
Individual Journey Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"At the end of the day, we're all going to go out alone. We're all on our own journey, and the only ones that can control our journey are you and you alone."
"Everyone travels their own path; we're not all going down the same path."
"Be your authentic self because you're going to travel eternally by yourself."
"There isn't a formula to success. There's just your formula to success."
"Regardless of what it all means, SCP-5000 is a fascinating tale of one man."
"If they want to change, support their goal, and then step away and tell them that this may be a journey that they need to make by themselves."
"I don't care what people say, I really don't. If you want to join the journey, you're more than welcome to."
"Ultimately, this is a story about Ellie, not David."
"You have to know that everybody's journey is not going to be the same... I'm excited for it and I'm just gonna stay humble."
"The metropolis of Night City is a stage set to tell the tale of one individual raised on the streets."
"Everybody's on their own path and everybody's on their own Journey when it comes to self-improvement."
"For a lot of us out there in our own individual journeys, we may find ourselves leaping forward in powerful ways."
"There are no shortcuts, and you will have to travel an individual path."
"Your awakening doesn't have to happen exactly like mine or anyone else's."
"The awakening is not something out there, it's something in here, it's each individual awakening."
"We're all on our own individual journey and I think that's like the beauty of it."
"All of us have our own Journey, all of us have our own path to walk."
"All you were trying to do was grow and work on yourself."
"Success looks differently for everyone... I feel like you're on the precipice of a major breakthrough."
"Don't compare your life to others; your journey is your own."
"When you're unlocking next level stuff in your life, it's a lonely process. Everybody else is going that way and you're going this way."
"Your purpose is literally personal expansion."
"This is all about you, your journey, your personal goals, your personal pursuits."
"Don't compare yourself to other people; your journey is not their journey."
"See the end because there is an end in sight, and do not compare yourself."
"...the practice of keeping family affairs private acknowledges the individual journey of each family member, just as the chosen one walks a unique path, so too do their loved ones, each with their own destiny and lessons to learn."
"Frodo realized that he must continue alone, if even the likes of Boromir would succumb to it."
"Everybody's timing is different please do not be discouraged by other people's stories, other people's timelines, other people's accomplishments."
"Look at your own personal journey through this; don't compare your results to somebody else's because your starting points would be different."
"Everybody in life that you graduated with, your friend with, they don't pass you up."
"Allowing everyone their experience, their own path to the light, it's all an individual journey."
"It's not about when you start going to church and when you find God. Everyone's on their own timeline to find that."
"At the end of the day, I feel like it's your relationship with God and it's your journey, and everybody should just kind of mind their own business and be on their own path."
"Rather than worry about making a correct choice in what to believe in, there's comfort in knowing that all of us are doing the best we can to find our own answers."
"Struggle is the main thing; we should never compare."
"Follow your own time, you will be successful in your own time and your success would last for a lifetime."
"Shift your focus away from comparison and trust in your own journey."
"You're going to ascend with or without this person and it's up to everybody if they're ready to go. If you ain't ready to go then I'm going without you. Period."
"For all the bad that occurred before on and after May 7th, 2002, you actually got to hear a little good. A little good of who Robert was as the person who he was striving to become and that's important too."
"Your quilting journey is your journey."
"Everybody has their own mountain ahead of them."
"It's okay if your journey looks different; it doesn't mean that you're doing it wrong."
"You can't measure your success by the success of somebody who ain't called to do what you're called to do."
"Everyone has their own personal journey."
"Don't compare yourself to others, everybody's journey is different, everybody's body and genetics are different."
"I still have aspirations, you know, everybody finds their own way and gets there in their own time."
"Don't be pressured by what other people are doing around you because at the end of the day it's your journey and whatever is meant to be for you will be."
"We all have a different path and a different journey."
"I'm just a simple man making my way in the universe."
"It's about progress, not perfection, because everyone's journey is different."
"Everybody has their own path and no two paths are exactly the same."
"It doesn't matter how long it takes you; everyone has their own story, their own journey."
"Tag, you are it. Get in your lane, run your race, and finish your course."
"You can't compare your life to anybody else."
"Wherever you choose or wherever you go, you're gonna have your own experience there."
"Be where you are today, everybody's journey is different."
"I don't compare myself to other men because I know that other men haven't had my journey."
"You're on your own path and you haven't got to that stage of your life for a reason yet."
"Everybody has their own timing in this business."
"We have to take Islam at our own pace."
"Don't compare your chapter one to someone's chapter 20."
"We are all on our own journeys. We can try on someone else's skin as much as we want, but we end up having to be smaller in order to fit in it."
"It's not a race off the gate, it's a dance."
"It's not all about the numbers; it's about finding the right match for your weight loss journey."
"Society couldn't develop unless the individual went on that journey of spiritual evolution."
"Don't worry about what people have to say about your journey; this is your journey."
"Your life has a time zone of its own. Make peace with where you are, and you'll bloom."
"It's important to not get discouraged by someone else's journey because yours is going to be different."
"Avoid comparing yourself to others, as you are on a unique and individual journey crafted specifically for you."
"Everybody finds their way as they are supposed to when their time is right."