
Videography Quotes

There are 1617 quotes

"This is what I'm calling the ultimate video desk. It is an incredibly functional video recording battle station that is loaded with features to make filming and live streaming fast and easy."
"This not only gives me a super simple clean way to see what I'm about to switch to on this monitor, but it also allows me to use the picture in picture mode."
"If you are shooting video, get an external microphone."
"The beauty of this is... when we're shooting video, we can touch on a different subject and the camera will start focusing on that."
"The 6500 with the touchscreen is going to have amazing applications...especially for videography."
"The 6500 is the best choice for people who want to do video work."
"If you plan on shooting video, you're definitely going to want to upgrade your microphone."
"Back in February I made a string of videos on picture profiles, lots, and grading tips for the Sony cameras, and while the reception of those videos was excellent, many of you did express some concerns dealing with noise, especially with HLG."
"So we're here again, day two of filming, and we're able to use that to our advantage and have really nice color separation."
"Which naturally led me to make music videos for that music, which then led me to discover that I was actually better at shooting video than I was at making music."
"Just hold the camera and see what happens, because you don't get the witty stuff that just comes naturally."
"I'm not exaggerating here this camera is going to completely change how we shoot videos."
"I cannot overstate how this small Innovation is totally changed Focus pulling for me."
"It's checking all the boxes of a perfect camera for me."
"One of the major ones... is the fact that it can film 4k in raw."
"We now get the ability to record 4K 60 and that is using the full width of the sensor, no crop in that mode."
"HyperSmooth is absolutely amazing, it means that we don't need gimbals."
"Fully understanding resolution and frame rate is super important."
"If you're looking to get into videos and take it seriously... that is such an amazing camera."
"If you're sitting down like this, talking to the camera, or traveling around with this camera and you want to have specific focal lengths, this camera will do great for you."
"When it comes to the equipment that I like to take on run and gun shooting, I really find myself getting distracted if I take more than is necessary."
"Movement... think of movement as one continuous motion."
"There's really nothing this gun can improve on."
"If you wanna do weddings, or any kind of live events, I highly recommend getting a monopod; it's totally worth the investment."
"Lighting will pull so much out of the camera that you're using... lighting literally can make any camera you have just better."
"My entire life was just like making videos because I didn't have like, I had two older sisters they didn't really focus me like that."
"For audio options, the flexibility of monitoring and adjusting audio levels while shooting is a big plus."
"Always use a three-axis gimbal to get that perfectly smooth and buttery footage."
"Let's jump into this tutorial and check out these five different jittery, sort of very non-cinematic camera movements."
"Davis is our new vlog guy, obviously our newest videographer and editor."
"You just pop the mic into the camera and you just have really crispy audio."
"It's very easy to film CRT once you understand the settings on your camera."
"Overall I think this makes a fantastic commercial photography camera and also a really good camera for video if you're a cinematographer I would not hesitate to pick up this camera."
"It's got to be one of the best videos that has ever been caught on GoPro camera."
"A drone is key for transitions, it sets a theme and it just makes it cool to watch."
"I think they're going to need to come out with a vlog centric full-frame camera."
"This makes it so much easier to capture slow motion."
"The video footage that comes out of this camera is phenomenal and it's the main reason why I upgraded to this camera."
"Once you learn the basics, you'll wanna use two to three different moves in unison to create dynamic footage."
"It's a super easy way to get creative shots, and you don't have to worry about making sure your subject is centered because the drone is doing all that for you."
"The drone's gonna ascend into the sky while keeping me right in the center."
"If you're using the GoPro as just a standard YouTube camera, I would use the linear preset because it's going to make everything straight up and down and it's going to look much more like a traditional camera."
"Nighthawk literally caught every single angle and everything. That was insane!"
"I found this product because not only do I feel like we could get really cool videos with this product."
"Amazing things happen when you plan your videos and script them ahead of time. Pro tip."
"The G 90 is a well-rounded mid-range camera that'll appeal both to photographers and videographers."
"In conclusion, in order to get epic GoPro footage, we need to know some basic filmmaking principles."
"The 4K60 is completely oversampled without an additional crop."
"This easily becomes Fuji's best camera for video, and probably the best hybrid APS-C camera I've ever tested."
"Cinematic mode, I got videos of white shoes playing around that look like a movie and it looked like somebody came in a professional camera and shot a movie of shoes playing around with some cables."
"This setup right here highly recommend I love shooting these."
"Invest in your lens and your lighting. It's everything, trust me."
"Audio is very important. Something I had to learn the hard way, but now that you're watching this and if you're learning, invest in your audio. Trust me, I will not mislead you."
"Get yourself a lavalier mic, especially if you're creating content like this."
"Your lens, the glass on your camera, is what determines the quality, full stop."
"Invest more in your lens, focus on investing in your lens and in your lighting. These two will determine everything, trust me."
"You want people to think almost that you have a budget behind this video and it's not just shot on a GoPro."
"240 frames per second, that's like the slow mode that's really slow that's not just kind of that creamy nice slow-motion feel."
"If you have that right moment of somebody doing something that you really want to capture that fits within your narrative of your travel video..."
"A dedicated videographer... to help me elevate my videos."
"There's good in today's world. You can shoot a video for $5000 now and have some bomb-ass video."
"I know you don't have much spare time, but I also know you love bromance. Give Netflix's Paddleton a chance."
"Stand out in the wild area, I guess I'm okay."
"Match your input fps to your output. It's a super simple thing to do, but it makes a huge difference in how your vlog looks."
"Good lighting helps communicate your ideas for the look of your video and helps you connect your audience in an emotional way."
"It will improve the rules and provide some much needed clarity about the legality of shooting videos in national parks and on other public lands."
"Fujifilm is gradually understanding the needs of videographers with every new model it releases."
"The XT4 becomes a compelling high-end option for vloggers with built-in stabilization and great quality video."
"The XT4 is one of the few cameras that can film 4K in 50 or 60p, maintaining full 4K quality."
"Learn to talk to a camera as if you're talking to a person."
"Life's full of surprises, you guys know I love my aesthetic mango cutting camera shots."
"If you're someone who is working with clients or you just want to have footage that looks good and has more of this filmic quality, then these tips are gonna help you achieve that."
"Motion blur is something that you see in professional work. It's something that you'll see in cinematic looking footage."
"This camera has class. And look at this Olympus PEN, but for me, what's really important is the video quality on the GX8. I mean, the raw video quality coming out of this is phenomenal."
"The Rock is moving on. 2003 heel Hollywood Rock will always have such a deep spot in my heart."
"Captured truly awe-inspiring footage of our Earth's mesmerizing Beauty."
"Choosing the right combo is key to getting high quality footage and great slow motion when you want it."
"This camera is remarkable at that price point, it is absolutely what I recommend for hybrid Shooters who lean towards the video side."
"If you want to do handheld work or anything with motion, you will get extremely smooth footage."
"The only seven drone moves you will ever need."
"The MiniDisc camcorder offers advanced editing capabilities."
"I'm a huge fan of fully articulating screens because I feel like they provide so much functionality in terms of positioning both for photography and video."
"The 90D actually becomes Canon's best mid-range camera for video and vlogging."
"My parents are actually really good on the camera, they're really, they're really good."
"Cinematic mode is a great video feature for shooting movie-style content."
"One of the most important parts of video is audio."
"I love skating even more when I'm making a video."
"There are no right or wrong answers here, by the way, though I'd give the nod absolutely to the G95 as a better blogging camera and a more useful video-centric hybrid in the real world for most people."
"Sony A6400: shoots in 4K and has surprisingly good onboard mic."
"The autofocus for video is actually really really decent."
"A smartphone gimbal... one of the easiest ways to see a big jump in quality."
"For these two, the Sony FX 9, if you look at the skin tones here and look at the colors even on the board, you can see..."
"But now we can put everything that we learned together in this video and grade a log shot from scratch without using any light but still create a color accurate image with a nice curve..."
"I feel like that's a nicer skin tone and I did that without actually looking at the vectorscope or the color checker."
"The video features in this camera are pretty special."
"You can shoot up to 4K Ultra HD resolution footage."
"Don't feel like you have to spend all of this crazy money to have a good GoPro setup."
"Her vlogs are just one of those that are very engaging where you see the b-roll you see her day like it's she captures a lot."
"He holds his camera so still every time he's so triggered but he moves it like he's shooting a tiktok every time excellent camera discipline."
"Understand talking to camera... filming in general is a skill... a muscle that you have to keep flexing."
"It also has 4k movie recording and the ability to switch color profiles for post-production so if you want to add really cool color grading and loves to your videos that's definitely something that is appealing to me."
"Three-point lighting setup consists of a key light, a fill light, and a backlight."
"Now the hardest thing to do a log is basically exposing for when you're shooting it if you screw up the exposures your man that image is gonna have a lot of grain."
"Sorry for changing the camera angle, the sun is being very annoying."
"I love just being able to get my camera out and feel like I can just chat away to you."
"It's better to start off with a slightly flatter image so you can color correct later than have your footage look too high contrast and too saturated straight out of the camera."
"If you want to shoot great cinematic video with your iPhone, the easiest way is to just use the phone."
"This video is sponsored, as a videographer I often get asked by potential clients."
"I love syncing up music with visuals, honestly."
"This camera has a lot of potential to be our A camera."
"Bad framing is going to make things seem either empty or too close or too far away and it's going to look very amateurish."
"You also have the audio that comes into play when you're producing professional video for your church."
"My camera keeps sliding back up - I gotta push that angle down, there we go."
"I enjoy using these psychological editing techniques in my videos."
"If you're interested in shooting better photos and better video with your drone, definitely check out that channel."
"Most people with dangerously little knowledge of color grading could actually probably make a shot look pretty good pretty quick."
"You've been the best cameraman on planet Earth, none of my videos would happen without you."
"I love this thing. I don't take it off-roading a ton, but I love to go camping, snowboarding, and because I do video production for work, having a rig that can fit all my equipment like stands and lights, it's just a huge plus."
"Before you ever touch a camera, you need to plan your video and figure out why people will click on it."
"What makes the most difference, I think, to your video is actually your lighting."
"I want to make aesthetically beautiful videos for y'all."
"For interviews, you want softer light on your subject's face, and you want to get that soft light nice and close."
"It's just so good, a Sony FS 5 Mark 2, it's like four and a half thousand dollars, but it's worth it."
"This here is the Mini 4K, and replaces the older Mini SE2, giving us a better camera, allowing us to capture higher resolution video."
"It takes so much planning, execution, editing even for like a small video."
"I want to travel the world like with a camera and be able to do it on the go because that is on my bucket list."
"This is the 4K footage out of this Nikon Z6 2, it is extraordinarily sharp."
"Take us to this next location that you want to make an awesome video of."
"If your goal is to capture the best looking content possible, it's best to take manual control."
"This is everything you need to know on how to turn your iPhone into a professional photo and video camera."
"We're capturing color data similar to professional Cinema cameras."
"In great lighting situations, even normal iPhone videos look amazing."
"We can apply the LUTs over our footage easily but all of them also have Pro color grading tools."
"Cinematic camera option... gives you the ability to focus rack, which means a really smooth, creamy focus transition from something in the foreground to the background."
"Guys, you know that I love making underwater videos, diving and fishing, and I got a really cool product here that's going to make my videos so much better."
"This is the most fun video I think I've ever shot."
"Lighting is your friend and in fact, probably should be your best friend."
"Lighting composition, camera movement, and directing engaging action sequences is really all it takes to create amazing videos that people genuinely want to watch."
"The skills that you develop in this program will allow you to work full-time as a videographer, up the quality of your YouTube channel, create content to grow your brand or audience, or skills you can use to just enjoy your new hobby."
"Nikon ZF is amazing for video, capable of shooting in 10-bit 4K internally, making it a powerful tool for videographers."
"The autofocus in photo and video is significantly improved in Nikon ZF, making it fantastic for shooting portraits, weddings, and even sports."
"... it's going to be your job as the interviewer to set your subject at ease to draw them out and to ask them really good questions that unlocks their authentic story and captures it on video."
"Not just for video, but for stills. If you're wanting to record long format, you have the ability to really record long format when recording to an external SSD drive. Very, very interesting."
"Clean your scene. It's straightforward but it's really important."
"No one will watch your content if your audio sounds bad."
"Set your resolution and frame rate for each mode."
"Use the histogram to get better quality videos and images."
"So between all of these drone movements and all of the factors that we talked about at the beginning of this video, you can come up with hundreds of combinations of drone movements to use in your videos."
"Spending more on the CPU is going to be the most beneficial for videographers."
"There's a lot of automation features built into this drone and those paired with the omnidirectional obstacle avoidance makes it super easy to create Dynamic footage."
"Quick shots... by just clicking a few buttons and then the Drone will automatically move for you."
"A ton of cool features with these quick shots that give you automated ways to create really Dynamic footage."
"When you're flying your drone and shooting video, if the white balance is set to auto, every time the camera moves around and brings additional things into the scene, it's going to change the value of the white balance."
"Shooting D log gives me a nice flat image that doesn't have a bunch of processing added to the image."
"There are a few settings in here such as overexposure warning which is going to let you know when you have overexposed areas in your video."
"Understanding what those settings do and how they're going to affect your overall shot are pretty important."
"...just because you put your phone on a gimbal doesn't mean you're going to get the best shots in the world all about just thinking through your shots a little bit more before you hit record..."
"The goal is to take out any sudden jerks and movements because if you want to get more professional looking footage you want it to be smooth."
"I think that's why I'm so passionate about photography and videography. It captures these small moments in time that turn into memories of where I was at in that particular point in my life."
"You have to have that in mind. I mean, as a videographer myself, you have to. Like, I'm always thinking every single shot I'm like, how is this going to, how is this going to get cropped to a vertical frame?"
"...it just makes your footage look better, more high-end and it just has a really cinematic look to everything that you do."
"...the potential with the two cameras and the size of this drone makes it just much easier to use for outdoor and adventure Style videos."
"The footage looks amazing. Even when you take stills from the video footage, it looks like professional photos."
"General complexity: ask yourself if your goal is to become a technical video nerd or if you just want to have a simple camera with only the settings you need."
"Lens versatility is super valuable, and being able to get a better lens is one of the biggest factors that can increase the quality of your videos."
"If you struggle to capture photos or videos that are level, then a tool I recommend turning on is the level."
"Non-negotiable: you have to have photographer and videographer because our best friends didn't have a videographer and that changes the videos."
"I love making videos. I've been doing that for 11 years."
"now filters are very important when it comes to videography if you want to record cinematic looking footage you want to shoot in certain settings and when you do that uh you have to compensate with extra filters to reduce the amount of light that's going into your lens."
"...you guys would always go get footage and you're always getting phenomenal Clips."
"If they are and improved upon it could be the ultimate videographer's product ever."
"So if you're shooting YouTube videos where maybe you're in the kitchen or you're far away from your camera or moving around a lot you definitely want to pick up a wireless microphone that's what I'm shooting on right now."
"...if you can have a second microphone be it mounted on the camera on a pole overhead always a good idea to have a second mic."
"The real difference here is when you switch over to the action mode, it does incur a pretty significant crop but the results are the best video stabilization I have ever seen out of any piece of gear whether it's a mirrorless camera or a smartphone."
"It's just absolutely incredible. You've seen the photos, you've seen the videos."
"Everybody nowadays is a photographer or videographer with a media pass."
"...it's pretty awesome how well this is working stabilized handheld."
"If you're a video creator and you want outstanding image quality without really sacrificing anything, this is the camera for you."
"The stabilization can be very effective with static shots."
"Video is forgiving of missing focus, making manual lenses a great option for filmmaking."
"If you're a video shooter if you're buying a camera you want to do a lot of video then you absolutely want to lean towards the xh2."
"Another added feature to the insta 360 X4 is there's better frame rates for slow motion so you can now record at 5.7k at 60 frames per second in 360 video mode."
"For video noise, this is actually quite important for things like submitting to shutter stock, they do reject your footage if there is video noise."
"If you recorded underwater footage, this is going to make the colors really pop for those underwater scenes specifically."
"So time-lapse and especially hyperlapse videos can look pretty cool if you add some motion blur."
"Once you guys have your settings dialed in, you're going to see your videos and your photos are actually gonna start looking a lot better."
"The hyperlapse is very nice, very stable."
"Slow motion can benefit our videos in a few ways."
"Make sure you get lots of different angles. It will make your videos much more interesting."
"Tracking is perfect when you are vlogging, walking around. You don't need to worry about not being framed."
"I've never had a situation where I've struggled so hard to like shoot videos."
"This could be an early snapshot of the next era of videography."
"The video is going to look quite shaky, but once you watch the playback of the HD video from the Drone it's going to be all smoothed out."
"The quality of the GoPro footage, and the stabilization, and how it turned out, but I had the idea, okay, well maybe we'll try and clamp a camera to the shovel and see what it does."
"Our stuff looks as good if not better than any television video I've ever shot ever. Period. Period."
"These guys do so much more than take pictures and videos."
"...you have to try all kinds of different forms of videography to see what gets the views."
"Proper lighting is still super important, shooting Vlog won't fix a bad looking shot."
"Massive thank you to the owner of this stunning boat for allowing me to come on board and shoot this footage."
"You will have a portability issue when you go to film with the a6700 and use a couple different lenses."