
Morale Boost Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Music was embraced by the US government to boost morale and encourage citizens to show their patriotism."
"Feasts give a big boost to morale, fame, and production."
"That's giga chad energy, and I love the morale."
"Little instances like this in a year where you can't really perform that well on track must really help."
"Best of luck to Chelsea tonight, we need a morale boost in performance tonight."
"We had to get in two of the funniest happiest ex-players to try and cheer me up."
"The effect of this gesture on the morale of the entire army was as if every man had been refreshed by a drought."
"It does feel good to get a win under the belt after... a down swing."
"He deserves all the praise, so he gets a little boost to his morale."
"If Mustafa can pull this off, wow, ten points would seriously boost the spirits of Team 205."
"This patch rocks! That's a lot of morale boost."
"We're boosted up a bit from the energy of eating some of the coconuts."
"The feelgood factor is most definitely back."
"What Britain needed was a small war like this. It would do morale no end of good."
"Those kind of nice comments definitely give me +10 morale, you know? They helped me out a ton."
"Killing these people is to give everyone mood bonuses which is nice."
"One of the main responsibilities of these supplies is that they do an incredible morale boost to Ukrainian soldiers who feel that the rest of the world is behind their backs."
"Seeing the leader on the front lines has an extraordinary effect on morale."
"If you can be told thank you for doing that, that makes a difference."
"Nose art has been credited with increasing the morale of the servicemen."
"Winning one nil clean cheat at Burnley, that's a big confidence booster."
"The return of Allied Air Supremacy is a welcome morale boost."
"When you hear a manager speak that positively about you, that's got to make you feel ten foot tall isn't it?"
"Having a case like this brings morale, it refreshes the crew as to you know, hey, we did something successful, we did it together as teamwork."
"The visuals and the audio are good tools that do significantly improve the morale of losing."
"Having some small sense of normalcy... can be very huge in the overall sense of hope and morale."
"No, I've noticed actually. It's actually been really a boon to morale for everybody."
"Anything we can do to just lift their spirits, however little, is something."
"It's good morale for Tyler breeze to come back and finally have like people care again."
"Army tradition gives you a lot of good things: morale, better generals, lots of interesting things."
"Honestly, I think it's gonna give everyone a lift."
"Overnight down in the mouth Stoke City were transformed Stanley Matthews was back with the club and shows of telegrams left him in no doubt about his welcome what a tonic for Stoke near the bottom of Division two that mr. football was home."
"Midway is needed to show that they can get a big win over the Japanese to buck up the morale of the US generally when it comes to this particular war."
"I was actually feeling really good. The time had gone really quick, which gave me a bit of a morale boost."
"This would be just the boost they needed."
"...for a lot of guys, mail is the lifeline... when I see a guy who hadn't had a letter from his family in six months or a year get one, for a while it may be hours, maybe days, maybe even a week, but they would suddenly have a whole new brighter spirit about them."
"The morale boosting of comedy is very important."
"Morale is on another level, especially because the sun's out, just makes you feel so much more re-energized."
"And just like that, the morale is up again."
"When you feel sick, clean yourself up, do your hair, do your makeup, do something you enjoy doing, and it will boost your morale."
"Allowing 300,000 Allied soldiers to escape from the port let the British regroup and was a huge morale boost for the Allies."
"We've all been stuck at home for so long, this first vacation... is so important for our morale."
"After an opening defeat, heroics lifted their mood."
"That's right, the employee of the month is you."
"You know full well if you've been out hiking all day and you're drained, tired, in need of shelter, and you see a bag of sweets, your morale levels going through the roof."
"This is the spirit lift we've been waiting for, right here it finally came."
"Morale is a little higher, you know what did it? The mint chocolate chip ice cream."