
Cross Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Rest in the shadow of the cross tonight, knowing that God has provided everything for you."
"When we look at the cross, what we see first of all is the holiness of God."
"The Trinity is active in what happened on the cross."
"The reason I wear a cross is because Christianity, in particular the figure of Christ, are inevitably becoming more important as I become more familiar with suffering, purpose, self."
"On the cross, God's holiness and God's love intersected."
"God hit the hammer 2,000 years ago, and He said every sin will be punished, but God also came down from heaven, took on the human form without denying His divinity, and paid our check and paid our bill."
"On the cross, Jesus died as a substitution for us."
"The purpose of the Cross was not forgiveness... the purpose was always fullness."
"While he was on the cross, I was on his mind."
"The cross work is never done; it never stops."
"Jesus took all of our sin on himself, he did, you see, since our sin turns us away from God, there can be no sin in the kingdom of God, so Jesus had to fix the problem of sin and he did that by dying on the cross."
"But I want to encourage you if you have a great calling, you will have a great cross. But God will give you the strength to bear it."
"Christ disarmed powers and authorities, triumphing over them by the cross."
"Yes, my dear friend, your eight-year-old child can understand the cross."
"Another metal cross, that's the metal round one."
"The saints longed for the cross in order to be conformed to the image of his son."
"The third thing that I want to highlight is if we don't carry our cross, we will miscarry our calling."
"...we need a cross that actually and certainly saves us"
"It is all about Jesus and it is all about the cross."
"The cross, the creator of it all, coming to that pale blue dot."
"The ultimate expression of God's care is seen at the cross."
"But he went to the Cross anyway and as he was dying he continued to show love and mercy by saying, 'Father, forgive them, they don't know what they are doing.'"
"When I see the cross, I see the love of God for me."
"When we look at the cross and see the worst that men have done, we see at the same time the best that You have done."
"The Bible has far more to say about the meaning of the cross than any of us have begun to glimpse."
"Thank God for the cross, where the burdens of our hearts rolled away."
"God's glory is revealed at the cross more than anywhere else where he makes peace."
"Jesus says this on the cross: Our God becomes one of us."
"The cross was not more about Justice than forgiveness and it wasn't more about Mercy than Justice at the very same moment he died he was totally satisfying Justice and opening the door for infinite Mercy for us to be forgiven."
"The meal before the cross activates salvation. The meal after the cross activates Pentecost."
"It's the reenacting of the finished work of the cross brought into the now, into the present."
"When you understand the cross, you no longer care for yourself. Jesus is so big that you become very small."
"The good news is that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sin on the cross."
"Our salvation, our search for meaning, is not found in ourselves. It is found in the cross of Calvary."
"The answer for which you seek is found in the cross, the solution for which you seek is found in the cross, the answer for which you seek is found only in the cross."
"Every soul that's ever been saved, it's because of what Jesus did at the cross."
"The church has almost no understanding as it regards the part the cross of Christ plays in our everyday living for God."
"The cross became such a source of joy and power in their lives that they became the most influential religion."
"The answer is in the cross the answer is in the sacrifice of Jesus."
"In the cross we have absolute wisdom, absolute love, and absolute holiness all fulfilled and satisfied at once."
"I think if you're going to comprehend any understanding of the dimensions of God's love, you got to go to the cross."
"I either trust Christ and what he did on the cross for me, or I don't trust that Christ did enough on the cross for me."
"The cross of Jesus Christ, the redemption of His shed blood not only was for those who would live after Jesus came, but the cross and the shedding of blood for the covering and pavement of our sins reaches all the way back to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden."
"To be a Christian is to take up your cross daily."
"Good Friday for this world, Sunday Resurrection for the next. You accept my cross, you carry my cross, you embrace my cross, you endure hardships, tribulations, persecutions, and depositions."
"There's not a text in the scripture that you can get away from the cross."
"When you look at the cross, you see the mercy of God dying for our sins, but you also see the justice of God in the wrath of God being manifest toward the sinner."
"The resurrection paired with the cross makes the cross make sense."
"The cross of Christ pulls back the veneer on that, it pulls back the veil to reveal the truth of our opposition to what I've been describing here."
"The same Jesus who unveils this truth on the cross, on that same cross reveals the ever Greater Mercy of God."
"One of the most popular visions of the cross is actually wrong and dangerous."
"...we do not need the cross for salvation because we find plenty of evidence in the scriptures that the cross is not the way to salvation."
"The cross was not just done for me, the cross was done by me."
"The Lord Jesus Christ hung on a cross and reconciled God and man."
"When we say the cross, we mean the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension—what we call the right hand place. That's the place where no human could ever be—a place in God's divine favor in which God works through the man Christ Jesus."
"Understanding what sin is will help you understand the power of the cross."
"If you don't understand the cross you don't understand anything about the gospel."
"The ultimate binding would be the cross."
"The only way Genesis chapter 3 could be fulfilled was at the cross at Calvary."
"Satan's attack is to destroy our path to the Tree of Life by way of the cross, so that we may live in fellowship with the Lord forever."
"Wearing a cross should symbolize your life in him and his sacrifice. Use it as an opportunity to share the gospel."
"Something happened on the cross 2,000 years ago that changed human history."
"It's at the cross we find our way home."
"Grace is the person of Jesus and the work he did for us on the cross."
"The cross was the electric chair of the first century."
"The finished work of the cross is the most significant and powerful act of love in history."
"That's just an amazing picture of the gospel of what happened when Jesus was on the cross. I'm so grateful for it."
"Father, we thank You for what You've done in the cross of Christ. Amen."
"The scandal of the Cross is that we people killed the master of life, but we killed the one who gave us life, our creator."
"God didn't just promise His love, He demonstrated His love on the cross."
"When you embrace the way of the cross, you participate in the kingdom of God right now."
"The cross of Jesus rebukes our sin."
"The cross is revealing God not concealing God."
"The cross is the foundation, it's the platform I stand on to live the resurrected life."
"The way of the Cross leads home and the way of the Cross is obedience"
"We must again and again and again present to people who Jesus is and what He did for us on the cross. That's the center of it all, isn't it?"
"The cross reveals that Satan is a liar."
"There is really no way for us to experience the events of Easter without experiencing the events of the cross."
"God displayed Christ publicly on the cross to satisfy Himself...to satisfy Himself."
"Deny yourself and take up your cross. Christianity without a cross is not Christianity; it's a cheap substitute."
"We remember who Jesus is, we remember what Jesus did, we remember his cross, we remember his resurrection for us. It's deeply important for us."
"At the cross, you see God's perfect justice, the death penalty for sin is exacted, and you also at the cross see God's perfect mercy - that the guilty can go free because the innocent has paid the price."
"The medal of Saint Benedict can serve as a constant reminder of the need for us to take up our cross daily and follow the true king, Christ our Lord."
"The cross reveals to us that this is who God has always been."
"The cross was the greatest imaginable display of God's love to unworthy sinners."
"We should not envisage God on a deck chair but on a cross."
"The greatest revelation of God, past, present, future, is the cross of Christ."
"Rejoice then in this, let your hope rest on the cross of Christ."
"The power of God is defined by the knowledge of the message of the cross."
"The message of the Cross for sanctification deals with your everyday living."
"Only the cross delivers from the Dominion of sin."
"If there's something in your life you need changed, the answer that you seek is in the cross."
"Away to the cross, my brothers, away to the cross if thou would get rid of thy doubts."
"Look at this, it's a symbol of a cross, although the natives here weren't Christian, the symbol of the Cross is very old and actually predates Christianity."
"The cross is like a walnut whose outer rind is bitter, but the inner kernel is pleasant and invigorating."
"The invitation of the cross is an invitation to express God's others' first love through us."
"It's the way of the cross: vertical up to God, but horizontal out to man."
"No greater topic could be selected than the topic of the Cross. God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The Passover lamb is the clearest and most striking foreshadowing of the cross. - Moses"
"For behold through the cross joy has come to the whole world."
"Thank you for the cross, in Jesus' name, Amen."
"And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby."
"Once for all, He died on the cross for us."
"Remember Calvary's victory, go over the victory of the cross again, and think about how Jesus did it."
"It was my first encounter with the cross and with the divine strength that it inspires in those who carry it."
"The cross of Jesus Christ is the foundation by which Christianity stands."
"The cross is where all of these attributes of God come together in perfect harmony."
"If we want transformation it means that we have to look like cruciformation because I believe that all change happens through the power of the Cross."
"The cross are spectacles of faith; they bring otherwise blurry situations into the sharp focus of God's love."
"Jesus' death on the cross was not the triumph of Satan, it was the triumph of God."
"When God reveals our sin, we come to the cross, and when we come to the Cross, we find forgiveness."
"True divine love is found in the cross of Jesus Christ."
"Jesus is the one who died on the cross; it's Jesus who is our forever after."
"The mystery of the cross explains all other mysteries."
"By Jesus's work on the cross, what he did to forgive our sins."
"There is no spirituality without the cross."
"Take the word of Christ that tells you to take up your cross and follow Him. He doesn't tell you to be ashamed of your cross, but to look at your cross and recognize in it God's love for you, His honour for you, His trust in you."
"If this is not what you have for me, then what you did on the cross, Jesus, is enough."
"This is a reminder to us of what Jesus did on the cross because we are so forgetful."
"The cross has become the de facto symbol of Christianity."
"Evil, justice, love, and forgiveness... only in the cross of Jesus Christ do we have that grace exposed."
"Mercy and justice both come together at the cross."
"The miracle of the Cross is atonement for sins for all of God's people through all of history, and the Miracle of the Resurrection is the gift of eternal life for all who will ever believe through human history."
"We are all united around the cross."
"God has already judged us at the cross; because of Christ's work, we're pronounced justified."
"The way the world is ultimately divided is by the cross of Jesus Christ."
"You did not despise the cross, knowing this was our salvation."
"The simple message that what Jesus did on the cross rescues us."
"The cross of Jesus makes the restitution for us."
"The cross was the lever that turned the world upside down."
"We were the hostages of the devil, and Jesus took our place on the cross."
"Oh, the wonderful cross, oh the wonderful cross, all who gather here by grace draw near and bless Your name."
"Freedom is in the cross, freedom is in Jesus Christ and him crucified."
"The cross is an instrument of death, but Jesus transformed it into an instrument of life."
"We are saved by the atoning work of Christ on the cross."
"Through the cross of Christ, we may prevail."
"The work of Jesus on the cross at 2,000 years is still as fresh as the day that He died on the cross."
"The evidence of God's love for you is not in how big your church gets... it is in the cross of Jesus Christ."
"Jesus Christ died for you on the cross."
"Spiritual revival will always reveal the cross to a new generation."
"We would be a people who are cruciform, shaped by the cross, broken and given to a world that's broken and in desperate need of Him."
"Jesus said he's defeated, we made a show of them openly, triumphing over him in the cross."
"The cross brings intimacy and closeness in a way that nothing else can."
"By the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph."
"We are saved through what He did on the cross."
"...the cross for John is not a tragedy, it's a triumph."
"The wrongs we have done and the wrongs done to us were nailed there with Him, there on the cross."
"By his glorious cross, Christ has set us free."
"The cross accomplished everything."
"Your sin was finished on the cross."
"In the cross is salvation, in the cross is life, in the cross is protection from enemies."
"The cross, what you've done, it was more than enough."
"Survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died."
"All of us come to the cross broken, all of us need forgiveness and transformation."
"The way of the cross is simply one of the most incredible journeys a person can ever take."
"You are saved by the preaching of the Cross."
"And through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross."
"The Cross of Christ is the means by which all of these things are given unto us by the Lord."
"God took away Satan's power to accuse you of sin, and God displayed to the whole world Christ's triumph at the cross where your sins were all taken away."
"The work of the cross was sufficient for Him to forgive, and that forgiveness is applied through faith."
"Jesus Christ has already decisively won the battle on the cross."
"We need to come back to the cross."
"The altar of sacrifice points to the cross, which was to bring unity between God and man, and unity between man and man."