
Leadership Assessment Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Mike Pence... his own former boss is not fit to serve."
"Those who worked with Donald Trump at the most senior levels of his administration believe he's too dangerous, too selfish, and too extreme to lead our country again."
"Let's think about how we got there we got there because of Donald Trump's mishandling of Co."
"Trump botched the rhetoric. Trump shouldn't have taken it lightly in terms of how he spoke about this publicly."
"Was he the feeble, bumbling oaf who was dominated by his wives as history claims or does he deserve to be recognized as a capable ruler, responsible for expanding the bounds and prestige of the Empire?"
"I think we've got a prime minister who has been in massive trouble for some time."
"If Trump was a bad president... then I would probably be like, 'Yeah, I get it.' But Trump wasn't that guy."
"I stood next to Joe and I looked at Joe. Joe's not lasting two months as president. Okay, that's my opinion."
"Your credibility is on the line. Acknowledge Trump's flaws, but also his accomplishments."
"We all knew really that Aubameyang wasn't captain material."
"I've been trying to stay positive, thinking you know what, he's done well at the beginning, give him time."
"At what point do we say maybe Phil Spencer isn't good at his job?"
"Our national security is at significant and heightened risk because of Joe Biden's bumbling, corruption, and incompetence."
"The country is in a better place now than it was before he took office."
"I just think in every conceivable way, even independently of his agendas which are horrible, I wouldn't want [Trump] leading my nation at all. It's an embarrassment to the United States."
"Donald Trump is a true genius, a true master."
"It was a good night for Joe Biden was a bad night for Kamala Harris."
"You cannot elect a president who can't keep his eyes open, who can't see, who doesn't know the names of cities, and this happens over and over again."
"What do you think of Julius Caesar? Was he a tyrant or did he set Rome on the path to a new golden age?"
"He is simply unfit to serve as commander-in-chief."
"Nigerians should begin to measure our leaders by outcomes we should stop measuring them by taking State money and dashing to people."
"Amlo is one of the world's most popular leaders and has consistently been so since he came to power."
"Your analysis is spot on. Donald Trump has debased the office of the presidency."
"The signs of age might not be notable, but Biden is the chief executive of the world's most powerful nation."
"I have never seen spirit like it is right now and the reason is because crooked Joe Biden is so bad, he's the worst president in the history of our country."
"We can't have a guy like this. The guy doesn't have a clue."
"When we look back, I generally have an extremely positive opinion about him."
"Tulsi was a thousand percent right, he's a bullshitter."
"Joe Biden was attending the tarmac ceremony where the remains of some of the Marines that died in Afghanistan...he seemed completely uninclined to take any interest in the proceedings." - Critiquing leadership and demanding accountability.
"How do we get out of it? Trump is no saint but he's probably the best bet."
"Donald Trump sucks, he's an incompetent buffoon."
"Donald Trump is a habitual liar and a grade-a chuckle [ __ ] who is bad at his job."
"He has not only the greatest president in my lifetime but arguably the best president ever."
"Are we witnessing the beginning of the end of Rishi Sunak?"
"Putin, he's a monster... destroying people, man."
"Thankfully we have in the Oval Office somebody responsible like President Biden."
"It serves no purpose to suggest that the commander-in-chief President Joe Biden failed the American people or did anything wrong."
"Biden needs a cognitive exam now to determine his fitness for office."
"You need to have at least 10-15 years of history on the leader."
"Don't get weary in well-doing, at just the right time you will reap the harvest if you do not faint."
"It's like Trump alone isn't all that great, but compared to the barbarism that we're seeing... he seems pretty great."
"There's no question that he's unfit for office, and I feel confident that he will never be president again."
"Glenn Youngkin has told us who he is. The question for Virginians is: Is this who we are?"
"Obama sees Trump not really accomplishing anything in the foreign policy space."
"He's a great president, I think he's doing his job like no other president has." - Pennsylvania voter
"Regular people are starting to wake up to what's going on. Joe Biden is bad, he is corrupt, his leadership is failing this country."
"This is why President Biden is in Kiev doing a symbolic visit because he has nothing of substance to offer Ukraine," - Video Narrator
"Putin has already lost this war...Putin has suffered a strategic defeat."
"Your regulatory style lacks flexibility and nuance and as a result you've been an incompetent cop on the beat doing nothing to protect everyday Americans."
"If you look at the policies and then you look at the reality and you look at everything overall, Trump is the best choice over Biden."
"An election with Trump versus Biden is much closer to: was Trump the worst president in the modern era?"
"Russia's run by morons and uh they align themselves with other morons like Donald Trump."
"Deterrence is not President Biden's strong suit."
"We have a president who himself is a threat to the country."
"Our first opportunity, our real first opportunities coming out of the gate here, is to understand that both Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are both senile blabbering idiots."
"For years you had a president who apologized for America. Wow, this is a real cult."
"Why am I optimistic? Because Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi's agenda has failed America." - Republican House Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik
"Biden is a threat to democracy, he's grossly incompetent."
"I think gym leaders should also probably undergo some sort of yearly review process."
"I think as a PM he was one of the worst in our history."
"I predicted Biden would be incompetent unfortunately he has proven me right."
"He knows that she is hell-bent on rolling up and torching Suzy and thus he suspects that she is too far risky of a leader to leave in charge of the Seven Kingdoms."
"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not fit, they're not competent to lead this country."
"Could it be that President Trump has been raised for such a time as this?"
"It's a rough situation, bro. This is a tough situation, but I know that Biden's super weak and not demand for it."
"Every American must consider this: Can a president who is willing to make the choices Donald Trump made during the violence of January 6th ever be trusted with any position of authority in our great nation again?"
"Napoleon criticized the moniker, saying kings who were considered good were failures."
"I pretty much know the second I meet a manager if he's the right guy."
"The political tradition is judged by whether it can remove bad policies and bad leaders peacefully."
"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him."