
Self-honor Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"To honor your life means that you make it your non-negotiable duty to find what you love most about life and to do that thing on a regular basis. No excuses."
"Let go of what you think the world wants of you and really honor yourself."
"We're not meant to be struggling, aggressing, fighting. We are meant to be honoring each other, honoring ourselves, and having a wonderful time in this very short lifetime."
"Anchoring into your light and... honoring your truth."
"Light up your life by honoring your deepest desires."
"Honor the process, this is your healing journey."
"...there's also a humbleness here and it's looking at where this Pisces energy knows that it's safe to be humble and there's an honoring of what you've learned along the way because of it."
"When I honor what's true for me in every moment, I give myself permission to align with the experiences that are most helpful and relevant to my authentic being."
"I think that you're dedicated now not to fulfilling a wild dream or something but to fulfilling your truth and to honoring your truth."
"Release comparison, honor your own unique journey."
"I have to honor myself, I have to honor how I really feel."
"You are a sovereign being and honoring your spiritual truth is how you act as the guardian of your soul."
"Someone here is really learning to unfold into themselves and honor themselves."
"Life is meant to be lived and it's meant to be fun and just enjoying the journey is another way that you can honor yourself."
"You honor yourself and your emotions and your body and your cycles and the things you're going through."
"Your inner rhythms are something you deserve to honor; create your own systems and trust yourself."
"It takes courage to honor your own goodness."
"You've been leading a life that honors that you've been doing the work, both intellectually and emotionally."
"If you honor yourself and are honest and behave with integrity and trust your body and take care of it in a certain way that honors that instinct, that need to say yes and no and be autonomous, that is how I understand Lilith."
"Can we like say it at least, like you know, there's a grade here and I feel like if anything though, you're at that point you're saying I have to honor my inner empress."
"Let us honor our true selves, manifest our desires, and cultivate Inner Harmony."
"Establish personal boundaries, respect yourself, and honor yourself."
"The more you honor yourself the more you can actually honor everyone else and the world."
"Femininity is about honoring one's own preferences, values, and instincts."
"Honor the intention and honor yourself for taking your practice today."
"To accept this invitation is to discover the true honor of yourself."
"It's about honoring yourself, your needs, and the sort of relationship that you truly recognize that you're worthy of."
"Be in your body, be in your breath, honor yourself for the effort you're capable of giving here."
"She's really good at honoring her feelings and her intuition."
"We could do such a better job of honoring ourselves and then others by starting by being in this discovery."
"May is a month where you decide what honors you."
"We can honor who we've been and choose who we want to be next."
"Ultimately, it comes down to I have to honor myself and my heart, and I can't ignore that."
"We need to have that ability to find our truth and live it and honor it."
"You can't honor anybody else unless you honor yourself."
"You're going to start honoring your truth."
"Love is honoring the biggest you in existence."
"Your path is uniquely yours, honor it without comparing it to others."
"Your truth is your truth, and it's important for you to honor it with every facet of your being."
"I'm going to honor my feelings, I'm going to honor me, I'm going to love myself."
"It's said that we have one life. We have the opportunity to make it so abundant and amazing and every single thing that we choose to do. Honor yourself."
"Take time to honor and cherish the spirit within you."
"May we honor our thoughts, may we honor our words, may we honor ourselves."
"Honor yourself always first and foremost for showing up."
"One last way for today to honor yourself frequently and constantly is to rest and just be."
"I love myself because I honor myself."
"You're standing in your truth; you're honoring your truth."
"He triumphed twice, and Byzantine emperors could award themselves their own triumphs."
"I honor my inner being, bowing to its magnificence and allowing its wisdom to be the compass of my journey."
"The priority we have is to honor ourselves and to be making sure that life is enjoyable and that it's on a frequency of stability, silence, enjoyment, and self-respect really."
"Be ready for this, be ready to honor your truth and act accordingly."
"Self-assertiveness is to honor our wants and needs."
"Whatever can bring you peace, honor that."
"Let's remember to breathe and sink and surrender into this posture, honoring yourself, honoring your practice for today."
"You're so transformed, like you honor yourself, you honor your journey."
"As you love and honor yourself, this is a great time of self-exploration."
"You are being masterful; honor your inner knowing."
"...honor your heart, honor that inner voice, honor that quiet whisper that keeps telling you that something is off here."
"Keep going towards the new, keep making decisions that honor you and what you know to be right and true for you."
"Honor your path, honor your decisions, honor your goals, your desires as well, especially when it comes to things that are sacred and spiritual or very meaningful for you."
"Revelation: a time of revealing, a time to really just honor yourself."
"You have a seat in the Divine Realms, you have a seat in the spirit Realms that you need to honor."
"Honor that uniqueness within yourself."
"Not speaking our truth, not honoring our truth puts us out of balance."
"Finally, you're feeling honored for who you are as a person."
"Honor that and love that about yourself."
"Honoring your path regardless of what your person does."
"This is your journey, honor and respect that, and just enjoy your process."
"It is not selfish for you to evolve; it's just the best word for it is to truly evolve. That is not selfish; that's honoring yourself, it's stepping into your true power."
"Take that bold step forward to take action, to honor yourself."
"Me, honoring little me by making time for play, wonder, and amazement."
"Honor yourself, your path, and what is really right and true for you."
"Honor your gifts and step into your full potential."
"Love yourself, honor yourself, honor your path, trust your path is teaching you and growing you and giving you what you need."
"You have claimed your authenticity; you are honoring yourself, you are honoring who you truly are."
"Express your feelings; it's time to honor your feelings."
"Human design shows you how to use your energy differently and how to honor that."
"Honor yourself, take care of yourself, have determination."
"You have this sacred power that you have to honor and love and cherish and nurture."
"Your journey, your path is uniquely yours; honor it without comparing it to others."
"This month is a chance for you to honor it."
"It's about honoring yourself enough to say, 'How am I going to bring good times into my life and into my future?'"