
Photography Skills Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"To become a good and proficient photographer, there are things you need to know about the physics of the camera, talking about shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, ISO, talking about the art of composition."
"If you learn to see light... I guarantee you your photography is going to improve automatically."
"You better know your camera... You want to know your camera so that if something's not going right, you don't have to think, you just know how to fix it."
"But if you want to take your iPhone photography to the next level, you have to go beyond taking quick snapshots and learn how to take full control of the camera of your iPhone."
"Knowing how to operate the camera isn't going to be enough to go out and take great images."
"In photography, it's all about learning how to see."
"When you're physically engaging with whatever you're photographing, be conscious of what's going in the frame, because that's the information that winds up ultimately getting conveyed."
"Photography is a skill and an expert can make a good photo out of almost any camera."
"It's totally possible to turn a very average shot into something that looks much more professional, creative, and engaging when you understand the basics."
"At the end of the day, it comes down to the photographer, not the camera, though the cameras can help in certain situations that other cameras may not be as good in."
"Beautiful photography equals great photographer."
"If you can do great things with a terrible camera, you can do great things with a great camera."
"If you can count the eyelashes, you know you have the focus."
"Even lazy/half cut photographers like myself can walk away with proper Pro looking results."
"There's a huge difference between a good photographer with a smartphone and a non-photographer with a smartphone."
"The real art of photography... is to learn composition and lighting and posing an expression storytelling."
"Learning the mechanics of the camera is a very small part of photography."
"Precise focusing is immensely useful in landscape and macro photography."
"Program mode: The perfect balance between control and ease."
"Master ISO for perfectly exposed shots every time."
"Learning how to shoot and edit professional photos is something we will be incorporating more."
"Lighting is one of the hardest skills to master but one of the most essential."
"Once you learn how to layer your photos, there's no limit to your creativity."
"Master your aperture... start composing perfect photos at F/2 or less."
"I can do a way better selfie than you can. You don't got wings, do you?"
"Experiment with the camera's different features to capture the perfect shot, whether it's a selfie or a panoramic view."
"The D 850 is more capable than any other full-frame Nikon camera at revealing any flaws in your technique."
"It's not so much about the camera as the person using it."
"Astrophotography is the art of photographing the night sky."
"Trying to help you guys become better photographers."
"Deep sky Astro photography is all about collecting as much light as possible. It needs to be sharp, well exposed, and well framed with good data."
"This makes me a better photographer, getting shots that I would have missed."
"Gotta give it to the queen of the camera, she's out here rocking it, she's the champ."
"Composition and placement are key for creating balanced images."
"Real photographers only need one shot done right, not because you're hedging your bets against it."
"If you want to learn about cameras, design, photography, videography, wedding videography, whatever."
"Hopefully you can see that even with what most people call a beginner camera, you can still achieve some really nice results."
"Anybody who wants take a good photo should be able to walk into any environment... and know how to take a good picture."
"As amazing as both of these cameras are something I have to emphasize is that the skills of the photographer are always more important than the camera they're using."
"So in my opinion the best photographer is one that has no problem exposing to the left at times no problem exposing to the right at times and no problem exposing it perfectly sometimes."
"Manual mode seems scary, but it's actually pretty easy."
"Your photography business should succeed because you are a great photographer and not because you're an expert in marketing, SEO, web conversion, and all of the other non-photography things."
"The ability to freeze the moment just rests on the ability to pan the camera accurately."
"My goal as a landscape photographer is to have every single button on my camera perform one specific function."
"The most important thing about photography isn't your gear, it's composition, timing, storytelling, and mood."
"I would prefer being able to control everything right from here."
"By understanding all of that, you will be a more confident photographer in your own skill set along with what your camera gear can and cannot do."
"Observation, most important thing in photography."
"As photographers we need to put ourselves through these agility practices, so that we can understand things, like specular highlights, and shadows and direction of light and color temperature and retouching."
"If you can use flash well and you can create images that the majority of people are not creating, you will stand out."
"It's definitely worth learning if you're looking to create professional level photos."
"It's also a matter of how much work are you willing to put in post-processing."
"We hope that this new information will give you enough confidence and know-how to take your photography skills to new levels."
"The only thing that's going to make you a better photographer is actually going out and shooting with the equipment that you have and shooting with it often."
"Practice being stable and smooth when you're panning, keeping your subject near the center of the frame."
"It's actually really easy to get great shots if you know the basics of photography."
"Adjust the exposure values, you can manually change the shutter speed, the ISO sensitivity, the white balance, and you can even manually focus."
"If you can learn some of these foundational light concepts, then you'll be able to capture a well-lit scene nearly anywhere you shoot."
"Toy photography is huge. There's so much value in this skill."
"I got some really captivating shots."
"The art with photography is not how to set everything and hit the button and actually capture it... you are now the director and the camera almost doesn't matter."
"The timing was perfect, so I quickly snapped a couple of shots using the main lens."
"If you can't make a great looking print from currently available cameras, then the problem is not the camera or the lens, it's you."
"Sometimes autofocus modes are not enough; that's when you need to switch to manual focus to get a perfectly sharp image."
"A really good experienced photographer is able to handle whatever situation they come into because they've seen it all before."
"When you learn to use the light, you can do whatever you need to in whatever situation."
"Enjoy features that can take photography to the next level and allow you to shoot like a pro with little practice."
"Paying attention, watching what's happening, and really honing in on your subject and the environment is the foundation to everything."
"The mark of a good photographer is someone who actually takes a bit of time initially to think about lighting, the direction of the lighting, the background, what kind of settings you want."
"I promise that if you practice, the day will come that you will feel you have complete control over your camera."
"It doesn't take photos for you; you need to learn the camera, work on your technique."
"There's no magic bullet to taking better photographs and very few shortcuts."
"Manual mode is the mode eventually you want to start to shoot in."
"The beauty of manual mode is we can assess the scene."
"Hyperfocal focusing is a way for us to get all that depth of field with acceptable sharpness all the way through the frame."
"One of the most important concepts behind strong portraiture photography is to find the right angle."
"That's the point of doing these 5-minute portraits real world reviews is to show you that you can get quality results no matter what you use if you understand the fundamentals."
"Keep on learning, keep learning more about Lightroom, more about photography, more about anything and everything."
"It's really nice to get that moment just right."
"The trick is to learn what each slider does to your photo and then you'll be able to master it to use in any photo that you choose."