
Public Belief Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"I don't think every time you look at the number of people in American society that unironically believe the craziest, most bat[expletive] conspiracy theories... there's a ton of like bunk like horrible information out there that's totally [expletive] fake."
"82 percent of millennials accept the earth is round or spherical. So, that's still not good."
"It's not just me, a huge percentage of the population believes these theories too."
"Those aren't splitting hairs about a 25% effective tax rate versus 27%. It is a bunch of people who fundamentally do not believe in the rules that have governed our entire system."
"What disturbs me are all the normal people who fall for this, who hear a government official say, 'Yeah, you have the right to say everything, unless we call it misinformation.'"
"People believe only what they already know, and this is the beauty of universal conspiracy."
"Everybody and their mother said it came from there."
"The success of the big lie is really amazing."
"These people don't read, they just believe whatever TV says."
"We need a new paradigm of global governance."
"If you think monthly stimulus checks can't happen, it's already happening."
"What's the end game for all of these people if they're making up these stories?"
"It seems crazy, but the idea that the world's most influential figures have been hijacked by reptilian shape shifters is one of the most popular conspiracy theories in recent history."
"Josh had been doing this for years, even friends believe he never stopped."
"Let's not allow people to continue to believe that the whole thing is rigged against them."
"The longer you can keep it in the news cycle, the more that a large portion of the electorate will believe that it is true."
"I think it's very plausible that there could be some conspiracy."
"Once we put those games together and series of this season, then maybe people will start believing. Maybe. And if they don't, that's not why we playing."
"Make sure you work hard right now so you can continue your legacy."
"The US Navy confirmation of the fast and quick aerial phenomena was just enough to validate UFO doubts in millions across the globe."
"There's a lot of people supporting his claims."
"I do see people really going down conspiracy theory rabbit holes."
"It's a form of propaganda so that the general public believes this is what happened when in fact the facts don't prove that to be the case."
"More than 50 percent of Americans believe in a conspiracy theory."
"They filed a copyright claim against him for both videos that he had mirrored."
"65% of Americans believe in aliens, according to a new poll released by Pew."
"41% of adults now believe some UFOs involve alien spacecraft from another planet."
"It's amazing how people believe the lies and ignore the facts."
"He convinced them that they shouldn't believe their own eyes and ears and they should think that he won the election."
"Democracy lies in the hearts, not just in heads."
"The average person out there believes that you can pretty much just say whatever you want on the internet without any sort of recourse."
"How do you ignore that? How do you ignore that right? How many witnesses does it take until it convincingly becomes fact?"
"Many people believe the mystery is still unresolved."
"The Chinese ethno-nationalism... is a very powerful narrative that a lot of people in China really believe in."
"Now many people believe that these noises could be coming from Bigfoot, in other words, Sasquatch."
"Many people still believe his story, and they claim that the government has sponsored a disinformation campaign to discredit him."
"How many people here believe strongly in a Creator God who made the universe? Gosh, that's a lot."
"I have put out this information, it's up to the people to believe it or not, or take my advice or not, but I have done my best."
"The majority of Americans already believe we're being visited and that we're not alone in the universe."
"To this day many people believe that this is one of the most credible instances of paranormal activity occurring."
"Many people will believe them because that’s the thing about propaganda. It works."
"This creature closely matches that of a Bigfoot and many people across the United States have said this creature is definitely genuine."
"Back in 2013, people really didn't believe in super soldiers and SSP. It took a lot of work to get where we are."
"The best evidence for the reality of extraterrestrial visitation is the raw number of people that have had these types of experiences."
"The entire narrative we've been handed is so illogical as to be unacceptable, and it is astounding the number of minds that just still accept that we went to the moon."
"Not all ghosts are products of Hollywood. Millions of us claim we've encountered them."
"How long can they get away with a lie? Well, around about 40 percent of the people are actually brought into the lie."
"Their weasel words, as we say over here, you know, there is no evidence of alien life, isn't going to fool anyone and nobody believes in them anyway."
"I really hope someday we come to a conclusion that everyone can believe in in this case."
"Many people believe that this man is telling the truth."
"Most Americans today believe the stock market is rigged and they're right."
"So many people try to pretend like they know exactly what's going to happen in the market, and as long as they say it in a very confident way, then people will believe what they're saying."
"Maybe that is a big part of why people will believe alternative voices."
"Many people bought into the idea that the government had created a recovery."
"Science is changing every single day, and yes, there are still some people that believe in science."
"There are so many things out there in the world that are widely believed to be true but are misleading, inaccurate, or outright false."
"Mark my words, they are sadly true. Far too many people are in the illusion that Earth is overpopulated."
"Christopher Columbus proved the world was round? It drives me [ __ ] insane."
"The whole idea behind conspiracy theories."
"59% of Americans still believe JFK assassination is a whole conspiracy."
"A sense of a real person in the Sherlock Holmes character is what leads many to this day to believe that he really existed."
"Despite popular belief among doctors and the public, the conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe is just plain wrong."
"The bigger the lie, the more the people believe it."