
Caretaking Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The distress cry is a clear advantage to kittens because that allows the caretaker to come back for them."
"There's an intense moralizing that goes with it because there's nothing more important than taking care of an infant. Fair enough, there's no job more admirable than being a caretaker of an infant."
"Kids attached to their caretakers and having a revolving door of caretakers when you grow up will cause you to develop some pretty severe psychological issues."
"Make sure if you have a caretaker in your life, be appreciative when they take care of you."
"That is how you connect a creature from another planet to be the caretaker of earth and make it matter make it emotional."
"Holy [__] I can take care of her, I can like actually look after her now, like she doesn't have to worry about anything."
"I'm standing here taking care of your child."
"Our whole legacy is that we're caretakers of the Earth."
"They're a living breathing animal and you are their caretaker."
"We're caretakers here at The Conjuring house and uh we also communicate with the other side."
"We are caretakers for the next generation."
"We gotta feed these animals, you guys."
"Sidney Bernard tended to the men."
"True love genuine love is when you're the custodian of another person's vulnerabilities."
"I'd say I win because I clean up after him too."
"Come on, llamas, let's get your lunches."
"I only had to take S out and then I only had to feed S."
"...very protective very caretaking it looks after the people it really loves the people in the Inner Circle it is literally the mom of the zodiac..."
"Your body is not you... you are the caretaker of your body."
"It's like they want to put you to bed."
"When you look after someone or something you are taking care of it."
"The land belonged to the gods and the people were its caretakers."
"I told her I am her real Mommy because I've looked after her whole life and I won't ever leave her."
"Spiritually it was like redefining who I was. It's okay to be the caretaker, and it's okay not to be the caretaker."
"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. McAu, don't worry, you're in good hands."
"Every man and woman of God, you are the caretaker."
"Are you someone who's watching over the boy, taking care of the boy?"
"It's our job as caretakers to provide them with the easiest comfort and the best care we possibly can."
"She's the crew mom, just taking care of everybody."
"Are you hungry? And you're like, 'Oh, he felt like I needed a parent with me or something.'"
"Her selflessness had proved her devotion and loyalty as a trustworthy caretaker."
"It's my job, it's my responsibility. A man is supposed to take care of his family."
"Potato spent the whole day caring for Tot cheering her up and eating her food"
"Eleven was just your year, when you thought you could take care of everybody."
"They want to take care of you financially and emotionally, there's a very mature energy about them."
"I'm gonna change that last name first of all and take care of Mama like I do."
"Alfred, I love Alfred. He's the only one that considers his well-being."
"I guess I was upset that you say no all the time, but that's part of my job - to protect you and make sure you eat good food."
"I need a man that's going to get me a maid and I promise you if you take care of me I'm going to take care of him."
"...it is your responsibility to provide for them shelter, food, education, and medical bills."
"The thing about ranch life, farm life, rural life, the livestock side of things is, you're taking care of something other than yourself."
"There's nothing sexier than seeing a full grown man who knows how to handle children."
"I enjoy playing with the littles. I don't look after them, but I enjoy being around children to protect them and care for them."
"You're seen as a gentle caretaker who makes others feel safe and soothed."
"Success! All the animals are fed, groomed, and taken care of."
"When Charlie Bovey died, there was a gap in care for the city and all of the things that had been what we call the Bovey collection."
"Okay Bertha, I'm taking care of the house for you."
"That's so cool, I get to take care of animals."
"She's been the caretaker, she has kept this boat for us."
"She just had this overwhelming sense of being or wanting to be a caretaker."
"Maybe we were meant to stay on as caretakers of this home for a little while longer."
"This woman wasn't out to harm your child. She was really watching over Hank Jr."
"this is our new neighbor she takes care of this house"
"If more often than not your go-to is 'what does everyone else need' at the expense of yourself, then you've definitely met that criteria most likely for being a fauner, a pleaser, a people pleaser, a compulsive caretaker."
"I'm not just this car's owner; I'm its caretaker."
"If you're still here looking after the animals, thank you so much for doing that."
"If someone approached me about being like a caretaker at this hotel in the winter seasons up in the mountains in Colorado, would I say yes? The answer: oh yeah."
"My wife refers to me as a farmer, you know, this is our livestock, it's our job to make sure that we maintain it and we take care of it."
"I'm very much a caretaker... I'm definitely a team player, a helpmate."
"This may be Harry's way of still looking after the castle after passing away."
"Being the oldest, I was forced into the role of caretaking of my brothers and the apartment that we lived in."
"A Scorpio with Cancer moon is a very loving, caretaking, creative, and compassionate type person."
"What did I do to deserve to live at this place and be a caretaker and enjoy it? It's beside me, I don't know, but I love it; it's beautiful."
"My job is literally to babysit you," Alexa said with the roll of her eyes.
"So apparently sparrows imprint on their caretakers... he took care of it and now he is dad."
"I'll forever be thankful to my caretaker who came to help me and probably saved my life."
"We're plant janitors, we're room managers, we're making sure the environment's there so that a plant can do its thing."
"Who does all of the help care jobs? Women. Who does almost all of the volunteering? Women. Who does most unpaid caretaking? Women."
"The gravekeeper, a thin and gaunt man who resembled the corpses he and his family had been tending to for Generations."
"It's a really an amazing timepiece and I'm pretty excited to be the caretaker of it for its life at this time."
"Women have larger hearts than guys, that girls are just more passionate and more like caretakers."
"Cleopatra is Cinderella; she's the one that has to take care of everybody."
"If you are keeping house plants, you take care of them."
"He was such a generous man and he looked after some of their children."
"When you get an animal, it's important to think of it as you have just taken on the job of caretaker rather than I just got a pet."
"It's important to think of yourself as an animal caretaker rather than a person who just owns a pet."
"She says she's a natural caretaker, okay? So that's a good part for Mark."
"You're a caretaker, you take care of this... you hold a really strong exterior thing but you overdo it, so you work too hard."
"It's about this character who's kind of older and she ends up taking on a job as a caretaker at the aquarium."