
Solo Play Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Playing an MMORPG solo doesn't mean you're playing it wrong; you're just enjoying your adventure, your way."
"Mordekaiser is one of the stronger 1v5, 1v9 style jungle champs."
"It's also one of those styles of games where you could play it solo, but it's really so much better when you play with friends."
"Immersive Dark Fantasy setting which you don't even need to do alone."
"Solo operative for a free 10% damage buff since you're going to be playing solo anyway and from Once you came for another free damage buff."
"It doesn't matter if you have a team or if you're doing it solo because there's a glitch, but the fastest way right now to level up in Destiny 2 is by doing the format that I'm about to tell you."
"Hunters are the best solo levelers in the game."
"Ultimate challenges can now be played solo or co-op, catering to different play styles."
"The player should have a place to test their build solo against in-game content."
"Solo kills top is like one of the most tilting experiences."
"This is the build that I run when I'm playing those solo trios or solo quads."
"Transit easter egg can actually be done solo, it's so unbelievable."
"What if we have a freelance playlist so it's no longer about being a really fine well-oiled machine of a team that's coordinating?"
"The solo content in WoW is absolutely amazing."
"Since the game now is finally welcoming to solo players giving them a true path to progression and power."
"As solo players, this is not the direction they want the game to take. They don't like seeing other people around, they don't like the MMO elements."
"Sorcerers can be one of the best solo or group classes in the game."
"Solo self-found: very rewarding, very exciting."
"The illusionist might be the best solo class in the game."
"This build is so strong in solo play but it works great in group play too."
"You almost have to go out of your way trying to die with this build."
"Stat boosting moves are incredible in Solo challenges."
"Gotham Knights is a single self-contained story, and you can also experience it solo if you want to."
"Letting groups succeed makes solo play better."
"The soloqueue experience is just not where it needs to be."
"Soloing is totally viable in those cases and it can be a lot of fun."
"Solo atheon: a monumental feat in the world of gaming."
"The magic of Templar is the single best solo class in Elder Scrolls Online."
"So what we do to make it scalable is we design it from the outset to be soloed."
"World of Warcraft does need solo content, and I think it needs the world content to be better, but also features like this."
"She's simply the definition of a champion that is meant for people that like playing assassins, solo carrying, and reviving."
"It's simple in a one on three, he's just gonna go for it."
"This build will have you solo flossing dungeons with ease and getting daily invites from friends and clannies begging you to join them for raids Grand Master nightfalls and just about everything else."
"This is the best solo game ever according to people, it is and it's Mage Knight and it will always be the best solo game ever for the foreseeable future."
"It's just hard. If you're the type of guy that plays Elden Ring and doesn't use summons, it's still going to be hard for that person."
"This is my biggest satchel charge raid solo on Rust."
"Solo versus group experience gameplay so star citizen's position universe is totally playable and pretty fun solo but the group play is where the most fun is at in my opinion."
"Teaming in solo showdown removes the majority of strategy and depth from the game."
"Play solo self found... really refreshed their love for the game."
"Dodrio has been an amazing Solo Carry and it really feels like almost the definition of a solo Pokemon."
"Solo play in Classic WoW revealed the true challenge and essence of the game, beyond the group dynamics."
"You can totally still solo Flaws this dungeon."
"The ring of the pel order is one of the best if not the best piece of solo gear in the game."
"Let's make our hardcore world, this is the first time I've ever actually done a solo hardcore let's play from the beginning of things, hopefully I won't die right off the bat."
"Vehicles are much more than travel devices and can be used in a variety of ways, including just running opponents over if you're running Solo."
"Reyna only has a 13 pick rate, but she's incredibly powerful for solo carrying."
"Blackjack is fun though that's probably my favorite game to play about myself."
"Even in Solo queue you can massively influence the outcome of a game as you just saw in this match with my perfect Kadita pick."
"Farm is the most important aspect of soloing."
"You can just play with demons by themselves... just play your demons in arena."
"I just picked the perks that benefit me as a solo player since your boy played by himself ain't no way his friends were going to spend money on this F game."
"It's so variable so you can play it solo and have a ton of fun."
"Iron Sworn: A gritty Viking inspired game that was intended primarily for solo play but it can easily be used with a traditional RPG setup with players and a GM."
"You should never play these sorts of games alone."
"A lot of solo players love having a companion."
"Pablo's house is the second solo game I ever got and I just fell in love immediately. An awesome awesome game."
"You have a solo adventure that you can play to introduce you to the core dice mechanic."
"Supernova is perfect for a date night or even playing by yourself."
"This was the first game I think I ever played solo that really kind of introduced me to the possibilities of solo board gaming."
"What is unique about Perilous Dark is that it is redesigning the game in order for you to be able to play it solo."
"Gloomhaven... it's better with two but it plays incredibly well solo."
"Gilly's a very popular gear lock; he's a great solo gear lock because he has access to a lot of fun stuff."
"Heroes with unique mechanics whose weaknesses or counters involve teamwork or team-wide strategy are going to be inherently stronger in solo queue, where said teamwork is far weaker."
"Battle him by Victory Games is my favorite solo game and it is an oldie but a goodie."
"It's a lot of fun to do; it's fun to play by yourself with no accompaniment, and it's also fun to play with a band."