
Second Coming Quotes

There are 500 quotes

"There was one John the Baptist, but now there's a corporate body saying, 'Prepare the way for the Lord's return.'"
"God designed the Bible so it ends with a visit back to earth by Jesus Christ."
"Just when it seems like the Antichrist has won and defeated the people of God, Jesus will return and every believer who has ever existed will be raised to life."
"The Lord is preparing us for His final coming through Divine Mercy."
"Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming."
"Jesus is coming... there's nothing negative about Jesus coming back, the trumpet sounding, you and I being supernaturally translated instantaneously into immortal, incorruptible beings to be forever with the Lord."
"The days before my second coming will be as it was in the days of Noah: when they were eating and drinking, indulging in life, marrying and giving in marriage, and knew not judgment was coming."
"What are the theological implications in the Second Coming of Christ?"
"Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory."
"This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."
"Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory."
"Jesus Christ is coming soon to catch away his people, those that are looking for his return and are born again of his Spirit will be caught up to meet him in the air."
"I'm glad Jesus is coming to pick us up and by the way, hurry I know, I know, isn't it true?"
"Jesus Christ is coming so soon, he's coming so very soon. I want to be ready."
"We will cry out one day as we see Christ coming in the clouds of glory, 'Lo, this is our God. We have waited for him.'"
"The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is coming back for all those who have placed their faith in him."
"As in the days of Noah, so will the second coming of the Son of Man be."
"Don't get angry get excited that Jesus is coming back and ask yourself am I ready to meet him am I ready to have my conduct show the faith that is within me."
"What shall be the sign of thy coming? Just in case you didn't know, Jesus is coming back again."
"Premillennialism believes and teaches that Jesus Christ will physically return to this earth."
"Jesus came the first time to become our savior and he's coming the second time to become our king."
"There is a hope, and that hope is in the fact that Jesus Christ is going to come again."
"The greatest motivation for service among believers today is the fact that Jesus Christ is coming again."
"The Rapture can occur at any time, however, the second coming of Christ will not happen until some prophesied end-time events have occurred."
"Jesus is coming again and if you know Him as your Savior, He is coming for you."
"Make sure you're ready to meet the Savior when he comes back to rule and reign."
"The dead will rise first then we will meet them up in the air."
"Jesus is coming after those that are ready. Are you serious?"
"This same Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
"All the signs of the second coming of Christ point to His soon return. We live in amazing days. We live in great days. We live in wonderful days."
"If Antichrist is close, guess what is closer? The return of Jesus Christ for His church."
"Jesus Christ is coming, folks, he's coming on the clouds of glory."
"He's coming back soon. If that is 100 years fine, I want to be ready for Jesus whenever he comes."
"I'm expecting the return of the Lord, I'm looking for His return, glory to God!"
"Jesus is going to return...get right in your life with the father."
"Jesus is returning and let us all be comforted and prepare with our eyes watching and waiting for his glorious revelation."
"The Book of Mormon is what's going to prepare people for the second coming."
"If Jesus came back today, would you be ready?"
"The closer we draw to the second coming of Christ, the more urgent it is that we awake out of spiritual sleep."
"I believe he's coming back again. I believe he died for me."
"I am literally going to rise to meet the Lord in the air. Jesus, the lion of the tribe of Jesus, the Lord of Glory, is coming!"
"Jesus is coming soon, and we've got a lot to be excited about."
"The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ will happen on the appointed time."
"There are over 800 signs of the second coming of Christ in the Bible, folks."
"Jesus is Lord and He's coming back for His church."
"Jesus is coming again and there's no doubt in my mind we are in the end days."
"May we go forward together to fulfill our divine mandate, that is, preparing ourselves and the world for the second coming of the Lord. I so pray with my expression of love for you in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
"Jesus Christ returns for the saints of God, and from that moment forward, we will forever be with the Lord."
"Always looking up and expecting him He is coming again."
"Jesus's return will be unmistakable, not a secret event as some may claim."
"The sign of my return is this lightning going from east to west."
"Jesus Christ is coming back, but you've got to stop and ask why is he coming back."
"Jesus died, was buried, rose again, and He's coming back."
"Are we aware or do we understand that Jesus Christ is coming soon?"
"Jesus came and died for our sins, but there will be a time he's coming back to rule and Reign physically from Earth."
"This is our everlasting hope that we've learned for and we look for the return of Jesus Christ back to this earth to redeem his own."
"Jesus is promising...I will come again and receive you to myself."
"Jesus is coming back for you...He's coming back sooner than you and I think or realize."
"Jesus is going to come to retrieve His people before the tribulation comes."
"Jesus is coming back and He's looking for a mature church without spot or wrinkle."
"For as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west so shall also the coming of the son of man be."
"Jesus is coming and that's our only hope amen."
"The whole company of prophets preparing a way for Jesus to come again."
"Jesus is coming again, folks. He's going to rule and reign from Jerusalem."
"Jesus Christ is physically alive, He's going to physically come back."
"One day Jesus is coming... God grant that you will be ready when he makes his personal appearance. Get ready, get ready."
"And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory."
"He's coming back, and I believe that could be soon."
"Jesus is coming back, he'll be visible, he'll be real." - Narrator
"The Bible speaks clearly and graphically about the return of Jesus Christ to earth."
"We know the end game... Jesus Christ is coming again."
"This time is a reminder that Jesus is coming again."
"When Jesus comes as a thief in the night, the world will not expect Him either. The second coming is a surprise to the unprepared, but those that have studied their Bibles like you will be ready."
"He's coming Jesus is surely coming." - Faithful
"Time is over, get ready! Jesus Christ is coming back!"
"Jesus is coming again. For Christ's sake, do what you have to do to be ready to meet him."
"The second coming is expected, clear signs will precede it."
"The scripture teaches in numerous places... that God is going to come at a time Jesus Christ will return in the atmosphere and he will take his people receive his people unto himself."
"Prepare for the coming of our lord jesus christ."
"He which testified these things saith, 'Surely I come quickly.' Amen, even so come, Lord Jesus."
"Our ultimate hope rests in the triumphant return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Our blessed hope is that Jesus has made us a promise ... he's going to return."
"The Bible says in Hebrews 9:28, 'To those that eagerly look for him he will appear a second time.'"
"The Bible tells us Jesus is coming back someday to end it all and make things right."
"Once that scroll is opened, you get to chapter 19 where Jesus returns back to the earth."
"Keep watching with me, keep looking up, Jesus Christ, He's coming and He's coming quickly."
"Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky... and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory."
"Together we can do all that our Heavenly Father needs us to do to prepare the world for the second coming of His beloved Son."
"I'm praying for the return of the Lord."
"The Covenant of many as the abrahamic Covenant of which fulfillment is made possible through the New Covenant is strengthened for 3 and 1/2 years in the first coming plus another three and a years leading up to the second coming."
"Jesus is coming, we need to be ready."
"God has a precise date for the second coming of Jesus."
"Jesus is coming to get us soon, and the only way to escape the things coming on the whole world is to be born again."
"Well, that's a good question. Yes, first of all, in the resurrection for the believer, you know, they're going to be resurrected to eternal life when Jesus comes the second time."
"Yeah, absolutely. I think it is a sign. Jesus made it clear in Matthew chapter 24 he gave us certain signs connected with the second coming."
"Christ cannot come again until there is the seeking for him again, until there is the critical mass of people seeking for him."
"So many people feel the second coming is close, I mean really close."
"We are waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus, the Messiah has already come. We're not looking for another human deliverer, we're looking for the one Redeemer, the one Savior, the one deliverer to come back and take his own to be with him."
"Wait for me, I'm coming back." - John 14
"Even so come, Lord Jesus." - John MacArthur
"We live in the light of Christ coming for his own." - John MacArthur
"He has all Dominion, Authority, and Majesty. And he's coming again to reclaim everyone and everything that belongs to him."
"Jesus, one day he's coming, oh glorious day."
"One day he's coming, oh glorious day."
"But tonight I want to talk to you about a day that is unique in the history of the world, the day when the Bible teaches Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth."
"Are you ready for the soon return of Jesus Christ?"
"Christianity, great controversy, Second Coming, God, Satan, good angels, even elders are real."
"He's coming back to the Earth and we tend to think if you listen to our conversations it's almost like when he arrives we go oh it's nice to see you pull up a chair"
"The second coming is not a singular event. It is at least two events. One is a thief in the night. He'll come as quoted here to make a secret appearance to the faithful saints. And then he will come in his cloud of glory where everyone will see and know that he is the Christ."
"At the heart of it I talk about this in the book that I can clearly can show you why they deny the second coming and they kind of use it as a mockery."
"The longer we live in this world, the more we cry out, 'Come quickly, Lord Jesus.'"
"The second coming of Christ is that major prophetic event that ends the seven years of tribulation."
"The preparation for the coming of the Lord, the highest priority is not his second coming but our preparation for his second coming."
"In the future, the Lord Jesus will return to earth, not riding on the colt of a donkey, but riding on a white horse."
"It's going to be painful. At first the pain will be separated and moderated. But eventually as you get closer to the event of the Second Coming of Christ, the cataclysms will come rapid fire and the pain will be severe."
"Jesus could fulfill the prophecies about a second coming early in our final Jubilee."
"But when he comes again, he's coming for pleasure, for glory, for honor, for life, for his new heavens and new earth where we'll get to live."
"Historically, the church has looked for the imminent return of Jesus. You know what that means? It means he can come at any moment, the soon return of Jesus Christ."
"There's a difference between looking at the coming of the Lord and looking for the coming of the Lord. Every Christian looks at it, but then there's the bride, they're looking for it, they're longing for that day to be joined to her husband."
"Jesus is coming again, and unlike his first coming when he came meek and mild, his second coming will be as our king over all the earth."
"If I was you, I'd stay on my knees. This is it, this is the second coming."
"Jesus Christ promised that human history would come to a close when he returned a second time."
"He's coming again to get his bride."
"Get ready. He's coming again or you're gonna go see him face to face one or the other."
"Jesus appears in the sky, descends to the earth, and slaughters the armies of the evil one. He treads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God."
"He's not coming down grabbing a bunch of people and boomeranging back up to heaven. He's coming down, and we will meet him in the clouds and then we will continue to escort him as he descends to the Earth."
"May you go worshiping and thanking Him that one more time He had somebody get up in your face and remind you He's coming again. Thank you Lord."
"Are you ready for the coming of Jesus Christ?"
"But what we have so to look forward to, and I look forward to it, I know you do too, is the second coming of Jesus Christ."
"Jesus came right on time the first time, and he said, 'I'm coming again.'"
"Between the first coming of the Shepherd and the second coming is a cross."
"Will you be ready when Yeshua comes for you? Whether he comes in the clouds in the Rapture or the second coming, are you going to be ready?"
"When the character of Christ will be perfectly reproduced in his people, then he will come to claim them as his own."
"He came once to die. He comes now to kill. He came once to build His church. He comes again to establish His glorious Kingdom."
"Jesus is coming... I believe Jesus could come... are you ready to meet him?"
"Christ is going to come suddenly and snatch us out just in the nick of time."
"We're starting to see things that are representative of the second coming of Christ."
"When He comes again in full glory, it will be blinding."
"Jesus's second coming would be global."
"Prophecy, like the study of the Bible, is a growing thing. You learn more as you study more, but it all leads to one thing: the second coming of Jesus Christ."
"The return of Christ is the next event on the prophetic calendar."
"Jesus coming will not be a secret, it'll be a surprise for those unprepared."
"At the moment of Jesus' coming, he's going to really investigate and look for the faith."
"Jesus himself is going to shout to muster all the heavenly troops together, all of his people on earth, including those that are in the grave."
"Christ is going to come and oppo harpazzo, he is going to seize the church away, right out of a very dangerous situation, just in the nick of time."
"The dead in Christ are going to be raised first, and then, at that precise moment after the dead are raised first, we which are alive and remain will be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air."
"How do you prepare for the second coming? You don't wait for the final crisis to prepare, you prepare every day as it was the day of the second coming."
"My church in America sings about my second coming, preaches about my second coming, and they live as if I am never coming."
"When he returns, he will defeat his last enemy, which is death."
"By giving the gospel to the world, it is in our power to hasten our Lord's return."
"The first time Jesus came he was nailed to a cross. The next time he comes he's going to sit on the throne in Jerusalem."
"He comes the second time to kill, He comes the first time to die."
"Jesus Christ will be coming, and then we will be caught up to meet Him in the air, in the process we will be transformed, the dead will be raised."
"The Roman Empire crumbled, but the Eternal Empire of Jesus Lives on and will culminate with his glorious Second Coming."
"The world has not seen the last of Jesus Christ. He is coming back."
"All of those verses have one thing in common: they are identified after the rapture and before the second coming of Jesus Christ."
Jesus said, "I will come again to receive you unto myself."
"Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth!"
"Jesus is going to come back literally bodily, physically, certainly, secretly."
"The Light of Christ gives 'life to all things.' Christ’s glory will also consume the wicked at His Second Coming."
"He's coming again, and we have divine assurance that this one promise will be kept."
"The real question for us all today is this: Are you ready for Jesus to come? And how do you get ready for Jesus to come?"
"...get ready for the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Jesus Christ will come back to the Mount of Olives to receive his kingdom, rule, and reign for that thousand-year period of time."
"The second coming isn't going to be Jesus coming back. It's going to be that moment, that feeling of Jesus coming back."
"All of these events that we're going to talk about, that we can know about, that we can learn about and be prepared for will indeed happen prior to the second coming of Jesus."
"We are getting close and closer to the return of Christ."
"The second coming is premillennial, prior to the kingdom."
"Every single chapter makes a reference to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"As believers, we know with certainty that we will be with Jesus when he returns to reign on this earth."
"Paul believed that in his lifetime, Jesus is coming soon. He is going to meet Jesus in the air. So this did not happen, Paul needs to learn."
"I believe it was to help with the second coming of Jesus Christ."
"Jesus is coming again. He is coming again to sentence demons and evildoers to the eternal conscious torments of hell."
"Unless the Lord comes back and you're a firm believer, you trust Jesus."
"And although we don't know when Jesus is coming back again."
"Jesus said that he would return when the signs of the times were happening more frequently and with more intensity than ever before."
"Jesus could come at any moment. Jesus could come tonight before you pillow your head. Jesus could come this week, Jesus could come before we have another service in this room."
"He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, 'Yes, I am coming soon. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.'"
"He's coming back to rule, not to be crucified."
"One day Jesus will come back and take care of all of those things that trouble us."
"The return of Jesus Christ, the second Advent."
"One of the most purifying things in a person's life is to live as though the Lord could come back at any moment."
"Beloved one, get ready, Jesus is coming back for you and I very, very soon."
"Jesus may come today, glad day, glad day."
"Jesus is getting ready to come back."
"When the Son of Man comes back to the Earth, he's not looking for a church, he's looking to find if you have faith."
"Jesus taught repeatedly about his second coming."
"We cheerfully and enthusiastically believe that Jesus Christ is going to return, both personally and literally."
"Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Maranatha."
"Jesus is going to return to this world, and the greatest proof I can offer you of the return of Jesus is Christmas."
"All believe in the literal, physical, visible return of Jesus Christ to this earth."
"When Christ who is your life appears, you also will appear with him in glory."
"They shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
"The second coming is Christ returning with His saints."
"Lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring: Jesus is coming again!"
"Now is the time to prepare and really be ready for Jesus to come."
"I want to meet the future Jesus, I want to meet Jesus 2.0 when Jesus comes back."
"The good news is that Jesus is about to come and redeem those who love Him."
"So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people, and He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him."
"When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart."