
Ghost Quotes

There are 288 quotes

"I really want to see a ghost so that I know that if I die, I can stick around and haunt everyone."
"I have an idea. I'm going to use gray to draw my ghost. He's going to be like transparent."
"Winston is a poltergeist-like ghost who does the most insane ghostly things on camera you've ever seen."
"The ghost that screamed remains a poignant and chilling reminder of the tragic events that unfolded that fateful night in 1984."
"I'd rather live with a ghost than an actual human being."
"Why would a ghost go to a bar? For some booze."
"It's not just the experts patrons of the bar too claim to see doors slam shut or hear gunshots at night but nothing is as scary as The Apparition of the Lonely bartender who's set to terrify even the most skeptical guests who visit."
"Kim K is the newest national treasure, we must protect."
"Straight up the most convincing ghost video I've ever seen."
"Probably the most famous ghost in American history is the Bell Witch."
"Resurrection Mary is likely the most famous example of the vanishing hitchhiker type of ghost."
"There's an apparition who's actually more famous for his accomplishments in life than for being a ghost: Abraham Lincoln."
"And the ghost is clearly just doing their thing."
"If this security camera really has captured evidence of a ghost, then one has to wonder what it's doing in the area in the first place."
"Could we be looking at ghost or some other spectral presence haunting this area."
"Ghost sighting caught on camera in real time."
"If a ghost shows up, it's haunted. They don't have to do anything to show up. If it's just there, I don't have to know about it."
"James Campbell, who built the two-room Log Cabin that became the foundation for the Magnolia Hotel, is believed to haunt our next room."
"Was that a shadow figure or just a regular old ghost?"
"You're not crazy, that girl is really a ghost."
"The ghost of a boy who could be seen running through the REC field in the streetlights from the dead-end road that ran along the edge of the camp."
"A woman wearing a long flowing white dress could be seen standing on one of the deck porches."
"Every time I turned my back to an empty room, I felt as if an eerie crowd of silent watchful people stared through me."
"Whatever spirits share that space did not seek to physically harm anyone; they like to be seen, talked about, remembered through stories."
"The deep green woods, the aging structures, the ruins and secrets and stories of the camp holds are their home."
"I think I saw a ghost taking that class. Imagine dying and being a ghost and still having to go to school. People think you're up to something."
"You're listening to the ghost to pick a gift, of course I am."
"You don't call anything a ghost that you can take in your hands and look at in broad daylight and that rattles when you shake it, do you now?"
"This tale isn't for the easily scared or the faint of heart. It's a full-blooded ghost story."
"...a creepy ghost that does not realize it's a creepy ghost."
"Ghosts would be scared of me dude, like 'this [ __ ] is after us!'"
"People that do Clemmy report they see a soldier walking the grounds."
"That's one of my biggest fears waking up to an actual legit ghost standing over my bed and looking at me is something that would petrify me to my core."
"A ghost can be a lot of things: a memory, a daydream, a secret, grief, anger, guilt. In my experience, most times, they're just what we wanted to see."
"The ghost in my sister's old house."
"Anyway, it is such a picturesque, curious sort of chamber that if it hasn't a ghost it ought to have."
"What kind of ghost are you if you can't even break through string?"
"The graveyard hitchhiker... anyone who died because of her would be forced to wander with her until she found peace."
"Some people have reported having close encounters with this Spirit as they walk through the ruins they claim to have felt a strange chill as the ghost brushes past them on the staircase that leads down to the Castle's dungeons."
"...many people believe it to be the ghost of Hawthorne's son Julian as it closely resembles a photo of the boy."
"The scary story of the Cy family house ghost is considered to be one of the most chilling paranormal tales."
"You're a ghost too? Well spotted. It was the head under your arm that gave me a clue."
"'I walked down the sidewalk toward the center of town, listening closely for the ghost steps behind me.'"
"Another famous spirit is that of a girl in a white dress."
"Despite this, Deb admits, albeit being genuinely freaked out, she believes the ghosts meant no harm, and were simply just wandering around, not meaning to scare anyone."
"If I got to pick which kind of ghost I wanted to haunt me, I would pick a millennial ghost named Dylan."
"Under the right conditions, that would make a really believable ghost."
"Being haunted by Victoria's ghost does you have like a torch in her that she can activate to shine up like that? I need to know."
"I didn't see the ghost but um we heard the piano playing, heard it playing, walked upstairs, heard it playing, got to the back of the house, and kept hearing it play."
"The ghost tells her that she should have never let go of her mother's hand."
"...a ghost perhaps is no more than a memory of someone once well loved."
"I absolutely love it, it's all white, it has the ghost bar."
"They describe smelling Helen's perfume and some have reported hearing ghostly voices as if the spirits of the warden and his wife continue to linger, arguing from beyond the grave."
"These eerie manifestations serve as a stark reminder of the prison's horrifying past, ensuring that its gruesome legacy is never forgotten but instead hauntingly alive."
"Famous ghosts believed to haunt the prison is that of a former inmate who is executed by hanging in the 19th century."
"Many visitors have also reported seeing his ghost in the execution chamber or hearing his disembodied voice."
"Several passing by the memorial building after dark have reported sighting a female apparition that wanders the halls sometimes with a lantern in hand."
"Her spirit roams the haunted church nearby. Many say they have seen her, some even say they hear her anguish screams in the night."
"As the handyman was not to blame, others said she waits on that same road, waiting for justice. Many have seen her there, saying she hitches rides with truck drivers, only to vanish into thin air."
"A spirit roams the store and causes havoc for the workers."
"Legend goes that if you are in this Cemetery at midnight then you must climb the steps and count to a hundred when you reach the top you will be greeted by the ghost of an Undertaker this ghost will give you the vision of your death"
"The ghost of a young woman who drowned has been known to flick lights on and off, slam doors, and leave wet footprints throughout the halls."
"Sweet ghost girl and tall ghost girl. They could have said creepy ghost girl. Nope, just tall is creepy."
"The only way was to approach the state of a ghost as closely as possible." - Suya
"I decided that Lillian was still here even after the brooch event maybe she was happy that I gave it back to her daughter but it was still her house so I figured she was well within her rights to live there too."
"Santa is a ghost that haunts the world in the best way possible."
"Possibly the most famous and persistent ghost seen at the Tower of London is the tragic and mournful apparition of Anne Boleyn."
"I asked him to elaborate and he went on to tell me that they had seen a ghostly figure wandering around the dorm at night."
"After Sarah went to bed, she saw a ghost."
"Many have seen her... She's known to wander the bloody Tower forever mourning her lost throne and her short-lived Freedom."
"What if I told you there was a six foot tall ghost?"
"Reliable. We like a reliable ghost."
"One of the ghost of the lady of the dunes haunts Jaws."
"A ghost who never really existed, like her body had been found but her soul had been lost to time."
"This is the only known case where a testimony from a ghost helped convict a murderer."
"I got some ghost related problems and you were the only person I could find for the amount of money I had to spend."
"Oh man, we about to piss the ghost off."
"Everybody who had stayed here before in this particular room, the Tudor room, has said the next morning when they arrived down for breakfast, 'There's a ghost.'"
"But in this room, we think that people have slept, they've heard a friendly ghost, they've met the friendly ghost, they've had a conversation with a friendly ghost."
"What is a ghost after all but a repressed memory, the past demanding to be heard in the present?"
"Ye Otis Ghost, ye only true and original spook."
"Since past, one more commonly encountered entity on site is said to be that of a lady in clothing from the 1930s who's often spied wondering about creating clicking noises with each step of the high heels."
"...the most commonly reported sightings include the ghostly figure of a former patient who said to roam the Halls."
"What about Min? She said something touched her. No, hugged her. An affectionate ghost."
"Charles must stop being a ghost and settle down and be happy"
"The theater is now said of course to be haunted by a woman that was struck and killed by a carriage on the property."
"Staff members have recounted sighting of his ghostly figure gliding through walls often accompanied by a noticeable drop in temperature."
"Her dying breath was a Vengeance against the living."
"Her ghost appears in the castle as a lady in white, sometimes with a veiled face and sometimes with no face at all."
"Was a ghost caught on camera or had something else been caught?"
"So, I kind of just wave at it. Hello, hello there little ghost. How are you doing today?"
"According to associated legends, the ghost of this mysterious woman haunts the area, particularly near the soldiers barracks, and witnesses have reported feeling a heavy weight on their chests while sleeping."
"I was at Disney World, we were watching the fireworks, and then someone, okay, a ghost, the entire time. When the fireworks ended, I was like, 'All right,' you know, I turned around full speed. I'm just like, and my nose just started bleeding."
"A ghostly encounter on a quiet road."
"I swear I saw a ghost. It's very flooded right here, it's like super flooded. It gives me chills."
"Always think about possible explanations besides ghosts or, in other words, don't jump to conclusions."
"That's it, she was a nice ghost. No follow-up, just a ghost woman watching me sleep. Have a great day at school. Thanks, mom."
"Why did the ghost go to the bar? To get a booze, of course!"
"Why don't ghosts like rain? It dampens their spirits!"
"This is just a cute story about a ghost and his dog ultimately."
"The ghost first appeared as a bright light then gradually took a human form as the room grew cold."
"It's a little cute ghost, it's okay."
"I haven't really heard from this thing since, so I hope whatever it was found its peace. At least this one was a pretty chill ghost."
"It looks like an older woman with long hair, leaving viewers to wonder if it's really a ghost."
"I don't know why I'm calling the ghost 'her', that's maybe a little bit creepy."
"I just don't think, I think by and large if you meet the ghost of a minor poet, he's probably going to be all right. Kind of a decent quiet retiring kind of person."
"Hey, she got the ghost, nice! She's not afraid of no ghost."
"But it's said to be haunted by the spirit of a woman who lost her life during the gold rush and visitors have often reported hearing the ghostly screams of a woman coming from the deep dark depths of the mind."
"That's Ghost, that is. He's a legend."
"There were many local residents who'd avoid the lane altogether, fearing that they may encounter the ghost of poor Jane Marie Clusin."
"I'm so glad you've come. I've seen a ghost."
"I feel like ghost could maybe interact didn't you see that video of the guy the gym he got picked up by the ghost and it started swinging him around in the mid-air?"
"Paranormal activity 2 is about a ghost."
"I will not lose this railway to a disgruntled dead locomotive."
"We need to get rid of this ghost as soon as possible."
"The apparition of a young pale girl has been seen wandering solemnly around the gravestones."
"His ghost seems to have a habit of moving objects around."
"You can't scare a ghost to death, you're already dead."
"According to legend, the ghost is a spirit of a young man who was imprisoned in a room in the castle and left to die."
"...the ghost of John Hossack himself has been cited walking at a relaxed pace around the property..."
"My own ghost story: I saw my mother's ghost in her kitchen a few months after she died."
"I saw my first and only apparition in my sister's room."
"Hello, Mr. ghost, it's just me, your old pal Jimmy."
"A ghost is an emotion that's become all twisted and desicated."
"The most frequent visitor is the White Lady, a name given to the phenomenon."
"He was a nice ghost. He would just appear, and he only woke me that one time to warn us."
"I was terrorized every night by a little ghost boy who was a dark shadow with a large head translucent glowing eyes"
"Does the spirit of Black Douglas still haunt his old stomping ground, a bit late lost stuck between worlds?"
"I don't know though, what do you guys think? Was it a ghost or a person?"
"My husband just shrugged and said, 'Huh, I guess this place is haunted like a lot of places in Santa Fe. I guess the ghost doesn't like stuff on its chair.'"
"The ghost in the Benji house an experience I'll never forget."
"There was definitely a ghost in that house... I saw a white mist in the threshold."
"It's believed that on the anniversary of the battle of canny on the 2nd of August the ghost of Hannibal can be seen floating about the battlefield along with his Army of Ghosts."
"...she vanished along with his coat after talking with the dead girl's parent who said she visits every year on the anniversary of her death."
"I thought you were a ghost or perhaps an angel."
"And so the matter of the ghost was settled."
"So, if something were to happen to you and you become a ghost today, the outfit you're wearing becomes your ghost outfit."
"My goal with this is to show you how simple it can be to make a ghost out of chicken wire. Now it's not super easy but it really isn't as hard as you might imagine."
"The chicken wire ghost isn't it neat how you can just see right through her but you can still feel her silhouette."
"I really had a lot of fun making this chicken wire ghost."
"The ghost really said 'get out of the closet.'"
"...the entire chase sequence was terrifying but seeing her ghost walking on the ceiling was truly stuff of nightmares."
"One of the best original ghost stories that you've ever seen."
"She is known as Resurrection Mary, a mysterious young woman who is said to haunt the city of Chicago."
"The key to existing with a ghost is if you can accept it, you can enjoy it."
"My favorite rumor was that the ghost of little Lily wandered the halls of the east wing."
"I've learned how to make friends with a ghost."
"The Lady in White is perched above, and no one below seems to take any notice."
"Could it be Headmistress Mary Lake, herself?"
"What is this, if not a ghost? My only explanation for this is something paranormal is afoot."
"Meryl shows up as a ghost at the end to sing a song. I found actually to be kind of sweet."
"What is a ghost's favorite fruit? Boo berries."
"There's the ghost of a man called Carlos who has been haunting the hotel for 40 years."
"A woman in white, the ghost of a bride who never made it to the altar."
"Not even death can stop them: ghost versus zombie, let's go."
"The most frequently spotted ghost is the gray lady who's often seen stalking the halls."
"The spirit of a woman called Elizabeth has been seen walking on this 400-year-old floor."
"...she passed right through me. It was such an interesting and kind of thrilling feeling."
"I think you're really lucky you had like a decent ghost who was like you know just a good guy tipping his hat at you."
"You must have thought I am a ghost."
"That's kind of a thoughtful ghost, right?"
"It's the only time that I've ever seen a ghost during a response, but I will never forget it."
"I realized he was also translucent; this was a poltergeist."
"The tale was told of old Brewer, a most heretical disbeliever in ghosts."
"Later that night, we get our first look at King Ramses' ghost as he appears at the farmhouse."
"It's so cold outside that the ghost that haunted the house froze to death."
"Many reported seeing a headless apparition aimlessly walking around haunted hollow as if trying to find his head."
"I really wish that in a lot of ways I hadn't had my room blessed, just to see if maybe the ghost and I could chill sometime on a Friday night."
"The ghost of a little girl has been seen peeping from behind the curtains."
"The most famous ghost of course is the ghost of Mary Queen of Scots."
"This was a haunted highway, stalked by a deceiving, vengeful ghost."
"The fog began to lift, and as I looked in the rearview mirror, Silverpine disappeared into the mist along with the phantom hitchhiker who had once called it home."
"Some say it was probably a ghost and that this mirror is haunted."
"I'm the ghost that's known as Casper; I want to be a friend to you."
"Her spirit remains Tethered to The Brownstone of Beacon Hill, forever waiting for her lover's return."
"Whispers of a resident ghost circulated among the staff."
"The castle is actually haunted by this little girl who would often run down the hallways."
"Lady Isabella Shaw roams the castle in search of her baby."
"Duchess of Burgundy's ghost is sometimes heard ascending walking the ruins at night."
"Who doesn't love a delicious ghost story?"
"I'm thinking that this ghost might have decided to show themselves to us since we were moving out, maybe as a little goodbye."
"Dr. Green was a nice ghost; he would just appear."
"This looks like a ghost. It is the ghost."
"Paranormal investigators have conducted research in the library and have gotten responses from the ghost during electronic voice phenomenon sessions."
"I thought to myself, 'I'm seeing a ghost'."
"The shadow figure of a woman wearing a white lace wedding gown would appear at the top of the loft and slowly descend down the stairs and hover over her sleeping newborn."
"He watched in disbelief as the ghost ship sailed on towards the coastline."
"It appears as this stark white horseman on a stark white horse which can roam across the night sky and is often mistaken for a ghost."
"A truly spellbinding neon looking version of our book a ghost icon."
"So apparently, I have a little ghost girl in my house; she likes my closet and me."
"I always had a strong feeling that one of the ghosts haunting my workplace was Florence Lisandro."
"A ghost should have something that it wants to communicate."
"A ghost leaves if its unfinished business is completed."
"Well done, brave girl. You've probably never shaken hands with a ghost before, am I right?"
"A dinosaur ghost would be sweet, that would be awesome."
"Someone dies a violent, tragic death, bonus points for being murdered by someone close to them, and then the restless spirit comes back looking to torment those who either took their life or had something to do with their untimely death."
"The best part of the scare was the disturbing sight of the ghost next to her."
"The girl then started talking to me... it was more as if her voice was coming from inside of my head."
"When they say it's a ghost, don't look at the people; look to where they're pointing."
"That word, a word which had been sent into exile, filtered up through my consciousness, breaking free of our repression, gasping for air, screaming, itching, and carving itself into my mind: ghost."