
Series Introduction Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I'm glad you're back, and if this your first time joining us for 'Three Cosmic Messages,' a series on Bible prophecy specifically focusing on the book of Revelation, thank you for joining us."
"Season one feels like it's trying to earn your respect and show you everything that the show has to offer."
"Thanks for watching this long vid. I hope you had fun with me. I hope you enjoy this new series on the channel."
"The introduction of the character Murderbot is absolutely sensational, and having a novella kick off a series like this is just such a great idea for proofing a concept for you as an author and to your audience overall."
"Thank you all for watching. I hope you're looking forward to this series of Kaiser."
"Thank you so much for your support on the start of this series. Let's keep it going!"
"Welcome to my brand-new Stellaris Roman Empire let's play."
"Rain felt like the perfect first entry to this series."
"It's a perfect jumping-on point for the series if you missed the boat on release."
"I found out about the Fire Emblem series through super smash bros melee."
"Final Fantasy 10 should probably be your first Final Fantasy game."
"The mercury star runner is a wonderful success for the design language of the new crusader series."
"Thank you so much for watching this 'Save the World' adventure, the first part."
"South Park the Stick of Truth feels like an interactive vest up it would make a great entry point into the series."
"Welcome to a brand new series, ladies and gentlemen!"
"Thank you so much for the great beginning to the series."
"Tales of Vesperia... If you've never played Tales by the way, start here, this is great."
"This is the first entry in the Discworld series... incredibly creative, really enjoyable."
"Trails from zero is not only one of the best jrpgs you can play it's also one of the best beginnings to a duology I have experienced as a gamer."
"This series kicks off after Percy Jackson ends... you can definitely go into the series without having read Percy Jackson."
"Welcome to my first ever career mode! Let's get right into it."
"Introducing Chapter One, Season Nine. So much happened in those first seasons."
"So, let's see what our first task from Kona is in the series."
"The Wheel of Time was the first really big epic fantasy series that I got into."
"Season 1 of Steven Universe just feels like an amazing introduction to the series."
"Welcome to Ryan Lock's series. Welcome to Ryan Lock sea creatures."
"Welcome to KniFAQ number 29, the knife series where I answer all your questions, whether they are sharp or dull."
"I think it's a great place to start because it shows you this is what the series is going to become."
"This is the first of many reviews, there's more to come."
"Welcome back to our channel, and today we are gonna be starting a brand new series called Pi Hosted."
"These first 10 minutes perfectly established the cozy tone."
"Hello and welcome back to my Rise and Fall Series where we talk about the story behind different makeup brands."
"I'm excited today we're beginning a brand new series exploring Ephesians."
"This week, I want to start a new series about how to make coins appear."
"So rather than just holding onto these topics forever, I decided to start a new series here and share with you all the chilling internet content that I've compiled throughout the years."
"Tattered Stars starts this whole series off and it follows Everly and Hayes."
"Hello and welcome to the first in a short mini-series."
"Hello guys, welcome back to my channel and welcome to a new series I'm starting here on my channel called 'Fixing Your Rat Problems'."
"I think this was the perfect way to set up and introduce season three of the show."
"Hello and welcome to JoJo 101, the series that breaks down everyone and everything in the realm of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure."
"Let's welcome us all into the newest series and the first series of this new New Year."
"This is actually going to be part one of the new series I was talking about."
"Follow this series along as we take you, the viewer, to another dimension of what reality really is."