment value that it makes that movie based on the Angry Birds app seem like a pure artistic statement by comparison." - Roger Ebert.com
"A show that's this bonkers and has socio-political commentary, yes, that's actually brilliance wrapped up in this veneer of bonkersness."
"Wow, I think that was the darkest product the MCU has ever given us."
"From the fans' perspective, you're irrelevant and without the source material so is your show."
"Of all the arbitrary things we do on this show, this has to be the most arbitrary."
"The only valid criticism I will ever entertain is those people who are just like, 'I'm tired of the formula.' Some people are just more bored of it than others and don't have the nostalgia, and I'll take that into account."
"I gotta get up. I watched it. Ain't no, what was it? It ain't no, uh, 'Who Made Potato Salad?' Oh, here's a funny thing."
"We are getting bored and tired of the formulaic nonsense."
"Lane deserved better. She had such clear-cut dreams and ambition."
"I'm really intrigued. It doesn't look and feel the way I expected."
"How insane would that be? Mech suits in your franchise and you're not getting them to punch each other in the face?"
"It's just not entertaining enough to be good."
"Onward accountability over entertainment. Ray Fisher, you reach a point in life where you simply must take a stand."
"That's a relatable message that any parent can get if you're forced to watch this for your kids or if you happen to like this type of cinema."
"Real fandom is not sticking your head in the sand and pretending everything is perfect."
"It was so everything about this is whether the movies are good or great there's nothing awful here."
"We dive into music videos, YouTube videos, movies, TV, and whatever else we find and put it in a wood chipper."
"Welcome to 'Project Zomboid,' a game that we're gonna break down and analyze to determine why exactly it's so awesome."
"Without Brock Lesnar, this show is an absolute waste of time."
"Your opinion matters more than mine. What I think about a show shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things."
"Who are these drag queens who are like I guess I look okay? No, you should walk out there and be like you should be the last one on the runway cuz you're just looking at yourself in the mirror."
"Folks, this is a blessing to all of us watching this horrendous show on Friday night."
"The entertainment industry is not real life."
"This is just straight-up cut and dry awesome storytelling."
"Two wrongs don't make a right because everybody knows nobody would watch that show if Tokyo Toni wasn't on that show."
"Marvel movies: glorified content aggregators."
"I like Fast and Furious movies. I came to a realization a few years ago that they are just dumb fun."
"Guardians of the Galaxy is everything Avengers failed to be."
"I can confidently say this is the exact game I think Avengers should have been."
"It's gonna end up in my top 10 films of the year, no doubt about it."
"It's got like hot chicks, um, hot dudes, savagery, eating people guts, incest, all these fun topics."
"That's right, anime maid karaoke. And listen fellas, I know this movie's Asian, but I really don't need any mukbang stuff, okay?"
"The only reason why this movie has any points is because of the practical effects."
"This could be like Michael Scarn in the office like it's gonna be anti-comedy."
"There's more innovation between Call of Duty titles than there is in Pokémon."
"In conclusion, I think Home Alone 2 was a worthy follow-up. It doesn't have quite the impact of the first one, but it deals with what we expected extremely well and stands as a nice companion piece to the first film."
"We've got to get back to that level where we can talk about why we love this and why we hated that." - John Campea
"Bocchi The Rock features a distinctive style of anime comedy that rarely relies on trite cliches like the ever-popular absurd misunderstanding."
"Is it the greatest work of fiction? No, but it's magnetizing." - Reflecting on the appeal of Squid Game.
"The best thing World Tour did was make me like Heather way more than I did."
"Battle tendency is, in my opinion, gripping in a way that phantom blood simply isn't on a fundamental level."
"Oscar deserves better, no man, we deserve better, the fans deserve better."
"This is honestly so fitting for how Volume 8 was structured with the siege of Atlas starting at the beginning of the volume and culminating in everything that we saw throughout leading up to the finale."
"The She-Hulk trailer was a cheese fest? Wrong. I thought it was Ali McBeal to the neck. I loved it!"
"The positivity we see among the narcissism channels reminds me of the lego movie where the little lego guy is singing everything is awesome."
"It puts it all to shame... from an acting perspective, a musical score perspective, and cinematography perspective."
"22 minutes is foreplay, honestly. It's black people in beautiful lighting with great music. We love to see it, but it's not a script, it's not meaty story, and that's exactly what it is."
"We're getting rinse and repeat on Monday Night Raw. Does nobody find that to be a [ __ ] problem?"
"Total Divas has done nothing to enhance any of those women or enhance the product."
"It was dynamite. Sharon Carter is the least bad of the bad theories."
"All in all, I think this season had way more potential."
"I don't watch other Game of Thrones youtubers, they're boring."
"Be careful what you wish for, this show is always ahead of the curve."
"That's why I don't care for Floyd Mayweather at least the Jake Paul thing it's like I mean you're paying to watch Jake Paul knock someone out or the potential for him to get hurt in some way."
"The proof is there, the audience has abandoned the DCU, they need to restart."
"It's the best in series in the trilogy by far." - Greg Miller
"There's never been a time or a place where a sequel couldn't come along and completely mess up something that was established."
"That whole performance was just that—it was a performance."
"This show was a complete throwaway show that accomplished nothing for the Royal Rumble."
"But man the last 10 minutes of this I thought were really tough to watch and not in a good way."
"This movie is actually like watching a bunch of 12 year olds all hopped up on soda give you like a class on the history of Batman."
"It's ultimately a fun if disposable story." - Unnamed reviewer
"AEW feels like today, WWE feels like a [ __ ] rash in your crotch."
"Are you genuinely upset that you haven't pleased the majority of the WWE audience?"
"If you think the upcoming Infinity War is the greatest crossover ever made, you're sadly mistaken."
"There's so much fake stuff being manufactured for entertainment that is so the opposite of entertaining sometimes. I always see something real; it's like, holy [ __ ], I need this, this is so."
"Part 3 was better than part 2... taking the good and leaving the bad."
"Your work should be more interesting than your life or else you're a reality star."
"I didn't know I was watching a glorified Monday Night Raw show tonight, man. What happened Nick Con, man? You advertised a new experience."
"Three hours of Monday Night Raw and the one thing that I remember for this entire show is f***ing Jericho presenting scarves to Braun, Roman, and Seth Rollins, unbelievable."
"These are really good, insane violent Will Smith was the best part of otherwise boring Oscars."
"If mafia sounds boring and pretentious to you then that's completely fine."
"Monday Night Raw was the same show that you've seen every week."
"I feel like I should be getting paid to watch this as their therapist."
"You can't harass and attack people over having a different opinion about She-Hulk. Like, leave them alone."
"Critique. I remember it so you don't have to!"
"Starfield for me, guys, has been the biggest letdown of 2023."
"Most of the season felt kind of copy and paste."
"Just because there is a lot of jutsus in the show doesn't mean they're all being used."
"If you just wanna play cool games... it sucks."
"Honestly Hot take I thought it was better than."
"It's honestly absurd that a show starring a straight man who punches people and makes dad jokes has outperformed a billion dooll budgeted show about Lord of the Rings."