
Housing Policy Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"At the very least, we need an end to band-aids like HomeBuilder and first-time buyer schemes, and above all, someone needs to take responsibility for housing affordability."
"By contrast, public housing pioneer Elizabeth Wood consistently advocated for racial and economic integration."
"Basically social housing could be cheap or free."
"One of the options is actually going to really shake up the housing market because one of the things that they're proposing is to give borrowers who are facing a hardship...to now extend their mortgage to a brand new 40-year mortgage."
"Housing first policies should exist in most communities."
"Those affected by homelessness receive a small apartment and counseling without any preconditions."
"Four out of five homeless people will be able to keep their flat for a long time with Housing First and lead a more stable life."
"The reasons people end up on homelessness are complicated... but the solution to homelessness is actually pretty simple: it's permanent housing with supports."
"Poor planning, physical deterioration, and managerial neglect, coupled with gang violence, drugs, and chronic unemployment, turned the project into a national symbol of urban blight and failed housing policy."
"Housing first policies... reduced homelessness by 63 percent over 10 years."
"The best thing we can do to ease the burden of housing cost is to boost the supply of quality housing, including building more new homes and preserving existing federal support and market rate affordable housing."
"The government... is going to give renters more ads, and we will scrap section 21 evictions."
"If you build a quarter of a million houses a year, there's more houses, less scarcity, the price of them comes down."
"Evanston will make reparations available... discriminatory housing policies."
"Billionaires tell us you'll own nothing and you'll be happy. Well, imagine we propose a housing for all bill in congress."
"Rent stabilization means that on certain older properties, landlords can only raise the rent by a certain percentage per year."
"Build houses, control rents, tackle the housing crisis."
"Stop luxury developers from gaming the system."
"Eliminating r1 zoning does not mean eliminating the single-family detached house, it just means developers are literally allowed to build something other than a detached house if people want."
"If you have no guns, you have no gun violence. Same goes for housing."
"Housing and economic policies transformed Singapore from slums to a modern, affluent society."
"Experts are calling these measures 'the most consequential housing plan in more than 50 years.'"
"Biden's infrastructure plan calls for cities to limit single-family zoning and instead build affordable housing."
"Putting homeless people in houses is not a long-term solution and does not address what caused the homelessness in the first place."
"Rent controls have a useful place...Vienna is the best place to live in the world."
"If there is a housing shortage, it's only because no government has built council homes for the last 40 years."
"If you want to stop the real estate interests, if you want to have a genuine progressive..."
"Moratorium on evictions can be easily twisted into something that sounds like a giveaway, but I appreciate the compassion that comes out of it."
"Eliminating zoning for these sort of single-family homes is really important because you want people to be able to build like mixed-use buildings, apartments, that kind of thing."
"Fundamentally, public housing is an anti-market intervention which can artificially lower rents and increase the housing supply far past what the market can provide."
"Xi Jinping says housing is for living, not speculation."
"Policy should allow you to [live where you want], even if you have a job that you're not making like 250,000 a year."
"The CDC's moratorium on evictions was always another example of unconstitutional actions."
"A dual housing crisis in America, and Biden's approach aligns closely with expert views on how to fix it."
"Step one is the Pentagon seizes houses from every bloated [__] Boomer San Diego land homeowner."
"Could a government switch to decommodified housing without ruining the country's economy?"
"I think the government has a financial incentive to make sure people have places to live near centers of work because that bolsters the economy which helps out with other things."
"Housing decommodification is something that I'm really passionate about. I know it's gonna have to be done really transitionally, but hopefully it's something we can work towards."
"If we are you know part of the problem we are going to work with cities we've that's why we've done numerous agreements of cities to create restrictions."
"New homes must be built above the so-called one in 100 year level."
"We need a rent freeze for the over a million tenants in the city."
"My plan is to go from homelessness to home ownership."
"But perhaps the biggest advantage to Housing First is the improvement in the quality of life it provides."
"The Biden administration absolutely supports the Housing First approach. They feel that in a society as ours that housing should be a right and not a privilege."
"That's incredibly [] reactionary. If Dave's position is, 'What the [] are you guys doing? You're not gonna [] just set land aside, you have to build affordable housing units,' that's [] [__]!"
"California is seriously considering rezoning areas for affordable housing."
"Housing will not become less expensive unless we build more of it."
"There is no reason why we should not have housing in the same way that we do as the NHS."
"Landlords should seek that money rather than seeking to evict."
"Even if landlords eventually get government cash, they may forever be less willing to rent to low-income people at low prices because of the way they were treated by government policies."
"The eviction moratorium was meant to prevent a housing crisis."
"A moratorium policy merely delays the threat of eviction as renters continue to accumulate debt."
"Continuing the eviction ban unfairly shifts economic hardships to the backs of housing providers."
"We need to dramatically expand affordable housing and regulate or ban permanent capital from entering the housing market."
"Relieving tenants of that constant anxiety around the threat of a no-fault eviction...potentially having some degree of assurance or reassurance around rent levels..."
"The federal government can just build public housing."
"We need to actually renew public housing, repeal the Fair Cloth Amendment, and increase our housing stock."
"Start seeing houses as essential infrastructure and not just a matter for private investment."
"The B Administration is encouraging the conversion of empty office space to affordable housing."
"We can build the council houses that we need... create the direct good skilled secured jobs."
"It's time America's lawmakers get with the program and enact 21st century housing policies that adequately address 21st century challenges." - Ron Wyden
"Our government is focused on ensuring affordable housing for all Canadians."
"If poverty is first abolished, the poor transformed into purchasers will do a great deal on their own to alter housing decay."
"We're going to put forward policies that are going to help solve the national housing crisis."
"Redlining is the practice of preventing black families in particular from amassing and maintaining wealth in the same way that white families could resulting in the growth of the racial wealth gap and housing insecurity."
"High density is sustainability we can't afford just to build private residences we can't afford just to build low density places"
"Mr. Speaker the Prime Minister broke his promise to Canadians in 2017 he launched his National Housing strategy calling it among other things a life-changing plan to get Canadians into homes and to keep them there."
"Seattle Mayor Durkin announced they're going to extend the eviction moratorium until September 30th."
"Can you do something about high rents? Yes, it's not whether you can it's really a political question will you." - Richard Wolff
"That's just the start, it also has in there the home repairs for low-income community and also the purchase price of your first home."
"We have been humane, led from the front, but you don't want a child to have a permanent shelter residency. That is unacceptable."
"Affordable housing for everybody everywhere."
"Finally listen to our Common Sense plan and finally build more homes." - The Honorable Minister
"We are taking concrete action to ensure the construction of hundreds of thousands or millions of housing across the country."
"If you want to make housing affordable, then make housing affordable."
"If the government did nothing else just making sure that home ownership was more accessible to more of us yeah would be would be a great step in the right direction."
"Social housing has become a major priority not building houses for private ownership but rather building houses which will be kept in the public sector and rented out at affordable rates."
"HUD's mission is to make sure there are more affordable housing opportunities for people across the country."
"Canadians are smart, they understand that slogans don't build homes."
"We should stop subsidizing segregated homes in all white suburbs that adopt policies that exclude lower income and moderate income families from living there."
"Densification is the answer, I agree but not everyone. You also have to change people's attitudes and perceptions and that's not an easy thing."
"We should pay municipal governments for the number of homes they allow to be completed."
"They don't want anything like Universal Health Care or decommodified housing."
"The eviction moratorium in California has also been extended through June 30th, 2021, which could ultimately be uh, you know, pointless."
"Efforts to expand black home ownership should pay special attention to Black immigrant groups."
"Stalin's death in 1953 and Nikita khrushchev's subsequent rise to power coincided with both an urgent need to build housing and the acceleration of the USSR's post-war economic recovery."
"khrushchev's housing policy was undoubtedly a success and still informs how many people picture the urban environment in the former USSR today."
"What the NDP is pushing for the government to do is to build the housing that Canadians need."
"The governor is all on board with it because he says that it's the reason why we have a housing shortage in Colorado was because of Airbnb."
"Institutional investors should not be allowed to buy single-family homes or condos or townhouses right now in residential neighborhoods."
"...it is insane that there are lots and lots of places in North America where it's just illegal to build this kind of housing."
"I think that fixing housing policy and economic inequality would help a bit."
"The ban on evictions has been extended to twelve months after this bill passes."
"We're trying to improve that and we've got a whole range of policies not just to get houses built but to help young people in particular be able to afford to buy them."
"In order for the voucher program to succeed, researchers and policy makers need a better grasp on what motivates landlords to participate to expand the supply."
"Let's talk about incentives, how do we get more landlords to say yes?"
"We will be voting on the issue of no fault evictions later today."
"The best possible way forward would be to increase public housing spending, increase stock levels, and offer an alternative to private renting."
"Only 4% of Canada's housing stock is social housing dwellings that are supported in whole or in part by government funding."
"The sale of council houses... transformed not only housing in Britain but electoral politics."
"Housing serves as a social good; it should not just be treated as a commodity for greater profits."
"What cures homelessness is housing."
"I'm proud of my record on housing and I will be strong on that as Governor."
"The government's housing policies are founded on the belief that a decent home should be within reach of everyone."
"Keeping people homeless instead of providing homes for them is always more expensive for society."