
Existential Belief Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We all get an awakening, you know, if not in this life, in the next life."
"We are eternal beings, without beginning and without end. We have always existed."
"We all have a reason for being here, we all planned out our life."
"Everything that happens to us happens for us and nothing thing to us."
"You are in some essence a spark of the divine."
"If you have nothing to believe in, what you do is you take it to the limit one more time."
"You need to realize that God has a purpose for you, if not, you wouldn't be alive."
"Human beings are inherently believing in a higher being... because of first-person subjective experience."
"I personally believe the most spiritual thing we'll ever do is life."
"We are God having a human experience, period."
"I don't need religion or God or a belief in the existence of God in order to have the belief that life is valuable."
"Every single person on this earth has a specific purpose."
"Everything on Earth has a purpose and you do too."
"There is something after this life, ladies and gentlemen. There is."
"That soul of yours comes from that place of the Creator and you called God that soul of yours is not separate from the Creator from God it isn't."
"You are planted where you are for a purpose."
"Everything that happens to us is part of our life path. Everything. And there are no accidents in the universe."
"There is no death, it's part of life, it's part of infinity."
"I see the hand of God in everything. We are energetic beings with a physical body."
"Death is a transition from one level of reality to the next."
"If you weren't worthy of being here you wouldn't exist trust me because creation doesn't make mistakes."
"We are spiritual beings first, physical beings second."
"Spirit is saying, 'I promise you joy, rest, peace, ascension, honesty, and answers.'"
"We are eternal, we really don't go anywhere."
"If you do what you're put here to do, that's it. That's what I feel, whoever or whatever put me here to do, that's what I'm gonna do until it changes."
"Life is very spiritual... everything we do on earth has a spiritual component."
"There's no doubt in my mind that we were all made for a purpose."
"There are no coincidences, there are no mistakes in the universe."
"This is a beautiful thing, all of it is necessary, duality is necessary."
"Please don't think that actual ninjas looked like this."
"Love is the whole reason why the world is here, why we're all here."
"There's no god, but there is godliness. It's a presence, a mystery, a witnessing core."
"There was nothing happening in your life that happened by accident."
"It's the one thing that survives this reality - your soul."
"I believe that I'm a spiritual being in a physical body."
"Every living being is chosen or selected for some sort of specific mission, purpose, or destiny."
"Everybody in this very moment or wherever you're at is supposed to be in your life right now."
"We have a creator, there's no doubt. This is not random."
"I believe everything happens for a reason though. There's a purpose behind everything."
"Do I believe in God? Basically, I know that there's a force that's greater than anything that we know of that's responsible for everything that exists."
"All is divinity manifesting and nothing exists outside of it."
"I always believed in things beyond us, much more capable than the limitations put on humanity by this unforgiving universe."
"Can I argue you out of your Christian faith? Your question assumes my faith is a state of mind, but it's a state of existence."
"Everything happens for a reason, everything's a lesson."
"There is only source. If you deny anything, you're denying the absolute."
"I know three things I know there is a God I know I'm not him and neither are you."
"We're assuming that God exists and I don't think it's possible to live without that assumption."
"You have no control if you live or die. God controls if we leave this earth or we stay on this Earth for another 40 years. We have no control over that."
"When we talk about the universe, we know that the Universe exists and we can never believe that it just popped into existence one day by itself."
"A purpose is something that we create individually for ourselves; it's not something that we deduce from the nature of the universe."
"The sense 'I am' is the supreme truth of the universe, the godly principle within all things."
"A sure feeling informs everyone that there is something in him which is absolutely imperishable and indestructible."
"We will all live forever somewhere."
"For me, I would believe it's life and death."
"You only live once, at least so I believe."
"I'm so deep into my spirit now, I know this life is... we are eternal."
"You are here for a reason; there's nothing accidental about you."
"Believing is an existential reality of a dimension of living that is altogether other and contrary than what is known on the earth."
"I am a spiritual being having a human experience."
"I now believe we're in a simulation."
"Meaning is going to be something you create; it's not going to be an external source."
"From Shankaracharya's perspective, he is ever liberated because he says, 'I am of the nature of existence, consciousness, bliss; I am the nature of Shiva.'"