
Disability Awareness Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"One of the biggest hurdles that the disability community faces is all of the misconceptions that our society has about disability."
"We need to talk about the fact that there are problems that occur when you're disabled. Because when we talk about them, we can think of solutions and we can move forward as a society."
"Please, I want you to know that I'm super open about my disability... I would rather you ask and know the facts than assume and be wrong."
"It's nice for them to get to know a bit of my personality... before knowing 'oh hey there's also this other thing, I'm blind'."
"Disability is not rare. 13.3% of all Americans are disabled. That's over 42 million people."
"It's no big secret that I look a little different than most because of my eyes, hashtag blind."
"He was lucky, but there were a lot of men just like him that hadn't been so lucky. There were men coming back with PTSD, there were men coming back disabled, severely injured."
"You are not disabled, you are fine, you are a citizen."
"A person doesn't have to be held back by their disability."
"Being honest about your deformities, disabilities, vulnerabilities—it's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of supreme strength."
"Everybody with disabilities is not slowing off and some of those people that may not be able to speak and do things as well they're highly intelligent."
"So I just feel like a lot of people are liars, and lying to disabled people about how they actually feel about them."
"Being disabled is not a bad word. It is a disability. Just say disabled. It's not a bad word."
"The truth about dating as a woman with a disability."
"People have been begging for better disability representation in The Sims for so long."
"We've begun to slowly change the public perception of disabled people now."
"Disabled people don't exist to make non-disabled people feel better about themselves."
"We are not disabled, we are not little handicapped kids in the Children's Hospital, we are viable human beings."
"I just want to say disability awareness: I have witnessed on plenty of times people laughing at people. It's wrong, what you're doing, laughing at someone with a disability."
"I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living."
"It just gets tiring when people only see me for my disability."
"I guess I never should assume anyone with a disability needs any help."
"This isn't your average kid refusing to do something and just being rude and deserving to take a long walk home as a detention. This is a kid that has cerebral palsy. She could be seriously harmed if she was made to walk that far on the road."
"Once again I don't want to tell you what to do, but I mean if your son has dyslexia and learning disabilities and they're putting a mask on them, you know, is it possible to find another alternative?"
"But I do know that we have a man here in the town that I live, he is a DJ at the radio station here in town and he has Asperger's."
"There's a whole human decency movement in the disability world that wants to look at individuals with disabilities as humans first with rights."
"Things aren't to be ashamed of. I mean what is shameful about having prosthetics? Maybe nothing, right? That's so good for us all to hear though."
"Purpose gives you better hope, and people with disabilities and their families need hope."
"Disabled people exist and deserve a place in public spaces."
"Dismissing access barriers as excuses is ableism."
"The more people that are deaf aware the better and there's some simple things that everyone can do to make everyone's life."
"I'm trying to show my life as a disabled woman. If anything, I don't want you to be inspired by me just doing average daily things."
"Does my blindness, and has my blindness over the years, made you more fearful of me getting in trouble with dating and boys?"
"And sorry, parenting hot tip, raising a child with a disability through their teenage years they can be just as challenging as every other teenager."
"Strangely there's lots of content about having a disabled child, but not that much content about being a disabled person with a child."
"Denver city council candidate had to crawl on debate stage due to lack of wheelchair access."
"The moment you are found disabled, you better start learning."
"There's a lot of variance within the experience of hearing loss, but Hawkeye does this really great job, I think, of showing some of the realities from the struggles to the positives."
"Just because you got a disability doesn't mean you shouldn't be in the games and play with us and getting on with your life."
"Don't ever just grab someone's wheelchair and start pushing them around without asking."
"Please stop handing us menus in Braille when we go out to eat. We are not blind."
"I appreciate it when I tell people I'm deaf and they don't act like I just told them my dog died."
"Just because someone can stand doesn't mean they don't need a wheelchair."
"Having a disability does not mean you're sick."
"I decided that I wanted to play volleyball in high school because I was super athletic before I became disabled."
"Different doesn't mean incapable," said Dr. Carlock.
"Sometimes I wonder if I am as famous for my wheelchair and disabilities as I am for my discoveries."
"Kids can walk up to somebody in a wheelchair with no legs and a kid would be like what's up with your legs you know what I mean."
"They clap again... seems to be a thing they do. The first row girl is not clapping... her hand against her wrist that has a bandaged stump."
"Sorry, that's not really a disability. That's not the same thing. And actually, it's more arrogant of her to make that correlation."
"It's so important just to understand this. To respect this as a manifestation of disability and not something that you think is somehow willed or created."
"No more bloody excuses, 500 of those brands and CEOs to create this tipping point for change that we'll see that disability is valuable to business, that we are your consumers, your suppliers, and members of community."
"So my older brother, Albert, two years older than me, was actually born deaf."
"The social model of disability is real and it can work when society thinks about it."
"The problem is not the existence of disabled and visibly different people on screen; the problem is the highly limited and very harmful representation."
"My disability doesn't stop the children from having a good quality of life."
"I think the biggest thing to learn is like not to treat blind people like they're severely disabled, or like there's something wrong with them. I think is the most important thing."
"I'm hoping that we start getting more clarity on that because I think that will be really beneficial for veterans who do have disabilities that might be a result of this exposure that we just don't know yet."
"People need to understand that not all disabilities are visible and patience and listening goes a long way."
"Not all disabilities are visible."
"POTS is an invisible disability that impacts every area of life."
"Despite being blind, Ambrose has good hearing and asks Will to put down the phone and drive carefully."
"Man when are people gonna learn that not all disabilities are visible."
"Teach your kids, even if you don't have an autistic kid or a kid with autism, teach them to be more accepting of people with disabilities."
"It feels extremely wonderful helping others whether it's amputee families or fop families."
"Not everyone has a visible disability."
"And for the rest of us, I hope this opens your eyes a little bit to what disabled people go through and give us a little bit more appreciation for the effort that it takes to just get to point A to point B."
"You're showing kids how very normal and human people with disabilities are. That's always a good thing."
"It's like if people have a go at others coming out of the disa toilets not everything is visible you don't know somebody's story that's why we need to communicate about this."
"You should never let anyone else make you feel like less of a person because of your disability."
"Disability of any kind might mean you need to have allowances made... but it's not the be-all and end-all. Disabled people can live full, fulfilled lives."
"I really liked the way that she connected fiction to reality and shows how they're really intertwined, especially when it comes to a marginalized group like disabled people."
"Remember, disability doesn't discriminate. Anybody can be made disabled at any age and at any time in their life within a blink of an eye."
"I don't think about my disability 24/7... but at the same time, I cannot pretend like my daily life is not impacted by the way people see my disability."
"A wider acceptance and understanding in workplaces for the disabilities that come along with having a disability would genuinely help so many people live much better lives."
"80% of disabilities are invisible."
"Fortunately, it didn't take long for Nora to teach me that everything I'd inferred about disability was wrong."
"Cerebral palsy is just a condition, it's not a defining characteristic."
"It's awesome, you know, we're sound, go watch Star Wars, blind people can't."
"Jokes about disabilities in general are ableist because it belittles the extra efforts people with disabilities make to adapt in a world that is designed for able people."
"If you see people with disabilities working and trying to make a living, please be patient."
"I wish people would understand that our problems come from barriers in society, not from our disabilities."
"Accessibility it's about making your application accessible for a wide range of people with different disabilities like color blindness and so on."
"Where are the disabled people in the room? How do I get disabled people in this room? Because whatever you're interested in, there's a disabled person who loves doing it too."
"Hello yes, it's me, Molly, your friendly disabled actress."
"I don't want to just treat a disability. I want to interact with a person just because her brain works differently."
"Let's all do what we can to not dismiss and discount and turn away and make invisible human beings who have disabilities."
"I wasn't raised in an environment where people who had disabilities were a burden; they were just people."
"Hearing loss is often an invisible disability."
"People with disabilities are one of the largest minority groups, over 1.3 billion people with disabilities worldwide."
"A lack of representation does nothing but reinforce negative attitudes and ignorance about disabled lives."
"We often think that the first disability we'll see will be in managing finances and managing the ability to successfully take medications."
"I don't want us to feel less comfortable, less familiar with disability. I actually want the opposite."
"I have a vlog called 'Have a Seat'. This is where I go ahead and share my experiences as a person with a disability."
"I think some people may be a little bit wary of asking people with disability do they want help because it can be seen as taking their independence away."
"The point of me going through all this is just to teach, educate, open lives of communication, help improve understanding of what it means to have multiple disabilities. It's just complicated."
"I'd prefer people to come up and actually talk to me and have a conversation with me about being an amputee."
"Disability could be a physical impairment, it could be emotional."
"The Spoon Theory is an amazing way to look at things for people who have disabilities."
"Worldwide, there is more than 1 billion people who have a disability."
"Doll play is very important. If your children see dolls in wheelchairs, it normalizes the concept of people in wheelchairs for them."
"What it's like to, just have to access a world that's not designed for disabled people."
"Did you know that there are more than 1.2 billion people with disability in the world?"
"It's like the VA doesn't believe in disabilities they can't see."
"Every able body is different and every wheelchair user is different according to their ability, according to their diagnosis. Everyone is different, so let's keep that in mind."
"Help me raise some money for Easter Seals, it's a charity that helps out kids with physical disabilities."